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Parsecs away the Yuuzhan Vong fleet was blockading the world of Bakura. The Legacy of Torment had slain the smaller Carrack Cruiser, as Iulan positively identified it. Iulan, had, provided useful tactics to be employed against the odd mix of X-Wings and TIEs.

Iulan fingers an amphistaff. He stood by the right hand of Rjiuvan Shai. Warcommander of the Yuuzhan Vong.

WIth his new Yuuzhan Vong hand, Iulan felt much of thw pain, the scars that the dark side had impressed on him, go away. Everythign he knew of the light side was also being banned from his memory.

"How shall we proceed, God That Is?" Rjiuvan Shai asked respectfully.

"Bakurans, have seen another invasion before, they fear another one, offer them peace. But act like Yun-Harla."

"Your wisdom is unique, o God that Is."

Rjiuvan Shai ordered a small villip to be shot a communications satellite. Those villips had been created to interact with infidel machinery. Iulan S'Tor already had installed few of them on his personal vehicle.

The Bakurans answered Rjiuvan's call. The villip shaped itself into the face of Gaeriel Captison.

"This is Prime Minister Captison." She said not knowing what words to pronounce in front of their conqueror.

"This is Rjiuvan Shai, Commander of the Yuuzhan Vong. We have defeated your forces, our goal in BAkura has been accomplished. Unless you want to pursue the outcome of the fight."

"Most certainly not, Commander. We are peaceloving people, we have been rendered defenseless. We want not to follow a certain death. The allegiance of Bakura is yours."

Rjiuvan smiled. WIth a subtle hand move the controller acknoledged and deployed one squadron of coralskipper, and two warrior bataillons. Each of them with artillery beasts.

"What about the Rebellion?"

"They rescued us once, they failed to do so now. WE owe them nothing." She insisted, but her words lacked the confidence.

Her eyes widened in fear. "Commander we detect yuuzhan vong vessels nearing the surface. We offer you peace and you offer us betrayal."

Rjiuvan screamed at her in his own language before he cut out the communication.

"Now, Commander, destroy thier satellites, bombards their base and incinerate thier cities."

"You ever speak the right, God That Is."


Bakura, too, was now part of the void. The void that was the Yuuzhan VOng.

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OOC: You are one sick little puppy. :twisted:

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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OOC: Elvis, I'm busy as a one-legged man in a butt-kicking contest at work. I won't be able to post anything, can you take over Loor for me for a day?

Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.--Napoleon Bonaparte


I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.--Robert McCloskey, State Department spokesman


Support the USA!

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OOC: I'll try. ;)




Loor: ......."that the Vong are more powerful than my fleet command estimated. They entirely decimated a fleet sent to Hoth. They have dopne something to one of the moons that has radically changed the environment, and Hoth itself seems to have been destroyed."


Elvis: "Really? This was not unanticipated, though i had not expected something on this scale."


Loor: "There's more, we captured one of their fighters, and one of their men. It seems that they are formidable fighters, one of them took down 37 of my men, all of whom were well trained. They also have interdictors."


Elvis: "That makes sense, it seems a logical use of gravitic technology, and for a culture based on death a violence, fighting seems the way to go for all of them. I suggest we go to the hanger and have a look at the ship, and then go and 'talk' to the Vong pilot. For the time being i suggest we don't attempt to harm him in any way, including through the force."


The last comment was delivered with a stern look at both Luke and Samos....................

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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OOC: Thanks Elvis, but now I'm doubly sick. And I have a Yuuzhan Vong right hand. :):twisted::D. I'll take Luke for the next post.


IC: The Force was everything. Even Samos, with all his dark power was part of the Force. Each life was like a little candle that lit strong in the galaxy. In a heartbeat millions of those candels lit no more. As if they had been swallowed by a black hole. One of them was clear to him for a moment, the essence of someone he loved.

"Elvis!", Luke heard himself say.

The man looked at him worried.

Luke choked on the words as a new presence lit even stronger. A essence from within the blackhole.

"Iulan. No!"

Elvis stared at him.

Luke's eyes widened as he turned to Elvis. "Bakura's gone."

"How?" came Loor's voice.

"We have been betrayed." Luke answered, breathing with some difficulty.

Before Elvis could ask Luke another question Samos spoke.

"Iulan S'Tor has betreayed us. He is a Yuuzhan Vong now."

Endor, Hoth, Bespin, Varonat. And now Bakura. Hopeflly they'll kill themselves fighting the Ssi-Ruuvi.. Luke thought for himself.

