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i have noticed on long games in rebellion that it is not where near as laggy and the the 4 cores on my computer are actually being used which is nice. So i am gueesing that have made a fair few changes in the engine to be atleast partialy multi threaded.And yes that looks so much better in rebellion it is astonishing :)
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Meshes are a breeze to convert to Rebellion; just need to add a single line at the beginning. I've noticed Rebellion to be quite RAM intensive, at least at the the beginning in comparison to Ent.
Sins of a Galactic Empire staff.
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  • SWR Staff - Executive
These are just teasers. I don't think you should expect Rebellion mod for a while, since it's not even released yet :)


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The Telgorn shipyard is ready





How about skytop station to replace the broadcast center? http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Skytop_Station

And the Banking clan gun platform to replace CIS fighter platform? http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/InterGalactic_Banking_Clan_gun_platform


Does anybody have other structure ideas


Speaking of Rebellion, do you have an idea what to do for the corvettes? and the diplomatic ships?

I was thinking of using gunships for corvettes. Like the escort shuttle and the nu class shuttle etc.

And diplomatic shuttles like the lambda and sheathepide for the diplomatic ships.

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Awesome! It'll be added into my working version fairly quickly. Skytop Station could certainly work for the CIS. While I'm not actively looking for a replacement model, Skytop looks very nice!


Eh, I don't think that such a platform would work well as a Hangar Defense, mainly as it's quite large. That and it doesn't look nearly as nice as what we already have.


As for Rebellion, seeing as how corvettes are just over-glorified frigates, I was thinking of leaving them alone entirely. For Envoys, I was thinking of reusing/re-purposing some existing frigates, such as giving the Corellian Corvette, and Consular LCG the diplomatic relationship boost that Envoys have. I'd also make the Hardcell the CIS' envoy, and I have a Lambda shuttle model for use with the Imperials.

Sins of a Galactic Empire staff.
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I always asumed it wasn't that big until i looked it up just now. 3km would be a tad big LOL


Pardon my ignorence, i don't have Rebellion beta yet, but from the desciption i got the feeling corvettes are over-glorified fighters hence the gunship sugestion.


I like seeing lots of different ships but reusing existing models will work too. But don't let the lack of a model affect your decision, models can allways be made ;)

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I actually haven't used corvettes yet. :v Though from what I read they are mainly based around either their abilities and/or spamming them.


Well, it's more that for some factions, they don't have space for more frigates. So I have no choice but to "add" the Envoy bits to something that already exists.

Sins of a Galactic Empire staff.
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  • 3 weeks later...

It's been a while but finally something new.

I made a vong gravity well generator.


i hope you like it.


for a planetary shield generator i was thinking of a asteroid covered with loads of dovin basal

and for homing mine i think gruthin will do nicely. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Grutchin

I know they're supposed to eat ships rather the explode but it's the closest thing to a vong mine i can think of.

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That GWG looks really nice. I like it!


That sounds like a good idea for a shield generator.


That would work. With it, I'll change how the Vong's "mines" work. Rather than an instant explosion, they will fly over to a ship and "eat" it, causing a large amount of damage over a slightly extended period of time. So while it won't be instant like a mine, the total damage will be more. I'm also thinking of putting multiple Grutchins in the Grutchin's mesh, to give each "mine" the appearance of a whole swarm being present when someone lays multiple mines. Thanks to the copy function in 3DS Max, this is possible and can be done, as I can make copies of the original and then merge them all into a single material.

Sins of a Galactic Empire staff.
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I didn't know that was possible. sounds perfect.

I tried my best to keep the polycount as low as possible (264 tri's) and the texture as small as possible (256x256) and the result look pretty good IMHO


The Vong planetary shield generator is also finished. It uses the same texture as the GWG


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  • 4 weeks later...

With the xsi file I should be able to get the model in. So long as the model is literally the same "size" as the old one it will be fine... If there's positioning problems I'll bug you for the .max file.


Edit: I need the .max file.

Sins of a Galactic Empire staff.
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It's not your fault; the sins import tool for some reason imports everything off-center. You have to re-center the model (aka. set all the transform coordinates to 0) before exporting, or else I have to re-rig the thing from scratch.


It looks beautiful ingame.

Sins of a Galactic Empire staff.
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So I've run into an odd error, likely UV related, but for some reason the engines are looking wonky ingame, but looks fine in XSI. I'm going to try and fix it myself; I think I know a way how. Comparisons:





Sins of a Galactic Empire staff.
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So both the model and the riging needs to be at excactly 0,0,0 for it to work. That explains it. i just eyeballed it.


The engines look fine in max too, nothing odd about the UV either.

I could try to export it with the max tool, that fixed it for the vong ships though they were messed up all over and not just on very specific area. Odd

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Basically, yeah. As I'm taking the rigging from the pre-existing .mesh, it's already at 0,0,0.


Well my fix didn't work... Tried making the engines their own polygons in XSI, with an engine texture, they just turned out warped. Edit: Trying to export it with whatever version of max tool I have.

Sins of a Galactic Empire staff.
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So using the Sins max tool I have exports it with proper engines, but, the tangents on the model are awful. Here's the model from softimage, and here's the one from the Sins max tool. Also, I figured out how EJ possibly made the team colors for the Venator, I used that method to make one for the Praetor, tell me what you think of it. Warb, would it be possible to remove the Open Circle Fleet insignia from the Praetor's skin?



Sins of a Galactic Empire staff.
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The team color should be a little darker IMO. I checked the venator texture and it had it's red stripe one the texture so i asumed you wouldn't want teamcolor on this either.

I thought the team color is controlled by the alpha layer of the CL texture. Is the venator doing it in another way?

Removing the open fleet symol is no problem.


The reason why the softimage version looks better is probably because i added a lot of "hard edges" where the max version just shooths things over where it shouldn't.

If you get the max version with the fixed engines and rigging in XSI and sen me that file i'll add the edges again

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I mean more that for the Venator, the team color was just the "red" parts from the red channel used as the alpha layer. I theorized that he was able to "select" the portions of that channel by selecting the desired portions in the green channel, as they all show up black there, then going back to the red channel and copying them. I realize this likely makes little sense, but that's how I got it. Shouldn't be too hard to make it darker.


I see. I have no idea how to get what you're asking for, because what you said truly went over my head.

Sins of a Galactic Empire staff.
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