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Re: Mod - SOTE (TBR)

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I have already stated this before. 3 Flight Groups 12 fighters per Squadron - this is how it is in this mod. So that 4 fighters per flight group. This is how it should be. shak and I wanted to make this cannon so it reflects the true flight group numbers they would have, 36 fighters = 1 Wing 76 fighter's per star destroyer is 1 Wing. 36 fighters per Mon Calamari Cruiser. This is how we wanted to do the squadrons in this mod.


People say the AI is spamming fighters - it's probably not, read the change log and you will see the number per squadron reflects real squad sizes of the ships they are carried on, not sizes the developers used in the original game.



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It seems to me that the ISD made by Avenger has the same number of HP of Frankies one.

Avenger's have 15 weapon bones, Frankie's 21 :P

Something is wrong with your eyes, lol


Redoing ISD at this point would be big loss of time, in which we could make correct model for Tector.


Also, it's not important from what you are making a model, each conversion may have different number of bones.

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Boys Avenger has released a ISD vs VSD mod on filefront featuring an excellent ISD along with the Venator.

I recommend to use that ships and ask Avenger for more. He has done an awsome work.

I forgot to say that SotE uses new Avenger's Venator conversion-same one as in his mini-mod.

It's pretty different than venator in CiS v5 & z3r0x's addon v3.

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I hate to burst your bubble Lord of the Sith, but I actually don't like the skin that much on Avengers ISD. After looking at it in the ALO Viewer the main hull looks fine, but turn the ship around and look at it from the back and it's not skinned properly. (Back of the bridge area and engines area) It lack a skin and is using a generic skin that is wrapped around this area. This is not the reason I don't want to use the ISD Avenger did, - but you must appreciate the work that has already been done, and I have done the ISD's several times to make them cannon the way shak suggested making them. I am really not prepared to do all this work over again to suit the minority of people who like that ISD. Frankies ISD is good enough for the mod, and the skin is equally as good, in fact in my quality settings the skin looks great - especially the ship lights on the thing. So I am saying no to re doing an ISD just to make it so it has moving turrets, I added the Venator with moving turrets as a unique ship that can be un locked at special locations and ship yards. It is supposed to be just a bonus unit from the clone wars and is a rare ship to find.



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This is not the reason I don't want to use the ISD Avenger did, - but you must appreciate the work that has already been done, and I have done the ISD's several times to make them cannon the way shak suggested making them. I am really not prepared to do all this work over again to suit the minority of people who like that ISD

Not to mention if you'll use Avenger's ISD I'll have to think again about weapon placement again ;)


It seems to me that the ISD made by Avenger has the same number of HP of Frankies one.

Both are made from EJ's Warlrods mod.

However the choice is yours JC. I just pointed that mod because the ISD model is the best around even better than Frankie's.

If you want awesome quality ship models, WAIT for IA2 or GO PLAY Warlords!!!

JC isn't a machine ready to change model for SSD/ISD/VSD every 2 weeks ::)


BTW Avenger's ISD is mkII, how could you get similar quality model of mkI? ;D

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My computer does not act the way it should usually(its possessed lol), and/but I mean this in a good way.  I mean it outperforms what its specs would lead one to believe.  I have many mods on my laptop, and this is the only one it lags in galactic on.  At first I thought it was because I changed my bios but then that would have affected my other mods.  As for my integrated graphics, its not like your typical integrated card, and I looked it up and it said that it was better than some  1 year old GPU's even, as in came out one year ago.  This was from a person rating all cards, including GPU equiped ones.  I would put a new card in if I could, but as I said, this is a high end laptop, not a highend desktop.  This thing manages to outperform some how a computer with the same amount of memory that has a 2.8Ghz processor.  So i think some of your statements about my specs are unfounded.  If you know how to fit a GPU enabled graphics card onto a 20.7cm by 23cm (apr. probably slightly more than that.) laptop, I would really really want to know how.  As for my ram, I have more than 1 gig.  Recently I saw more proof for my computer being possessed by something, it seems to have overclocked itself. All of the sudden, its performing better than it normally did when I first got it, but heating up very fast, reaching temperatures of 100C and once 110C!  To counter the temperature, I now surround my computer with fans and make sure its in a cool place, and now it usually doesn't get over 90C.  It occasionally does when running multiple programs including a game, but normally it does not now.  I was told by the maker of the processor that the hottest temperature they have seen where the processor still worked was 137C and then it stopped working.  Basically you could boil water in my computer lol.  Anyway, just wanted to tell ya that. Its only this mod that my computer has problems in GC.  All others it does fine in, including ones that add a significant amount of planets.  So please don't rate my computer on its specs, because it seems to think that its specs are nonexistant.  As a matter of fact, according to a clock recorder, the reason it lags in GC, is because my processor all of the sudden just slows, down, as in it thinks it doesn't need to do as much work, because at this time, the game is only occupying about 3 percent of its proccessing power.  Weird.  So basically, my processor starts to run the mod as if its MS word or a background system program.  Then it goes normal speed for a few seconds and then slows a lot again.  I am not making this stuff up.  Its incredible, but strangely true.
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110 C...LOL!! You should do somethin with it, or your comp will not work very long.

