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Simple question really, when using resourse hacker to import the fighters from the fighter download, which way round do the two model sizes go? Also, which Death Star picture do I use? Finaly, a Milenium Falcon in the tactical game? Rah! If anyone can crack that one i'll say a prayer for them every night!


(knelt at bedside...):


...'Thank you gracious Lord for yet another action-packed day, thank you for George Lucas, thank you for the internet and Star Wars Rebellion, and a really big thank you for......................................* for cracking the Millenium Falcon in the tactical game...etc..'


*enter appropriate name of relevant person

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Okay, in a sober, unbiased and sensible moment, i had a look at the list at the beginning of this post. I like it. BUT, i would like to see either an Eclipse or a Sovereign. That is my one request. That said, i can just put that in anyway. So i say go with Gank's list.

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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There is some contradictive information on the MC-80b.

Some tech resource says it has the same basic armament as the MC-80a (which is really superior to those of the MC-80 from RotJ), but has advanced tracking and gun convergence so that the resulting firepower is superior to the MC-80a's. Dunno about shields/hull, probably stronger (asteroid field passage).

In the Zsinj books it is stated that Mon Remonda's broadside bears more guns than Iron Fist's front.


So if we say: MC-80 inferior to ISD and MC-80a on par with it, then the MC-80b should be able to outgun it and be somewhat comparable to the ISD II in terms of shielding. The MC-90 would clearly beat the ISD II (see Ackbar's Galactic Voyager in Darksaber, though the novel has some serious tech flaws i.e. regarding VSDs), though maybe not the Allegiance.


OK, this was lengthy and tedious. I wanted to say that I agree with Gank.


As for rebel SSDs:

The Viscount-Class Star Defender is supposed to be able to stand up to the fire of an SSD. At a length of 6k - 8k, this is really amazing. It's firepower is most likely clearly inferior to the SSD, otherwise there wouldn't be such a fuss about the Imperial Remnant having three SSDs...

It's all hopeless but otherwise not very dramatic. - Helme Haffax


Englishman: "What do you think of Modern Civilization?"

Mahatma Gandhi: "That would be a good idea."

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OK not many people really care about if the numbers are what it really is because you dont see any of that, what we want is a somewhat balenced playability
Why are people afraid to die? It is a natural part of life. Life and Death. They go together. Some people are just willing to speed up that process.
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deXtoRious: it was a plugin wizard already shiped with the 3D model program I used. But if you try google, you'll surely find one for the program you're using.


Jahled: The order (with advancing numbers) is big -> small. You can take any Deathstar pic you like. The one with the bigger resolution looks better, but the point where the laser emitter is will be above the DS.




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The point is that we need the right 'feel' factor as well as balance. The Viscount would be good balance-wise, but it's production is so far in the future that it doesn't really fit into the timeline. Some tough decisions ahead. An a lot of number crunching.

It's all hopeless but otherwise not very dramatic. - Helme Haffax


Englishman: "What do you think of Modern Civilization?"

Mahatma Gandhi: "That would be a good idea."

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Heck, we need to get going. Gank's list has been up since end of December, and we haven't agreed upon anything final yet.

Generally speaking, Gank's list is fine with me. There are some things worth discussing left.


(Gank's list follows)

Rebel Cap ships:

Corellian Gunship------same in books

Corellian Corvette-----same

Bulk Cruiser------------MC80 Liberty Class

Nebulon frigate---------same in books

Assault frigate----------same in books


Carrier-----------------Bulk Cruiser Refitted to carriers during trilogy

CC7700----------------Peregrine Class Modified Strike Cruiser


MC80-------------------Republic Star Destroyer Black fleet Crisis

Liberator---------------Nebula Star Destroyer 11 years after Endor

Dauntless--------------MC80b Mon Remonda

Bulwark----------------MC90 Defiant

Medium transport-----same

Action IV---------------YT1300 or similar


Imp Cap Ships




Escort Carrier---------same

Dread------------------Katana Fleet Dreadnaught

Interdicter-------------Dominator Class Star Destroyer

VSD I------------------maybe change?

