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Zoot Wars II


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(It's obvious this has gotten seriously off-topic. Mods, please find where this starts and split the posts into a new topic... probably needs to go into the RPG section of the boards)


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Fighting is terrible, but not as terrible as losing the will to fight.

- SW:Rebellion Network - Evaders Squadron Coding -

The cake is a lie.

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It'd be great if it were to be moved. Since it hasn't done so yet let's just keep thing going Eh?


It took some time but Tofu finally came arround again. The overdose hadn't killed him but was enough to knock him out for some thine.


He was furious when he woke up of course.

"I told him I'd talk when I got my replacement limbs! Did he try to poison me?"

Fire burned in his eyes. What would have made a dangerous darkside power source was rendered usless by the small creature in the roon next door.


"No. He tried to give you more truth serum. Obviously thought it'd loosen you up enough to just start spouting off anything at all about FURBALL. He doen't know enough about medicine though. Used the wrong type of serum. If he'd used a booster of some kind instead it would have had the intended effect."


"So where are my new limbs?" Tofu asked cracking a grin that still seemed tinged with menace.


"I took the time to do a full physical on you while you were out. The limbs are next door, already sized. You just need to give me a reason to hand then over before I do so. The combat ready limbs haven't been made yet so don't even think of trying anything once you're first equipped."


"Fine. Legs first."


"A name."




With that Defender walked into a neighbouring room and came back with a pair of padded artifical legs looking as though they were intended for a civillian.

"Here." Said Def and helped put the legs in place. "Now, more of it."

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I think that page 4 would be a good spot to separate the story from the original thread topic.


Also, D16 and I are looking for participants for a chat session to discuss which direction this story is going to go. If you'd like to participate please post what would be a good day/time for you. This Wednesday about 1:30 PM CST (7:30 PM GMT?) would work for me. Also please post times in a different color to avoid any possible confusion.

Chaos, Panic, Disorder, Destruction.....

My work here is done.


Grand AKmiral

Commander-in-Chief of BEAK Forces


"To BEAK is Divine!"

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Could we try for Tuesday at about 3:40 EST? (12:40 PT) That would work for me as I have no after-school commitments on Tuesdays... Also on Fridays.


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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That's 2:40 CST and I'm in class, plus I've got a Calc test that night that I HAVE to study for. Friday could work, so long as it's after 3pm CST (4 your time Tofu).

Chaos, Panic, Disorder, Destruction.....

My work here is done.


Grand AKmiral

Commander-in-Chief of BEAK Forces


"To BEAK is Divine!"

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We also want to hear from Scath, Evo, Krytos and Tex. BS too if he wants to offer input. Stellar_Magic, if you're still watching this, you're welcome to offer input. We could work out a way for you to get back into the story. Also see if anyone else wants to get in on the story.

Chaos, Panic, Disorder, Destruction.....

My work here is done.


Grand AKmiral

Commander-in-Chief of BEAK Forces


"To BEAK is Divine!"

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Mitth_raw_nuruodo wrote:


... Also, D16 and I are looking for participants for a chat session to discuss which direction this story is going to go ...


Do you mean "chat" as in chatroom or just colored postings to this current forum? I can try to be available for Friday 3PM CST, but can't make any garauntees as I'll be at work :( . At least the connect speed is great :D .

Finally, after years of hard work I am the Supreme Sith Warlord! Muwhahahaha!! What?? What do you mean "there's only two of us"?
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Hold up... when is this chat thing going on? Sorry it took so long for me to post again.. ****ing college!

People think I have the mind of a child.... well.. there right, it's at home on my desk in a jar


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Oh yeah, forgot about Evo, there! The chat feature can be found in the upper left hand corner on the home page- it says something like IRC members chat, I think- you automatically have an account if you're logged in.


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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We need to set up another chat session. Hopefully this time everyone will get the right time (that was the reason Evo and I didn't show up at the correct time) or will remember (you know who you are). I'm pretty sure DarthTex sent out PM's to those who may want to continue to participate in this thread. The basic outline for proceeding w/ the Zoot Wars is as follows (in name:post topic format):




d16:1st zoot assault,

me:talking w/ tofu,

tofu:SAR mission


tofu:report on SAR,

me:issue orders/request for tofu's next mission,

d16:going dark post,

tofu:2nd zoot assault.


We can edit this or expand upon it during the chat session. What times work for what people?

Chaos, Panic, Disorder, Destruction.....

My work here is done.


Grand AKmiral

Commander-in-Chief of BEAK Forces


"To BEAK is Divine!"

