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Wow, nice thought, but I don't think it could be done, sorry Commander.




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If the heritege idea can't work then I think she should be an alliance char. It fits that way; many of the original rebellion chars were not with the alliance when they were introduced in the movies. It's how they end up that counts.
If I am wise, it is because I know that I know nothing.
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Yeah, after ROTJ she wandered the galaxy pretty much powerless until she found Luke and was 'recruited', she then learnt to use her force powers while on a mission with him. We could change heritage to falling in love, i know it happens later but it would be the same sort of effect wouldn't it?

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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Yeah, i think that could work, dunno how we'd do the dll's, but it seems like the best option, and i guess it would be re-discovering the force, or learning the light side.

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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It would also work letting her have 100% force probability and having Luke discover that later in the game, when the two are placed in the same location. This way, we could still use Leia as a main char.




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Yeah that would work, i guess it depends who we deide we want as our major characters. And won't we want Luke to start off as at least a Jedi Knight?

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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For the Empire, i suggest we use Joruus C'Baoth as the Emperor, because their voices could sound very similar ( since they're both old and stuff ) and ofcourse, Thrawn as Vader.


Thrawn: Emperor (leadership bonus)

C'Baoth: DV (deep voice, powerful voice I think



Wow, nice thought, but I don't think it could be done, sorry Commander.



As a matter of fact, my forum rank is commander too!

Z'anthr saves the world. Sorry about the mess...
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Sounds good TK, also, have a Luuke card with the Jedi probability set to 100%, or maybe 99%, because not all clones of Jedi have the force - Dorrsk80, 81, 82.

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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All i hear is DLL-chatter......



Main Characters :


Imp :





Rebel :


Same as normal, with improved cards.



Agreed ?

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The Rankless-One
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Guest JediIgor

Yeah, and then, when Luke goes to "Yavin" he could actually go to the "Cloned Emperor" and learn about the dark side, and when he comes back he could become a Jedi Master?


Or what should we do with that? :?:

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I'd say it's a go. Switching sides includes changing interfaces and such things; very time consuming.


As for the minor characters: The Imperials are really lacking authentic personnel.

(My favorite goofy idea is Thrackan Sal-Solo. Yeah!)

It's all hopeless but otherwise not very dramatic. - Helme Haffax


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Mahatma Gandhi: "That would be a good idea."

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Sounds good to me guys, lets see what we can come up with, i'll have a look through some books and see if i can get any encyclopaedia references for characters, especially minor Imperial guys.


I'll try and have them for monday.

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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  • 1 month later...

I think some other characters should have researching abilities. Dadonna for one thing, he designed the A-Wing after all.


Maybe Vraii could be added as an Alliance character, Verpines helped design almost everything the NR ever put out, but hees the only prominate verpine that i know of.

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I thought we already discussed earlier, that Luke goes to Jomark instead of Yavin (*cough* Dagobah *cough* :roll: ), sees that C'Baoth is one mad dark Jedi and comes back with Force bonuses. That would also be in sync with the books. I'm in the middle of Dark force rising again and Luke hasn't been there yet, but IIRC he even labeled himself a Jedi master afterwards, although I'd say he was a little bit hasty about that :wink:




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I think Thrawn should be Palpy, so Luke and C'Baoth have the "Force changing" DLL events. (courtesy: the_mask) :lol:

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Good point, that probably decides it.


Galactic Empire:

Thrawn (Palpatine)

C'Baoth (VAder)


New Republic:


Remain the same.


On thing though, C'Baoth as VAder gets the events, Thrawn gives his troops a leadership bonus when he's on Coruscant or whatever we turn Coruscant into. Or what we could do with the savegame editor. Any progress in that mask?

One other thing, it occurred to me know that we talk about the DLL events. When C'Baoth captures Luke, he'll take him to Thrawn? It's probably kind of weird, and when that happens, then Luke will capturing both of them, he'll be Jedi Master, right?.

Han will be followed by bounty hunter? Maybe Noghri. Should Han be captured, then will Luke and Co. go and rescue him. Perhaps.


I was thinking that perhaps Luke's atributes weren't hard-coded in the engine, perhpas they were some kind of flags in the DATs. But then, I guess not. Would be useful to have the Noghri go after Leia instead, she's the one who's pregnant.

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