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Pre ANH Roleplay: The Start!!!


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Merick exitd two hours later the meeting with the Jedi. The plan was still the same. Get the jedi on board and kill the sith. Even if Merick was very sceptic 0on the use of this he had to admit that this would be very harmful to the Empire. Merick had demanded the Jedi deepen the plan and send it nto him once they were finished. Suddenly his comlink beeped.




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Major Baumer smiled slightly as he saw the asteroid which had once been the rebel base blosom into a blaze of fire under the withering barrage from the imperial cruisers. The rebel starfighters formed a final defensive screen around the freighters as they made their run to hyperspace.


"Gamma, Kilo, and Alpha squadrons, punch a hole in that screen their putting up."


"Gammas, form on me, maximum acceleration, targets at mark one, punch through toran boral maneuver." Kirk threw the TIE's throttle wide open and watched as the flight of rebel starfighters turned to engage. Throwing the craft into a corkscrew he bounced away from the oncoming blaze of red laser fire as he returned the fire in kind.


He saw some of his shots track across the cockpit of a cloakshape fighter, which blossomed as the atmosphere inside it became plasma. With a flash of light the cloakshape detonated as the imperial squadron flashed through the rebel forces. A flash occured behind him as another of his squad mates disappeared from the sensor board.


The squadron of ties broke formation and pulled aroudn in a series of random vectors that were nearly impossible to follow. Kirk settled in behind a blue trimmed starfighter and squeezed the trigger as three squadrons of ties flashed through the hole he'd torn in the rebel lines. They were breaking toward the freighters and already the green flash of their lasers lit up space. Slowly Kirk pulled the trigger.

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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OOC: I saw run to hyperspace, not jump to hyperspace...oh well. (You can't enter hyperspace in the middle fo an asteroid field can you.)


IC: The X-wing's rear detonated in a shower of sparks and molten metal. Suddenly the remaining starfighter's cuved away, running toward the edge of the asteroid field. In the distance Kirk saw one of the freighters detonate, when the rest flashed away into hyperspace. As the rebels fled the ties scored a few kills on the retreating craft, but most made it clear to hyperspace.


Kirk leaned back in his seat and put the craft into a slow turn, "Gammas return to base. Check in by number."


"Two, no kills."


Kirk glanced at his squadron monitor, "Three is KIA."


"Four, one damaged."


"Five, I've got damage to my port engine, no kills."


"Six, Solar Panel damage, two damaged."


Kirk sighed, "Seven is EV."


"Eight, life support is fluxuating, port ione engine is at fifty percent capacity, no kills."


"Nine, two kills for sure maybe three, a x-wing and a y-wing."


"Conformation?" Kirk asked slowly as the squadron formed in behind him.


The Controllers voice keyed on, "Gamma Nine, three kills, that Z-95 is confirmed."


Kirk sighed as a smile crossed his face, "Good job Nine, Ten is KIA."


"Eleven, no kills, no damage."


"Twelve, same here lead, just a graze to the port solar panel."


Kirk sighed, "Gama Lead, control how many did you pick up?"


"Four kills lead, welcome to acehood, the onboard cantina is waiting for you."


"Gamma Squadron reporting in, three losses, seven kills," Kirk answered as he pulled the craft toward the Star Destroyer's cavernous hanger bay. To himself he added, "Most of the kills came from just two of us though."

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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OOC: I didn't have the heart to kill anymore of my pilots :lol:


Evan looked over the document again and again. Ten X-wings lost, 8 pilots killed. It was a terrible toll, but Evan knew they had gone up against the Empire had to offer. Combants with pilots like those weren't going to happen everyday. Anyways, Evan got to pick from a pool of the most experianced pilots.

The X-wings had done their job. Most of the transports had escaped and plenty of Imperial fighters had also met there ends. High Command had been impressed. They were going to try to produce more. Orange squadron was next to be upgraded and High Command was going to try to make X-wings used as the main Rebel fighters, ASAP.



Sometime later....


Evan looked over the document again and again. This mission was daring, but if played right it could be a major help to the Rebels. New frigates had been used in his last encounter with the Imperials. Now, some of the crews of a few if the recently built frigates were asking to defect. All they needed was a distraction and they could escape.

Orange squadron had yet to be upragded, but Blue and Green were back at full strength. Therefore Evan was sure tthe Imperial fighters would not be much of a problem. However, the rest of the plan......

Suddenly, Evan smiled. He knew just who to call. Slowly he reached for his comlink....

Sweat saves blood-Erwin Rommel
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OOC: Thanks :D


IC: Merick answered his comlink

"Ioor. This is Rechtman. Come to my office immediatly."

