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Pre ANH Roleplay: The Start!!!


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Smoke deescended from the Clone Shuttle as it came in to land on Coruscant. As it approached the platform it's wings folded up. Upon landing clouds of vapour were released as the boarding ramp was lowered. A squad of ARC Troopers dashed out and formed parade ground welcoming lines. Two Imperial Guards descended, followed by a hoverstretcher completely encased in a black carbon shield, followed by another two Imperial Guards. They headed towards a waiting turbolift and descended into the bowels of this poluted world.


Some time later...


Master... you sent for me?


Yesss... Darth Elvis... you know now who it is you serve... you have learnt your lessons... you are one with the Dark Side. Now it is time to begin the hunt. You know what you must do.


Yes my Master. I will not rest until the weak Jedi are eliminated. They must vanish from this galaxy. This galaxy shall know true power!!!


Exactly Darth Elvis, now go... track the survivors down. Our attack on the temple was a success. Your engagement with Obi Wan was not so successful, but you live still... the power of the Dark Side courses through your veins. Hunt down our enemies, and vanquish them...


With a swirl of a cape blacker than the heart of space, Darth Elvis turned and left his masters chambers...

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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Few worlds in the galaxy offered such a big laberynth where to hide. Dressed in the robes of a poor man, Trej Ocas wandered through the streets of Coruscant, with no certain direction nor a clear goal he walked, and walked. On occasion he would take a turn to the left, or to the right, or go up one level or down another.

He had no home, nor had he hope.

For little over ten years had he followed this routine, ever since that dreadful day at the Jedi Temple. Ever since the Jedi had been declared enemies and been slaughtered, betrayed by one of their own.

"Hey you, go down to your lousy hole, or we'll show you the quick way." One shocktrooper said as he grabbed Trej from his robes.

"You disturbs the people," he warned and Trej could see over his shoulder a man draped in Senatorial Robes.

"It wasn't my intention, I got lost and I wanted to see the sun." Trej answered and pointed at the white distant disk.

"Your only sun is this," the trooper answered and pointed at a huge Imperial Insignia carved out of a building. "Now leave."

Trej said nothing else, glanced quickly at the insignia and walked down to the lower levels.

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Evan looked around at the others in the meeting room. Mon Mothma, Garm Bel Iblis and so many others. For a while now, this moment had been coming. Evan Hechtman had known it ever since their first meetings. Ever since that horrible moment so long ago....

Evan had been a fighter pilot during the Clone Wars. His skills were great and he had quickly risen up the ranks. As such, he had been close with many of the Jedi. He had been completly furious when he had first heard of their massacring. A few still remained, but none could contend with the power of Emperor Palpatine and Darth Elvis. Doubtless they would soon be wiped out. He had been a firm supporter in a revolt against the Empire and had been at its first disorganized meetings, before anything had been confirmed.


Now the document was almost completle. Evan heard his name called and moved towards the center of the room. He signed the document and for the first time in a while, he smiled and was genuinly happy. The Alliance to Restore the Republic was born.

Sweat saves blood-Erwin Rommel
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OOC: For conveniencec's sake we'll jump ahead ten years to 20preANH.


Darth Elvis strode into the throne room of his Master.


My lord, the Jedi enclave on Bakura has been destroyed. The three masters were slain by myself. My new Stormtroopers performed admirably, i only lost 27. Have you seen anything to lead you to the location of Obi-Wan?


No Lord Elvis i have not, but do not concern yourself, our greatest project is about to enter final design stages... Darth Tyranus was most useful in obtaining the initial design parameters back during the clone wars before you slew him


Yes my master, do you wish me to travel to the research station at the Maw?


No Elvis, your place is here with me for the time being. Governor Tarkin will oversee the Maw installation for the time being.

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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OOC: My bad i had the clone wars time wrong. I'd meant us to now be ten years after the clone wars, so whenever that is. Means i've had a chance to thin out the Jedi, and resistance has had a chance to start getting vaguely organised.

