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Pre ANH Roleplay: The Start!!!


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The Imperial rendez-vous point grew busier as more and more Star Destroyers arrived for their strike at Kashyyyk, not only was the blow meant for demoralizing the Rebels but also to capture a sizable workforce of Wookiee for a top security Imperial Project.

In the Bridge of the Chimaera Admiral Neroto reviewed the standard information and corrected some orders for the captains of his small strike force.

From the corner of his eyes the Admiral recognized Lieutenant Pellaeon nearing him, obviously distressed.

"Admiral, Kuat is under attack. A group of Rebel Starships has launched an offensive on the shipyards."

Neroto slammed his fist on the armrest of his chair.

"In all the worlds in this galaxy why Kuat? Even an attack on Imperial Center would have been prefarable than Kuat."


"There is a delicate project going on at Kuat, the chances are slim that it will be detected, but I will not take any risks."

"Sir will we move against Kuat then?"

"No Lieutenant. At least not all of us. Signal Captain Paradi of the Judicator, and tell him to lead the attack at Kashyyyk. Then the Chimaera will jump to Kuat. Have Major Baumer take one of the special TIEs."

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OOC: I think its a waste of a bunch of Corellian Corvettes. An ISD's shields should be sufficient to keep the ISD from suffering mortal damage in the attack, and are Nebulon Bs really worth that much in material losses?


IC: Major Baumer relaxed as he leaned against the metal sides of the Stormtrooper Transport's cabin as this pilots sat lounging in their seats. Above their heads a storage rack held their meager belongings. Slowly Major Baumer glanced down at his datapad which included an intelligence summary on the Kashyyk star system.


The world had large numbers of planetary defense equipment, but even so, a Star Destroyer with perhaps one or two supports ships could easily overcome the wookie's defenses. The wookies had several squadrons of fighters for planetary defense, most of them were homegrown designs, and Kirk had no idea how well they would perform.


Lara dropped into her seat next to him and Kirk glanced up, "Well my recommendations and promotions finally came through." Kirk smiled slightly as he pulled a case from the rack above him and opened it, "Congratulations Captain."


Lara pulled the rank insignia from the case and smiled slightly, "Still a flight leader though?"


"Don't worry I'll come up with something useful for you to do in addition to that," Kirk replied steadily then smiled slightly at her as the transport thumped to the deck of the Chimaera, "Welcome to the Chimaera."


Major Baumer had only just stepped out of the transport when a Lieutenant ran to him, "Major Baumer, orders." He handed Kirk a datapad as a ship wide alert resounded through the bay, "Sir, the Admiral requests that you and one other of your pilots take an experimental craft into the engagement."


Kirk rolled his eyes, "This had better be worth me flying something unfamiliar." With a sigh Kirk glanced up at the racks of fighters, "Pilots, get to some fighters, just drop your gear and go. Captain, follow me, Lieutenant where are these experimentals?"


A few minutes later with the complete set of tie pilot gear on Kirk was lead intothe TIE craft ahnger where a pair of ties waited, their wing panels were bent inward and their hull elongated, Kirk stopped to stare at the craft its hull still showing recent weld marks.


"We've added shields and upgraded the ion engines, it'll give you a maximum speed of 105 MGLTs and a little more manueverability. The admiral asked that we copy some of the features opf Darth Vader's personal starfighter," A Lieutenat said as he saw Kirk staring and offered him a hand, "My name is Gilad Pellaeon." He glanced up as a siren sounded, "We're exiting hyperspace, good luck Major."


Kirk glanced at Lara and smiled, "Lets see how well these thigns fly."


OOC: Well Vader's tie came out before the squint and was used as a design start point for the interceptor and tie bomber, it made sense to me...

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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For the corvettes I based myself on the Xw vs Tf game where a SUPER star destroyer is destroyed by a corvette crashing into the bridge.