Merick took a turboliftto the level on which the General's office was. The fleet was orbiting Sullust. Most of the fighter squadrons were recovering from the latest battle. Merick arrived in front of the General's office. He knocked.

"Come in."

Merick entered and saluted.

"At ease Colonel." said Rechtmann. Merick sat down and listened to the General.

Five minutes later

"You want to attack WHAT?"




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"Well not attack persay, but we need to create a distraction. If we can distract the forces at Kuat, a few of the frigates will have enough time to escape and defect. It's a risky plan, but we did Fondor, I'm sure we can handle this.

I've called you in because you're the one who I think is most likely to come up with a viable plan. You've been the one who've done things like this in past times. So, what do you think?

Sweat saves blood-Erwin Rommel
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Kirk took a slow sip on the mug of ale and sighed as Lara dropped in beside him, "How's Seven?"


Lara shook her head, "He's dead, the shuttle didn't pick him up in time."


"Sith's pawn," Kirk replied as he took another long pull on the drink.


Lara slapped a hand on his shoulder, "Don't drink to much of that, we want you sharp Major."


Kirk snorted, "I'm sorry I'm still wound up from that last little, firefight." He glanced at the displays which showed the status of the Star Destroyer, "We're in hyperspace where to?"


"The Mistrel VII Platform, command thinks there's been rebel activity in the area. We're suppose to meet up with some of those new Nebulon B Frigates there."


Kirk felt the hair at the back of his neck stand on end, "You mean those things they came up with to defend against starfighters, convoy escorts."


"Yeah, we'll arrive in a few hours, there are three Nebulons there already, the Ajax, Prinicpal of War, and Death's Head," Lara replied she took a small glass of ale from the shelf and took a sip, "We're suppose to beef up defense of the Platform, command is afraid the Rebels will try and steal some of them. That platform has enough commercial traffic that sneaking in would be relatively easy."


* * *


The Imperial Star Destroyer came on station, its massive bulk blocking out the sun. Ahead was the XQ3 standard platform surrounded by freighters and a shroud of storage containers. Suddenly one fothe freighters detonated and a swarm fo x-wings flashed across the platform their weapon's blazing. Following quickly behind through hyperspace another legion of rebel fighters leapt into the area.


Immediately one of the Nebulon B Frigates broke formation, it fired. Red bolts flashing across the platform and blasting into the other nebulons. A swarm of tie's shot from its hanger and curved and began to make strafing runs against the platform. The Tie's were trying to cover their mother's hsips escape as it made a runt o escape the gravity well of a nearby planet.


Throughout the Imperial Star Destroyer alarms blared, "All hands man your stations, get the crews to the fighters."


OOC: Oopss...It seems you posted before I did... BUT YOU CAN GET A NEBULON B out of this!

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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OOC: Hello, Im so so sorry I haven't been able to post but who cares why, Lets just get straight to it (TheRpg).....


Stesto the Jedi was sat outside the Meeting room and thinking hard, then he smiled. He thought, Maybe I can get them to drop me off and then they can fly away leaving me to destroy this Sith Elvis!


Stesto ran into the meeting room and told Merick about the Plan. "Maybe I can get into that ship by your transport and blow it up from the Inside, causing major Destruction and the death of the Sith Elvis, come and pick me up when you see the fireworks." He smiled and waited for a reply.

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Admiral Noreto waited for the shuttle ramp to lower completely before exiting. He had arrived in an quiet hangar poblated only by a few mechanics and guards on duty and by a youthful uniformed officer that was evidently waiting for him. The Admiral smiled for himself, too many times had he been welcomed by endless rows of stormtroopers and officers, that seemed petrified when he walked past them, for once he welcomed the silent reception of the Chimaera.

"Admiral Neroto, welcome to the Chimaera. Captain Deran expects you on the bridge."

"Thank you, Lieutenant..."

"Pellaeon, sir."

"Thank you, Lieutenant Pellaeon take me to the bridge. Have my orders been processed?"

"Yes sir, the secondary bridge has been refitted as per your instructions, I saw personally to that."

"And Major Baumer?"

"He is still on the Serpent's Bite, we transmitted the order a day ago, but it seems that the Bite is engaged with the Rebels, the Captain will brief you into recent events."


"I assumed then that the Rebel outpost in Marlin V, has been destroyed."

"Yes sir, the Serpent's Bite saw to that, but some of the Rebel Freighters escaped. Now the bite is en-route to Mistrel VII, there are some hints that it will be targeted by a Rebel fleet."

"And the Jedi?"

The Captain swallowed.

"We have had no trace from the first Jedi Starfighter, at Marlin V another was spotted."