One look from Elvis a mixture of worry, fear and pity ended the discussion and in silence they proceeded to interrogate the Yuuzhan Vong pilot.

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OOC: Exactly where are we in the timeline? I need a check on Mara Jade, and the Solo family, how far pregnant is Leia, or has she already had the kids? I've already got plans to bringthe Chiss in, so how old or not is Jag?

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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OOC: Definetely Thrawn era. Don't forget that the Imps have an Emperor. What about Coruscant? Imp control or Rebel controlled? Mara may be around, Leia's pregnant, the Chiss could be in, jag hasn't been born. Or was just born. Soontir, on the other hand is fit to fly any ship. DOn't forget that you still have ten Jedi, Luke and Corran. The Imps had Samos as a Jedi, and I'm a Jedi working fo rthe Vong and i'm also a VOng.
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OOC: Okay, I just needed to select the group I'm going to be working with and some major characters. For the time being we'll say that Leia is getting ready to have the kids, and then she'll join in. She'll act in an advisory role for the time being, and Han will stick with her. I'd say let the Imperials have Coruscant, it probably won't make that much difference.

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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ADarkJedi44: Jump in whenever you want. :)

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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OOC: As a warrior (well, pilot) maybe you could visit our little Yuuzhan Vong prisoner and see if you can get him to talk at all.

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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Dury had just recieved an urgent summons from Wedge and was hurrying down the corridor without looking like he was hurrying. He sounded like something was wrong, I hope that it's nothing serious. As he was admitted into Wedge's private office he immediattly saw that there was indeed something wrong.


Dury: Cadet Dury reporting as ordered sir.


Wedge: At ease Cadet. I called you in here because I have good and bad news for you. Which do you want first.


"The bad news first sir" why does he look so sad, what could have happened that would affect him like this


Wedge: Alright but I think you should sit down for this, an alien species known as the Yuuzhan Vong have destroyed your home world of Bakura. I just recieved word an hour ago from Luke who felt it's destruction through the force. I'm sorry Mike, I know what it's like to lose everything and I will do my best to help you in any way that I can.


Dury: thank you sir, What may I ask is the good news?


Wedge: The good news, it kinda pales in comparison to what I just told you, but I have just recieved word that you are to be promoted to the rank of Lieutenant, and you are to be given command of your own fighter squadron.


Dury: But sir, Lieutenant don't have command of fighter squads, why am I to have one.


Wedge: Because you are the only person out here who knows anything about the cloaked A-Wings, but don't worry about that right now, go back to your room and relax, this is alot for one person to handle all in one day. Report back to me tommorow and we'll go over your squads files, alright.


Dury: Yes sir.


Wedge: Dismissed Lieutenant.


As he hurried back to his room, Dury hoped that no one noticed the tears that were threatining to run down is face.

Edited by wormie

Lost a planet Master Obi-Wan has, how embarrassing. - Yoda


Do not count a human dead until you've seen his body, and even then you can make a mistake. - Bene Gesserit saying

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Living among the Vong had taught Iulan many things. Among others the value of pain.

The Yuuzhan Vong lived for pain. Pain was a teacher, a master, a father.

The Embrace of Pain was an escape of reality, but was as well an instruction into the greater world here, in the void. He felt, or belived he felt that his hand urged him to fill the void with somethign. Pain would fulfill that role.

Rjiuvan Shai had ordered the reshaping of Bakura, the native Bakuran species were being converted by shapers and the human were routenily offered to the Gods.

In his meditation he drifted back to the people he once called comrades and friends. Elvis, Luke, Elegiae, Dury, who is a Bakuran, Iulor.

All of them existed in his foggy memories, par tof the universe he had left behind, the universe he wanted to redeen thorugh the Yuuzhan Vong.

HE expanded his Force bubble, because heknew it would have no effect on the Yuuzhan VOng devices.

He felt relaxed,a t ease. He was one with the Force, and the Void.

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Rjiuvan Shai was trembling in anger and fear. Anger at the ineptitude of his warriors. He had fought three of them simultaneously, and suffered no major injury. Fear because Supreme Overlord Shimraa had called him via villip during his fight. He closed the link. But Rjiuvan Shai knew he had to report back, he had failed to do so, because he did not know how to explain his find in this galaxy. A God who Is, A God who Bleeds. A God, An Infidel greater than any Yuuzhan Vong.