You say you have changed BIOS...propably that's the reason of over-heating and self-overclock.


Also, Is your CPU an AMD or intel?

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@Jay like I said, I wasn't knocking your GPU, but it has a very big factor in why you get lag the way you do. I have already said my experience of playing SOTE is nothing like your's. The lag is not caused because the Consortium is missing from the SOTE campaign. The SOTE campaign does not call on Expansion files because it is not looking for a consortium based player in the game. (It read's from the ORIGINAL campaign scripts) not FOC's It's hard to explain But it's in he sandbox files and shows it does not even require or read from the Expansion script so it does not look for a consortium either. The Single Player GC file's for the SOTE campaign and Revenge of the Empire do not look for the Consortium at all - because how can a script look for some thing that is not listed as being a legitimate player faction ? - Simply this has nothing to do with the lag you have in your game. I am answering this partly from the PM you sent because this should be explained publically.


The fleet movment's you mentioned are quite normal in EAW and FOC it's enhanced even more I would guess because of the AI aggressiveness. But it does not mean the AI is doing nothing - it means it is doing some thing. The more active the AI becomes, the busy the game will become and the more busy your PC will be playing the game. I told you the other day, every one is having different levels of experience with the game. Some people will have more lag than others, I do not have much at all. While you choose to ignore my advice about what would be the real cause of the lag on your game, I have to reiterate that a 6150 GPU really is not a gamers processor. 2 people on here have told you such.


Yes I am working on reducing lag in the game, but I said before I cannot wave a wand and make it go away for you completely. If you had a better graphics card it would help a lot because it would off load all that stress your putting on your System Memory - because if you don't realise Intigrated graphics used shared memory. So if you have 1 GIG system memory - your GPU uses 128MB - 256MB of the memory available, leaving around 750MB (or so) That's very little for the System to use for available free resources. You will have EAW running, plus lots of system background applications running all taking a chunk of the available memory. Don't think I do not know what I am on about.. I have been building PC's for years mate.


I appologise for the lag your having in the game and I am re writing the AI aggressiveness - however, the AI needs to be active, creative, and it needs to be doing things, otherwise if the AI is dumb it won't even bother to challenge you and would make the game boring.



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Maybe you should reduce your detail level?...if you're playing on high, you may experience much lag, especially on this sucky GPU.

I don't experience much lag on my comp- which has 512 mb RAM, but my GPU is GF6600 (JC i have a better one than yours :P). I can tell you y graphic settings.

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How do you figure that  ::) I have an nVidia Geforce 7300GS with 512MB ram My GPU is newer and supports new shaders that your card doesn't ;)



I am having problems making the AI work the way other people want, I do not feel happy about making the AI less smart, by doing so sure it causes the AI to be less active and it doesn't do as much, but it's also making the AI behave well, slow at building things as well. To the point that a smart human player can out smart the AI all the time because of unresponsiveness.


I think either I look for some one who can do the AI for me in SOTE - or people will just have to accept the way I wanted it to work in the first place. I can't keep up with trying to please everyone and loose interest in what I was working on in the first place.



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How do you figure that  ::) I have an nVidia Geforce 7300GS with 512MB ram My GPU is newer and supports new shaders that your card doesn't ;)

What "newer shaders"- both 6x00 and 7x00 have shader model 3.0 ;D

Number of RAM doesn't make performance-512 MB is too big for GPU of this class. It's a memory clock that makes it faster.


7300 GS have 4 PS units & 3 VS units.

6600 have 3 VS & 8 PS http://forums.filefront.com/images/smilies/pwned.gif


I am having problems making the AI work the way other people want, I do not feel happy about making the AI less smart, by doing so sure it causes the AI to be less active and it doesn't do as much, but it's also making the AI behave well, slow at building things as well. To the point that a smart human player can out smart the AI all the time because of unresponsiveness.


I think either I look for some one who can do the AI for me in SOTE - or people will just have to accept the way I wanted it to work in the first place. I can't keep up with trying to please everyone and loose interest in what I was working on in the first place.

