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What does SOCL mean?


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OKay, I'll check it out, on one condition....


Tell me the address of your website! :lol:

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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OKay, I'll check it out, on one condition....


Tell me the address of your website! :lol:

8O Um . . . :? I would have thought you, a long-standing forum member, would know that there is a button (labeled: www) at the bottom of all my postings that connects to my website. :lol::wink:
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Oh, I forgot to mention that the story is quite (VERY) controversial, especially if you're an American or Canadian (though the whole world is affected in the story). I also must mention that you should read the disclaimer at the bottom of the thus far posted story that way get a sort of feel and understand that I am not anti-national.


Also, I'm going to be adding like in upwards of 10 pages a day (120 pages are already written, they just need to be transferred to the site). So it'll be updated continously.



. . . so, anyone read it yet?

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I started to read a bit , I read the disclaimer and the rather long Dramatis Persoane. Could't you post the story as a Word file on line for ust ot download it?
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Could't you post the story as a Word file on line for ust ot download it?
I don't know how to, especially with my AOL-sponsored site. Remember, I don't really know anything about websites, so I used the AOL-provided engine to make my site (hence the crappiness). Also, I wouldn't want to put it for download because it's in the process of being written and posted, so the file would change every chance I got to add more to the typed version (the hard-copy is VERY old school: hand-written 8O ). Maybe after I finish the story and type it all up and learn how to, I will.



All those reasons contribute to my asking if anyone would be interested in hosting my story/ies. . . .



Here's a new game, but it kind of requires you guys to read the story/novella. What you have to do is figure out who the following characters are based off of. I'll give you hint, all the following characters are all based off of at least one STAR WARS. By the way, not all of the characters have been put in the story yet, but just keep them in mind.


1. The Imperator

2. Colonel Lee

3. Colonel Lars Weber

4. Lieutenant Colonel Stephanie Copeland

5. Grand Admiral Deikun

6. Captain Sean McCloud

7. Sub-Lieutenant Nichols



You're probably (or might be) wondering why I have grand admiral(s) in my story. Well, it's not because of STAR WARS, it's because the ranking system is mostly based off of that of World War II Germany's, which had a rank that roughly translates to English as Grand Admiral as the highest rank in their Navy.

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I've been updating my site everyday (if not every other day). I hope at least a few of you guys have been reading the story (what little is posted thus far) . . . I hope. . . .


Additionally, the picture at the top of my craptacular website has changed. 8)

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Ah, yes, sorry, forgot about the 'www' button. Okay, am checking it out now. :)

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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That's good man. That's real good. You've got potential. :)


Kinda reminiscent of the Harry Turtledove series. Good old sort of post-apocalyptic America. :)


And if I lived about 12,000 miles (or however far it is) closer, you'd find that you'd have some competition over Holly. She's a looker mate. Well done, wish you all the happiness. :)

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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Yeah, I second that! Who, or what, is Cowboy Bebop?!?

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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8O Who's Cowboy Bebop? I only found some russsian redirect page
Yeah, I second that! Who, or what, is Cowboy Bebop?!?

Hmm . . . that happens to that site every so often. I'll change the link to a different, but just as good, Cowboy Bebop site.


Cowboy Bebop is a GREAT anime that is 26 episodes (called sessions) long. It takes place in, I believe, the year 2080 and revolves around the lives of the bounty hunters Spike and Jet, along with their eventual partnet Faye Valentine, Ed, and Ein the dog. It's hard to explain, but it's an AWESOME anime (though quite depressing). It rivals Gundam as being one of the best animes of all time. It's masterpiece! Check the site, I have a new link on it now.



And if I lived about 12,000 miles (or however far it is) closer, you'd find that you'd have some competition over Holly. She's a looker mate.
Uh huh . . . :roll:



That's good man. That's real good. You've got potential.

Thanks! I've been working pretty hard at the story and my readers (outside the Internet, of course) consider it to be my best to date.


Kinda reminiscent of the Harry Turtledove series.
I can't honestly say I've heard of it.


Good old sort of post-apocalyptic America.
Well, don't worry, it's not all about post-U.S. North America. It will also bring in the Allied Nations, especially Canada and the United Kingdom. You'll see as the story progresses.



Please, stay-tuned to the site and you don't worry, you don't have to humor me. Please be VERY honest with me about what you think about the story because lies won't help (not to say you guys would lie to me, just please tell me the complete truth).

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I just finished posting Part 1 of the story! 8) I hope you guys like it! :D


I'll start posting Part 2--which, incidentally, is almost complete in the hard, hand-written copy--ASAP! 8)












Oops, double-post . . . :oops:

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And if I lived about 12,000 miles (or however far it is) closer, you'd find that you'd have some competition over Holly. She's a looker mate.
Uh huh . . . :roll:


Sorry man, but you did ask us to tell the truth!!! :twisted::lol::)

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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I like. :) Very nice SOCL, I sense great skill in this one!

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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I posted a good porition of Part 2! Go read it!



I guess at this point this thread would be better off in the Site Updates forum, right?



I know a lot of you guys and girls are busy, but opinions are greatly needed/wanted on the story (posted at my website). They would be greatly appreciated!!!

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Guest Scathane
I guess at this point this thread would be better off in the Site Updates forum, right?
You should post your site there by the way... But it's okay to keep using this forum for the rest of it...
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Well, I've given in and created a thread in "Site Updates". Here's the link:


Please check in there for updates and PLEASE read my story "Magical Lies"! I would GREATLY appreciate readers, and feedback and opinions! PLEASE!!! Also, since I can't make websites worth monkey spit, I am still looking for someone who would be willing to host my stories on their site, maybe a small section or something. Please?!


Updates on the way!

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