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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OOC: 8BBY then? Ok!



Unlike in the surface where their face would inspire total fear in the face of their enemies, their appearance in the lower levels of Coruscant was hardly perceived. They were the Stormtroopers.

Trej considered the attitude of the natives to this level a bit foolish and a bit a naïve, most people living in this levels were indifferent to the current regime in power, most of them had never listened of the Clone Wars, much less of an Emperor or a Jedi Purge. They would avoid the troopers by instinct, not of necessity and that pleased the troopers to some extent. Unlike Trej who had killed them in selfdefense, had seen the precision of their attacks, the ruthless tactics, and their relentless charges.

The Imperial excursion were random events, although most people knew when they were coming, the troopers did not know the paths into the lower levels, and the noise they make upon arrival provides a fair warning.

Trej wouldn't move at the site of the troopers, he wouldn't usually attract their attention, and even if he did he knew plenty of ways to escape them.

Nonetheless as sosn as he listened to the sound of boots in those dark alleys his hand would grab for the lightsaber that hung within his loose robes, and he desired to reach out to the Force, and shatter them, but in that single second he would have wasted ten years of silent penintence, here, in the darkest parts of the galaxy, waiting for the day where the Jedi should return.

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Evan, due to his experiances during the Clone Wars, was ranked as a General in charge of fighter operations. Although he could have elected to due the job aboard a capitol ship or even be promoted to command one, he choose to do his job directly on the field. He would always fight it out with his comrades.

The Rebellion was still young but support for it was growing at an enormus pace. Still more support could be gained...once it was proved the Rebel Alliance was a real threat. There had only been a few minor offensives and those were hardly enough to make the Empire belive there was any threat to their power.

So the first real offensive of the Rebellion was to begin. Due to a few attacks, the Empire had intiated a convoy system. Rebel spies had indicated the time and place in the Hydian Way where a convoy was to assemble. At is first jump point the convoy was to be ambushed.

The convoy was escorted by a strike cruiser carrying two tie fighter squadrons and a single corvette. The Empire's doubt that the Rebellion was a threat would soon disappear. The attack was to consist of two dreanoughts and three corvettes. Two squadrongs of Z-95 headhunters were to deal with the ties and a squadron of Y-wings was to deal with the capitol ships and freighters. Shuttles would then arrive to capture the freighters and hopefully the Imperial capitol ships. General Hechtman was to lead the fighters and basically the operation as a whole. He was confident that the operation would be a complete sucess. The Empire would soon realise they had a real threat on their hands.

Sweat saves blood-Erwin Rommel
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Evan's Z-95 sailed off into space. In front of him was the Imperial convoy, behind him the dreadnought, Pride. His group of 24 Z-95s quickly assembled together. From the other dreadnought came the squadron of Y-wings. Ahead two squadrons of tie fighters flied out to meet them. General Hechtman was excited and nervous, but he knew his men were ready. They will not fail me....

The Z-95s waited around the dreadnought and then, when the ties began to close with them, moved out ot intercept them. At the last moment they broke off and seperated as the Rebel capitol ships opened fire. The plan worked to perfection.

The ties quickly scattered and the unprepared pilots were obviously shocked. Undertrained and underequipped. The Z-95s then mercilessly hunted them down in groups of two. Evan quickly moved against a tie, then heard his partner requesting help over the comm. He found Green 2 and a tie on top of him. At the last moment he manuvered wildly...and left the tie within Evan's crosshairs.

Three ties had wandered too close to the dreanoughts and been captured. Two Z-95s had been lost, but only one pilot. Meanwhile the Y-wings had disabled the Imperial corvette and were now disabling freighter after freighter. Rebel transports arrived and captured the corvette and freighters.

