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Pre ANH Roleplay: The Start!!!


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Merick lent back in his seat, sipping the end of his glass of Corellian Ale. He was sitting in the cantina of the Orath base. It was late and the rare people who was awaik were plunged in games of Sabacc in which they bet their entire months pay. His comlink biped.


"Command room Sir. The Lt. Calamari cruiser Mon Rogo has entered the system and asks permission to land."

"Tell them to land in Hangar Gamma four."

Merick got up and walked towards the General who was sitting at a Sabacc table.

"Come on Rechtman, stop ruining your pilots and come and meet the new arrivals with me."


Merick and Rechtmann entered the Hangar at the moment the Cruiser finished docking. The pressurised door opened and out stepped... Admiral Hellos and a Bothan wearing the uniform of the new republic. Both enerals saluted the Admiral. He returned the salut.

"General Ioor, General Rchtmann I have come personnaly to present you with your new computer expert." The Bothan stepped foward. "Mazzk Seyl'Fa has just returned after a mission inthe Imperial Academie. He is responsible for the total stop of an Imperial fighter project and for recuperating the plans of the fighter."




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OOC: Sounds like you were really sipping that ale down. :lol::wink:


The news of new top secret Imperial fighters disturbed Evan, but to have the plans would truely be a great asset. He immediatly saluted and shook the bothan's hand. After a brief introduction, the four went back to Merick's office. Although Admiral Helos was not to stay long, he would be there to review the plans of the new Imperial fighter.

The bothan brought out the plans revealing an odd new fighter. It had three wings attached to the standard TIE cockpit. It looked to have potential, it could be quite a threat indeed....


OOC: Ugh, not the best of posts but i'll live :P

Sweat saves blood-Erwin Rommel
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OOC: Oh and the Event Horizon engine that you guys stole the plans for along with destroying the only working copy and model for are... Well they're what power the A-wing starfighter. 8O


IC:"Welcome to the Judicator Commander Baumer," Thrawn smiled slightly as Kirk stepped onto the ship's clean hanger deck, the blue skinned aline bowed slightly as Lara climbed out of her fighter.


"Yes, you're station here for repairs right?" Kirk answered.


Thrawn smiled slightly, "Yes and to stop any rebel activity in the sector, with Jan Dodonna retiring we hope the Academy will be cleaned up some."


"Yes, well my squadron is hyperpace capable so we can also conduct raids on rebel facilities in much the smae way that they engage us."


"True, we're working on a target list at the moment," Thrawn nodded to one fo lieutenants, "Please show them to their quarters."

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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Guest Admiral_Antilles
OOC: Hey guys, I think I am going to sit the rest of this RP out. I do not have as much time as ususal and 60 Standard Minutes keeps me busy. So Trej feel free to use my jedi character as you wish. :D
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Guest Admiral_Antilles
OOC: Well okay, I will see. But just letting you all know in0case you do not see me for awhile around the Rp forum.
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Guest Admiral_Antilles
OOC: Well, I will continue to do 60 Standard Minutes until I run out of people to do it on. I may post here and there. But I was just letting people know it will not be often. Because I really just do not have the time.
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Is this thread still happening? Cause I wont to join.

But I will need a bit of help cause I am new. I am happy to go under someones command for a while if that helps anyone.

The shadows are my friend, for in them I find comfort.

But when it comes to war, I'll be with you in a minute.

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OOC: Just put the name of your character your rank what you want to do and which side you want to be on. ANd we should manage to fit you in. :wink:




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When is someone going to continue the story?



The shadows are my friend, for in them I find comfort.

But when it comes to war, I'll be with you in a minute.

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Evan sat down in his office. The news of the Imperial fighter was disturbing, indeed it may soon be the focus of a Rebel mission. It would need to be dealt with for sure, but Evan had diffrent things on his mind. He was soon to meet one of the replacement pilots, a experianced Z-95 pilot.

Evan heard a knock on his door, he stood up as the man walked in....

Sweat saves blood-Erwin Rommel
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Information on Rebel Activity was as scarce as possible, for a few days it seemed as if the entire Rebellion had been sucked into the Maw and disappeared.

Successful operations in the Tion Hegemony had a considerable effect on the Rebellion, on Mon Calamari the Quarren had been given the control of the world, Imperial convoys would in the following weeks provide the Quarren with weapons and training to keep the Mon Calamari from aiding the Rebellion openly.

The destruction of the pirate base had left the Rebels without a clear access to the black market and forced them to leave the sector, there had been of course some setbacks, the Rebels had stolen the blueprints for a new engine, but that did not bother him, the engine was still in a prototype stage and the Rebels still lacked the facilities to massproduce fighters.

