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Pre ANH Roleplay: The Start!!!


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Mercik walked on to the bridge only to find the smuggler he had greeted before. Ulic Horn that was his name.

"I already told you. 50% of your cargo and future assistance if needed. But don't worry if you help we will pay you. And if you want to contact me in the futur use the comlink."

Merick wasn't very happy that the Smuggler had been authorized to enter the bridge.

"And would you please tell me why you are wanting to see me?"




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IC: The Ambient lighting of the Admiral's command room was lowered to near darkness, only a few perimeter lights providing illumination. Ahead the lights of the control pannel for the Admiral's inner sanctom glowed in the gloom. Taking a deep breath, the captain approached and pressed the access button.

The room beyond was little different. Along the edge of the room were variouse pieces of artwork, each similar in style and shape, a single light above providing illumination. The centre of the room was cloaked in darkness, only the soft glow of a tactical display and the two red globes observing it breaking the darkness.

"Come in, captain." The order was cooly spoken, little emotion showing through.

"Sir," Captain Chiraneau said, his boots clicking as he snapped to attention, "the some of the captains from the other ships in the fleet are wondering when we will depart. They're getting... bored."

"These pieces are Sullutian," Thrawn siad, ignoring the captain's statement and indicating the artwork surrounding the room, " a very interesting collection, don't you think?"

"Yes, sir, but I don't-"

"You don't see the relevance of them? No, I suppose you don't. I've come to a realization, captain. Much of a species can be learned from thier art. Look a the sharp angles inturrupted by smooth curves. Sullustians are logicle people, they work with what should be, the most logical move. The curves indicate that they adapt quickly as well, though only to what makes sense."

Thrawn turned to face the captain, who now wore a perplexed expression.

"We move to Sluis Van in twelve hours, captain. The fleet there is commanded by a Sullustian of limited talents. They'll not last long."

"Sir, Sluis Van is very close to Mon Calamari. Rebel reenforcemnts are only a short while a way. As is their prodigal commander, Ackbar."

Thrawn touched the display in front of him and the artwork blurred and changed to display new pieces, more stream-lined and organic. At the far end of the room a new light glowed to life, illuminating wht was evidently a real piece of art.

"Should that happen, captain, I'll show Ackbar why the slaves of Grand Moff's shouldn't become artists."


OOC:It just occurred to me that Ackbar was still a slave up until shortly before the Battle of Yavin. We'll pretend he's already escaped though.

History is on the move, Captain. Those who cannot keep up with it will be left behind, to watch from a distance. And those who stand in our way will not watch at all.

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"Look, uh, Captian or Colonel...Lt..whatever, somethings been called to my attention. There's something in my cargo hold I think you might be intersted in. I don't know if you can come right now, but it would be in your better interests." Ulic started walking off the bridge...

"It's not my fault!"

"Oh yeah? What's in it for me?"

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"General!" said Merick as he followed the smuggler to his Hangar.

"After you" said Horn pointing up the Ramp. Merick climbed up wondering when the ship would fall to pieces. Ulic lead him throw the ship to cargo hold. There in the middle was standing a crate labeled legal spice.

"As if that existed" though Merick as the Smuggler gave a kick into the crate. The lid fell to the ground. Merick gasped. The box was stuffed with medical supplies.

"Ulic. I think you have just paid for your repairs."




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"I'm glad we could make an arangement, General. All I need are some resources and I'm out of your hair." Ulic glanced across the hold at his droid Levon who shook his head. "Uh but as long as my ship wouldn't be indentified later...I'll run a mission for the Alliance. A mission, one!" he said pointing with his index finger. "Oh and I guess you guys could use some of these. He opened a false wall compartment and withdrew the half rack of E-11 Rifles...

"It's not my fault!"

"Oh yeah? What's in it for me?"

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Dally smacked the console of his ship, and cursed loudly. he had been waiting for what seemed like forever, and he still hadnt gotten a responce from any rebel base. It seemed thay had all dropped of the face of the galaxy. He knew he couldnt report back to Noreto with another failure, the admiral would feed him to space for another failure. Not that he was about to report back to him anways.


Dally tapped a few buttons on his nav comp, and picked a new system to jump to. He was running out of options quickly, and he was beginning to grow desperate. He had to find some rebels, and quickly. Even a small rebel listening post would be better than nothing at this point in time. He just wished he had some clue as to where the rebels may have been hiding. Ever since they had been run out of Orath, they had seemingly vanished. he knew he could return to Mantooine, but that would be way to suspicious.