Shimraa had been thier GOd during their VOyage in the Empty Space between galaxies. Now when thier conquest was beginning the Gods sent thier emissary their omen who is the Gods. Iulan S'Tor. A name with no equivalent in the Yuuzhan Vong language.

He knew he would have to confront his Overlord, even if only to tell him that he believed in Iulan S'Tor not in Shimraa.

He caressed the villip with the human hand. It writhingly reverted into the face of Overlord Shimraa....

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Echo: Ellllllooooooooo!

Is anyone here???

Echo: eeeeeeeeeeereeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Will someone post something?

Echo: Perhaaapssssss


Come on guys post something...

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  • SWR Staff - Executive

AND YOU EXPECT ME TO ACCEPT THIS! - the Force had nearly driven Samos to the ground. Dark Side energy he felt as his master's fury raged on.


Retreive Iulan, destroy the forces that have taken him. Then take out the Rebel threat once and FOR ALL!


Emperor Evaders turned to back to the business at hand. He focused his energy once again on the Dark Side... calling his power, the ancient Dark Lords of the Sith guiding him toward his goal: the destruction of the light.. the destruction of the Jedi.


http://swrebellion.com/images/banners/rebellionbanner02or6.gif Webmaster

http://swrebellion.com/images/banners/swcicuserbar.png Administrator


Fighting is terrible, but not as terrible as losing the will to fight.

- SW:Rebellion Network - Evaders Squadron Coding -

The cake is a lie.

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As Dury headed back to Wedge's office the next he had noticed that all of the grief and sadness that he had felt last night had hardened into a grim detrmination to avenge the death of his family and friends. He had vowed to the memories of his family that they would be avenged. He also had a new respect for the Jedi, having to bury all of this feelings and not let them consume them. When he was admitted into Wedge's office, he was greeted by the site of Wedge sitting at his desk with a stack of papers in front of him.


Wedge: Come in Dury, close the door behind you and take a seat, this might take awhile. First off, how are you holding up, you didn't have lunch or dinner yesterday and some people were worried about you considering what had happened.


Dury: I'm better now Sir, thank you, it was just a shock to my system, thats all, but thank you.


Wedge: Do you feel up to discussing your squads personnel or would you prefer to do this at a later time, it's perfectly alright if you do, but it is your decision in the end.


Dury: Now is a good time Sir, who do you have lined up as my second in command?


Wedge: After serious thought, I've decided on assigning a woman by the name of Nikk Retrac as your number two. She's flown an A-Wing all of her career and I think that you and her will get along great, as long as you can handle her odd sense of humor.


Dury: Sounds good to me Sir.


Wedge: Have you decided on a name for your squad yet?


Dury: Yes Sir I have, I heard that the Yuuzhan Vong don't register in the Force, kind of like a void, And since they destroyed everything that I ever cared for, I have decided to call them Void Squadron.


Wedge: That seems fitting, I'll give you the rest of the files to go over on your own time, so once you've gone over them book some time in the sims to get them to know each other, now if you'll excuse me I do have an important call to make.


Dury: Yes sir, I'll be on my way. And thanks again for everything Sir.


Dury hurridly went down the hall to his bunk so that he could study the rest of the files.

Lost a planet Master Obi-Wan has, how embarrassing. - Yoda


Do not count a human dead until you've seen his body, and even then you can make a mistake. - Bene Gesserit saying

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OOC: Sorry guys, been in hospital for a few days. Got stabbed rather badly in the stomach and shoulder. Have to get some implants. :) (Not really on the implants)




Shimraa beckoned to a messenger;


Shimraa: "How long 'till Rijuvaan Shai arrives?"

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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"Rjiuvan Shai is now moving Corewards," a controller offered. "There's a connection to him."

"Corewards?" Shimraa screamed in complete outrage. The new hardened armor implanted in his shoulder ached.

The painful memories in his duel against the ranchar, a Yuuzhan Vong creation based on an animal they found as circus animal in an outlier world, had inflicted serious injuries on him. With the poisoned claws he had pierced Shimraa's stomach that was now replaced with a creature that excuted the same functions as his stomach, and with tail of spikes the beast had hurt and almsot destroyed Shimraa's shoulder.

Shpaers had belived he would die, but radank arm sustaine dmore damage than Vong arms. And of course Shimraa was a God.

"Yes, he is moving corewards."

Angrily Shimraa caressed Shai's villip and he saw the creature reverting in the shape of his trusted Lieutenant.


"The glory of the Yuuzhan Vong must come from victory and relentlessness, Overlord." The other responded, Shimraa could sense soemthign in him in his voice.

