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List and Observations in BETA testing


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I changed the autocast conditions as the ability was not working properly before; ships were only waiting until their shield went to 0 to fire off the ability, which is wrong. I'm still working on this.


Just making sure you are still aware that ships still chase each other around trying to use shield recharge abilities on each other. However of course as you stated the range is 0 so it only actually works on themselves, but that doesn't seem to stop the AI from trying.

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Just making sure you are still aware that ships still chase each other around trying to use shield recharge abilities on each other. However of course as you stated the range is 0 so it only actually works on themselves, but that doesn't seem to stop the AI from trying.

This is impossible to fix, due to engine limitations. At this point there's three choices; use the current autocast conditions, go back to the old "only autocast when shields are depleted", or autocast the moment the take any damage whatsoever.


I'm surprised the AI still does this though as it should only autocast when they themselves are taking damage, and thus the ability should only work their own shields to fix this.

Sins of a Galactic Empire staff.
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  • 3 weeks later...


I played a game as NR with a Golan w/ Aux Government.

AI pointlessly still bombed planet instead of attacking starbase, then planet.

I know Aux Gov is in regular Sins and this is a ai problem.

Any thought on removing Aux Gov or at least make it a stronger shield level as opposed to a prevent planet loss tech?

The ai would be much more improved and not waste resources .....

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I played a game as NR with a Golan w/ Aux Government.

AI pointlessly still bombed planet instead of attacking starbase, then planet.

I know Aux Gov is in regular Sins and this is a ai problem.

Any thought on removing Aux Gov or at least make it a stronger shield level as opposed to a prevent planet loss tech?

The ai would be much more improved and not waste resources .....

I would simply avoid using the tech. It's impossible to fix, and this is admittedly something which has bugged me as well. At the end of the day though, it's a good tech for MP matches, and there isn't an issue if a player simply decides to not to use it. Making it a stronger planetary shield really would not work well from a Star Wars viewpoint. As it is, I'm trying to figure out a way to integrate the planetary shield as a planet-upgrade and thus take out the structure altogether. I know this is possible, just need to figure out how.


In addition, I have also been considering making an optional patch for 2.0 (to be released after the next real patch), which strips a bunch of frigates/cruisers of their planet bombing capabilities, but leaving one ship that has them, so that the AI properly bombs stuff.

Sins of a Galactic Empire staff.
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I'm surprised the AI still does this though as it should only autocast when they themselves are taking damage, and thus the ability should only work their own shields to fix this.


considerBeingDamagedTime 150.0


OnlyWhenTakingDamage is a useless stricture when you have a two and a half minute status hold.


Regardless of what you set it at, this will never work. They will always chase after the first target to reach the trigger condition, as opposed to using it on themselves. I tried it originally before doing it the "old" way. :)


Regardless, the obvious occurred to me, belatedly, they'll be fixed in a few minutes. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Just played a 5 race/ 105 planet / unfair ai game.

Despite very large fleets have not been seeing any later tier ship's built by the ai.


when Lavo gave the AI level 3 capital ships for free they seemed to spam ONLY cap ships along with multiple supercaps. on medium maps it felt like they were cheating because i would run into something like 6 torpedo spheres + 6 tector class SD's from one AI on hard difficulty. to me this was not fun at all and felt super HAX.


but when the AI gets level 2 capital ships to start with then it seems they won't build supercaps at all? I never tried a huge map or a game for longer than 3 hours or so I can't comment on those types of larger, longer games. I play on medium maps and have encountered ZERO supercaps from the AI thus far.


So it seems like a choice between 2 extremes? are there other settings you guys could tweak to perhaps get the AI to build a good mix of ships?

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Despite very large fleets have not been seeing any later tier ship's built by the ai.

Resources; the AI likes to spend whatever it gets. Unless the AI gets a few high tier planets (High Terran, High Shipyard, etc.) it won't have the resources to build them. The reason it needs multiple planets is it doesn't build population upgrades all the time. Like 01lude mentioned, with the level 3 autoleveling the AI likes to spam capital ships for whatever reason. I am at a loss to explain this; however the AI might "see" some sort of advantage of three levels versus two.


With the patch I'll release an optional AI toughness modifier; it will improve the AI "helping" tech, by giving it three capital ship autolevels, and perhaps other things.

Sins of a Galactic Empire staff.
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Resources; the AI likes to spend whatever it gets. Unless the AI gets a few high tier planets (High Terran, High Shipyard, etc.) it won't have the resources to build them.


What if you gave the AI a research option to dramatically increase their resources late game? You said the AI likes to research everything, so maybe give them something to research that requires 8 mil or civic structures that gives them uber cash income. Then by the time you move your capital to one of the high population planets, by then the AI should be getting its resource boost too at around the same time. You could even split it up to give them 1 research option that gives them a smaller boost with 4 or 5 structures built, and a second resource boost with 7 or 8 structures built. That could substitute for the AI not being able to move their capital.


Sorry if that sounds completely retarded, I have absolutely no idea how to mod nor do I understand the inner mechanics of any video game.

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The AI researches things out of order and unreliably. For all you know it might research it early on, and the thing with resources is it might not be a problem with cash, but say crystal or metal. The AI really is too unreliable to do this. However, this gives me an idea, to give them a 10% structure/ship cost reduction from the start.
Sins of a Galactic Empire staff.
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Yes, Holonet working I'm and idiot. But still don't see it in the TECH tree broadcast center upgrade description. Point me to it please....

