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Your Favorite Star Wars Era!!!!

Guest Admiral_Antilles

What is your favorite era.  

12 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your favorite era.

    • Old Republic/Clone Wars
    • Galactic Civil War
    • Thrawn Era
    • New Jedi Order

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I think it's wierdly revealing that in two recent polls that members could be bothered to vote in, the current era GL is working films on got the least interest....emmm...are Star Destroyers and Stormtroopers that sexy? Or should we all just go and recline on the sofa and watch Korusawa's 'Hidden Fortress' and mumble no more??? :?::?::!::!::?::?
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Guest Admiral_Antilles
I think Jahled it because the "old ones" Episodes 4-6 are classics. no matter how how good the new ones may/may not be, they will never be like the "old ones" in my opinion. I thought however that, the EU stuff would get a larger portion of the poll than they did though.
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The original trilogy will probably always be the over-all favorite. Due to the fact that they are the originals and usually the movies people are introduced to. Along with that, it's where it all started and most people have seen the first movies over anything else. For example, the average person has seen, probably, the original trilogy (the younger generation, in turn, has seen the prequels). Thus, they say those are their favorites because they have yet to see the rest. Not a dislike for the EU, but a lack of knowledge of it.
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The original star wars{4-6} are classics, when they came out, no one knew what they were about, and that shocked everyone. Now everyone knows what to expect. I hope the 3rd movie will shock people like the first 3 did.
The force is strong in my family. No, Luke, I am your father.
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Well stated, Trej! Indeed EPIII shall be the darkest of the movies, but Lcas said he has to keep it "clean" and plans to still keep at the PG rating along with having a "light at the end of the tunnel" at the end of EPIII. I read that in an interview at, I think, TheForce.Net. The "light at the end of the tunnel" will probably by the Skywalker twins, but if only GL would allow a PG-13 movie into the SW six-ology.... Fun to soon start considering SW six movies now instead of two separate trilogies. :D
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Guest Admiral_Antilles
It is weird to think about it being six movies. I don't mean to put down your post but even though its PG it can still be dark but, I know what you mean. :wink:
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It is weird to think about it being six movies. I don't mean to put down your post but even though its PG it can still be dark but, I know what you mean. :wink:
Don't worry about putting my posts down . . . everyone does. :lol::wink: I can see a PG movie being dark, but I think it would far easier to do so if he goes to PG-13.
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Guest Scathane
Hey Everyone. I am new and it looks like I ummmmmmm broke the ongoing voting. LOL I love all the stories in the Old Republic Era, but I have to say that the Galatic Civil War comes in a VERY close second. :D
Welcome Sienna! It's nice to have someone around who's not constantly dissing the prequels! tell us what you liked about them. :D
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Guest Admiral_Antilles
Dont bother him sienna, SOCL is forgettful, besides he's a little *whispers quietly* mental. :)
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I think the 3rd movie is going to shock a lot of people, its going to show how bad Anakin can get. There's going to be a lot of slicing and dicing. :twisted:
The force is strong in my family. No, Luke, I am your father.
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Guest Admiral_Antilles
True, There probably will some be some very nice sword fights. Mace Windu, Obi Wan, Etc. However as SOCL said in an earlier post "its still PG". The "Slicing and Dicing" will like that of Darth Maul as he was cut in half, no blood, no guts.
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Come on, we have to get George Lucas to cut loose with a "R" movie for Star Wars, its going to be the last one. How about a 3 hour full blaster.
The force is strong in my family. No, Luke, I am your father.
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Come on, we have to get George Lucas to cut loose with a "R" movie for Star Wars, its going to be the last one. How about a 3 hour full blaster.
AMEN! Or as they say in the Army: HOOAH!!! :lol:


Well maybe in an alternate universe were SOCL is from. :wink:
Yes, that great place called home. sigh Oh how I miss Alpha-Nexus Five-Six-Oh-Twelve-Dot-Three-Bee. :roll:


I think SOCL would like something like that.
Indeed. :twisted:
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