He sighed, and finally settled on a a system. Hopefully, he would find something there. He pulled back on the levers and rocketed back into hyperspace. But he also knew that if he couldnt find the rebels, he could seel all the astromechs, fix his ship, and leave imp space immediatly. But he wanted to give his admiral friend a present before he left. And to do that, he needed some help. Help that only the rebels could give him.

I once knew a great man. Nothing got to him, and he always smiled. May he forever rest in peace, knowing fully well that his freinds shall remember him.
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"I welcome you to Coruscant, Jedi Ocas."


Trej ventured further into the throne room, a feeling of darkness and greatness inundated the room. Through the enormous windows Trej could see the cityscape, so minimal, so small. From the Emperor's Throne one would see the world as infinitely minimal, as Palpatine undoubtedly saw it.


"You will not need this," with the wave of his hand the stun-cuffs fell to the ground, the clink of the metal against the ground resounding in the vast chamber.


Behind him the massive doors closed, Darth Elvis in an arrogant strong pace moved next to him and knelt before the Emperor.


Palpatine looked at Elvis and then directly into Trej. "You should kneel before me, as well."


"Never, your Excellency. I will not betray my order." Elvis rose and moved to take a position at Palpatine's right side.


"Your order is extinct, Jedi. Your masters and knights have been hunted down and killed." An angrier Palpatine snapped back. "Realize this, and I will welcome you at my side," Palpatine gesture to his left empty side.


Trej did not move, and did not answer.


"Foolish, Jedi. The moment you set foot in my Palace you bound your fate to the Dark Side."


"My fate is bound elsewhere," Trej said shortly.


"Ah, yes. I forgot, bound to a young Jedi, a young man that went to Nortus V. I wonder what is on that forsaken world?"


For a single moment Palpatine's words grew fear in his heart. Thought madly rushed in his mind, Fel, the Paradeium, Elvis, Palpatine. All of them turning in his mind. Palpatine laughed.


Elvis moved closer to Palpatine. "It has been found."


Palpatine leaned closer to Trej. "You hold the key to this, Jedi. Join us, join the power of the Paradeium."


Trej Ocas closed his eyes, sat on the floor and recited the verses of the Jedi Code.


Palpatine hissed at the defiance of the Jedi and stood up, with his hand palms-down he directed all his anger at the Jedi and blue lightning erupted from his tips.


On the dark floor of the Throne Room Trej started to writhe as the full energy of the dark side burned him. Palpatine stopped.


"You are strong, do not waste your life in futile defiance." The Emperor said. "Forget your allegiance to the old order, my New Order has grown over it. Join me, Trej Ocas. You hold the power to recreate this galaxy."


Trej's tired eyes focused momentarily on Elvis. "Old friend." Another volley of blue energy burned him further.


"Is death what you seek, Jedi?" Palpatine asked with scorn and contempt as the fire burned in him.


"There... is... no... DEATH... only the Force," Trej answered with much difficulty.


"Then call the Force to you, Jedi, fend off my attacks, call your weapon by. You will only realize your own weakness." Palpatine laughed. The entire universe hurt Trej, in that place of evil, only the Dark Side thrived, as Trej tried to draw on the Force the sensation of anger and fear hurt him terribly. Fighting back the pain with courage and valor he focused for a heartbeat. Long enough to call the cylindric weapon that hung from Elvis's belt.


The furious red blade from the Dark Lord came to life in the Jedi's hand, that slowly stood up.


"My servant's weapon will not help you." Blue lightning flew at him, to be blocked by the saber, but Trej could not resist and fell on the floor, the lightsaber flew back to its owner who jumped and towered above Trej's fallen figure. From Palpatine's throne, Trej's lightsaber rolled to him.


"Kill him," Palpatine commanded. Elvis's red blade came to life and moved to sever Trej's head. In Trej's hand his lightsaber erupted to life, to stop the blade. Barely.


Elvis moved for another slash at Trej, the Jedi rolled away from the blade's trajectory and rose from the floor. With his last energies he fenced with Elvis, before the Emperor's Throne. The fight was unfair, Elvis used his greater size and strength to his advantage, pushing Trej's scarce attacks back. Aided by the Dark Side, Elvis sent multiple objects flying at Trej who tried to dodge or slice them with the lightsaber. One of the heavier pieces crashed into the window, letting the cold air from the city enter the room.


The red blade cut close to his body as his strength started to fail. Realizing that the fight with Elvis would only mean his death, Trej gathered his remaining strength and sent himself in a mad dive towards the small gap in the transparisteel window.


