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Hiroshima, 60 years later...


Was it the right thing to do?  

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  1. 1. Was it the right thing to do?

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I loaded up my aol this morning, and looked at the newspaper and saw Hirshima 60 years later,, was it the right thing? Well just wanted to know your thoughts on the subject, i figured alot of you guys are in canada or britain and wouldnt mind seeing an outside opinion instead of my egocentric one (i learned that word in social studies class)
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its was a fault of ourer planetary history and no one did realy learn something from it. all the lands put a large amount of money in they weoponary and the researching of new deadlyer weapons. everywhere on the planet a large amount of people died because they have no food or were killed by weapons with have sell the lands. i would only say that everyland should stop producing weapons and the researching of new deadlyer weapons. They should take all the money to research medicine against deadly deseases and should bring the exploration of the space forward. They should aso stop discrimination of other peoples and religions. We were one planet and so long if we dont can think that every people on the planet are ourer brothers and sister we will have WAR, HUNGRY and DISEASES.


So this was ist from me.

at hiroshima, i think the american people had make the false thing. They had should the power of the weapon on a terrain were no people lives. But i think if they dont had drop the bombs the second World War were continued some months or years. And in the end maybe we dont were here on ourer countrys and write this message.

Why is English one of the most speaken languages? German is more better, it sounds better and i did unterstandt it ^^ but for you i will spoke english too, not good but you should unterstand me ^^


"Der Preis der Freiheit, ist ewige Wachsamkeit" Col. Blair Herz des Tigers

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Yes: In that it was part of a larger learning process for humanity. Without events like this we would never know quite what the consquences of fooling with Atomic warfare. Also remember this was war, real war, not like the ones conducted by the west today. These would have been desperate times for everyone, and had you been put in that position with so much death already would you do the same thing. Probably not.


NO: Of course it was wrong. I side with this one more, but always in the knowledge of the first. I find killing on any scale is wrong, but to do it in such a way as Hiroshima really wasn't right. Consider how many innocents there were and imagine that same number anywhere else in the world. It isn't nice to think about. There are always alternatives, no matter how hard you have to look.


What can I say else. It was something tragic that happened, maybe had to happen. Who can say what the world would be like today without it happening? Would it be a better place or not? Would the end justify the means? I'm not even close to being qualified enough to make a judgement.

"And the moral of the story is: Appreciate what you've got, because basically; I'm fantastic." ~ Holly, Red Dwarf



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Did you know that the bomb was the fault of the Brits??


A british translator was translating a message to Churchill saying that the japanese were "considering cessation of hostilities" however the guy thought they actually said they were considering "increasing hostilities" or words to that effect.


The Brit relayed the news to the Americans and the rest is History.

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yes: germany had just been defeated and we were finished in europe. but in a naval and airial battle such as the pacific campaign, the japanese were pretty good, they were an empire,and germany was allied with other countries but japan took the far east pretty much by themselves.they also had lots of resources and i guess truman wanted to end it quickly. i think that if we tried to do it with our forces, more men and women would have been lost trying to get there. we also did 2 bombs right? i think it alarmed the president to see that the first atomic bomb didnt shake thier resolve and end the violence, so there went the next oone. the amount of lives could have been drasticallly cut. Also war advances our technological potential because you have to try to outwit your nemy and build a better item then them.

no one wants to kill millions of human beings,but i think that was the best way to end it, who knows? serveral million more troops would have been lost getting to either america or japan,probably exceeding the amount killed in the blasts.

I've have you now - Lord Vader
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Yes 2 Hydrogen bombs, one on Hiroshima and one on Nagaski. I also think it was the wquickest way to end the conflict. Although it isnt right to kill humans japan got what it deserved, they attacked us unprovoked so we showed them our resolve. Its just ashame innocent people have to die in the process.
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it feels all icky and hot and like first your arms go, and then your lips...then you fry. but they should have surrendered after the first bomb. what kind of leader faces that power and in the end gets many more people killed?
I've have you now - Lord Vader
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Japan would have never had to have dealt with a nuke up their ass if they had more brains than to attack our Navy. Are you an American Fosh?
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youre joking right vader? do you even know why they attacked us? it wasnt because they were looking for a fight, they could have continued wqestwarsd and conquered asia for that. it was because we had resources they needed. since they already had a formidibale navy, prolly almost to match ours, they decided that an attack on one of our bases in the pacific would weaken our navy so they could get the resources to fuel thier war machine. so they thought this out ALOT.
I've have you now - Lord Vader
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yes i think it was the right thig to do because an example had 2 set and the japs had 2 b stopped cause they just wanted the world and pearl harbour that was just out of order




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Killing that many *INNOCENT* people all at once is plain evil. I can't understand how Truman lived with himself after giving that order. It would have been different if Hiroshima and Nagasaki had been Military cities with *only* combatants residing in them, but that wasn't quite the case was it? Imagine if your wives and children and parents and relations were just suddenly nuclearized... Its just plain wrong.