Admiral Darac Noreto knew the Rebels could only hide in the Outer Rim, if his task force could prevent them from gaining a strong foothold in the Rim, the rest of the galaxy would be spared the horrors of a new war, he sipped out of his cup and continued to analyse the scarce information on the Rebels that had come in this morning.

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OOC: by the way I am a girl :lol:



A tall blonde girl wearing loose top and pants walked out of her just landed Z-95. She had her hair tied back in a loose braid and bright blue eyes, she was looking for adventure. Her eyes where filled with courage and determination. After looking around to take in her surroundings she walked up to a man on the landing deck.


"Sir I am looking for an Evan."

"You will find him in his office. Up the elevator onto the commanding deck and then down the corridor to your left. He will be in office 10.â€

The shadows are my friend, for in them I find comfort.

But when it comes to war, I'll be with you in a minute.

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OOC:Welcome, to the RPG! We needed another Rebel :wink: .


IC: The Imperial Star Destroyer Judicator hung beside therepare bays at Kuat Drive Yards primary repare bay, in the Kuat system. While the damage recieved at Mon Calamari was minor, sufficient hull damage had been recieved to warrant a complete overhaul. The vessel was to be upgraded to the Mk. II design.

"A brief command, hm sir?"

"Indeed, though not fatally so. The ship has been requesitioned to serve in Death Squadron. That is why she is being converted."

"And what of the Judicator's crew?"

Most will remain with here. You commander, however, are being transferred to the Executor."

"And you sir?"

"The Vengeance awaits my command. A fitting name for retribution against the rebels."

After a brisk salute from the commander, Thrawn spun crisply on one heal and marched towards the shuttle bay.

History is on the move, Captain. Those who cannot keep up with it will be left behind, to watch from a distance. And those who stand in our way will not watch at all.

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OOC: :lol: Sorry, "man" is kind of automatic.


Evan shook her hands and exchanged a formal greeting. They talked for a while, nothing that imporant, but about her past experiances and Green squadron itself. The change to an X-wing was a big one. She was experianced with the run of the mill raiding, but Green squadron's special missions would be a new experiance for her. Her six kills with her previous squadron, stationed around Sullust, had made her eligable for Green squadron.

Looking at his chrono, he saw it was getting late. He needed to meet Merick soon. Abruptly, he ended the chat.


"I am sorry, but I must be going. I will see you and all of the other Green squadron pilots in the simulators tonight."

Edited by ADarkJedi44
Sweat saves blood-Erwin Rommel
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Merick looked through the bay of the Hangar Beta 8. This perticular Hangar had been requsitioned by the scientist so they could work on the designs of the new fighter. The HQ of the Alliance was highly interessted in the project and even though Merick stayed very sceptic as to the utility of such a fighter, he had to admit that a stealth fighter would not be useless. The Hangar was now divided in two areas, in the first one where stacked up differrent compentents of ships, the second area was where the prototype was being built.

Merick had rarely seen such an ugly ship. The fact that the pieces used for the construction were salvaged from the base's dump surely explained that. The red lights in the Hangar flashed and the scientist took shelter behind blast proof windows to watch the testing of the invisibility cloak.

The TIE fighter lifted up using its repulsor lift and... disappeared.

The cheers of the scientist stopped when a spark appeared where the ship was supposed to be. The ship appeared from nowhere and crashed to ground.

Merick sighed. This definitely needed working on.




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OOC: GASP! ADJ, you called it a CLOCK! I'm sur eyou meant chrono :wink:.


IC: The hiss/whine of the TIE Interceptors could be heard through the heavy durasteel of the Vengeance's command tower. Out the front viewport drifted five other ships: two Imperial Star Destroyers, the Tyrant and the Archon, and three Victory Star Destroyers, the Death's Head, Vigilant and the Viper.

The TIEs were running dog-fighting tests against the rebel X-Wing. There were whispers that some pilots preferred the X-Wing, though openly admitting that was not a good idea.

The fleet had arrived at Kuat Drive Yards' primary research facility to recieve a new compliment of fighters, the experimental the TIE Interceptors. It's speed and quad lasters made it formidable, as did the ship's maneuverability. Pilots who had tested it complained that the lack of shields barly made it an improvement upon the original TIE fighter, though it was not sufficient to stop produciton.

"All ships in the fleet have recieved thier complement of the new fighters sir. The pilots are docking thier Interceptors at the research facility and will be shuttled aboard their ships."

"Excellent," Thrawn replied, "I want the fleet ready to leave in one hour. I'll be in my quarters."