The strike cruiser apparantly had no intention of engaging in combat. As soon as it was apparant the Rebels would win, she had slipped away. Imperial reinforcements had been worried about, but the Imperials were obviously lax and nothing helped the doomed convoy. Totals: 1 corvette and 11 freighters captured. Three freighters had been destroyed fleeing and 7 had gotten away. A decent load of supplies had been captured and the Imperials would now have to increase defenses on the hundreds of convoys that were traveling about their Empire. Evan smiled, knowing the operatioin had been a total sucess. Support would continue to grow for the Rebellion.


OOC: Just a little something to get us started...

Sweat saves blood-Erwin Rommel
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Commodore Hamilton Munro stared out of the viewport of his newly commisioned Imperator Stardestroyer Intimidator. The ISD, as some had takien to calling it, was the most powerful ship in the Imperial Navy, it was the most powerful ship in the Universe for that matter.


Only a handful had been constructed so far, and The Emperor had deemed him worthy enough to be given command of one.


Hamilton had risen quickly through the ranks of the Empire, starting off as a mere Ensign in command of an Acclamator and now, a short ten years later, he was a Commodore in command of THE most powerful vessel known to man.


The thought made him smile, something that he did all too rarely now, ever since the Rebels had killed his Father in an Anti-Imperial attack on a factory that supplied arms to the Empire, his father, who was just doing the job that he had been doing for the last 45 years, his Father, who didn't care for Galactic politics, and who had worked double overtime to be able to afford to raise his only son when his wife had died.


His thought were interupted by a young Ensign who walked up to him and saluted "Sir, we have just recieved reports that a convoy carrying supplies to an Imperial outpost has been attacked. The Emperor himself commands that you proceed with the rest of the fleet to the location of the attack to find out exactly what happened."


Nodding to the Ensign, Hamilton turned to his Comm Officer, "Alert the Coercion, Sceptor and the Ravager that we are to prepare for a jump into Hyperspace to the following co-ordinates." Transfering the co-ordinates to the Comm Officer, Hamilton waited for the Captains of the three Victory Class Stardestroyers to signal that they were ready to jump. Upon recieving their signal, Hamilton gave the order and watched as the stars elongated into lines, indicating that the jump was underway.


Smiling tightly to himself, Hamilton thought that today might be the first step towards avenging his Fathers death. That thought was a reason to smile indeed...


(( OOC: just doing a bit of background before doing anything else right now. ))

Lost a planet Master Obi-Wan has, how embarrassing. - Yoda


Do not count a human dead until you've seen his body, and even then you can make a mistake. - Bene Gesserit saying

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Evan's was very impressed with his pilots. The mission had been a complete sucess and now the Empire was sending thousands of ships to escort the huge amount of convoys. With its fleet begining to amount to something, doubtless the Rebel Alliance would form groups designed to hit convoys and only convoys. Rebel Alliance Command was to spare no time for Evan however. They had already come up with a new target for his men. It was an outpost along the Hydian way. A squadron of TIEs was its protection, but there would doubtlessly be an Imperial ship or two in the area.

Command was certain it would not be much of a problem, due to the fact the Empire had maken sure it and outposts like it were not widely known. The Rebellion did have its sources though...

It was designed as a stop for individual freighters traveling on its way. Therefore, the Alliance was certain it could nab a few. Evan had called his pilots to a meeting and now it was to begin.

"I'd like to begin this meeting by stating how proud I am of everyone of you..."

Sweat saves blood-Erwin Rommel
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The Pride came out of hyperspace right on schedule. Evan's twenty-four pilots sat in their Z-95s, ready for combat. As Evan launched he felt a great feeling of excitment, like he always did before entering combat. He knew that any mission could be his last and he was always excited to meet the challenge.

Immediatly ahead of them was an Imperial frigate. Clearly shaken, is took a while to launch its TIEs. The four Rebel corvettes sat at the ready and were prepared to fire. When the TIEs came closer, the corvettes opened fire and scattered the inexperianced TIE pilots. Just like the last battle. They were quickly slaughtered, not a single Z-95 was lost.