Elvis stood still as he saw the Jedi's mad action.


Palpatine laughed joined by the howl of the wind in the room. Slowly Elvis moved to his master's throne.



The sensation of falling seemed endless. Trej only knew he fell and and fell, he saw people and heard their panicked voice, he felt their distress.

Then he heard a soft sound, and knew he had stopped. And that was all he knew.


OOC: Sorry for the length.

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Guest Admiral_Antilles
Trej had fallen through the trash shoot connected to the side of the Imperial Palace and into a large trash receptacle at the bottom. Luckily it had just been filled with old pillows un-needed with the overhaul of the Imperial palace so he was unharmed, only dazed and tired from his recent battle. Shaking his head to clear his mind from the fall, he awkwardly climbed out of the receptacle and into the alley where the receptacle was located. “I must get to Nortus V and warn Fel!â€
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Guest Admiral_Antilles
OOC: Actually within the next 2-3 pages me and Trej have been talking about ending this one to begin a new one. We already have our ending in place and ready pretty much. So begin to ready your fleets for the final battle. :wink:
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I have. My fleet is poised to attack Sluis Van, but without Fishface here, there is no one to lead the rebels... perhaps the Empire will win this one?

History is on the move, Captain. Those who cannot keep up with it will be left behind, to watch from a distance. And those who stand in our way will not watch at all.

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I popose one thing if the Rebels were beaten and the Imperials captured Sluis Van. I could be the Commander of the rebels and die valiantly defending the shipyards while the rebel forces evacuated.




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Guest Admiral_Antilles
OOC: Sounds good, may I suggest anyone who is involved with the commanding of vessels or squadrons begin making progress in their posts to lead up to this final battle. After, do not post any more. Then me and Trej will finish our climatic end and this RP will succesfully conclude. :)
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Merick was inspecting the fifty brand new E-11 blaster rifles when his comlink. A prerecorded messages asked him to join the holoroom.

"I must leave you. Contact the officer of this level. He shall tell what to do about contacting us."

After saying goodbye to the smuggler. Merick left the ship to join the holoroom. When he arrived an Image of Ackbar appeared.

"Admiral! Nice to hear of you. I heard that you had been given command of the rebel fleet. Well Done."

"Thank you General. I am calling you to tell you that you are going takecommand of the fleet defending Sluis Van."

"Thank you but I don't understand why." asked Merick

"Well intelligence was informed us of a possible attack on the shipyards by the Empire. It is improbable but I would like to have you there in case it happens."

"I will defend it with my life Admiral."

The Mon Calamari nodded and the comunication ended.

He turned on his Comlink

"Evan, this is Ioor. report to my cabin imediatly."




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Evan moved quickly and soon arrived at Ioor's Cabin.

"I'm here General."

"Good, I need you because we're moving to Sluis Van. Ackbar has given me command of the large fleet there. There is a possibility the Imperials might strike and we need to be ready for anything. How long until your men can be ready to move out?"

"Immediatly, sir. I'll go tell them now."

With that, Evan quickly ran out of the room.

He quickly gathered together his pilots and told them what had happened. They seemed eager, ready for more action...but Evan knew better. This battle would huge. If the Imperials attacked such an important planet they'd do so with massive force. Many would die...

Sweat saves blood-Erwin Rommel
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Dally drummed his fingers on the console of his ship. He had lost his patience for all of this the moment he arrived in system, and found the rebel base gone. Since then, he had sat here, in space, wondering what he should do. He had a load of astromech that he could do nothing with, and admiral breathing down his neck, and no way to get out of any of it. He sighed, and looked to his nav comp. He began to look through all the nearbye systems, trying to find one where he could dump off his cargo for enough creds to get out of imperial territory. The only system that was close enough was sluis van. He sighed,. and looked to his astromech.


"Whaddya say? Head to the shipyards? We can dump the cargo, get this ship armed and ready, then leave imp territory. Sound like a plan?" he asked his droid, he in responce rocked back and forth on its feet, whistling loudly. "Yah, bad idea. But its our only chance. We can get the guns i want on the ship installed there, along with the torp launchers I want. With these droids, and the creds ive saved up, it should be enough." he said, and he turned back to his console. His droid sreamed loudly at him as he set course for sluis Van, and then launched his vessel into hyperspace.


In the back of his mind, Dally knew that his droid was right. Going there was a bad idea. But he didnt have a choice. He needed to get his ship fixed, armed, and ready for action out in the corperate sector. He knew he could make it as a smuggler out there. But first, he had to get out from under the heal of that admiral.