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OOC: Stellar destroying 6 insanely powerful ISDS is worth 6 corvettes.... Trej I really don't think you'll arrive in time, but FEH!


Green, Blue and Orange squadrons came out of the Centauri's hangar to see two ISDs moving on their section of the fleet. The Rebel ships formed up in a tight formation and Evan didn't move to pursue the first few TIEs that were coming.

"No one go after em, we'll have plenty of time to fight."

As the TIEs neared, all of the Rebel ships began firing, leaving behind only space dust. Evan knew soon enough the capitol ships would have engagements of their own, but he might as well exploit them when the chance arose. Then Evan lead his pilots at the TIEs.

The next two squadrons were outnumbered and outmatched but they didn't run away. They moved to engage Evan's pilots, and paid the price. Few survived to retreat to join the next wave. It was a one sided slaughter as Evan's aces attempted to get as many kills painted on their fighters as possible. The X-wing was in all ways superior to the TIE fighter and the TIE pilots were no match.

"Ok men good job, after taking out the next wave quickly move to make a proton torpedo run on the Star Destroyer to my right."

As the next wave of TIEs came at them, Evan led his pilots at one of the squadrons, but not the other. They didn't completly destroy the squadron, but they left it reeling. Then they were in the clear, the TIEs moving to pursue. When the moment was right, Evan fired his torpedoes and everyone else followed. Seventy-two proton torpedoes slammed into the hull of the ISD.

Then he turned back towards the TIEs

Sweat saves blood-Erwin Rommel
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OOC: Um...The shields were already down on the Super Star Destroyer, or it would have been useless.


IC:Major Baumer rocketed out of the hanger in his new Tie craft followed swiftly by the rest of his squadron. Ahead the flashes of light which showed a battle in progress filled the dark space around the barren world of Kuat. He smiled as a squadron of T-65A X-wings formed up to make an attack, "Gammas break and engage, nine, you're my wing."


The x-wings roared toward them their bubble canopies (OOC: The T-65A1 has the same cockpit design as a headhunter) glinting in the sunlight. Kirk broke hard and settled the bent winged craft in behind the X-wing and triggered a burst of dual laser fire. The blasts smashed through the crafts shields and into the power core. The fighter detonated in a shower of sparks. Another starfighter detonated in a flash of fighter as Lara delivered a kill shot.


Suddenly a pair of x-wings flashed past, their fuselage sleaker and cockpits different, in the sunlight the green color of their markings gleemed as they turned to engage them. Kirk swore as a quad burst glanced against his crafts shields, "Control, we've got some new models..."


"Roger Gamma lead, engage them."


Kirk had already broken into a loop and settled in behind the green trimmed x-wing, his targeting computer showing a definite lock. He fired sending his blasts into the ship's rear shield's which held, "Lara scissors!" The two advanced fighters broke toward each other in a looping manuever used by fighter pilots for ages, none as scissors. The rebel x-wing shot between them its lasers blazing. Lara's fighter caught a bolt which sizzled against the shields. Through the upper viewport Kirk saw the other rebel fighter break toward him. Gritting his teeth Kirk broke toward the starfighter and poured laser fire into its shields. Suddenly they failed an a bolt flashed into the cockpit, vaporizing the pilot instantly.


The green trimmed x-wing broke off and Kirk saw two more flights of the starfighters break to form up on them.


OOC: Now 44's Squadron is using T-65Bs what the rebels used at Yavin IV...

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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OOC: Last time I checked we were flying X-wings not TIE fighters. If that is so, how come are shields don't do anything? And How did you get half way across the galaxy in 5 minutes. We arrive you hear about the attack and are instantly there? Anyways the Star Destroyers probably didn't have their shields up. No ship keeps their shields up 24/7. I'm pretty lost here, last time you posted you were on Trej's ship by Kashyyk...now you're in Kuat?
Sweat saves blood-Erwin Rommel
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OOC: It's just a game... :) Actually shield penetration like that is really common, remember just that if this is canon :wink: x-wing shields aren't that useful, remember how easy it was for those ties to kill the x-wings on their trench run, let alone the y-wings which have heavier shielding.

