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Balance and ideas


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i was just woundering how you were gona get the V38 Phantom workin and if had considered including any of the drone fighters (among others)such as are here


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  • SWR Staff - Executive

cloaking is still in progress :-P


I'm not going to include the experimental drone fighters, the TIE/d and raptor saw massive deployment, where as the TIE e's were blown up :-P

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well, erm, make the Phantom then :P i wanna play with it :roll: of course i do know a few modellers who wouldnt mind helping yay, could get erm to ahve ago for you if you wanted dude :twisted:


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K, so I know the engine makes this well nigh impossible, but I thought I'd mention it just because . . .


I was just thinking how nice it would be to be able to roll your capships to bring more guns to bear. And if (if, if, if, I know you were going to work on this, but I'm not sure how in-depth you were planning to go) you did sectioned shielding, it would help that, too.


Just some wistful thinking, since you're already doing some cool stuff with what you've got.


PS. Are you still planning on using the tractor beam?


PPS. So someone (maybe Taiidan Republic Mod guys?) mentioned making names for ships . . . frivilous but cool? Way cool.

Je Suis L'Homme!
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I'm just curious to what you were thinking about doing.. My roomates and I are video game junky engineers on a LAN in a dorm room and we'd be happy to help you tweak your various builds...
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Hi, I looked at the shiplist and noticed that the NR needed some more larger ships to balance the game


My suggestions:


Heavy Frigates




Bulk Cruiser

Assualt Frigate


Corellian Heavy frigate #

Majestic Cruiser

Defender Assault Carrier






MC-80 (four engined)


MC-80 Liberty

MC-80 wingless

MC-90 Defiance

Defender Star Destroyer

Republic Star Destroyer

Bothan Assualt Cruiser

Endurance Fleet Carrier

Republic Cruiser (Cheap and balanced cruiser)






Mon Remonda Cruiser

Mediator Cruiser

Dauntless Cruiser

Independance Cruiser



Super Capitals



Viscount/Strident Star Defender

Bulwark Battle Cruiser

Emancipator Command Cruiser (http://starwars-rpg.net/dlos/display.php?file=stats/capitalships/emancip.txt)

MCV-191 Mobile Defence Ship (http://starwars-rpg.net/dlos/display.php?file=stats/capitalships/mcv-191.txt)

Lead Cards & Art designer for Rebelion Design Bureau II
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I think you addressed this issue in the other forum, evillejedi, but why was the ark hammer removed? I think you said it was for balancing issues, which is probably a good idea, but i really liked it. Don't the rebels have anything like that? Maybe you could even take something from the Old Republic?


Otherwise this mod is awesome. I thought you said in the other forum that you fixed the lighting issues, or has that just not been implemented yet?

Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?
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he did say on the other forum :roll: that it had some issues that needed fixing but however it was still in the game , you just couldnt build it


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hmm, that is a tough one, hmm the HW1 mod has the kinda thing that would be useful, i'll get a screen shot at some point


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  • SWR Staff - Executive
factory ship will be returning soon, as for the rebels I will probably use home one. THe main reason is that offensivly it is crap, howerver it can take a heck of lot of punishment. It will have very limited production capabilites but will be the alliance 'MS' (this will be an option, I tend to dislike the idea of having an MS in most cases.)
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Sounds great! I just missed the arc hammer. heh, i was always a big dark forces fan. Home One sounds like a good idea.


BTW you need to change the progress bar on the site.

Keep up the good work.

Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?
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:arrow: what about the hammer vs. the bulwark battlecruiser ?! this ship exist in the SW books ?!




this is a rebellion 3D model like pic.

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nope, both the CC-7700, CC-9600, Liberator Cruiser, Dauntless Cruiser, Bulwark and Assault Transport is ships made for our beloved Rebellion
Lead Cards & Art designer for Rebelion Design Bureau II
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Hi NicFyyar :D For the most part you're right. But I must say the Assault Transport has been around for a very long time. You can find it in the Star Wars role-playing game, X-Wing, TIE Fighter, X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter, Balance of Power, X-Wing Alliance, etc in addition to rebellion. I'm sure some books probably mention it and it can probably be found in other sources as well. Here's a picture of the more commonly found 3D model: http://www.minos.net/~sco/fleet-manual/viewship58ce.html
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  • 4 weeks later...
i dont think it matters that much wether it was in a computer game or not just so long as the ship remians balanced ;)


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Some ship ideas for the Rebels/New Republic:




Defender class Fighter (cheap, no hyperdrive though)