I once knew a great man. Nothing got to him, and he always smiled. May he forever rest in peace, knowing fully well that his freinds shall remember him.
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OOC - I can take control of the starfighter squadrons at sluis van. Ill leave the big ships to the big boys. And hopefully we can drag this battle out for more than two or three posts. If thats alright with you guys, that is.
I once knew a great man. Nothing got to him, and he always smiled. May he forever rest in peace, knowing fully well that his freinds shall remember him.
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"What Are you Just going to stand there Drooling!" Ray Told the Officer.


"Hello? Anybody In there?" Ray waved his hand in front of the Officers Face.


"I asked If I can Join The ships Fighter Squadren, Preferably Green Squadren?" Ray Asked Yet Again!


"I've Been standing here for An Hour!" Ray Said.


"Well!?" Ray Said.

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Evan's comm beeped.

"Sir there is a man here asking to join Green squadron. What should I do?"


"Send him to me, I'll take care of it."


Soon enough, the man arrived at Evan's office.

"Ok let's see how you do in the sims."



Some time later...

"It was close...but your scores are high enough to make it into Green Squadron."


OOC: Sorry, didn't have much time 8O

Sweat saves blood-Erwin Rommel
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OOC: Ok, I'll have Noreto join the Sluis Van fun... BTW, BS do you want to die as well? or not?




Admiral Darac Noreto admired the starfield beyond the bridge of his Star Destroyer, and then turned to Captain Deran as he neared him.


"An impressive little armada."


The Captain said nothing, the multiple Imperial Star Destroyers, Victory Destroyers and Carrack Cruiser spoke for themselves, a task force meant for the single purpose of annihilation.


Poised on one important objective, the capture of Sluis Van. One world that had remained independent during the Clone Wars, and had later refused to join the Empire, and only recently joined the Rebel movement. The shipyards of that world would cripple the Rebellion's war effort, and the effect of the loss of such a world would strenghten the position of the Empire in this region of space.


Thrawn would lead the main attack force, and Noreto would lead a secondary attack force, that would possibly see more itself in a more difficult position than the first one. Moff Tarkin had brought a few elements from the Eriadu Defense Fleet to assist with a Third Task Force.


"Any transmission from the Orath Relay?" Noreto asked as the Captain put a datapad in front of him. Noreto had been waiting for Dally's confirmation for days. By this time, he had decided if he did not respond he would eliminate him.


"No sir, nothing from Orath. It is a message from Commenor." Commenor? Dodonna!


"I will read it in my command room." Noreto accepted the datacard and left for his room.


Inside he inserted the datacard into his console and the recorded message played.


"Old friend, I hope I would have sent a message under less dire circumstances. In the past few hours I have evaded an assassination attempt, an Imperial assasination attempt. I have escaped, and wish to warn you that men like you and I, are targets in the eyes of the Empire. Our allegiance belongs to the Republic we joined, especially you as a son of Alderaan should watch yourself. Until we meet again."


The message stopped and Noreto took out the datacard and put it in a pocket.


He had much to think about.

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OOC: You know considering Episode IV's opening crawl says the rebels had won there first major victory. Shouldn't the imperials loose?

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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OOC - Preferably not, but I am going to jump in and help with the defence of sluis van. If I die, I die. If i live, I live. Dying whilst in combat, tis better than dieing on my knees, or on the run.


IC - Dally looked out of his viewports, and stared at the massive expanses o the shipyards. It astounded him that the rebels had the resources to hold a shipyard this vast. it astounded him even more that the empire ad allowed it to last this long. He could only imagine the firepower that these shipyards were capable of creating in a matter of months. But by the looks of it, they werent creating much of anything. By the looks of it, they were amassing a fleet here. Something big was going down, and soon. Suddenyl, the comm system in his ship crackled, and a harsh female voice came over it.


"Unidentified freightor, this is Sluis Van control. You will hold your position, and await an escort. If you choose not to comply, you will be destroyed." the voice said. Dally cocked an eyebrow at this, he had never received those kind of orders here before. Something big must be happening then. he sighed, and leaned back in his chair, and soon saw his escort. A pair of X-wings flew up beside him, and he followed them towards on of the massive docking facilites. At least he had finally made it to a rebel base. Albight not a secret one, but a rebel base nonetheless.


