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Katanna Fleet (Dark Force)



Has anyone other than myself actually ever attempted to build the ~200 Dreadnaught Katanna fleet? I have actually done it before and it is GREAT! Imagine 200 Dreadnaughts suddenly appearing in orbit over your system and take out your fleet within seconds, then bomb the hell out of your planet! foaming at mouth . . .


It's great to be an Imperial. :D

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I think that he was a master like Yoda. Wasn't it his lightsaber that Corran finds in the Emperor's Jedi Museum? And if it was his, he must have been a powerful Jedi Master for Palpatine to keep his lightsaber as a souvenier.

Lost a planet Master Obi-Wan has, how embarrassing. - Yoda


Do not count a human dead until you've seen his body, and even then you can make a mistake. - Bene Gesserit saying

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I hadn't realized that they were a Master-Padawan team. I believe the other Master-Padawan team seen in AOTC was in the Jedi Archives with the old librarian lady and a very young Padawan, but again, I may be wrong.


I'm not bitter with regard to Kenobi. If I'd be bitter, it would be with the Jedi Council. But, as a matter of fact, I'm not bitter at all. Interesting though:


Why was Obi-Wan always referred to as 'Master Kenobi' in Episode II? Doesn't he have only Jedi Knight status?
The term "Master" is occasionally used as an honorific to a teaching Knight -- especially by non-Jedi -- even if he has not yet achieved the status of Jedi Master. Obi-Wan Kenobi never achieves the formal rank of Jedi Master.

I hadn't realized/known the above. 8O My apologies.


I think that he was a master like Yoda. Wasn't it his lightsaber that Corran finds in the Emperor's Jedi Museum? And if it was his, he must have been a powerful Jedi Master for Palpatine to keep his lightsaber as a souvenier.

Good logic!


I suppose the whole situation of calling someone a Master due to the fact that they have an apprentice and also having the title of Jedi Master, two seperate titles, has caused quite a bit of confusion (well, at least on my part). And the whole "Master Jedi" thing hasn't helped much either. :?

Edited by SOCL
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To answer your question: Are belgian waffles nice?


The answer is: Of course not. They are BELGIAN. What do I look like? Like a belgian lover or a non dutch? :twisted:


I truly am evil

Z'anthr saves the world. Sorry about the mess...
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To answer your question: Are belgian waffles nice?


The answer is: Of course not. They are BELGIAN. What do I look like? Like a belgian lover or a non dutch? :twisted:


I truly am evil

Yeeeaaahhh. Sure, TK . . . weirdo . . .
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The Padadweeb says that the stormtrooper is a weirdo???
Like I said earlier: I, too, am a stormtrooper(!):


If I can hack being called a damned Padadweeb, then he can certainly hack being called a weirdo! :twisted:

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Guest Scathane
The Padadweeb says that the stormtrooper is a weirdo???
Like I said earlier: I, too, am a stormtrooper(!):


If I can hack being called a damned Padadweeb, then he can certainly hack being called a weirdo! :twisted:

No, you're not, you're a Padadweeb.


By the way, what TK's saying isn't that weird... Like me, he's Dutch and we have sort of a slight disposition towards Belgians. WHy? Call it history... Maybe a lot of countries have this..., the USA have it with the Canadians, the Aussies with the New Zealanders... Or maybe it's just because the Belgians are plain stupid. :twisted:

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Naturally, as member of the YuuDutch Vong, I agree with Scathane.


The Belgians themselves are not that bad, it is just that they are stupid :twisted: and that their country actually belongs to our Vong. But they declared independence, so we had to send our vast armies of mighty warriors and brave heroes, but they were.. sort of wiped out.


But, we do not dislike the Spanish guys, because we were able to resist their armies :twisted:

Z'anthr saves the world. Sorry about the mess...
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Hows the relation between Costa Ricans, Nicaraguans and the Mexicans, then?
Not sure.


To clear up what I said earlier: I meant that all the Spanish-speaking island-nations in the Caribbean Sea and the Mexicans. We all seem to have a rivalry (I am Puerto Rican).