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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OOC: We were at a rendevous point in deep space which could have been right beside Kuat or Kashyyk, in all likelyhood it would be close to Kuat because the task force would want to take on reinforcements before proceeding to its target. DJ44, even in the best squadrons around there are only a few pilots that actually have kills, thats why aces are rare. Around 3/4ths of WWII pilots never actually fired their guns against another fighter. You can't tell me that every one fo your pilots is going to be extremely good. In my squadron only two pilots have kills thats accurate to reallity... :roll:

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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OOC: Ehem only the best pilots in each squad are choosen to fly the extremly rare X-wings... Ok let me do some damage :twisted:


So far Evan's pilots had taken six craft lost, two of those which were saved. Their proton torpedo strike had destroyed the Star Destroyer and they had basically destroyed eight TIE fighter squadrons, which had been no match coming at the X-wings in waves of twenty-four. The Imperials had yet to launch their bomber and reconissance squadrons.

The Rebel group had been pounding the lone Star Destroyer and Evan's pilots were just about to launch another proton torpedo strike when another ISD came out of hyperspace. Also, one more ISD was moving towards the Evan's Rebel group. The new TIEs had proved to be quite a figter and had caused half the casulties. Nevertheless thirty X-wings remained. There frigates better be worth it....

The single ISD currently engaging the Rebels didn't look to be able to hold out much longer. The shields opened in certain areas, the collapsed. It had destroyed two corellian corvettes and damaged one of the dreadnoughts but now the Rebel ISD and both dreadnoughts were pounding it. Rather than be destroyed it retreated....and the other ISD moved to take it place.

Meanwhile, the ISD the strange TIEs had launched from was nearly within firing range. The Rebels would be vaporized. Evan himself personally retreated his X-wings. He couldn't throw his pilots at them piecemeal.

"Admiral Helos may I recommend withdrawing your group? We seem to be the focus of their attention here."

"General we're moving to withdraw as I speak. Cease actions against the TIEs and prepare to jump to hyperspace."

Evan took one look at the strange new fighters.

"In a few minutes, sir."

With that Evan lead his X-wings at the TIEs.

"Launch proton torpedoes. Then break into flights."

It was his favorite manuver. Against your average TIE pilot it was deadly. They would be forced to scatter and then be picked off. But whoever was in the new strange craft, they were obviously good. The two craft and the rest of their squadron quickly reorganized. The X-wings all picked their targets and moved against them. Evan himself choose one of the new TIEs. He juked to avoid his opponent first shot, then fired a shot of his own. One of the four lasers hit the manuvering TIE, but appeared to cause no damage.

"Engage only for a few minutes while our strike group safely withdraws..."

Sweat saves blood-Erwin Rommel
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"Nine report!"


"Shields held, alright, Lead two on your tail!"


Kirk swore and sent the TIE into a corkscrew as red laser blasts flashed past his canopy. Glancing at his rear display he saw that the X-wing had glued itself to his tail, matching every one of his manuevers. Ahead he saw nine had gotten a tail of her own. Kirk swerved after the craft and let loose a stream of laser fire which flashed passed the canopy, the pilot didn't flinch from the weapons fire showing his experience in the craft.


As the craft grew in his sights Kirk saw a pair of golden bars painted across the green squadron insignia, it was the squadron leader. A quad burst spat from the lasers and impacted on Nine's rear shields, followed by another which blazed through. One of the engines was scored from the shot and then TIE began to spin like a top.


"Nine eject!" Kirk bellowed as he intensified his attack.


"Roger" wih a burst fo transparisteel the pilot couch shot out from her starfighter, carrying her clear of the broken tie.


"Contorl, mark Nine as EV at position..." After reading the coordinates Kirk dropped behind the x-wing which suddenly banked away, its s-foils closing.