"A worthy servant of the True Gods," Shimraa complimented

Slight pause. "As any other Yuuzhan Vong."

That was the secret then. Rjiuvan was a traitor. A heretic.


As soon as teh last word came out he knew he had betrayed himself.

"Your heresy and betrayal are obvious, Rjiuvan Shai." Shimraa said in delightful pain.

REjecting it would be useless.

"I am a heretic then, Overlord of nothing. I serve the one TRue God. A God who Bleeds and Is." Shai said.

The villip, tried it really tried, but the face of anger and outrage that Shimraa became was something the creature oculd not recreate completely.

"A traitor you are and as a traitor you will die, Shai. Your whole domain shall be sucked into a Blackhole and vanish into the void." The Supreme Overlord cursed.

"In the Void I was born, As a Void I found a God."Rjiuvan said the words Iulan had said. "My services will ever be for the Yuuzhan Vong, the True GOds and the God who Is, but not for you Shimraa."

Rjiuvan Shai cut the link, using the venom of his plaerin bol to kill the villip. Now, if Shimraa wanted to kill him or talk to him, he woudl have to come in person.

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Iulan S'Tor watched with interest the conversation between Rjiuvan Shai and the Supreme Overlord of the Yuuzhan Vong. It was in a deep philosophical sense a parallel. A schism had just been portrayed by Shai and Shimraa, another division like light and dark. Like Elegiae and Samos.

Like the galaxy, that absurdly classified everything in Jedi or Sith, REbel or Imperial, good or evil. Iulan thoguth he had come to a higher level, and now he discovered that there were other schisms other antagonists.

Shai had faith in him in his status as a God. a Bleeding God, one that is mortal, one who knows pain, one who sees into the future.

Shai had laid his faith in him, a young pilot and wannabe-Jedi who has now little more than an undiscovered prisoner.

"I was born in the Void, as a Void a God came to me," Shai spoke.

Void, the Void that was the Yuuzhan Vong. The VOid he had tried to escape. The VOid that was part of his body, he felt an itch in his hand.

He was not a Jedi, nor a dark Jedi, nor was he a Yuuzhan Vong, and now, not even wholly human. What am I then?

"We are nothing, Iulan S'Tor. We are like pilgrims, and like warriors. WE are crusaders, that ignore the final goal." Rjiuvan Shai said grimly.

"We are Yuuzhan Vong and Infidels, traitors and heretics." Iulan replied. There was no room for philophy in war.

"WE have to conquer. Our conquests may serve the Yuuzhan Vong. Eventually we will be killed, my friend."

Eventually, my friend, our death will be our redemption.

"A target, my Lord."

"Yes, Warmaster Shai. A world, where good and evil annihilated each other. Mirial, a lost and fabled world. Not corewards, back in the Rim. Another jewel that will shine in the crown of the True Gods"


OOC: I'll attack Mirial. I'm evil and yes Elvis I'm a sick puppy. Scathane if you'll join, feel free to do it whenever you want.

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Guest Scathane

Sometimes, Scathane wondered why he'd joined the Rebellion. Of course, he'd been easy game for Shanaak, even though she'd seemed so unselfish at the time, she'd been recruiting for the Alliance. He knew that now, but he didn't blame her. He was probabaly better off this way: it had given him something to preoccupy his mind with instead of focussing on the questions that were relentlessly hammering around in his head... But, still, sometimes he wondered why he'd joined.


Now wasn't such a time, however! He'd just got word through a secure channel as he'd been receiving intelligence from one of the field operatives. It transmission had been bad: more static than anything else. But he had clearly made out two words: Rjiuvan and Mirial...


He'd have to take this up with Elvis as soon as possible...

Edited by Scathane
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Corran sits in mediate position farseeing into the future trying to find a clue on what he should do, when he suddenly sees a planet, destruction, death, Yuuzhan Vongs and Alliance troops, he tries to focus on the vision and he sees himself along with several key persons, he dosn't know who they are but he know they are important for the outcome of the planet, then suddenly he hear the names "Mirial" and "Elvis", then he snaps out of it, he now knows what to do, he has to find out who or what this Mirial person is, and he knew excatly where to find out. Thereafter he sets out to find Elvis, who's location he had seen in the vision...

Jedi Corran Duchai at your service.


There is no emotion; there is peace.

There is no ignorance; there is knowledge.

There is no passion; there is serenity.

There is no death; there is the Force.

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