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Nicas are only meant to work in the coffee and banana plantages. They are ulgy, fat, and they women have mustache. They are stupid, dumb, and stupid and dumb. And they don't play soccer. And because of their trouble they start to come illegally to our country and turn our country into poverty. They are the carriers of all vermin, and are faulty for everything that goes wrong in the country. They are responsible of crime, corrupt politics, and the loss of your favorite soccer team.

Mexicans are indios, arrogant indios. :x

No other country in Latin America speaks a decent spanish. Ours is the best in the world. Our women are also the most beautiful in the world.

All rivalries are made into jokes.

Nica jokes tend to be pretty popular and funny...

I'll eventually tell one...

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Guest Scathane
Nicas are only meant to work in the coffee and banana plantages. They are ulgy, fat, and they women have mustache. They are stupid, dumb, and stupid and dumb. And they don't play soccer. And because of their trouble they start to come illegally to our country and turn our country into poverty. They are the carriers of all vermin, and are faulty for everything that goes wrong in the country. They are responsible of crime, corrupt politics, and the loss of your favorite soccer team.

Mexicans are indios, arrogant indios. :x

No other country in Latin America speaks a decent spanish. Ours is the best in the world. Our women are also the most beautiful in the world.

All rivalries are made into jokes.

Nica jokes tend to be pretty popular and funny...

I'll eventually tell one...

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Nicas are only meant to work in the coffee and banana plantages. They are ulgy, fat, and they women have mustache. They are stupid, dumb, and stupid and dumb. And they don't play soccer. And because of their trouble they start to come illegally to our country and turn our country into poverty. They are the carriers of all vermin, and are faulty for everything that goes wrong in the country. They are responsible of crime, corrupt politics, and the loss of your favorite soccer team.

Mexicans are indios, arrogant indios. :x

No other country in Latin America speaks a decent spanish. Ours is the best in the world. Our women are also the most beautiful in the world.

All rivalries are made into jokes.

Nica jokes tend to be pretty popular and funny...

I'll eventually tell one...


I agree, though, that the Costa Ricans speak the best Spanish all around (even better than the Spanish themselves). Those sound like the same things Puerto Ricans say about Mexicans (except for the fact that Mexicans don't come to PR!

By the way, your statement about Coasta Rican women being the most beautiful in the world is arguable for the same has been said about Puerto Rican women.


By the way, Scath, your avatar seems to be lacking scars and and tatoos . . . are you of the lowest class of Vong warrior? :twisted:

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Guest Scathane
By the way, Scath, your avatar seems to be lacking scars and and tatoos . . . are you of the lowest class of Vong warrior? :twisted:
No, I haven't even become Vong... It's genetic, I'm invongable! :lol:


I just had a little trip to the Dark Side. :evil: For the rest of it, SOCL, I never was lowest class... 8)

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By the way, Scath, your avatar seems to be lacking scars and and tatoos . . . are you of the lowest class of Vong warrior? :twisted:
No, I haven't even become Vong... It's genetic, I'm invongable! :lol:


I just had a little trip to the Dark Side. :evil: For the rest of it, SOCL, I never was lowest class... 8)

The interesting thing is, I had actually meant that question for Trej and wrote Scath by accident. :oops: So the question was actually suppose to read:


By the way, Trej, your avatar seems to be lacking scars and and tatoos . . . are you of the lowest class of Vong warrior? :twisted:


Sorry about the mix up. :oops::lol:

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Well, my face shows a tatooed pattern, but it can't be seen that good because of the size.

The rest are covered by my vonduun crab armor, and of course most of my implants can't be seen eitehr.

I can arrange for some tatoos, for you my friend. :twisted:

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Guest Scathane
I can arrange for some tatoos, for you my friend. :twisted:
Ar you a Vong shopkeeper as well, Trej? You're alway trying to sell implants and tattoos and other Vong stuff... :wink:
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Guest Scathane

All fair and well, but do you have to do it here?! I mean, sjeez, Trejiuvanat!!! it's posts like that which make me understand Evaders tendency to bossing around and threatening to suspend accounts! :wink:


(no offense intended, E)

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Yeah Trej, take your trade back to the rpg!!!


I worry for him guys. I think he's starting to exhibit symptoms of mpd!!!

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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