VSD II-----------------same

ISD I-------------------maybe change

ISD II------------------same


Star Galleon-----------same

Galleon-----------------like to drop, modular star hauler maybe?

Assault transport------Shuttle or similar

Death Star-------------probably have to leave this where it is


My topics for discussion are:


Corellian Corvettes and Nebulon-B Frigates:

Upgrade them to Modified ~? They then could be put into research since with the more advanced ships we have to use for the start, there will be few to research otherwise. Also make them available for both sides.



MC-80a maybe? If we get the imps to start with ISD II (see below), let's use the real combat refit for the rebels.


Republic & Nebula:

Use both or just one of them? One New Republic Star Destroyer could suffice or half of the ships will have 'Star Destroyer' in their name.

Alternatives: You know what I would propose :), and what Gank would say about the timeline. Opinions?


YT-1300 etc.

Keep the YT as a personnel or light troop carrier, but get a BIG troop carrier, too. The Action IV is somewhat not suited to the task (it's not that big, think of Wild Karrde), but is the Medium transport?



About ISDs and VSDs:

I see no point in keeping ISDs and ISD-IIs. Let the imps start with ISD-IIs and switch ISD-IIs with Allegiance Class. Switch Victory II with Eidolon (appears in some comics) maybe. Though named cruiser (even the Strike is!), it's more like a heavy frigate like the Assault Frigate.


Interdictor & Dominator:

Keep the Immobilizer and offer the Dominator later, maybe even for both sides.


The imps don't need that many troop carriers. One light from the start (shuttle, Delta DX etc.) and a big one later.


Get a Sovereign OR Eclipse in there.


If there is a way to remove the hyperdrive from cap ships, we should make use of Mask's Golan III model.

It's all hopeless but otherwise not very dramatic. - Helme Haffax


Englishman: "What do you think of Modern Civilization?"

Mahatma Gandhi: "That would be a good idea."

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If there is a way to remove the hyperdrive from cap ships, we should make use of Mask's Golan III model.


There is : http://www.swrebellion.com/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&p=4364#4364


I had no time to check it out, but in theory it works :roll:




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I had no time to check it, so I left it in a kinda 'experimental state'. :)

It's all hopeless but otherwise not very dramatic. - Helme Haffax


Englishman: "What do you think of Modern Civilization?"

Mahatma Gandhi: "That would be a good idea."

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Hey, I'm ASKING for suggestions so we might have a development.

C'mon Elvis, cantribute something to the list discussion. :)

It's all hopeless but otherwise not very dramatic. - Helme Haffax


Englishman: "What do you think of Modern Civilization?"

Mahatma Gandhi: "That would be a good idea."

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Corellian Corvettes and Nebulon-B Frigates:

Upgrade them to Modified ~? They then could be put into research since with the more advanced ships we have to use for the start, there will be few to research otherwise. Also make them available for both sides.

Modified Crv and Frg aren't canon ships. Stock versions are more common, better known and look better.


MC-80a maybe? If we get the imps to start with ISD II (see below), let's use the real combat refit for the rebels.

http://www.theforce.net/swtc/mcc.html If we're going to use a mon cal I'd rather use one from the films than xwa.

Republic & Nebula:

Use both or just one of them? One New Republic Star Destroyer could suffice or half of the ships will have 'Star Destroyer' in their name.

Alternatives: You know what I would propose :), and what Gank would say about the timeline. Opinions?

No mediators or viscounts, Home 1 class could go in though.

YT-1300 etc.

Keep the YT as a personnel or light troop carrier, but get a BIG troop carrier, too. The Action IV is somewhat not suited to the task (it's not that big, think of Wild Karrde), but is the Medium transport?

There is no way a yt1300 is able to carry any amount of troops. Medium transports 90m long while the action IV is 2-300 iirc. If you've got any other suggestions I'm all ears.