"Two Jedi in your sector? Lord Elvis will be very disappointed."

"Yes, sir."

"In the meantime set course for Mistrel VII, I will be in my command room, if you require me."

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OOC: Ok Mad we'll do our daring raid soon enough, but let me go steal this one.


TIE squadrons began launching from the Star Destroyer and another one came from the platform. The two squadrons of TIEs that launched from the defecting Nebulon-B had retreated and moved to form a screen around their mother ship. One squadron of TIEs attempted to attack the Neublon-B and payed the price. The laser canons quickly scattered the TIEs.

Green, Blue and Orange squadrons (still in Z-95s) had been given a relativly simple mission: escort the frigate out. It was easy compared to the missions that were likely to be ahead in the Alliance's bid to acquire Nebulon-Bs. The Rebels joined the screen around the Nebulon-Bs. It seemed to be only a little longer before the mission was accomplished....

The Imperials, however, had no intentions of giving the Nebulon-B away. By now, most of the TIEs had been launched and were forming up in many small groups. If they came in a large mass, the Nebulon-B would wipe them out. As Evan looked at one of the approching TIEs, he suddenly recognized it's markings. He smiled grimly to himself and moved to attack the fighter.......

Sweat saves blood-Erwin Rommel
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OOC: Considering that TIE pilots next to never fly the same starfighter twice... Who am I kidding, just try and blast me!


IC: "Break by wingpairs!" Kirk ordered as the starfighter streamed toward them. He gritted his teeth as an X-wing screamed toward him firing. Sending the craft into a wild corkscrew Kirk flashed past the fighter his own lasers flashing harmlessly against the shields.


Kicking into a break turn Kirk dropped behind the fighter and triggered a burst of laser fire. One of the bolts flashed through the shield and caught the upper stabilizer, causing slight damage. A volley of red laser blasts flashed past his canopy and Kirk broke hard away from his quarry as a green trimmed x-wing flashed past him, apparently his wingman. The craft decellerated to 1/3 of its maximum speed and twisted to pursue him.


"Lead break right!" Kirk complied as another volley of red blasts flashed passed his canopy. Suddenly there was a flash and Kirk felt himself buck from a shock wave as Lara's voice came through the comm, "Got him!"


"Thanks! Three, Four, break right," Kirk orderd as he saw the two fighters being pursued by a pair of x-wings. It was to late, the first tie detonated and the second one caught a linked burst that shreaded the port solar array and destroyed the stardboard pylon. The craft spun for a moment before the canopy flared from an ejection attempt. The canopy hatch didn't come open, breaking the pilots neck and killing him instantly.


Kirk swore as he saw the two x-wings curve away, "Two, stay on my wing!" He broke after them and settled in behind one of them firing desperately with his lasers. One pair of bolts flashed through the shield and caught the x-wings power generator. The craft detonated instantly. A second explosion flashed by his canopy as a panicked voice roared in his ears, "Two's gone Lead, I've picked one up!"


Kirk broke hard and saw a Z-95 with orange trim matching every manuever of one of his piltos, his sensor display provided her identity, Gamma Nine. Kirk bracketed the Headhunter and pulled the trigger slicing through the crafts shields he caught its S-foil connector and the two port engines ripped free from their housing. The Z-95 detonated seconds later.


A quad burst flashed passed his canopy and Kirk threw the craft into acorkscrew as Nine's voice roared onto the comm, "Eight and Six are down! Lead you're being bounce, I'm coming!"


Glancing at his rear sensor display Kirk saw two x-wings pursuing him, one with a damaged stabilizer. Nine dopped behind on of them and opened fire blasting through its shields, the x-wing detonated as it tried to break off pursuit. Even so there was still a lone x-wng with a damaged stabilizer, and Kirk saw the target lock warning light on his display lit up.

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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Dizzying shapes became starlines, and starlines became stars. The Chimaera had left hyperspace.

Immediately after that silent explosion of the universe around him Admiral Neroto reviewed the battlefield. Mistrel-Platform was far below him, and the white bulk of the Serpent's Bite was pointing at the group of Nebulon - Frigates that were leaving the battlefield.

"Sir, those frigates are wearing Rebel transponders, a group of X-Wings are shielding them. TIEs from the Bite have engaged them."

"Good. Launch all squadrons. Instruct TIE Bomber Kappa to target the engines, their primary goal is to disable the engines. The remaining TIEs will engage the X-Wings. The loss of their starfighters might be costier than some Nebulon Frigates in the long run."

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OOC; Not sure how far before ANH we are, but I guess I should get myself introduced.