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In a week or less I (Think) I will be free all week days from roughly three fourty-five to four-thirty.... Think being the key word- I don't know for certain, but I'm pretty sure robotics won't be meeting any more now that the robot is done...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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Friday (2006-02-24) afternoon works best for me. As for the exact time, I'll let you guys set that. I can't gaurantee I'll make it as I will be at work. :wink:
Finally, after years of hard work I am the Supreme Sith Warlord! Muwhahahaha!! What?? What do you mean "there's only two of us"?
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This Friday I'm busy from 1-3 PM CST. I can be here at 3 central, but I may be a few minutes late. I'm not even going to deal with other time zones b/c last time I stopped thinking the moment I needed to think and I missed the scheduled chat. Edited by Mitth_raw_nuruodo

Chaos, Panic, Disorder, Destruction.....

My work here is done.


Grand AKmiral

Commander-in-Chief of BEAK Forces


"To BEAK is Divine!"

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Holy Hand Grenades! In my, erm, research of Monty Python's Quest for the Holy Grail I've discovered something- in Castle Anthrax, the woman who greets sir Galahad is in fact named Zoot! A coincidense? I think not! So Zoot may in fact be capable of taking on the appearance of a beautiful woman at wilL! Which means that when I was in his service-... Oh, *****


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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Mitth was sitting in his office. It had been a while since his last status report from Corporal Evo. The last he had heard Evo was working on a new explosive device. Mitth decided it was time to remind the corporal that there was a chain of command and that periodic status reports were necessary. To do that he decided he would use the base P.A. system.


"Corporal Evo. This is Commander Mitth. Report to the Weapon Developing Lab in two minutes. I'll be waiting for you there."


Mitth got up, locked his office safe, left his office and triple locked the door. Then he walked the 50 feet to the weapons lab.

Chaos, Panic, Disorder, Destruction.....

My work here is done.


Grand AKmiral

Commander-in-Chief of BEAK Forces


"To BEAK is Divine!"

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Evo was in his quarters at his private work bench working on a new mine design.


“Ahh yes… got it... yes, I got it… Oops… wait… nope… forgot to carry the 1.â€

People think I have the mind of a child.... well.. there right, it's at home on my desk in a jar


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It's been over a month since the ISD III attacked the moon base, but it seems like a year. Things have been quiet planet side since returning from the moon, maybe … too quiet. I guess Furball has been laying low since he shot his wad at Q-branch and lost. But something just doesn't seem right. I'm sure there's something going on and I just have to find it. It's time to go and surf the internet …


I haven't really found anything, but keep looking. My computer beeps at me "Incoming message". It's from a "watcher" from out in deep west Texas, and the message is brief; EDS. EDS? What's that, some Furball project or weapon? My mind starts racing: Energy Defense Shields? Extra Durable Ship? Extremely Deadly Sith? Enhanced Death Star? Oh shit! That would definitely put a crimp on moon base operations. I better quit guessing and start searching for facts. I've tracked something down. The hairs on my neck tingle. Sithdung! This is quite scary. I better forward this information and all relevant location data to Major Mitth ASAP. For deep in the wilderness of west Texas at an abandoned ranch, there sits a complex of barns and processing buildings. There, Furball has devised a most sinister plan; a plan to manipulate all of mankind using our own weaknesses against us. Having lost in a direct attack against us, we'll be attacked indirectly through … our own mistakes. This is so crazy it might actually work. I beginning to think I should be worried.



Finally, after years of hard work I am the Supreme Sith Warlord! Muwhahahaha!! What?? What do you mean "there's only two of us"?
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Mitth sat in his office checking his email. He was finishing up his briefing notes before walking to the conference room. He had already gotten the emails from Tex, D16 and Evo. They would all be at the briefing. D16 would bring Tofu and would only show up AFTER Mitth gave Def the OK. Mitth had been hoping for a few more people to attend, but so far he hadn't received word from anyone else. Mitth knew that D16 would handle part of the briefing so he didn't have as much to worry about. As time pushed on he decided to head out. The meeting was scheduled to start in 30 minutes and it was a 10 minute walk. He would wait another 10 minutes, but he was in charge of this one so he had to be there early. He gathered his notes and visuals, pulled Evo's mine out of the safe, locked the safe and triple locked his office door behind him. He then walked to the conference room. At the appointed time Evo walked into the room. As he was taking his seat the holoprojector linked to DarthTex's office shimmered to life.


"Gentlemen. I'm glad you could make it. D16 is currently across the hall w/ Tofu. I'll let them know they can come over now and D16 will get things started."


Mitth then turned to the console and pressed a button.


"Defender, please bring him over."


"Can do Mitth. Out."


Fifteen seconds later the door opened and in walked Tofu and Defender_16. A security guard stopped just outside the door with an ysalamiri, close enough to cut off Tofu's connection to the Force, but no closer. The fact that Tofu WALKED into the room visibly confused Evo.


"What...how...when...CONFUSED!!! I thought your arms and legs left your body...what's going on here???"


Tofu had been given civilian grade limbs for his cooperation during the interrogation session after mysteriously appearing in Mitth's quarters a month ago.


