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Update: March 26th, 2011


Starbase constructors for All, NR, imps, and Reps have been fixed. Platforms also have their correct laser colors/sizes (I planned to do this today).

Sins of a Galactic Empire staff.
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Update: March 27th, 2011


Golan platform costs have been slashed, I really should have taken a good look at them earlier, and now these platforms are worth their respective cost. For on average, to build and then max upgrade a platform (with the more expensive upgrades) will cost a player 6000 credits, 600 metal, and 720 crystal. This is in comparison to the capital ships, which at their worst cost around 4670 credits, 500 metal, and 600 crystal.


The bonus planets in the Extra Planets maps have had their tax penalty removed, and have been moved to the Ice planet group (aka. Arctic Exploitation) this is simply due to the fact that these planets are meant to speed up the game, and are only present in these maps. The Ice group transfer was done so that in the event that a player is rushed early on, they aren't crippled for an extended period of time, as getting 6 civilian research labs isn't exactly easy.


And I'll have to recalculate the supercap costs (again) sometime down the road, as what I did to find a ship's effective hull was botched, due to armor working in a different way (not surprised).


Edit: MC90 and Rej SD supply cost increased, ISD and Tector supply cost decreased.


Edit 2: Venator and Providence cruiser main gun's damage have been decreased, ISD I, II, and Nebula's increased. Venator also costs 19 supply up from 18.

Sins of a Galactic Empire staff.
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Update: March 28th, 2011


NR and Vong cruisers have all had their experience for destroying increased, now they will give capitals real experience.


Edit: Alliance Heavy Gunship, Blast Boulder, and ROIKCHUANMARA's costs have increased, Bayonet now takes 1 more second to build, Imperial Heavy Gunship, Imperial Carrack, Nebulon B2, and Tartan costs have decreased.

Sins of a Galactic Empire staff.
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Update: April 1st, 2011


Slave Rigging's range has been tripled. Intercept has had it's old turn rate put back in. This will stop the overshoot ability, though might make for some more odd sprints. Requesting feedback on this.


Edit: Golan's lack of antimatter regeneration has been fixed for All, Imps, NR, CIS, and Vong. Stations' main guns have also received a minor firepower increase.

Sins of a Galactic Empire staff.
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Update: April 2nd, 2011


Fixed up the Slave ability a bit, should stack correctly now, wasn't at times. Played around with Intercept, again. Comet and Asteroid planets now respawn constructors. Moons and 'roids now have less of an income penalty.


Edit: Corvettes and other frigates now do not do a "strafing" (aka. fighter) attack when attacking another ship, except the Hardcell. This also has given me an idea for when the beta is finished... An unofficial dynamic battles mod, SoGE version. :v

Sins of a Galactic Empire staff.
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Update: April 5th, 2011


SSD and Viscount have had their health increased and costs increased. They are now quite similar to their previous, pre-nerfing, stats. The SSD in particular has gained from this update. The Mandator was also switched back to it's pre-change health stats, not sure why I changed them in the first place. It's times like these that it pays to have old versions saved. For the record I've fixed how I calculate costs/total health and have it in a fancy Excel spreadsheet, so it's rather easy and simple to make changes and "test" them now.

Sins of a Galactic Empire staff.
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I've updated my version of the mod using SVN, yet I don't seem to have access to the new planets and the features that come with what NovaCameron provided. Also, just to be sure whether or not that's the only issue, have the Y-Wings been turned into actual Y-Wings yet? If so, then that's yet another thing I don't seem to have access to.
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Update: April 10th, 2011


Rep Dreadnaught has had it's health increased. Slave ability range has been reduced to 1000. BAC and Battle Dragon now have 1 fighter squadron. NR cruisers have all had their prices, build times, and supply cost reworked. I believe this should properly balance out the faction, requesting feedback.

Sins of a Galactic Empire staff.
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Update: April 11th, 2011


Gravity Well Generators now do what they should do, block enemy ships from fleeing into hyperspace, with their radius. I'm not sure if this radius is best or not, so give me feedback if possible. I also swapped out the Volcanic and Crystal Moons in the Extra Planets maps for a population-boosted Low Terran.