OC: The air was humid in the region the small space-port town occupied of the remote jungle world. Moisture hung suspended in the air filling the sky to all sides with an impenitrable ochre mist, a mist that insistantly clung to the view-ports of the enclosed Imperial Speeder.

The Planet was known officially as IS-23831, a name that stuck due to the complexities of the melodic trade language used by the locals. The planet bore no remarkable features and had no natural resources to speak of other than the vast wood supplies from the jungles that covered most of the surface. Those rare areas that were not covered by foliage were small oceans or the vast grass plains on which the speeder now traveled.

Indeed, the planet would not have been worth the attention of any Imperial citizen, let alone the captain of a star destroyer, if not for the lone alien occupant of the star-port now cresting the horizon and rappidly growing larger ahead,

Captain Voss Parck reached up and again wiped his brow with the now soaked curchief from his pocket. Despite the best efforts of the climate controle aboard the speeder, the heat managed to make it through the thick durasteal armor of the transport.

Parck looked around at the other occupants of the transport. He was seated on a bench at the back of the speeder facing forward with two more benches lining the left and right side.

To his left were six stormtroopers, thier armor glistening with moisture, each facing the opposite wall, making no move and aparently not feeling the effects of the heat.

To Parck's righ were two other officers, Lieutenant-Commander Cabble, his second in command, and Major Brask, security chief and the man in-charge of the stormtroopers. The two officers were followed by four more stormtroopers.

The speeder had reached the outskirts of the town and was slowing to a halt before what was apparently the local drinking establishment. It was apparent because there were several unconciouse locals sprawled about the entrence.

"You're certain this is where our informants spotted him?" Parck asked his second-in-command.

"Aye, sir," Cabble responded, "he spends a lot of time in there, though not in the same manner as the locals. He makes his mony by beating the drunkards at some sort of board game, similar to dejarik, but far more complicated."

Parck nodded, but said nothing.

The Speeder had stopped and the door opened, the stormtroopers scrambling outside and establishing a defensive corridor up to the watering holes doors.

As Parck stepped outside he quicly realized that the atmopheric controls in the speeder had being doing their best; the temperature outside was nearly fifty degrees.

"Wait here," Parck ordered, "I've a feeling this will be quick."

The interior of the canteena was thick with blue smoke, the gurgling of huuka pipes faint in the background. Ahead there was a lone figure sitting at the table nearest to the door. he wore a neatly pressed black uniform with triangular designs coloured a deep yellow. His red eyes were on Parck.

The captain made to say something, but the alien beat him to it.

"I am Mitth'raw'nuruodo, though you may find my core name, Thrawn, more palatable to conversation."

"You seem to have been expecting me."

A slight smile crossed the Chiss' face, "not everthing here is wood and dirt, Captain. I have known your ships was in orbit nearly two standard days ago."

"I see. Well then, let me make this simple. I am here on behalf of the Galactic Empire to offer you commission within the Imperial Navy. Should you accept you will be transferred to Coruscant to attend the Naval Accadamy."

"Are there Galleries on Coruscant?"

"Yes," Parck said, a little taken of balance, " many of the galaxies greatest art masterpieces are on Coruscant, from all walks of life."

"Well then," Thrawn replied, "we'd best be on our way."


OOC: Sorry about the lenght. Been a while since I've done one of these. I'll try to keep it shorter next time.




History is on the move, Captain. Those who cannot keep up with it will be left behind, to watch from a distance. And those who stand in our way will not watch at all.

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Evan's pilots were fighting as usual. They took their share of casulties, but most of the Imperials were no match and had no hope of taking on the elite of the Rebellion. Suddenly another Star Destroyer jumped into the area.

"Sith spit! Ok Greens, Blues and Oranges. Let's prepare to move out of the area. If we play it right we can distract the TIEs and let the Nebulon-B escape while escaping ourselves."

It was a daring plan, but Evan hoped the Neublon-B and it's TIEs could hold their ground and escape. The Rebel fighters began retreating and distracted most of the TIEs. Manuvering well and moving to counterattack every once and a while, the Rebels managed to move to their hyperspace area without many loses.

Meanwhile the Nebulon-B was about to leave.


OOC: Feh sorry that might have been lame but I think I've lost my will to fight against impossible odds for the moment. :cry:

Sweat saves blood-Erwin Rommel
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OOC: Lame might be an understatement, I gave you the chance to make me EV... Oh well, opportunity missed.


IC: The missile warning light had blinked off as the group of starfighter suddenly made their run for hyperspace and Kirk let out a slow shallow breath, "Gammas reform on me, we've lost this fight, they got a frigate." He glanced at the two battered nebulas that had fought the defecting ship and saw that fires raged internally across them, "Control, we're returning to the hanger."