With a flash it leapt into hyperspace. One of the X-wings banked to make a jump but a lucky hit disabled its hyperdrive motivator causing a feedback into power generator shutting it down and disabling it completly for the immediate future. The rest of the newer model x-wings managed a clean escape. Kirk sighed as he keyed his comm unit, "Gamam lead, four starfighters lost, three pilots as well, we've got an x-wing disabled here if you'd like to recover it."


"Good job Gamma Lead, we've already picked up Nine, she's fine. Intelligence is anxious to get its hands on that ship."


Kirk let out a breath of relief, "Thank you control."


OOC: DJ44 you shot down Nine, say thanks, but she'll be back... :)

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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OOC: 0MG D3WDZ Y0U L!K3 5T0L3 0UR L337 X-W!N9. 0M9 Y0U N008.

:lol: Yay we took out an experimental TIE!


The mission had been relativly costly, but it was a sucess. Of the eight Nebulon-Bs, one had been destroyed, another was heavily damaged and three had suffered minor damage. Eight Nebulon-Bs were now in the Alliances possesion. Evan's X-wings had lost nine craft. Of those two of the nine pilots had been recovered.

His pilots had performed well, they had even destroyed a Star Destroyer. They had been heavily outnumbered but they had performed as they were trained to, they were the elite of the Rebel Alliance. Nevertheless seven new pilots were joining his group and too many casulties were being taken in these special missions to keep it up. They needed to stay sharp, yet without going on such risky missions.




Evan sat in his chair deep in thought. His pilots had been given what they needed. The three squadrons had returned to routine raiding missions and even had a week break. The new pilots were ready for major combat engagements and the others had been able to pain more TIEs on their fighters. Evan's own fighters was starting to look quite impressive.

His pilots were indeed ready. The new Imperial fighter, however, troubled him. It was a match for the X-wings, put in the right hands. What if it reached match prodtuction? It was likely to be the focus of on of his future missions. In other news, the first X-wing squadron not under his direct control, Red squadron, had been formed. It was the begining of the Rebellion's attempt to make the X-wing widely used.

Suddenly his comlink beeped. Evan immediatly sensed something important had happened as he reached for it.

"General Hechtman here."

Sweat saves blood-Erwin Rommel
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"This is Ioor. Report to my office imediatly to my office. Something awful has happened."

The General arrived a few minutes later.

"What is it?" he asked. Merick switched on the holoprojector. It showed A blue and green orb, the coordinates indicated it was Alderaan. Suddenly a strange round object moved in to the picture. A few seconds later a ray of energy left the object and struck the center of the planet which turned into a ball of fire. A few seconds laterr all that was left of the planet was a cloud of debris.


OOC: I heard that Red squadron was created just before the battle of Yavin.




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OOC: How time passes. From 7 BBY yo BBY in a few pages... Oh well Alderaan is gone, and I wanted to do something iwth it first... I've to sit and think some stuff agian... :?:|
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OOC: Let's just stall it a bit, I think we can get an interesting campaign out of this. The Rebs could chase the wookiee slaves and then learn eventually a bit more of the Death Star... Thanks... :D:D:D:D
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OOC:Lets just forget about Alderaan.

"This is Ioor. Come to my office immediatly."

The General arrived a few minutes later.

"What is it?" he asked

Merick switched on the Holoprojector. It showed a green orb, Kasshyk according to the readings surrounded by Imperial Star Destroyers.

"We lost contact with the planete 14 hours ago. I have been ordered to lead a small strike force to investigate. I was wondering if you would come with me?"




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OOC: I think we can all agree that this RPG will end at about ROTJ. Therefore, Mad the Alderan thing shouldn't be for about....6-8 months? In real life time of course :lol: I think we're at about 6BBY now...If some of our events don't work with the "real" timeline, then whatever....