Meanwhile, the frigate had been hit by the Y-wings and had become victim to a merciless barrage of ion canons from the dreadnoughts. Transports began to arrive. Some went to follow the Y-wings as they moved to disable the freighters. The rest went to capture the frigate.

The station's TIE's had now been launched and were moving to intercept the Y-wings, but the Z-95s had diffrent ideas. They intercepted the would-be interceptors in a one sided engagment. It was once again clear that the Imperial pilots and their starfighters were unsuitable for heated combat. Evan managed to vaporize one TIE in the intial engagment, but he failed to hunt any others done. The TIEs were quickly scattered and smashed. The Z-95s once again proved their superiority to TIE fighters, only one was lost.

The operation was once again a complete sucess. Two Y-wings and one Z-95 lost. Three freighters captured and one destroyed. An Imperial frigate captured. The station itself might have been attacked, but the worry of Imperial reinforcments kept this from happening. Evan was once again pleased with his pilots.

Sweat saves blood-Erwin Rommel
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Admiral Darac Noreto allowed himself to appreciate the silent business of his bridge. Discipline could be felt in the air, the rutinary reports and confirmation were the only interruptions of the silence in his bridge, a fully efficient ship crew, fully devoted to the Emperor and his glorious vision.

"Sir," Captain Bonier neared him and placed a datapad in his hands. "An update on the raiding near the Hydian Way."

Noreto quickly read the summary of the report. "We cannot afford to lose valuable convoys to these pirates!"

"SIR!" A young man, in the communications panel called.

Noreto looked at him sharply.

"I apologize sir, we are receiving a transmission from Coruscant." He said and swallowed hard.

"Fleet Command?"

"No sir, it's Lord Elvis."

"I'll receive it in my command room." Noreto said and left the bridge.

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The shrouded form of Lord Elvis gazed down upon the Admiral. Nobody knew what Lord Elvis' face really looked like. Rumour had it that it had been burnt away, but the Dark Lord kept it hidden under his hood using a foce illusion, or so everyone believed.


Admiral... these Rebels are starting to prey upon our convoys. I'm stepping up production of Star Destroyers, and also upgrading our Tie Fighters. In the meantime i wish for you to form a strike forcee to start tracking down these rebels and eliminating them. Take whomever you need and do the job thoroughly. Do not give me reason to be dissapointed in you Admiral... the Sith have little patience!


With that the transmission cut out.


Back on Coruscant Lord Elvis turned, and with a swirl of his cape turned and headed for his chambers.

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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By their very nature, the Alliance had a huge advantage in the catagory of intelligence. Many Imperials that were thought to be loyal were secretly providing the Rebels with valued intelligence. Rebel High Command had been given another load of valuable intelligence and was now preparing for a audacious mission.

Fighters of all ships and sizes were beginging to flow into Rebel service. Convoys were getting attacked at a relativly frequent rate, providings Rebels scattered across the galaxy with much needed supplies. However, capitol ships, while the Empire's strength, were short within the Rebellion. The ships the Rebellion did have were no match for the ISDs of the Empire.

The forces to take part in the raid were thus: three dreadnoughts and four corvettes. Three squadrons of Z-95s and two squadrons of Y-wings along with a host of transports were also to play a crucial part. The target was a Victory class star destroyer, vulnerable while being resupplied.

One squadron of Y-wings would attack the destroyer itself, while the others would support it then go to disable the transports. The Z-95s and corvettes would take care of the enemy fighters and deal with any left over transports. If this mission were to suceed, the results would be much greater than a single Victory class star destroyer...

Sweat saves blood-Erwin Rommel
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When, Trej wondered.

Silently he contemplated the drops of rain finding their way through metal blocks, drawn to the core of the planet by a powerful force. A similar force kept attracting Trej to Darth Elvis's personal fortress on Coruscant, a beautiful building that once housed the Jedi Order.

When would he reveal himself. The Sith had waited almost a milennia, before they revealed themselves and masterfully executed their strike. Could the Jedi live in the shadows so long?