Edited by Grand_Admiral_Thrawn

History is on the move, Captain. Those who cannot keep up with it will be left behind, to watch from a distance. And those who stand in our way will not watch at all.

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OOC: (Screaming...yelling...) You...Dodonna hasn't even designed the A-wing yet!!! And you're talking about squints... (Post Yavin) argh....


IC: Kirk Baumer settled down in his seat with his booted feet up on the single table in the center of the bar. They glinted slightly in the dim overhead light, showing the shine of a professional officer.


Lara slid into the room and saluted, "Sir."


Kirk held up his hand, "Just Kirk, I'm off duty right now."


"Sorry, Admiral Thrawn has pulled together a mission for us, before his transfer to the Vengeance," Lara said skidding the data pad across the table.


Kirk lifted it up and began to read and found himself shaking his head, "You've got to be kidding." He pulled a small knife from his pocket and sliced off the rank insignia, "Well, lets just see how Thrawn will set this up...and our defection."

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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OOC: Just because they weren't in ANH doesn't mean they didn't exist... though I'll change it so that my pilots rae trading in TIEs for T/Is.


I guess I got promoted too. I was only a Captain, but I'll take Admiral(Since I've been promoted twice in rank since I posted my first post here). I'll continue tomorow, and work out the planns of SM's defection. Where are you right now?

Edited by Grand_Admiral_Thrawn

History is on the move, Captain. Those who cannot keep up with it will be left behind, to watch from a distance. And those who stand in our way will not watch at all.

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After the abruptly ended conversation Jess walked about for a while. After seeing most of the level she was on she deside to go and check on her ships repairs. As she walked towards it she found some men changing her front viewport.

A small man wearing overals came over to her.


"Do you want us to repair the left wing and replace the damaged engine?"

"Yes thankyou," was all Jess could manage before her chrono beeped.

"Crap I forgot about that," said Jess to no one inpeticular, she jumped up into the cockpit and folded her seat forward. There behind the seat was a bag. She grabed it and jumped back out again.


"Sir," she said to a Lieutenant that was passing by, "where are my quarters?"


"Your name?"

"Jess Trelaten sir."

"Your are in the pilots quarters on the lower floor, room 87."

"Thankyou sir."

As she made her way to her quarters with the bag over her shoulder she pulled a small computor out of a pocket in her top.

"I think I'll get some rest before the simulation tonight," she thought to herself as she opened the door to her room.

The shadows are my friend, for in them I find comfort.

But when it comes to war, I'll be with you in a minute.

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All twelve members of Green squadron had arrived on time for the simulators. The six most experiances pilots would fly simulated TIEs, the other six X-wings. The first scenario was just a plain dogfight. As Evan explained to the pilots what they would be doing, he knew they were all ready for combat. They were all vetreans and needed no more training to be put into any regular squadron, but Green squadron was no "regular squadron."

Evan jumped in his simulator and saw it come to life. At the two groups of fighters moved closer, he knew exactly what to do. At the last moment he scattered, the other TIEs following him. Manuvering wildly, he glued himself to a tail of an X-wing. Firing multiple times, he damaged it and sent it fleeing. He pursued, but broke off when he noticed he had picked up pursuit of his own.

The X-wing followed his every manuver. He wildly rolled around and moved to attack, but the X-wing dodged. Evan nearly got himself vaped. The pilot was clearly skilled. A moment later, the X-wing was back, glued to his tail. Who's piloting that X-wing?

Sweat saves blood-Erwin Rommel
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OOC: Nice of Stellar to remind everyone that we are Pre-ANH, so no Defenders, nor Avengers, no B-Wings! A-wing and squints only in reduced numbers, prototypes, very early prototypes, not up to the speed we all love. X-Wings are fine, again not as frequent, use Y-Wings and Z-95s, or whatever other cheap XWA Fighter. As for caps, no super-star destroyers at the time (Vader's [aka Elvis's] flagship was the Devastator), only Impstars and early converted Calamarian cruisers, the rest are probably Corellian stuff. All those crappy CCs.
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Jess had arrived at the training simulation on time and was ready to go and 'kick some butt'.

She listened closely to Evan as he explained the senario. It was the usual.

She climbed on to her simulator and went for it with all her past aquired skills. She hit many of her targets.

Suddenly one of the TEIs scattered and started manuvering wildly.

I'll take him, she thought to herself.


She did a role and manuvered so she was glued to his tail. He tried to escape and fire at her but she antisapated the move before it came.

"Come on, hit me," she said to herself.


She manuvered into her favorite position and fired. Hit

She fired some more and hit again.

Come on, she thought, give me a challange.

The shadows are my friend, for in them I find comfort.

But when it comes to war, I'll be with you in a minute.

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