Sins of a Galactic Empire staff.
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I suggest you use a randomtech3 planet. They are good game starters. ^^

I'll do this once your newest version of the planets mod is up and running, this is more of a stop-gap measure.

Sins of a Galactic Empire staff.
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Update: April 17th, 2011


Novus Universum 1.2 has been integrated into SoGE. WARNING, this is a big update, and will take awhile to download. The GameInfo folder alone has 451 file changes. Now unused files have been deleted from GameInfo as well. Planets also support 4 platforms/star bases, so they can now be properly entrenched.

Sins of a Galactic Empire staff.
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Update: April 17th, 2011 (again)


Broadcast Centers now make a planet join HoloNet! In other words they act like the Phase Gate from vanilla Sins, however, they work for both you and the enemy, so be warned.


Edit: SuperIceGiant moveAreaRadius fixed.

Sins of a Galactic Empire staff.
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@Lavo: Did you put the updated string file up there too? Cause I changed it from "phase jump" to "hyperspace jump" and made a couple other canon tweaks

I added some of your strings to the strings file, namely changing "Phase" to "Hyperspace", among others. I -might- have missed some of them however.

Sins of a Galactic Empire staff.
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Update: April 22nd, 2011


The Vong have been rehauled. All their ships now fire Vong-like projectiles and their weapons are now boosted by research techs. Vong cruisers have had their build time, supply cost, and cost reworked, among other things. Their ships are all extremely powerful, and cost a bit more than all the other factions on average, supply included. Pray that you never get an aggressive Vong AI. They will dominate unless you act hard and fast.


Fixed the first capital ship being free on many maps, this should not have happened, and I forgot to check this when I added NU 1.2 to the SVN.

Sins of a Galactic Empire staff.
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Update: April 24th, 2011


Vong cruisers have had their shield replenish rate restored to 25; they had been reduced to 15 during the rehaul, but this turned out to be a mistake. Planetary Shield Generators now have shields. Star base upgrade times have been slashed, from 60 to 15, which means that a station can be fully upgraded (once built) in 2 minutes. Starbase constructors and the Vong's station have had their speed and acceleration upgraded. Vong capitals now have 5000 shielding. Minor change in the Deploy Star Base abilities, now cost 0 AntiMatter instead of 0 resources. The Vong constructor has a weapon that does 0 and doesn't fire anything; this was added in to get rid of an annoying error that showed up with ShowErrors on after it was constructed. The BAC can now bomb planets. All cruiser and capital weapons which were 12000 range are now 10000. The Procurator's missiles now have 10000 range. This was done as the 12000 appears to have either been in error or implemented really badly. For example, the ISD I (cruiser and capital) had 12000 range while the ISD II (cruiser and capital) had 10000 range. The main guns on the Mandator and Malevolance have been extended to 12000. Also the Mandator can now fire it's missile batteries from it's left and right sides now. Base Delta Zero (BDZ) and Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) abilities have been boosted, peaking at 3000 damage and 360 population killed. The Planetary Shield Breach abilities now kill an additional 50 people per level. Cruisers and capitals now kill 4 times as many people per bomb. These planet bombing changes were implemented due to the addition of NU. The ISD has also had it's bombing a bit reworked, however it's DPS remains the same as before.


The NR and Vong now have their own proper faction names and capital ship names. I really lack the former, having 2 for the NR and 3 for the Vong, so suggestions would be greatly appreciated. This update will not break old saved games, though the name changes will not show up in an old saved game.


Edit: The Planetary Shield Breach abilities have had their planet damage values increased, capping at 28000 for the laser version and 39000 for the torpedo version.

Sins of a Galactic Empire staff.
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Update: April 27th, 2011


Fixed Ion Dispersal Cannon ability, I screwed it up earlier. Also changed the Vong's cruisers' shield restore rate again. Really do need feedback on the Vong.

Sins of a Galactic Empire staff.
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