Any thought of changing the generic capital ship level up sound (bling?) to a more SW specific one? SOA 2 does this well...

And zoomed in s/c have no engine sounds..just the pew -pew weapon shots...

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Yes, Holonet working I'm and idiot. But still don't see it in the TECH tree broadcast center upgrade description. Point me to it please....

I put it in the ability's desc. I'll put it in the tech itself.


Any thought of changing the generic capital ship level up sound (bling?) to a more SW specific one? SOA 2 does this well...

Give me a sound file (in a lossless format like .wav or in .ogg) and I'll put it in.


And zoomed in s/c have no engine sounds..just the pew -pew weapon shots...

It's probably too quiet to be heard in comparison to the weapons fire; strikecraft all have engine sounds coded in.

Sins of a Galactic Empire staff.
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  • 4 weeks later...
AI (on hard difficulty) culture feels stronger in the latest revision. i had maxed out culture research and somehow lost all my planets, and eventually even my home planet to AI culture. i moved my capital to a terran economic planet that had a 10% culture boost, built 2 broadcast centers on it, and on the asteroid planet adjacent to it i had 4 additional broadcast centers that had a 5% culture boost. this was on a medium (enlarged) map so i have no clue how the AI had such strong culture. i also had built 3 broadcast centers a few planets away that didn't have any culture boost, but that planet ended up being the first to fall to enemy culture because of its proximity. after that planet fell i lost my old capital shortly after, i would say less than 3 minutes later on double speed.
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AI (on hard difficulty) culture feels stronger in the latest revision. i had maxed out culture research and somehow lost all my planets, and eventually even my home planet to AI culture. i moved my capital to a terran economic planet that had a 10% culture boost, built 2 broadcast centers on it, and on the asteroid planet adjacent to it i had 4 additional broadcast centers that had a 5% culture boost. this was on a medium (enlarged) map so i have no clue how the AI had such strong culture. i also had built 3 broadcast centers a few planets away that didn't have any culture boost, but that planet ended up being the first to fall to enemy culture because of its proximity. after that planet fell i lost my old capital shortly after, i would say less than 3 minutes later on double speed.


I find the AI on well built up planets sometimes have over 20 broadcast centres. A similar thing happened to me, until I noticed what they had been upto.

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There hasn't been any notable changes to the AI in a long time; certainly not in the last revision. Sometimes, when the AI gets a planet like an Ecumenopolis or High Terran Cultural, they spam the hell out of Broadcast Centers and dominate culturally. While I have yet to lose a home planet to such attempts, I have seen the AI build 15+ Broadcast Centers at a single planet multiple times. It's unusual as the AI does not tend to build many logistic structures per planet period, and even then they tend to have a mix of trade/refinery/culture.
Sins of a Galactic Empire staff.
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Just played a 5 race/ 105 planet / unfair ai game.

Despite very large fleets have not been seeing any later tier ship's built by the ai.


when Lavo gave the AI level 3 capital ships for free they seemed to spam ONLY cap ships along with multiple supercaps. on medium maps it felt like they were cheating because i would run into something like 6 torpedo spheres + 6 tector class SD's from one AI on hard difficulty. to me this was not fun at all and felt super HAX.


but when the AI gets level 2 capital ships to start with then it seems they won't build supercaps at all? I never tried a huge map or a game for longer than 3 hours or so I can't comment on those types of larger, longer games. I play on medium maps and have encountered ZERO supercaps from the AI thus far.


So it seems like a choice between 2 extremes? are there other settings you guys could tweak to perhaps get the AI to build a good mix of ships?


As it is now, I am only seeing the AI build 2 capital ships (on Normal fleet size). Either they are not researching the max capital ship upgrade or they just don't want to make any more. It is kind of frustrating to only fight frigates.

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As it is now, I am only seeing the AI build 2 capital ships (on Normal fleet size). Either they are not researching the max capital ship upgrade or they just don't want to make any more. It is kind of frustrating to only fight frigates.


I run into them occasionally. On a larger map in a longer game I would assume the AI would build them eventually. I have been experimenting with assigning "AI economist" vs "AI researcher" to see which one will build supercaps faster.

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The economist AI will build them faster if it gets a hold of a high population planet (High Terran, Ecumen, etc). Otherwise, the researcher will probably get it first as it will have researched more economic techs (resource boost, cost reductions) within a given period of time. But, that's just my experience.
Sins of a Galactic Empire staff.
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In the game I was playing, their max capital ship slots even after about 6 hours in the game was still 3. They were not researching the capital ship capacity.


On a side note, when are the super capital ships for the New Republic going to get fixed? They are the coolest faction, in my opinion, but it is so frustrating that the engine textures are not done on the Viscount. In addition to the fact that the weapon locations are not implemented, so the lasers all come from the center of the ship. Also the other super cap shoots one super powerful laser once every 15 seconds or so (also from the center of the ship). This has been an issue since before the mod was moved to Entrenchment.

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Uhhh, what? You're on a really old revision if the Viscount is not skinned. It's been skinned for months now on the beta. Even the public version, 2.1, has a properly skinned Viscount. In addition, the SVN has been entirely redone in order to reduce resource usage, please read this thread.
Sins of a Galactic Empire staff.
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