After his ship docked, he opened the gangplank out of the ship, and stepped out to the muzzles of a set of blaster rifles, held by two very serious looking gaurds. He slowly raised his hands, and saw what appeared to be a officer walking up behind them. He opened his mouth to speak, but the officer, wavced him off quickly, and clasped his hands behind his back, and tha gaurds lowered their weapons.


"Whatever it is you are trying to sell, i dont want to hear it captain. I dont have the time. What i do want to know, is if this ship is armed, and if you are willing to pilot it in an upcoming engagement for us?" the officer asked. Dally looked at him, puzzled for a moment, and then shook his head. This is not what he had expected. But at the same time, it may be his ticket out of here.


"Yah, she is armed, but not very well. And she isnt in the greatest of shape. She would need a lot of work to get her back into fighting condition. As for me trying to sell you something, I have something to give you. I have a load of astromechs Im sure you could use. But if you want me to pilto anything, it wont be this ship" he said, lowering his arms. This was turning out to be a very odd conversation, and it wasnt going anywhere near the way he thought it would.


The officer nodded, and looked behind Dally at his ship. It indeed was in pitiful shape, and was in much need of repairs. The officer sighed, nowing that the odds of getting the ship in fighting condition in time were slim to none. He thought for a moment, and then pulled out a datapad. he tapped a few buttons on it, and nodded slowly.


"Well captain, I will make a deal with you. You give us the astromechs, and let us take your ship into our hands. We will repair as much of it as possible before hand, and get you into battle with it. Afterwards, we will pay you for the astromechs, finish repairing your ship, and then send you on your way. Do we have a deal?" the officer asked, and Dally thought about it for a moment. it was a good deal, but maybe he could get a bit more out of them.


"Ill want some weapons upgrades on my ship before hand, a pair of torp launchers preferably. And better shields. You do that, and you have youself a deal." he said. he crossed his arms, and stared hashly at the officer. With those upgrades, he would easily be able to help in any fight the rebels wanted him in, and then be able to make a run for the corperate sector. The officer stared back at him, and then sighed. he tapped a few buttons on his datapad, and then motioned to a mechanic. The mechanic came over, and saluted briskly.


"Dockmaster, this man needs new shields, and a pair of torpedo launchers installed on his ship immediatly. This gets your top priority, do you understand?" the officer said, and the mechanic looked over the the vessel, and almost looked like he was going to be sick to his stomach. The mechanic nodded, and the officer turned, and walked away. the mechanic sighed, and looked over to Dally.


"Well, its obvious we have some work ahead of us. Lets go see what we have to work with first." he said, and he began to walk back towards Dalls' ship, silently curing to himself. Dall smiled, and followed him, knowing the mechaiic had no clue what he wqas getting himself into.


* * *


After a few days, much to the astonishment of the mechanic and his crew, the repairs and modifications were almost done. Like most smuggler vessles, this one had been torn apart and rebuilt to make fixing anything on the run simple. And Dally had managed to organize a small group of smugglers who, like him, had agreed to help, and they were workign on other small freightors, preparing them for the fight. All the vessles looked almost like they were ready to fall apart, but all of them were ready for combat. The smugglers had even named thier little group 'Junk Squadron', due to the fact that all the vessels looked like junk. Oddly, the name stuck, and all the mechanics also referred to it as that.


After a long day of hard work, Dally sat in his cockpit, staring at the simple message on his screen. He hadnt sent it yet, he wanted to make sure it was perfect. He nodded, and chuckled to himself softly. The admiral would not be happy with him, he knew this for sure. But he wasnt afriad of him anymore. The mechaincs had found a pair of devices that turned out to be bombs of older imperial make. They had removed them and discarded them carefully. Dally nodded again, and sent the message. it was simple, to the point, and was sure to get that admirals blood boiling.


'Im at Sluis Van. Come and get me.' was all the message said, and thats all it needed to say. The admiral would know he was here, and the admiral would know that he had escaped him already. Dally leaned back in his seat, and smiled. This was going to fun, more fun than he had had in a long time.


OOC - Sorry for the long post. But I couldnt seem to get it into anything smaller. But anyways, the challenge has been issued. Come and get me! :twisted:

I once knew a great man. Nothing got to him, and he always smiled. May he forever rest in peace, knowing fully well that his freinds shall remember him.
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Merick took another sip of the exellent correlian whisky he had purchased from a smuggler while he gazed at what he and all the fleet had accomplised in so little tim. Merick had divised the fleet into six. Placing one micro fleet at each extreme of the planet this insured that each fleet could quickly receive assistance if necessary. Imperial movements had been detected in other sectors and Imperial fleet would soon strike the question was where.




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