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Number of Fighters in a Group


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Squadrons can be split up into wings you know, which is what you see in EaW.

I'm sorry, I need to correct myself here.


It's flights ofcourse, not wings. :)


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can anyone confirm if the fighters are independent of the bigger capital ships?



Yes, fighters are independent.


Cheers Delphi.


So then mass TIE rushes etc would be possible heh :twisted:

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can anyone confirm if the fighters are independent of the bigger capital ships?



Yes, fighters are independent.


Cheers Delphi.


So then mass TIE rushes etc would be possible heh :twisted:


This is wonderful. Yet more tactics to beat the rebel scum. :twisted:

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can anyone confirm if the fighters are independent of the bigger capital ships?



Yes, fighters are independent.


I think one thing we are wondering about in relation to fighters and the capital ships is like tie fighters. Tie fighters did not have hyperdrives and neither did jedi starfighters, how will they travel with a fleet if they do not have a ship that they are being carried in?

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Do space stations even have a hyperdrive?


Nope, stationary around the planet.


Ecsept for the DS.


Speaking of which, we don't even have confirmation that the DS will have any fighters attached to it.

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It should, but not that many. It could contain enough fighters to defend against even the biggest starfighter fleet the Rebels could muster, long enough to destroy the planet at least.

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According to the databank the Death Star Could hold 7,200 starfighters. That is 600 Squadrons. More than the Death Star in Rebellion could hold.


What I think is interesting is the fact that the ISD could hold 6 squadrons and that was reflected in the game, but the Death Star was only given 24. I think that the problem is that our current computer technology is not sufficient to properly model the Death Star in a game as of yet.

My Death Star is bigger than your Death Star!

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