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Favorite STAR WARS movie


Which is your favorite movie?  

29 members have voted

  1. 1. Which is your favorite movie?

    • Episode I - The Phantom Menace
    • Episode II - Attack of the Clones
    • Episode IV - A New Hope
    • Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back
    • Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
    • I'm still waiting on Episode III!

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Vom Eise befreit sind Strom und Bäche

Durch des Frühlings holden, belebenden Blick,

Im Tale grünet Hoffnungsglück;

Der alte Winter, in seiner Schwäche,

Zog sich in rauhe Berge zurück.

Von dort her sendet er, fliehend, nur

Ohnmächtige Schauer körnigen Eises

In Streifen über die grünende Flur.

Aber die Sonne duldet kein Weißes,

Überall regt sich Bildung und Streben,

Alles will sie mit Farben beleben;

Doch an Blumen fehlts im Revier,

Sie nimmt geputzte Menschen dafür.

Kehre dich um, von diesen Höhen

Nach der Stadt zurück zu sehen!

Aus dem hohlen finstern Tor

Dringt ein buntes Gewimmel hervor.


Osterspaziergang, Faust I, J. W. Goethe

"I am growing stronger with the Force"
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Guest Scathane

Trej's got it right... Who else? Indeed, the word hasjiesh, the designation for the (soft) drug stems from an ancient sect called the Hashashin. They were based in the North Iranian mountains from appr. 1090 to 1256 A.D. These guys allegedly carried out suicide missions while under the influence of hasjiesh... Marco Polo introduced the word assassin to Italian.


Oh..., and, er..., Trej? You won a date with wormie! :lol:


(maybe you could double date with some Gamorrean "babes")

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Vom Eise befreit sind Strom und Bäche

Durch des Frühlings holden, belebenden Blick,

Im Tale grünet Hoffnungsglück;

Der alte Winter, in seiner Schwäche,

Zog sich in rauhe Berge zurück.

Von dort her sendet er, fliehend, nur

Ohnmächtige Schauer körnigen Eises

In Streifen über die grünende Flur.

Aber die Sonne duldet kein Weißes,

Überall regt sich Bildung und Streben,

Alles will sie mit Farben beleben;

Doch an Blumen fehlts im Revier,

Sie nimmt geputzte Menschen dafür.

Kehre dich um, von diesen Höhen

Nach der Stadt zurück zu sehen!

Aus dem hohlen finstern Tor

Dringt ein buntes Gewimmel hervor.


Osterspaziergang, Faust I, J. W. Goethe

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Oh..., and, er..., Trej? You won a date with wormie! :lol:



I object, I did not agree to go on a date with Trej.

Lost a planet Master Obi-Wan has, how embarrassing. - Yoda


Do not count a human dead until you've seen his body, and even then you can make a mistake. - Bene Gesserit saying

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You must have confused the envelopes. The date with wormie was for the one that asked whether marijuana was illegal.

I won a date with Jaina Solo to Berchest...




Sah ein Knab' ein Röslein stehn,

Röslein auf der Heiden,

war so jung und morgenschön,

lief er schnell, es nah zu sehn,

sah's mit vielen Freuden.

Röslein, Röslein, Röslein rot,

Röslein auf der Heiden.



Knabe sprach: Ich breche dich,

Röslein auf der Heiden!

Röslein sprach: Ich steche dich,

daß du ewig denkst an mich,

und ich will's nicht leiden.

Röslein, Röslein, Röslein rot,

Röslein auf der Heiden.



Und der wilde Knabe brach

's Röslein auf der Heiden;

Röslein wehrte sich und stach,

half ihm doch kein Weh und Ach,

mußt' es eben leiden.

Röslein, Röslein, Röslein rot,

Röslein auf der Heiden.



Today's GErman exam featured a vergleichende Analyse dises gEdichts und Heines "Alte Rose"

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Guest Scathane
I won a date with Jaina Solo to Berchest...
Er..., actually, you haven't... I'm taking Jaina out for a good time... I guess you win nothing...


Today's GErman exam featured a vergleichende Analyse dises gEdichts und Heines "Alte Rose"
What exactly does such a comparison entail? Similarities, contrasts, concepts?
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Is it really true that Germans love David Hasselhoff? :wink:

Lost a planet Master Obi-Wan has, how embarrassing. - Yoda


Do not count a human dead until you've seen his body, and even then you can make a mistake. - Bene Gesserit saying

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Guys, i'm really sorry to do this, but if you're not going to talk about your favourite SW film, i'll have to close the topic. By all means set up your own new topic in outside interests, but please, don't abuse this one. :) Sorry to be the bearer of grim news, but as you well know, dem's de rules man! :(

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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Well, we know why the Imperial fans like The Empire Strikes Back, but why do the Rebel fans like it as well? I'm not a Rebel fan, so that is why I ask the question. And please don't simply respond with "Well, because it's a SW movie, of course." :)
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The Rebel fans have no right to like that movie because it was all evil, from beginning to end. :twisted:
The force is strong in my family. No, Luke, I am your father.
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Guest Scathane

A while back we had a conversation in about why heroes are cool. I mentioned then that a hero with a tragic flaw or else the bad guy is often more interesting and appealing to the audience. Why? Well, because good alone just isn't interesting..., because white has no meaning without black. So, we are rarely attracked by the ultimate good guy. I'll bet anyone that. if I were to put up a poll asking whose coooler and the choices would be Luke Skywalker and Han Solo, the second would beat the latter 80 to 20.


