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Pre ANH Roleplay: The Start!!!


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OOC: Oops missed a line... in a post, oh well just how many CC-7700s would be floating around for the rebels to buy, dozens, hundreds... :idea:


IC:Another X-wing desintegrated under his guns as a whoop from Raptor two revealed she'd scored a kill at the same moment. All around them the rebel starfighter force swarmed, trying vainly to engage the faster and more manueverable TIEs they were facing. With a sudden flash of motion the rebel fighters abandoned their assault and turned toward the planet. Kirk smiled, "They're running, squadron form up on the CC's Mark two vector."


The modified Tie's formed up behind him as he dropped in just behind the CC's engines. He switched his targeting computer over to concussion missiles, "Fire all remaining ordanance, keep hitting the mark two vector." With that Kirk launched his two concussion missiles into the rear shields of the CC-7700. They detonated against the shield and the continual pounding forced the captain to devert power to the rear shields to keep them from being slowly worn away.


Suddenly just ahead teh Imperial Star Destroyer Dominator shot out of hyperspace. It was in perfect attack position, with all its 120 turbolasers and 60 ion cannons locked onto the CC-7700 frigate, and with the forward shield under powered from rederecting the power it didn't stand a chance when the Imperial Star Destroyer was less then a kilometer from it. With a brilliant green flash the weapons fired vaporizing the ship's hull and moments later it detonated in a expanding gas cloud. Kirk smiled as he sped away, "Scratch one frigate!"

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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"We've recieved bad news from Spectre's task force." Merick said as he entered the briefing room. Hechtman and Ackbar were waiting there.

Merick slid a datacard into the holoprojector in the middle of the room. "This was transmitted from a fighter assigned to record the fight for motivational documentaries to show the other pilots. As you can see, it anything but that."

The holoprojector showed yellow missiles impacting into the interdictor's shields, then, as they seemed to have reached a point close to collapse, an Imperial Star Destroyer appeared mere kilometers next to the frigate, annihilating it with just a few shots. A few seconds later the recording cut off, there was no need to explain what had happened to the fighter.

"How could they have jumped in so accurately?" Hechtman said.

"They used our own gravity generators against us" Ackbar said calmly. "a tactic I didn't know of until now." He closed his eyes, thinking. "New technology bringing new tactics. Do we know who the imperial commander in charge was?"

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OOC: Just read Trej's post... didn't realize that Thrawn was already in this... very disconcerning.

History is on the move, Captain. Those who cannot keep up with it will be left behind, to watch from a distance. And those who stand in our way will not watch at all.

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OOC: Don't worry, we all know Palpatine we would have called Thrawn back if he had needed him for something else. :roll: One last thing the Chimaera is mine, I saw her first. :P You can keep the Inexorable, and it's Darth Elvis instead of Darth Vader... Since Elvis won't be around till October let's just leave him around minding his own business.
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OOC: I had no plans for the Chimaera, I just thought I'd mention her since she was the secondary command ship of the fleet at Endor... oh and because of her ties to Thrawn of course. The only problem is, I had Thrawn... er, myself being brought back from the outerrim for the first time by Parck, while you have me as a Captain. I'll work around that somehow. As for the Inexorable, I'll leaver her alone as well. I'll choose a differend ISD for my work, maybe even keep with the Strikefast.



IC: The Lambda-Class shuttle made it's descent towards the mass of spires and turrets that was the Imperial Palace. In the distance the silouettes of TIE Fighters could be seen swerving through the kilometer-high towers that made up Coruscant's skyline. Below on landingpad one the red forms of Royal Guards waited in rows along the catwalk. As the shuttle touched down, Thrawn could see that there was an officer standing at the end of those rows.

The officer was not, however, wearing the standard grey/green uniform of the Imperial Navy. His uniform was pure white and well pressed. The rank insignia on the left of the uniform showed the man to be a Colonel.

"I'm not sure what this is about," Parck said, eyeing the Chiss to his right, "but I suggest you let me do the talking. Most people here are not fond of aliens."

With that the captain rose and descended the shuttle's ramp, leaving Thrawn to catch up.

As they strode down the catwalk the Royal Guards fell silently into position behind them. Whether they were there as an honour guard or security Thrawn couldn't tell.

Parck stopped before the colonel, but before he could say anything the man stepped past Captain Parck and approached Thrawn.

"I take it your Thrawn?"

"I am."