"Take a small task force to that planet, which is surronded by a huge Imperial fleet?! My X-wings are ready to get back to special operations but I never asked for a suicide mission! Well you clearly have some tricky plan in mind. Let me hear how you plan to do this...."

Sweat saves blood-Erwin Rommel
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Technicians swarmed across the lone starfighter in the hanger. Poking sensors and other equipment into the craft. A squad of stormtroopers surrounded the lone x-wing as Major Baumer stepped into the bay. He glanced at the craft and smiled lightly as Lieutenant Pellaeon stepped next to him, "Good job, we've been wanting to capture one."


Kirk Baumer just shook his head, "It was luck Lieutenant, alright, what have you found?"


"Initial interrogation of the pilot hasn't gotten us anything, but we've managed to download quite a bit out of the fighter's computer, not the IFF codes though, the pilot scrambled them, and scrubbed the memory of its orders but I will say I'm impressed by this thing, its got an impressive array of features. The serial number indicates that this is a new model to, impressive catch," Pellaeon finished and glanced at the starfighter, "The admiral isn't exactly pleased with your casualties though."


Kirk shook his head, "Three fourths of my squadron are replacements, I need real pilots, not these academy fresh personnel."


"I know Major," Pellaeon shrugged, "Maybe the admiral will issue orders so you'll get your choice of pilots, its a good thing you didn't loose that pilot Captain..." Kirk nodded and Pellaeon smiled, "We'll be arriving at Kashyyk in a few hours, the rest of the fleet had already arrived and taken up blockade positions. Get some rest Major."


"I'll try Lieutenant," Kirk answered as he turned away from the starfighter.


OOC: You know we could do Ackbar's rescue from Tarkin pretty soon. :P

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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"You know I always have a tricky plan" said Merick as he sat and purred the General a glass of corellian brandy.

"The images you are seeing now are transmitted by a spybot a y-wing secretly deposited just before we lost contact with the planete. These spybots are also programmed to interecept communications. Decoding them has informed us that the imperials are awaiting a group of corvettes to assist them in their blockade."

"A good occasion to try out ours." said Rechtmann as he undrstood the plan.

"Correct. One of our fleets has recently captured one of the imperials interdictor ships. The ship and an escort shall await the fregates in an empty fregates. While they delay and maybe capture them our fregates shall arrive at Kashyyk."

"But how do you intend to hide several heavy transporters from the Imperials while they can evacuate as many wookies as possible?" asked the General, sceptique.

"We are going to have a fleet of a reasonable size enter on the opposite side of the planet. While the imperials attack them we can send the transports in. You and your squadron shall comme with me to protect the fregates in case the imperials discover our strategy. Once the transports are back everybody will jump to hyperspace. Is that a tricky anough plan?"




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OOC: Fishface is joining us, so I'm gonna take Stellar's suggestion.


Suddenly Evan's com beeped. He stepped out of the room for a moment.


"General Hechtman here."


"Sir we have some information you might be intrested in...."


A few moments later Evan walked back into the room.

"Well Merick your scenario sounds very daring but the information I recived cannot be passed up. The course of an Imperial Moff and his Mon Calamari slave has been ploted. I recommend we use our interdictor ship and rescue the Mon Calamari slave."

"One slave is hardly-"

"I know it sounds odd to risk so many lives over one slave, and I would agree with you, but intelligence has given me two good reasons. One it would increase our already good relations with the Mon Calamari (OOC: *cough* Mon Calamari cruisers *cough*) and the real prize. The Imperial Moff supposedly been care free and had told his slave many Imperial strategies. If we recover the slave, we can find out the Empire's most advanced tactics..."

Sweat saves blood-Erwin Rommel
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OOC: Did I see the words interdictor ship in that? Interdictors weren't developed till just before Hoth... 8O


I think it was just Tarkin in his shuttle, should be relatively straight forward for you guys... :wink:

Edited by Stellar_Magic

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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