I think the same goes for the movies. The nice thing about ESB is that we see the dark side of things a lot...

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A while back we had a conversation in about why heroes are cool. I mentioned then that a hero with a tragic flaw or else the bad guy is often more interesting and appealing to the audience. Why? Well, because good alone just isn't interesting..., because white has no meaning without black. So, we are rarely attracked by the ultimate good guy. I'll bet anyone that. if I were to put up a poll asking whose coooler and the choices would be Luke Skywalker and Han Solo, the second would beat the latter 80 to 20.


I think the same goes for the movies. The nice thing about ESB is that we see the dark side of things a lot...

VERY well stated, Scath! BRAVO! If you don't mind, I would also like to add that the audience likes to see a good guy, but they like to see a good guy fail even more...or at least almost fail. They like to see unexpected dips that make the bad guys look more realistic than stupid bad guys that anyone can tell will lose right from the start. The poll proves this as Return of the Jedi comes in a close second because there we see good barely win over evil after the good got their butts wooped by the evil.
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(Please forgive me for not reading all of the 10 pages back; it became tough when the discussion drifted too far from SW.) :)


I like the rebels more than the Empire, but my favourite movie is definetly TESB, too. It has the best atmosphere, the most realistc touch etc. (and most of the other things mentioned).

And of course: The asteroid field scene. And Han being frozen. Anyone who has read any David Gemmel novel will agree with me and Scath that tragic heroes are the best (geez, Echoes of a Great Song and Ravenheart were best so far), and tragic stories are even better if that's possible.


TESB featured Boba Fett and all those other bounty hunters (my favourite: Zuckuss. SWCCG, anyone?). Lando. Spectres of Han's past.


The battle of Hoth can serve as a symbol of rebel fighting. The fight was hopeless and only took place because they had no other chance to escape. Outnumbered, outgunned but not out-fought. This was rebel fighting. They lost more men and material than the imps, but they still WON since the Empire did not achieve any of its main goals.


It showed much of the Empire's evil and why and how it was fought. TESB also had the most reasonable story line of all films, IMO.


So basically the rebel fans like the film best because HOW things happen and not WHAT things happen.


Now, can we rebel fans earn the right to like EP IV, too? :)

It's all hopeless but otherwise not very dramatic. - Helme Haffax


Englishman: "What do you think of Modern Civilization?"

Mahatma Gandhi: "That would be a good idea."

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Well, we know why the Imperial fans like The Empire Strikes Back, but why do the Rebel fans like it as well? I'm not a Rebel fan, so that is why I ask the question. And please don't simply respond with "Well, because it's a SW movie, of course." :)


I like the movie for several reasons. 1: The first apperance of Yoda, 2: All the Bounty Hunters, 3: You find out that Vader is Luke's father and 4: the death of Captain Needa at Vaders hands. I think that the last one is in ESB.

Lost a planet Master Obi-Wan has, how embarrassing. - Yoda


Do not count a human dead until you've seen his body, and even then you can make a mistake. - Bene Gesserit saying

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Guys, i'm really sorry to do this, but if you're not going to talk about your favourite SW film, i'll have to close the topic. By all means set up your own new topic in outside interests, but please, don't abuse this one. :) Sorry to be the bearer of grim news, but as you well know, dem's de rules man! :(


:oops: Sorry Elvis :oops:

Lost a planet Master Obi-Wan has, how embarrassing. - Yoda


Do not count a human dead until you've seen his body, and even then you can make a mistake. - Bene Gesserit saying

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Guest Admiral_Antilles
Yes Dady :cry:


Just to prove to you all that I can spell, dude21 Daddy is spelled with two d's. :lol:

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Anotehr servant of BEAK?!?!?!


I'm a Rebel, well I was one before I vonged myself. My favorite one is TESB, mostly for the reasons Scath stated. But I know i couldn't have writeen them so good.. well at least not today...

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The Empire Strikes Back would evenbeen better if they showed some of the bounty hunters in action, like axing some people of importance. :twisted:
The force is strong in my family. No, Luke, I am your father.
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I like Tsunami's explanation A LOT. It basically tells it all. :)


The Empire Strikes Back would evenbeen better if they showed some of the bounty hunters in action, like axing some people of importance. :twisted:
Rather gory, Bill.
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