Just keep AI as it is now. If someone can't handle it, he should play at easy difficulty ;)

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What?! SotE is cancelled?  :o

JC, do not give up, you're doing an amazing work, do not let these small things in your way stop your work. Every project have it's problens, and we may try to solve them.

Really, do not give up. Unless that will be better to you.  :-\

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JC can you make two separate folders with AI

-a)with easy level(AI to be less active) and

-b)with hard level (AI to by more active ).

Not change amounts of garrisons to StarBase or SpaceSport- I like challenges ;D

And good jobs.THX!

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KingA, you're not helping the situation.



You shouldn't let some random whiners stop an awesome project like this. If they want those little things, they can add em in themselves. We're not here to be little slaves of the community.


Don't stop with SotE, it's not worth canceling it over some petty issues like these.



[3:52:33 PM] Arbiter says: Paracetamoxyfrusebendroneomycin would cure all of his diseases....

[3:52:47 PM] Arbiter says: Except with the side effect of probable death.

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HK I am fed up of people crying about the AI not working the way they want, and people going on about their GPU being good or bad. I am bored of this argument, and its stopping my enthusiasm for the game. I am not only stopping the mod but I am probably going to leave this community as well because I am tired of debating what's wrong with the mod all the time.



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ok, ok.. I need to think over night on what to do.. but I can't please everyone and can't make this mod work the way everyone wants. The solution is that if people don't like the AI then remove the AI folder ?! - it returns the game to the default one anyway. But don't cry at me when the AI is not doing anything at all any more. If you have Geforce 6 or 7 or higher you will have no problems running this game if you have a semi decent card. When I stated mine has 512 MB I did not indicate or mention the thought or notion this is best for game play. Like DUH...?! I Fracking know its a matter of how good the clock speeds are on your gfx card is, AND that with your pipeline. Mine is a crappy 4 pixel pipeline but I can balance this in FOC by turning off AA. But then still have high quality. HK brought up a good point in PM and I forgot to say it also, but if people have trouble playing a mod turn down or turn off Anti Aliasing. Simple - less lag.



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JC, your AI is GOOD! Maybe not a perfect one, but nothing can be perfect.

Dr. Nick has a good point.

Do not cancel SotE because of sucker who believe that laptop is good for games or don't know how to change difficulty level. Some people will complain even about IA2 ::) It's hard to satify everyone.


And that GPU discussion is an off-top, for what you are taking it that serious? Game runs fine on my comp.

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ok fine.. I won't cancel my work. I need a lot more time to get the AI working right though.. recent tweaks I did made it more lame and useless at building or capturing things, where as my earlier AI work was working fine. This stupid debate over crying about the AI is not helping anyway. Z3r0x has just updated his mod with shipyards and I took a peek at what he did - I feel really stupid because I do not know why I didn't think of doing it that way,. So I think Z has the best way of doing ship yards in skimish - clever way of doing things I think. So I will be re doing my skirmish shipyards for a start, plus I will get Golan and XQ Defence Platforms building from build pads. This will take me a few days working through this so bear with me.



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I'm glad to see you aren't giving up.

Wish you and SotE team good luck in continuing the project.




Ah, and if you are having too much lag yet, turn down the shadow quality level, I did this and it reduced the lags too.


Keep up your great work!

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I was running on high detail lol.  Thats why I my comp lagged.  it works much better now.  And sorry for being so aggravating.  As I said, my comp disobeys the laws of physics and it annoys me sometimes that I don't know how.  As for 110C, it has not reached that temp in a while now, though a few days ago it did reach 90C when I was running the mod and several other programs at once.  I feel really stupid for doing some of that stuff :P  JC, please do not take some of my criticism seriously, as my comp is possessed as I said and will probably do things on the mod that no one has ever heard of, because it's not lag that was the problem, because my processor wasn't even maxing out on the game even when it lagged, i just think its the demonic presence in comp playing some cruel jokes on me lol.  I did not change my bios, it was an automatic update that makes it have more flexibility in how much of my ram and proccessor everything uses based on powersupply and how much power it needs.  Running as a desktop, I have no lag except maybe 3 times where it froze and my processor was just taking its sweet time.  The proccessor light wasn't even blinkng fast. It would wink 3 or four times and then stop, and then few minutes later the game would start again.  As I said, my specs should not be used to determine what my computer can do because I have seen with my own eyes it playing a game that obviosly was beyond its specs, and yet it did with no lag.  For now on, take any performance issues I have with a grain of salt, because no on can rate my comp's ability.  It does what it wants.  It even turns itself on and off now. 
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