"We'll see about that. I am Colonel Wullf Yularen of the Imperial Security Bureau. There seems to be a little discrepansy about who the real Thrawn is. Follow me."

Without waiting for a response Yularen spun crisply on one heal and entered the Palace proper.

Rather than take the main corridors, which would only lead to the public areas of the Palace, Yularen took them into the security passages and to a well guarded turbolift.

"This lift will take you to the Emperor's audience chamber. Once there you will be filled in on all the pertinent information."

The colonel pushed a button on the control pannel and the door to the turbolift slid open. Not waiting for an invitation Parck and Thrawn stepped in.

The lift began immediately to speed upward. The ride was short as both men barely had enough time to turn around when the doors opened once again.

The room before them was wide, it's ceilings fading into darkness above. There were no windows, the only light comming from the glow pannels spaced every hundred meters or so along the walls. Before them was a dias upon which an imposing throne sat. Upon that throne sat a small, hunched figure.

Both men took a tentative step into the room, feeling the sudden urge to turn back around and leave. As if reading their minds, the door behind them slammed shut, the sound of the turbolift fading away.

Seeing that their only option was to continue, they walked towards the dias and kneeled before the Emperor.

"So you are the alien that Captain Parck has insisted Imperial Command accept into their ranks? I can sense that you have much ability within you, but are you the true you?"

Parck shot Thrawn a questioning glance. Apparently the Emperor saw it.

"There is an imposter in our midst. Long ago the one known as Thrawn was brought back from the Unknown regions, claiming that he was a tactical geniouse. Now this captain claims the same thing. Normally there would be an inquery into the situation, but that is not needed in this case. I can sense the truth, I see who you are."

The Emperor turned and sat on his throne.

"The imposter has been recalled to Coruscan. He will be brought down from his command on the Inexorable and... dealt with. You will be assigned to the Judicator, without formal training. Should you fail Captain Thrawn, you will be dealt with as your imposter will be."

With that the men were dismissed, each sent to their commands.


OOC: I know that the last part is a little weak, but it was the best way to get back to the RPG.

History is on the move, Captain. Those who cannot keep up with it will be left behind, to watch from a distance. And those who stand in our way will not watch at all.

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Guest Admiral_Antilles
OOC: Hey Trej, I am goona let you write the next post concerning the meeting between Fel and Trej Ocas. I set it all up, I ask you too because I am lost on how to proceed with it. Edited by Admiral_Antilles
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OOC: BTW SM I would have to remind you that modified Hyperdirve and shielded Ties tend to be slower and have the same maneouverability as X-Wings and include in that the fact that they carry missile launchers... So please do take that into account.


IC: "No information has filtered as to who commanded the Imperial ship. But as to have our revenge we have been ordered by HQ to establish a base on an empty system and launch attacks from there. I have studied different systems and I have selected this one." Merick pressed a button on the holoprojector. A map of a system appeared, it had two planets and a large Asteroid ring around the Sun.

"This is the Orath system, the asteroid ring used to be exploited for metal, but since the Clone wars it has been abandonned. We are going to establish a base in one of the larger asteroids, the remainig metals shopuld mask us from detectors and it is a great place to launch attacks from. For this mission we only posses one combat ship, The Chronicle, but we are going to be accompagnied by to Xiytar transports and 3 medium transports that will carry the equipment necessary for establishing a base. General Rechtman's squadron, a Y-Wing squadron and another X-Wing squadron will also accompagnie us. I must also say that another missin is to find equipment and ships to help in the defence of Mon Calamari. Any Questions?"




Click here is you like Trance

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OOC: @Thrawn: Hm... A bit weak, but it's okay. Even Darth Elvis and Admiral Noreto can be fooled...

OOC: @Antililles: Okay I'l write something, not now, I'm rather busy, later in the evening most likely.

OOC: @Mad: IIRC Stellar is flying a version of Vader's TIE which does have shield and hyperdrive, and is faster than an X-Wing. SO keep it in mind as well.

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OOC: I don't think the squint (Interceptors) or dupes (Bombers have been invented yet either. My squadron is flying basically vader's tie, but its not quite as fast or as heavily shielded as Vaders. Its still better then an Eyeball (TIE/In).

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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OOC: @Trej: Tanks. I know it was weak, but I didn't want to create some convolouted story to work things out.

History is on the move, Captain. Those who cannot keep up with it will be left behind, to watch from a distance. And those who stand in our way will not watch at all.