Admiral Cotla Charre

Imperial Navy

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you think truman didnt think of that? we ould have pprobably lost more lives ON BOTH SIDES than those lost in those bombings. it was the quickest and least harmful way to end it, lesser of 2 evils etc. i know it isnt right but it was the best they had.
I've have you now - Lord Vader
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Oh dear, talk about one of the greatest tragedies in human history... and a necessary one.


1st, three events triggered the surrender of the Japanese in World War II. The nuclear bombing was only two of them, the other event which occured between them was the Russian entrance into the war.


Even then the Japancese might not have surrendered. The military leaders of japan were split evenly over a negotiated settlement to the war or continueing hostilities. When the Emperor broke the tie and force the leaders to open negotiations there was a coup attempt. If it had succeded America would have still been forced to invade. If the bombs hadn't fallen Japan would have probably remained in the war until invaded.


2nd, loss of life from an invasion of Japan to both sides would be far worse then the losses suffered from the bomb. The American estimate for american casualties put them at over a million. The American military actually preordered thousand upon thousands of purple hearts which we didn't finish giving out until Vietnam. Recent revelations about Japan's military preparedness for an invasion make it clear that the american estimate is far less then what would have actually occured, and some leading historians believe that the American invasion would have been thrown back into the sea.

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youre joking right vader? do you even know why they attacked us? it wasnt because they were looking for a fight, they could have continued wqestwarsd and conquered asia for that. it was because we had resources they needed. since they already had a formidibale navy, prolly almost to match ours, they decided that an attack on one of our bases in the pacific would weaken our navy so they could get the resources to fuel thier war machine. so they thought this out ALOT.


Well whatever if they had more brains then to attack AMERICA they wouldnt have had tens of thousands die. What they did at pearl harbor was a cheap shot at US we wanted to let Europe handle the situation, and a hell of a job they did. Japs attacked us, we go involved in the war and cleaned up that mess.

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Operation Downfall, was the name of the invasion of Japan. It was to be carried out in two phases. Operation Olympic(the invasion of the southern most island) and Operation Coronet(the invasion of the Tokyo Plains).


Let me put it into perspective for everyone. Normandy was the largest amphibious invasion in modern warfare and what is pretty much most remembered by historians. The Normandy invasion landed 5 divisions, and 3 airborne divisions. Olympic was going to land FIFTEEN divisions, and Coronet was to land TWENTY THREE. Units which had fought in Europe were being redeployed to the US for a brief rest and then were shipped to the west coast for reassignment, and redeployment. Now the Japanese werent stupid they expected where the invasions to happen, and thus on the southern most Island, the defends went from 43,000 to 240,000 by the time of the surrender. This is uniformed units, this doesnt include civilian "suicide" brigades.


One only has to look at the battles of Iwo Jima, and Okinawa to realize that it would have taken the deaths of nearly every Japanese citizen on both islands before they were taken. Even children were taught to fight with sharpened bamboo sticks. What the atom bomb did was to save potentially millions of Japanese and hundreds of thousands of allied lives.


As for Hiroshima and Nagasaki they where military targets. Lets not forget WWII was a TOTAL war. And la total war is a war in which the entire public is moblized to fight. It happened in the US, it happened in Germany, it happened in Great Britian, all countries were geared to fight a long protracted war.Nagaski was the major port which supplied troops fighting in China, and Hiroshima was an industrial center still producing rifles, and parts for suicide jets. Thats right the Japanese developed and produced a suicde jet known as the Ohka which they planned on using against troop landingships and aircraft carriers. Dont believe they had a suicide jet?




To the troops who fought across the Pacific the atomic bomb was a god send. Even the most conservite of estimates expected an invasion of Japan to take the war another year before total completetion. And yet here people are ignornant to what must have been done ..granted this information was classified until the 1980s so it isnt broad public knowledge but to say no they were wrong for some political belief which wouldnt fly in the latter stages of WWII doesnt fly.


Greatest tragedy of human history? Hardly. Less people died when these bombs were dropped combined, than killed by the Japanese at Nanking and Manila. Less people died in these two bombs combined than in Auschwitz. As far as human tragedies go, this one was a blip in a war where victory meant your country survived and defeat was out of the option.

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Technically the Ohka is a suicide rocket plane not a jet, but by the time of the invasion the Japanese had produced nearly as many jet aircraft as the Germans had. They held these units in reserve however and they didn't see combat. Japanese plans indicate the invasion would have met thousands of rocket, jet, and kamakazi aircraft in the first few hours. Some historians have gone so far as to openly say that such an invasion would have failed.

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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ok everyone get a hold of yourselves what happened at heoshima and nagasaki (bad speling) happened as the thread says 60 FRIGGEN YEARS AGO no amount of arguing will make the atomic bomb right or wrong but either way the war would have ended and people would have died whether they be civilians or not remember the people of japan all fought citizens and military alike so the "citizens" would have taken american life so i see them as military anyway....
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It could have all been provented if Americans didn't ignore Japanese peace talks but Pearl Harbor got bombed successfully then Japan got to cocky then Americans came in and bombed everything and the only reason Americans won was because Japanese made mistakes. If Japan didn't make mistakes Japan would have surely won. Just wanted to point that out. Also Japan could have had Midway.
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