"Roger Gamma lead, we've just got a set of orders from high command security clearance alpha seven, and recieved word that you're scheduled for a meeting ont he Chimeara in a few hours."


Kirk flicked the comm back to the squadron channel, "Burecrats." With a thud the tie was locked in a tractor beam and pulled up into the Serpent's Bite hanger bay.


A few minutes later Major Kirk Baumer dropped into his cabin and pulled up his knew orders on the display. Reading them he felt his stormach begin to knot.

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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"Major Baumer." Admiral Neroto stated and darted his gaze into the Imperial Pilot that looked uncomfortable.

"Yes sir."

"Over the past weeks you have encountered on repeated occasions this new X-Wing," the Admiral paused and the Major kept quiet. "On almost as many occasions the Rebels have managed to get away with considerable losses, though their objective was attained. Do you know what their objective was, Major?"

"To collect war-matèriel, and supporters, sir?"

"That is the most obvious answer, yes. And it is important for their war-effort, but the most important objective is to show the galaxy that the Empire is far from the absolute power that our propaganda machine suggests. That we have trouble estabilizing a galaxy, that some have stood up against us and we have not reacted. And that they have obtained. For one and every pilot you kill, Major, a dozen more volunteers will be signing to replace him. Will your TIEs be able to kill them faster than they stand up against him? Will your TIEs repair the damaged image of the Empire with lasers and blood?"

Major Baumer said nothing and looked at the floor.

"You and your squadron will be assigned permanently to the Chimaera, in the near-future will be starting a series of offensive strikes on Rebel-friendly worlds." And the Admiral pressed a datapad on his hand. This will be our next target, Intelligence suggests that the Rebels are planning something big. They cannot tell if its a raid or a full attack, so we have to strike at them before they do."

"But this, sir?"

Admiral Noreto smiled. "Wookiee fierceness may be overestimated, they are formidable ground combatants, you will be save from your TIE.Most important the Wookiee are friendly to this Rebel movement, it might be the time for some reeducation."

"Yes sir."


OOC: Next target: Kashyyyk :twisted::twisted::twisted:

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Merick watched the holographic representation of Kuat rotate as he sipped a glass of corellian brandy. He had not slepped for two nights in order to conceive this plan. For a daring plan it was a daring plan. The rebel high command had assembled as many ships as possible in preperation of the attack. Merick had also been momenteraly promoted Commodore. Under his command he had 12 Dreadnoughts, 18 Corvettes, 6 Quasar fighter transports and many other dispatch vessels including his Chronicle and the stolen fregate which its crew had renamed The Lucky Run. He also had about 20 fighter squadrons including Green squadron and Orange and Blue squadron. Merick flicked the wall comlink on.

"This is Commodore Ioor speaking. All squadron leaders and ship captains are to report in the briefing room of the ISD Centauri in 20 minutes." The Centauri was one of the rare ISDs the rebel alliance had in its possecsion. Its entire crew had defected and bought their ship with them.

Merick left his cabin and walked towards the Hangar bay of the Chronicle to catch shuttle.


20 minutes later


Merick waited while the last captains arrived into the briefing room. He switched on the holoprojector. An image of Kuat appeared.

"Our target is Kuat." murmurs of suprise passed through the ranks. Merick waited for the silence. " The system's main planet, our target, is protected by 25 ISDs and 6 MODs." MOD was the name given to the modified Star destroyers. They had double the fire power and would surely bhe a great problem to eliminate.

"Orbiting are also 15 Nebulon-B fregates. Intelligence says that 8 of these which to defect. We are going to be the diversion... The fleet shall devied into six and arrive into Kuat from six different direrctions, we shall then cover the escape of the fregates and jump to Hyperspace. You shall engage only the ships who menace you. Green, Blue and Orange squadron shall lead the fighters into battle, you shall have to distract the Ties from our fregates. Any questions?" A personne raised their hand.


"Won't the MODs pause a problem?"

It was at this momnent the Merick unvailed the most daring bit of the plan.

An hour later the fleet seperated itself to prepare for the Assault.


Around the grey and blue orb that was Kuat slowly orbited the one of the biggest defence fleets in the galaxy.Suddenly from 6 different directions came corellian corvettes. Each one charged towards an MOD. The gigantic ships opened fire on the enormous deadly projectile that was the corvette, But to late the corvettes each ramed into the command tower of one of the MODs. As the ISDs moved in to assist the mortally hit ships six fleets emerged from Hyperspace.

"To all ships. Deploy your fighters and may the force be with you." said Merick from the Bridge of the Chronicle as it opened fire on an ISD.


OOC: What think of that? :mrgreen:




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