"Evo, we like to reward people when they cooperate with us. THAT is why Tofu has a new set of arms and legs. He gave us some very valuable information. Because of that we have restored his ability to move around on his own. Now, can we continue please? Defender, if you would..."


Defender_16 walked up to the table and plugged in his data pad. The holoprojector imbedded in the conference table activated, filling the room with its blue glow. He then pressed a button on the pad. An image of an icy blue gas giant appeared above the table surrounded by several small moons.


"This," said Def, pointing at one of the moons in the image, "is Triton."


Red brackets sprang up around the moon and the image zoomed in.


"It is Neptune's largest moon and the site of the primary enemy base in this system. Its position in the system is of great strategic value. It's far enough out from the sun that someone can make microjumps to almost anywhere in the system. It can also be used as a fuel depot."


At this point Tofu took over.


"There are also manufacturing facilities under construction on and in orbit of Triton. I wasn't kept up to date on their status. I would recommend you expect heavy resistance if you try to assault this place."


"Thank you Tofu. Unless anyone has any specific questions I'll let Mitth take over."


After looking around the table D16 took his seat. At this point Mitth stood up and took charge of the meeting.


"Thanks Def. Evo, thank you for sending me that written report after I came and picked up the mine. I've posted it on my office door. Gentlemen. I want to hear your thoughts on Triton. I for one am in favor of sending a small 6 man strike team in to sabotage the base. It won't be easy, but that's what Q-Branch is for. It is our job to make these missions possible. Evo?"


"Umm...I can give you whatever kind of firepower you want Mitth, but right now all I've got for you is that mine. We're getting it to the point where we can make lots of them, but we aren't there yet. I'd recommend waiting until I get the armor that I'm working on finished."


"OK, thank you. D16?"


"I think we should take starfighters in and bomb them into submission. That base is a threat to us. I'm not sure a 6 man team CAN take it out..."


"My weapons will make one man more effective than an entire army. Mitth, tell him about the time..."


"EVO! That's enough. D16 is just trying to be objective. Try to do the same." Mitth then turned to Defender. "How many fighters do you think it would take?"


"All of our AB-Wing Uglies, that's what? 3 squadrons now? Plus our gunboats and X-Wings. If we have any corvettes or frigates, now's the time to bring them out."


Mitth stopped to think for a moment. After that he asked, "What if we were to use both approaches Def? What sort of numbers do you think would be required then?"


"Give me the 3 squadrons of AB-Wings and the X-Wings for a diversion then send in a 12 man team. That should do it."


"OK. Thanks Def. Tex, your thoughts?"


"I think we need to figure out what to do about the ranch in Texas. It will affect our ability to fight FURBALL if we have to fight the people of Earth as well."


"I agree Tex. We'll get there. Triton first please."


"All right Mitth. How many X-Wings do you have there?"


"We had two squadrons last I checked. They're X-Wing Interceptors though. We've increased power output making them as fast as A-Wings w/out reducing shield power AND we've made them more maneuverable."


"The fighters should be enough then. I think 12 men should be able to handle the base as well. Tofu, what can you tell us about security there?"


"It's a bunch of cats. Sure there are some people there, but nothing the strike team should have to worry about."


"All right guys. Tofu, anything else to add?"


"No. You've all seen what their equipment is like. That ISD III was the best thing FURBALL had. By far the biggest too."


"Good. I want a 6 man strike team supported by 6 YVH droids. If they can take out a Yuuzhan Vong they can certainly handle a few cats. Supporting them will be our fighters. Any volunteers to lead certain aspects of the mission?"


At this point D16 raised his hand and said, "I'll lead the fighters. I've got experience in them."


"Actually Def, I was kind of hoping I'd be able to talk you into leading the strike team. I've got a Jedi, 4 commandos and 6 YVH droids for you if you agree. Plus any of Evo's tested weapons that you want. If you want any of his untested weapons I'll need to look at them first."


"Well, it's not my first choice, but sure why not. I'm kinda rusty with starfighters anyways."


"Excellent. Any other volunteers?"


As Tofu's hand started to go up Mitth stuck his hand out, palm toward Tofu.


"Not yet Tofu. We don't have your combat limbs ready yet and those civilian limbs just aren't strong enough to handle combat situations. OK. Now we need to decide what to do about Tex's intel. I'm all for sending our stealth gunships in to reduce the ranch to its constituent atoms. Does anyone NOT like that idea? No? Good, missions are now authorized. D16, you're in charge of the Triton mission, codenamed SINGED FUR. Tex, I want you to coordinate w/ the gunship squadron commanders. You're in charge of Operation: TEXAS THUNDER. Thanks for showing up everyone. Have a good night."


With that Mitth handed Evo's mine to D16, gathered his papers and left the room for his office.

Chaos, Panic, Disorder, Destruction.....

My work here is done.


Grand AKmiral

Commander-in-Chief of BEAK Forces


"To BEAK is Divine!"

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