Shaking his head at nothing in particular Trej turned away from the old Jedi Temple. A millenium? A year? Or two? Why not a month, or a week? A day?

He gently caressed his lightsaber, now with the certainly that not much time would pass until the man who lived in the Jedi Temple learned to fear the name of Trej Ocas.

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Merick gased as the blue globe of planet Mon Calamari turned under the Golan defence platform on which the corvette on which he served had landed. The Mon Calamari was a common stop for many rebel ships. The MonCalamaris secretly supported the Rebellion since the Empire had started enslaving them and would hide the rebel ships using secret identifications. It was about 2 years that Merick had joined the Rebellion. Nobody would have expected a son of a war hero to join the rebels. He had actually started by joining the Imperial academy after that he received a message telling him that his family had been killed by a rebel raid. He had then been contacted, a few days after his first affectation, by some rebel agents who informed him that his family had been killed by the Empire after having been suspected to be rebel spies. At the first stop he deserted and joined the Rebellion.He had quickly been graded and was now a major serving under the orders of Commander Loran. They had been dispatched to Mon Calamari after being contacted by some scientists from Incom technologies and who proposed to give them the plans of a new top secret starfighter in exchange of a new identity. His comlink beeped.


"This is the bridge Sir. Three Imperial star destroyers have just entered the system."

"Warn the Commander. I'm on my way."

"Right Sir"

This mission may not be as easy as it seemed.




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OOC: Have fun Mad...You're all alone on that one :(


IC: Evan's four squadrons of Z-95s flew towards the large starship, a hulking grey mass. Numerous freighters and other transports sat around it, commencing the resupply operation. The strategy was the same as always. When will the Empire learn how to counter it?

Seemingly at the last moment, the TIEs were launched.

"Twenty-four eyeballs inbound, you know what to do."

The fighters moved slowly to insure staying by the fleet. Evan watched as the TIEs came screeming towards them. Reckless fools, they will pay dearly indeed. The corvettes' guns opened fire as the TIEs came in range. Most of them scrambled and managed to escape, but a few didn't move quick enough and were vaporized

"Remember, they're scattered and shocked. Get in your hunting groups."

Twelve groups of four Z-95s assembled and moved to hunt the TIEs down, one by one. Evan's group had little luck, one of his pilots peeled off and destroyed one but in turn got one on his tail. The three other Z-95s moved straight on him and the TIE was destroyed, leaving Green 3 with nothing but reduced shields.

"Good shooting, are they all gone?"

"Twenty-four destroyed, sir."

The Y-wings were also having great sucess. They had destroyed and chased off all the freighters and the shields of the star destroyer had been reduced to nothing thanks to a few volleys of torpedoes. The three dreadnoughts were now pounding it with ion cannons. The groups of transports had arrived and now sat at the ready, waiting for the one sided fight to end.

The star destroyed attempted to concentrated its fire on the Pride, but all it did was create some minor damage. One by one its systems were shut down. The transports began to move in. Victory is ours.....

Sweat saves blood-Erwin Rommel
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Merick arrived on the bridge. An ensign came towards him.

"The Commander is on his way."

"Any news from our scientists?" asked Merick

"A small shuttle has juste entered the system but they are still too far for identification."

"Good, warn me when you get an identification. Red Alert. Prepare the ship to leave and load the turbolasers."

It was at this moment that the Captain entered the bridge.


"The ship is ready to leave and the scientist are on the way."

"Good Job Ioor, I am going to send a message to the HQ. Tell the shuttle to land in the Hangar and get us out of here." The Captain left the bridge.

Loran was knowen trust juste about nobody. It was a great honor for Merick.

"Sir. We have confirmed the identity of the shuttle."

"Good tell them to land. And calculate a course to get us out of here."

It time for a bit of action.




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The Captain entered the bridge.

"What's new?" he asked

"The Shuttle has juste enter our hangar." annonced an enseign.

"To Corellian Corvette Elondra this is the ISD Jackal. Lower your shields and prepare to be bodered." said a voice coming from the telecommunicator.