B-Wing/E and /E2

E-Wing series 4

X-Wing T-65A3



Heavy Corvettes:

Ranger class Gunship

Marauder Corvette




Defender class Assault Carrier

Belarus Medium Cruiser (One of the 1st New Republic 'New' line warships)

Liberator class Carrier



Heavy Frigates:

CC-9600 (put here rather than Hvy Corvette)




Republic class Cruiser (cheap and quick to contruct)

Bakura-class Destroyer (has HIMS allowing it to pass through gravity wells)

Nebula class Star Destroyer



Super Capitals:

Viscount class Star Defender (put into this catagory)

Strident class Star Defender (Pretty sure these are two different cruisers - read a lot of forums and the mojroity think they are seperate warships)


That's all I can think of now :D




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While browsing throught the shiplist I noticed that the Eclipse class (SSD) is not even noted, even though the Souverein class is (both are from the same source, Dark Horse comics, actually even the same comic).


Why ?




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:cry: A Really Really Really Cool mod, i personaly Like Starwars, the Movies, the Book´s, etc...i am also a big Fan from Knights of the Old Republic (Got Something cool too, couse there is the Universe still a big unknown place).


I play the Mod often with my Friend, very nice....but i must really say, the moste Ship´s i dont know...i was just wondering about that the Rebellions got the Possibility to Build a "Star Destroyer" looking like Ship, the eh, Defender Star?


Moste thinks at the mod are Ok, but the Hyperdrive could be cost more or could have a "Reload" time for the Ships...the Sub Modules Like Shields could be "Targetable" on the Hull (If i remember right the 2 Big Couples at the Bridge of a Star Destroyer was it´s Shield Generators? But they are not Targetable with a Bomber or Fighter, only to see in the Sub-Module Menue)


And a little bit more detailed Research Area and a Detailed Ship Description would be cool, like the Y-Wing , something like "A Quick and Small Crafts of the Rebellion Force. It is Armed with 2 Lasers and a Proton Torpedo Launcher, and can be used best as a Assault Bomber agains Cruisers, Destroyers, etc...but it is weak agains Anti Starfighter and Capital Ships"


Somethling like that you know? I must really say my Friend and i still do not know what we do with the half of the Ships.....we got also prob´s to deploy defense rightly, couse they didnt move, Like Ion Platform or a Rocket Launcher, very hard to build then a "Area" defense. Something like a Defense Deploying Ships would be maybe Nice that can "Tractorbeam" the Platforms and pull them to there destination..oh and maybe the Explosion Effects of the Smaller Instalations like Gun Turrets or Light Corvetes are a little bit to hard? When this Instalations or Ships exploders it looks like a complete Anti-matter Armory would blow up ^^


But from the Models and the Balancing , this game is....wow....it can still need more balancing yes, but that can be down later...atm this Mod is only...wow......i think that mod can be really get better then the old Mod´s from HW 1 like the Bab 5 mod´s etc.......Please keep this good Work up, i think all of the Community will be very very happy to play this Mod.

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I'm sorry but the two domes on top of a star destroyer are the sensor domes, not the shield projectors.

I believe the idea of a really powerful rebel ship is really good as there is nothing more frustrating than watching your 20 mc-90's and many support craft going up against a SSD and having them all die and not having the SSD even be under 50% health. I liked NicFyyar's idea of the Emancipator command crusier, since in essence thats what a SSD is too (a command crusier).

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That are Sensordoms? O.o


Uhhh... :(


I thought they are Shield Generator, in the Old Star Wars Game it was the Shield Projector´s, first kill them, then a Proton Torpedo into the Bridge, and wuum...dead ^^


So, other thing....we tried a massiv attack with X-Wing´s agains a Super Star Destroyers......the End: 80% of the X wing´s Hit the SSD and destroyed themself.....bad KI or to big Ship? Dont know, but i was laugh over 3 minut´s ^^ They make a really bad kamikaze, but they had only a normal Attack Command....very strange ;)


The Other thing...there isnt enough sound, i think...you see in the normal mode nice heavy Laserfire etc...but you can only hear the sound when you zoom in 100% into the Starships....that´s ...hmm dont know...it kill a little bit the fun couse a Nice lasershow is nothing with good Sound ;)


Oh and the X-Wing´s got to mutch Torpedo´s...i got a AMD 2.6 with 1024 DDR ram , a up to date graphic card and the game beginn´s to lag badly after 10 Squad´s of X-Wing´s fired Simultanly there Torpedo´s on the SSD....hum.....that was not...nice...


That´s all for now what i noticed.

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