About ISDs and VSDs:

I see no point in keeping ISDs and ISD-IIs. Let the imps start with ISD-IIs and switch ISD-IIs with Allegiance Class. Switch Victory II with Eidolon (appears in some comics) maybe. Though named cruiser (even the Strike is!), it's more like a heavy frigate like the Assault Frigate.

Lose the ISDs? you cant be serious. And whats this eidilon? Dont see much point in putting in some one off ship when the empires got more than enough ships of the line to fill out the spots.

Interdictor & Dominator:

Keep the Immobilizer and offer the Dominator later, maybe even for both sides.

1 int is enough I'd say.

The imps don't need that many troop carriers. One light from the start (shuttle, Delta DX etc.) and a big one later.

Shuttle carries 20 troops, DX 40, they are not troop carriers, personnel only. Star Galleon and MSH methinks, to represent the empires superior lift capabilitys.

Get a Sovereign OR Eclipse in there.

And how do we implement the superlaser?

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Guest JediIgor
Actually, I think the Home One was an Mc-80b (correct me if I am wrong). The Eidelon was a crashed prototype on Tatooine, it was faulty (something about hyperdrive) and that is why it was never mass-produced.
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I think the rebels should be able to build almost all the ships, excluding interdictors and other ships of that sort, where the alliance could not build gravity well projectors, or allow them to be built.




Bulk Cruiser-

Medium Transport-

Bult Transport-

Escourt Carrier- Endurance

Corvette- Mod Corvette- Both


Neb B- MC80M

Mon Cal- Nebula Star Destroyer

CC-7700- MC40a

Liberator- Nova? Were they around?

Assault Frig- MC80a

CC-9600- MC80b

Dauntless- MC90

Bulwark- Home One It is Diff From a MC80b, MC80b werent produced until afer the battle of endor and the Home One was in the battle of endor One spot i saw MC-85 but ive never heard of a MC-85







Assault Transport

Star Gallion

Escourt Carrier

Light Cruiser



Imperial Interdictor

Interdictor Victory Star Dest. 2

Vict 2- Imp Star Dest 2

Strike Cruiser- Executor Class SSD

Imp 2- Soverein Class SSD

SSD- Eclipse Class SSD

Death Star- Death Star


As you Can Probibly See i like large ships and see no use for unweaponed ships since you can put troops on other ships

Why are people afraid to die? It is a natural part of life. Life and Death. They go together. Some people are just willing to speed up that process.
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Modified Crv and Frg aren't canon ships. Stock versions are more common, better known and look better.


Oh, I like the Nebulon-B2's looks, really. Anyway: If we leave them unmodified, what the heck will there be to research? More common: There is hardly any Corellian Corvette that is NOT modified. If it's exactly THIS type of modified corvette, that's arguable.



http://www.theforce.net/swtc/mcc.html If we're going to use a mon cal I'd rather use one from the films than xwa.


The ones used in the films are already outdated when Coruscant is captured. MC-80a is simply another designation to distinguish the two types of refits. I believe that the MC-80s were the original passenger liners refitted with weaponry, while the MC-80a were the ones equipped with guns from the start, but were nearly exactly the same design.


Republic & Nebula

No mediators or viscounts, Home 1 class could go in though.


As far as I know there is no such thing as a Home One Class. It was unique or had a maximum of one sister ship. For its size, it was very lightly armed (if 29 turbolasers isn't indeed a switcheroo); and there have to be reasons why it was never mass-produced.


If you go 11 years for the Republic, you can even go 13 for the Viscount.

The new star destroyers did not offer any new tactical advantages; they are just ships that work the same way at a little higher efficiency and look different.

The Viscount was designed to take a beating, and the rebels desperately need such a ship to draw fire. Balance-wise, the Viscount would be a wise choice (pun not intended).

If you could specify the tactical capabilities of Republic and Nebula, we could determine if they really ADD to the game.


Troop Carriers

There is no way a yt1300 is able to carry any amount of troops. Medium transports 90m long while the action IV is 2-300 iirc. If you've got any other suggestions I'm all ears.