"Navigator set a course for Umgul." ordered the Captain

"Right Sir... Wait an ISD has juste exited Hyperspace and is blocking our escape!"

"Full speed ahead! How long will we be in their firing range?"

"Ten seconds Sir." answered the detection officer

"Divert artillery power to the shields. and prepare for a good shake!"

The ISD started maneouvreing to make its deadly Ion cannons face the corvette. Merick remembered when he served on one of these monsters. This was as close as the Empire could get to be invincible in these times. And he hoped for the sake of the Alliance that it would stay that way.

"Arriving in to the ISD's firing range." annonced the navigator.

The Ion cannons of the ISD started firing their deadly bolts of energy towards the Corvette. The Ship shook violently when the shields started disappearing and this was only the begining. Seeing the shields disappaer the Laser turrets of the Imperial ship opened fire on the rebels. Suddenly when all seemed lost the firing stopped. They had passed the Imperials! Merick eyed the bridge looking for the captain. He spotted him lying against a console, blood was trickling from an injurie on his forehead. Merick felt the Captain's neck for a pulse. Nothing. Merick got up. The Bridge was a wreck. Some consoles had exploded in to the faces of officers and alarms were sounding all over the ship.

"Status of the Ship."

An officer moved a dead officer from his seat and started typing on the keypad.

"Hull breaches on deck 3, 6 and 7. The maintenance teams are attempting to block them."

"Do we still have the Hyperdrive?" asked Merick

"Yes sir."

"Well then get us out of here. Set a course for Umgul."

A few seconds later the corvette jumped in to Hyperspace.


The Corvette exited hyperspace around the third planet of the system.

"Communicator. Contact the rebel base in this system and..."

"Sir" said the detections officer "I have multiple contacts! Tie fighters. They are in a reconnaisance formation."

"Damn! Is there anywhere we could hide in the system?" asked Merick

"Our sensors detect asteroids orbiting the sixth planet of the system."

"Good. Set a course for the asteroids. We are going to hide and repair a bit before leaving the system."




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Merick looked as the engineers tried to repair as much of the engine room as possible in the little time they had.

Their navigator had located a calm area within the asteroids and they had got to work on repairing the ship. They had also looked after the enormous amount of injured crewmen. The ship had now recuperated 90 percent of its shields and nearly its entire firepower. Merick's comlink suddenly beeped.


"Bridge Sir" said the vopice of the detections officer "A squadron of Ground targeting Ties have juste left the planet and are coming in our direction. Wait... They have juste adopted an attack formation."

"Any Idea of how they found us?" asked Merick

"I guess they must of installed a detection relay on one of the Asteroids Sir."

"Sound the alarm and move the ship out of the Asteroid field I am on my way." ordered Merick. He started running, dodging the other crew members who were trying to join their combat positions. He arrived on the bridge as the Corvette emerged from the Asteroids.

"Sir the Ties will soon be within range and detectors announce that a dreadnoughts and a carrack cruiser have juste left the orbit of one of the moons to intercept us." announced the Lieutenant that he had left in charge of the bridge.

"Tell the Artillery to open fire once in range and calculate an escape course."

The Ties arrived in range and fired 2 vollees of concussion missiles. These crasshed on the shield of the Corvette causing them to disappear partially. At the Same time the two Turbo cannons of the Corvette opened fire desintegrating 2 ties. The ties then started attacking the rebels with their lasers. Merick understood now that the ship would not survive this battle. The Ties would stop them jumping into Hyperspace and the capital ship would finnish the job.

"Evacuate the ship. To all crew gain the escape pods."

"Sir" said the detection as the reste of the bridge crew left their seats "A small fleet has juste entered the system. Their identification code is that of a rebel fleet."

"Send them a distress call and then gain your escape pod." ordered Merick as he left the bridge.



The Ground Targeting Tie is the one which was replaced by the Tie Bomber.

Have Fun DarkJedi :D




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