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OOC: That makes a nice greeting. Tanks for you as well, and some other additional artillery. :lol::lol::lol:


IC: Cloaked by the darkness of the night Trej Ocas wandered through the streets of Aldera. He still felt unsure of the meeting, he had given the ...

The what? Was he an apprentice? Who was the man he had seen in the Palace? What role would he play in Trej's future?

Trej decided to trust the Force and walked inside the cantina. A few spacers had their drinks and shared stories, a few lovers just sat next to one of the huge windows to watch the starry sky.

Trej dropped a credcoin on the bar, and allowed himself to be surprised for whatever the female behinid the bar would give him.

The Jedi took it and sat in a dark corner, pulling his hood over his face, waiting for him to arrive.

The man entered and looked around, he dismissed the groups of people and went directly to Trej's seat.

"Why are you here?" Trej asked and allowed Fel to introduce himself, only after he had a good image of the man, would he talk about the future.

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Green, Blue and Gold squadrons came out of hyperspace in the Orath system. They led the Rebel task force towards the large asteriod ring. One large asteriod clearly stood out. The transports began moving towards it. Evan looked it up and down a few times. Quite massive, it seemed like the perfect place for the Rebel's to establish a base. But it won't exactly be comfortable inside, hopefully I can stay on one of the capitol ships....

The three fighter groups patrolled the area while the Task force examined the asteroid. As Evan patrolled back and forth he endlessly looked over the asteroids. A few of them would be good places to put turbolasers in. It would be easy to defend, and great to launch attacks from. As Evan returned to reality he heard his pilots casually talking and doing stunts with their craft. Rather than stop them, Evan let them continue. All too soon they will be experiancing the horrors of combat again.....

Sweat saves blood-Erwin Rommel
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"I am already dead, Fel. I died when Darth Elvis set foot in the Jedi Temple. We were luminous beings, Fel, now I'm only crude matter that has spent a dozen years as a beggar on Coruscant. Fed by those who feared and loved me. Do you know what my homeworld is?"

Fel hesitated but did not dare to guess the answer.

"Alderaan." Trej muttered. "I have come after years of living in exile, I have talked to the Viceroy, he offered me to join the Rebellion, and I saw the only hope there is left for the galaxy. I declined his offer, because I know that is not what the Force has laid out for me." He paused and locked his gaze with Fel. "Nor is to kill Elvis."

"Why would my Master direct me to you then?"

"Ask him. I have already fought my war, Fel. I have won it and then I lost to the betrayal of Darth Elvis."

The other man turned his gaze away from the older Jedi. "My Master must have been mistaken then to direct me to you."

He stood up, but a sudden force pushed him back to his seat. Trej's voice dropped to an angry whisper. "Listen up, I have stood against Elvis before. I even fought him before the entrance of the Jedi Temple, but the injuries of that fight run deep, and the scars are there. You will never understand my position, but understand this: I will not participate in the death of Elvis."

"Why? You are a Jedi-"

Trej's open palm stopped him. "My point of view on the matter is different." Trej drew his head away. "I will leave this world tomorrow, you will have two choices, follow me, to wherever the Force guides me. Or take your own path." Then Trej added in a mocking tone. "Whichever it is don't forget to consult your master."

Trej sipped his drink a few more and left the cantina.

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Guest Admiral_Antilles

OOC: It seems you have put me in a tight spot, Trej. :lol:


IC: After Trej walked out of the cantina, Fel sat their in thought about what to do next. Should he follow someone who believed giving up and quitting was the answer? But another question kept rising to him stronger and stronger. Why did he tell me to find Trej and kill Elvis? Was the thought that kept running through his brain. I must find this out first before I make any decision.

Getting up, he walked out of the cantina and returned to his ship outside the city, hidden amongst some foliage and trees. He then began to meditate with urgency. The figure came to him again in a dream-like Force vision. As soon as he saw the bluish figure he became not quite angry but frustrated, “Why did you send me on this chase, master? Why did you lie to me? You told me that I would find him and together we would kill Elvis! Why lie? Why even get be the bloody involved!â€

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With a blur of motion a dozens ships arrived in the system. Several of them were easily visible even at this range, the foremost among them was a Quasar Fire Bulk Cruiser without any modifications (Fewer fighters onboard). At the rear of the formation of craft was a clearly visible pair of corellian corvettes. Kirk smiled as he flicked on the holo comm which was off to his side, "Targets sighted, begining countdown." He flicked a switch on the display which began a countdown from five minutes. Ahead the mass of Gallofre Yards Medium Transports began a ponderous turn toward the moon which Kirk's Squadron had settled down upon.