Language. I just did not make myself clear. :)

One light and one heavy troop carrier OR a personnel and a troop carrier. I dunno about the size of regiments, but they have to be in the thousands, and not even the 300m Action IV can carry so many people that it qualifies as a heavy troop carrier.



Lose the ISDs? you cant be serious. And whats this eidilon? Dont see much point in putting in some one off ship when the empires got more than enough ships of the line to fill out the spots.


I am darn serious about this one. The ISD-Is were no longer produced after the Hoth period; most ships of Death Squadron were already ISD-IIs (although there are some contradictions broughtup by the infamous XWA). And the technological difference between both models is not that big.

We would basically have two ISDs with similar fighting capabilities available from the start. Who would build an ISD if he can have an ISD-II? Same goes for VSDs.



1 int is enough I'd say.


Do I have to quote you on canon? :)

The INT is something like a light cruiser and easily taken care of by a few squads of fighters. If you plan on fighting your enemy to the end, you have to keep several of them in the fleet or otherwise the enemy escapes fairly quickly. That's all OK with me, especially balance-wise.

But the player should have more than just one possibility. Offer the Dominator, too.

The INT HAS to be in there since it was one of Thrawn's most effective weapons during the war.


Imperial Troop Carriers

Shuttle carries 20 troops, DX 40, they are not troop carriers, personnel only. Star Galleon and MSH methinks, to represent the empires superior lift capabilitys.


Same problem as with the rebel transports.



And how do we implement the superlaser?


Two possibilities:

First, leave it out. Due to technical problems, the imps can build only Sovereigns(Eclipses) without the superlaser the prototype boasted.

Second: A very high turbolaser rating and a low firing rate. Would limit the ship to one or two shots per battle. Really tedious to test, but definetely possible.

It's all hopeless but otherwise not very dramatic. - Helme Haffax


Englishman: "What do you think of Modern Civilization?"

Mahatma Gandhi: "That would be a good idea."

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PC's are sometimes funny like that, especially work one's, or at least, the ones i use at work are.

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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I looked up the MC80/MC80a issue.

The MC80s were the first passenger liners converted for fighting. Since no two ships looked alike, they were individual designs with varying fighting capabilities and no one save a Mon Cal could pilot them.

The MC80a were the first warships produced by the Mon Calamari. They were based on one particular design of a passenger liner, but fitted with weaponry from the start. This was a standardized design also flyable by other species.

If we look at RotJ, we see at least four different Man Cal Cruisers: Home One, Liberty and two other kinds that are not easily to distinguish and only vary a little in hull structure and thrusters. I don't really know if there were more than those four Mon Cal Cruisers.


The one we want for the TC will be most likely be the MC80a, since it's the first model that was sorta 'mass produced'.

It's all hopeless but otherwise not very dramatic. - Helme Haffax


Englishman: "What do you think of Modern Civilization?"

Mahatma Gandhi: "That would be a good idea."

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Since the Mc80 Home One is supposed to be 3.8 km, instead of the normal 1.2 km, didn't we discuss earlier, if we wanted to replace the Bulwark with it ?


When I'm done with the first 4 exams (about Feb, 10th) I can hopefully release a revised Home One, that's not from XWA and has about 1/11th of the other model's polycount. thanks to a very friendly XWA Opt designer :D




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I Read Fom Multiple Scources that the Home One is an MC-85. Which seems logical to me since it is over twice the size of the other MC-80's so it doesnt seem to be in the same class.
Why are people afraid to die? It is a natural part of life. Life and Death. They go together. Some people are just willing to speed up that process.
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Problem is that Home One is extremely lightly armed and a unique design. I believe there were reasons that it was never mass-produced.

(the 29 turbolasers could be a switcheroo, though.)



I have seen that, too, but most of those sources are hardly reliable. Home One was its own class, it seems. But maybe you can give us a quote or something; it COULD be right, after all.

It's all hopeless but otherwise not very dramatic. - Helme Haffax


Englishman: "What do you think of Modern Civilization?"

Mahatma Gandhi: "That would be a good idea."

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