Beyond the Transports, an enormous vessel winked into existance, the Imperial Star Destroyer Chimaera. From its bays five squadrons of fighters poured out to engage the rebels. Beside it another capital ship flashed into existance, the Escort Carrier Lomar Hydra. Within seconds, six more squadrons of ties had launched and were begining to form up.


Kirk smiled as he glanced up through the canopy at the oncoming convoy which had increased to flank speed. The plan was working perfectly. The rebel starfighter screen was lagging behind the convoy to block the assault they knew was coming. Glancing at the sensor display he saw that in four minutes they would pass the moon on the their most likely exit vector. Kirk keyed the comm, "Begin warm up checklist, you have four minutes. Omicron, report readiness."


The calm voice of a stormtrooper answered plainly, "Ready Major." Glancing out his canopy Kirk shook his head at the trio of stormtrooper transports waiting on the moons surface, soon it would be a battle once more.

Edited by Stellar_Magic

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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OOC: Its a convoy headed for your new base...I think, could be wrong, or you could make me wrong, but you might want to launch some reinforcements for them.


EDIT: OOC: We don't know the bases location, just a tip off that a convoy would be coming through. We want more intel, hence the stormies on the moon...you'll see what I mean.

Edited by Stellar_Magic

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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The convoy quickly moved to escape. A squadron of T-wings and two squadrons of Z-95s moved to fend off the massive amount of TIEs. As the Star Destroyer moved ever closer, a few ships of the convoy, if not the entire convoy, seemed doom. The launch of a squadron of TIEs and stormtrooper transports from the planet made the situation seem hopless. How could the convoy escape in time? Then the Rebels arrived.

Assigned to meet the convoy, the Chronicle and four squadrons of Rebel fighters arrived. The convoy formed up tightly together as it moved torwards it's escape route. Initially, the concentrated fire repulsed the TIEs and forced them to organize. The Rebel fighters moved in and, with a volley of concussion missles and proton torpedoes, forced the TIEs to abort their attack run on the convoy.

Blue and Orange squads, the Z-95s and T-wings moved upon the TIEs to keep them down. Gold squadron attempted to make an attack to repulse the Chimera. The Chronicle moved to guide the convoy to safety. Meanwhile Green squadron was occupied with the newest threat. The elite of the Rebellion dived upon the stormtrooper transports and their escorting TIEs.


OOC: Try not to trash us too much. :P

Sweat saves blood-Erwin Rommel
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"Sithspawn, Raptors break and enage those x-wings keep them off the stormtrooper transports." Kirk rolled behind one of the x-wings as it set up for a run on the first transport. He fired scroing a direct hit that punched through the rear deflectors. The crafts upper right s-foil shattered and ripped away from the rest of the craft. The x-wing broke off, its damaged hull trailing sparking wiring and cables. Kirk let it go as the four stormtrooper transports loosed a barrage of ion cannon fire on the fast approaching Gallofree yards medium transport. The craft began to tumble as the ion cannons disabled its primary systems.


Still the Strike Cruiser Chronicle was behind them and its squadrons of starfighters were closing fast, Kirk knew that within moments his force would be caught between all four of the squadrons and the main fight. Then the final piece ofthe plan fell in place from a place ten kilometers to stardboard of the Chronicle a pair of Victory Star Deswtroyers were appeared swinging fast around the planet using its gravity to gain speed and were lined up along the rebels exit vector. Immediately their four squadrons of fighters leapt from their bay as the Rebels were caught unawares. The four squadrosn that had been threatening to squash the Raptors broke off their attack and moved to engage the newest threat. Already the Chronicle was manuevering for what James was uncertain of at that point but it wouldn't matter, the convoy would be an easy target.


Beside him he saw his wingmate, Lara drop in behind a pair of green trimmed starfighters as the first stormtrooper transport docked with its target. Aboard the meager four man control crew of the transport were extinguished and the stormtroopers leaned in over the controls. After a moment Major Baumer saw the forward hatch of the Medium transport open and the atmosphere from the cargo hold vented killing anyone inside. Kirk could see bodies being ripped from the medium transport as he lined up his shot on the x-wing. He pulled the trigger.


OOC: okay 44 try and save the situation, or at least the Chronicle.

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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Gold squadron quickly moved to combat the VSDs, as the Chimera and her fighter escort were momentarily neutralized. As it moved through the convoy, it spotted the captured transport....and the Y-wings destroyed it with their proton torpedos. The T-wings and Z-95s attempted to fend off the Chimera's fighter while the convoy sped up to avoid the ships mighty turbolasers. Evan's X-wings regrouped together and moved towards the VSDs.

Evan tried to slow down the pace, but with the ISD where it was, that wasn't an option. So far four casulties had been taken among the X-wings, two damaged, one killed, and one pilot to be rescued. The modified TIEs, now facing three full X-wing squadrons, moved to regroup with the VSDs' TIEs. The Chronicle plunged on. One of the VSDs needed to be knocked out, but how?

Desperatly, Evan keyed on his comm:

"Men load your last torpedoes and punch a whole through this TIEs! Gold squadron is going through if I'm going to have to get out and move those TIEs with my hands! Do not shoot to kill, shoot to scatter!"

The TIEs now broke into groups and prepared to come at the X-wings, led by the modified TIEs. As Evan's pilots neared, they fired their last warheads and madly dived upon the the TIEs. In the intense confusion that followed, a hole was opened. Gold squadron squeezed through and prepared to make their torpedo run. Realized their error, groups of TIEs moved to pursue the Y-wings, but Evan's pilots threw themselves at themselves at them. With no regard towards their own safety, the X-wings keep the TIEs off the Y-wings for just enough time.

Breaking into two groups, the Y-wings concentrated a single wave of torpedoes at each VSD. They quickly swerved away and came at them a second time. The Chronicle concentrated it's fire on one of the preoccupied VSDs, causing terrible damage. Rather than face desturction, the VSD momentarily withdrew. The other VSD moved to engage but it was too late, all the Rebels that could, quickly escaped

Sweat saves blood-Erwin Rommel
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Trej Ocas stepped into the berth he had been assigned in the private Spaceport of House Organa, a few technicians busied themselves with routine procedures as a black stromech droid rolled towards him, the droid beeped and tooted happily.

"Do you approve their job?" The Jedi asked in light humow, the droid tooted happily.

"It's good you do, come I'll set you so you can run your own diagnostics and feel the the updates." With his left hand Trej raised the droid to his socket on the port side of the ship, when he felt a presence in the Force behind him.

Without turning he raised his voice.

"Are you certain this is the right path?" The Jedi Master asked.

"I know this is what I need to do," Fel answered.

"Did your master tell you to do so?" Trej insisted in the same tone he had jibed his droid earlier.

"Yes, he did."Fel answered sternly.

"You still have not answered my question; are you certain this is the right path?"

"I have faith it is," Fel answered confident in his answer. "How should I call you, Trej? Master? General?"

"Try: Greatest Jedi of Alderaan, or maybe Thou of the Lovely Personality." Trej snorted.

Fel said nothing, and Trej knew that he had Fel rethinking why he was there.

"When you're done with regretting being such a good Padawan, and obeying your dead master's wishes, you can get into your ship and get it started. I'd hate to leave you behind." Trej said and jumped into his cockpit.

With a thumbs up sign on the mechanics confirmed his clearance, and Trej started the repulsorlifts. Once he had reached a reasonable height he floated himself before the Grand Throneroom of the Viceroy who undoubtedly was observing his departure, and sped for space. Goodbye Alderaan, goodbye Princess. May this be the last time we meet so I don't have ever to say good-bye again.

Behind him, his sensors confirmed another starfighter.

"Key your astromech to link with my own." He spoke as they had left the planet behind them.

"Where are we going?" Came the voice from Fel.

"Where the Force takes us." Trej Ocas answered, confirmed that Fel's astromech was receving his set of coordinates and started the hyperdrive engines.

After that there was only the silence of hyperdrive, in the long hours that followed Trej wondered, what would be of the two Jedi.

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Except those that couldn't, a dozen medium transports had arrived in system, two had been destroyed, and six had made it to hyperspace beside the battered strike cruiser, but four of them had lossed their hyperdrives, and now the gleaming white shape of the Chimaera glid over them, its blue ion cannon spitting fire into each of the vessels. As the craft lay disabled the stormtrooper transports moved in, the three that remain grappled with each of their targets and neutralized their crew. The fourth vessel, disabled, was used as target practice by the Star Destroyer's gunners. Within seconds the craft had been destroyed.


Kirk rolled his TIE toward the Chimaera and saw the seven remaining members of the squadron move in behind him. He sighed, hopefully intelligence could piece together some information from the transports, only time would tell.

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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