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*Wishes fervently that it would be released for PS2, because that is all Tofu owns*


No video games in my Christmas gifts this year, but that's alright. My buddy got a new copy of Guild Wars, which comes with a new expansion pack, so he's giving me the key and his old disk, so I'll get the original Guild Wars, plus the Eye of the North expansion pack at some point in the future to dink around with. Should be interesting, though I'm a tad apprehensive about giving an MMORPG a try after my "luck" with Runescape...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

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The free demo for Lord of the Rings: Conquest was released yesterday. Its a lot of fun, and I will definitely be picking it up for the PS3 when it comes out in January.


Its somewhat based on the Battlefront engine, in which there are the classes and spawn points, and you capture additional checkpoints and whatnot. Also, like in Battlefront 2, as you kill a bunch of enemies, you can play as a "hero" character, such as Aragorn or Sauron.

I have to look up this game. I guess that since it is in the LotR Universe you would fight with swords but it would have to be properly implemented... I'm curious.




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Yeah, it works good. Basically, on the PS3 controller, triangle, square, and circle are all melee attacks for all the classes (light, medium, and heavy). Then R1 is used for ranged attacks (whether throwing axes, arrows, or magic). By holding L1 and pressing one of the melee attack buttons, you perform your classes special attack (the warrior has a fire sword, archer has special arrows like fire and poison, mage has spells, etc).


Like I said, the game worked well online, with everyone running around hacking each other up. I already pre-ordered it through Gamestop since they give you a mini replica of the Witchking's sword which can be used as a letter opener.

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For Christmas I got a couple of games...


Left 4 Dead (PC)


Prince of Persia (PS3)


Okami (Wii)


I also got some money which I put towards Resident Evil 5, which comes out this March.




"Life is hard. After all, it kills you." - Katharine Hepburn

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I also got some money which I put towards Resident Evil 5, which comes out this March.

:twisted: While I don't have a 360, I do have a good friend who is rather enthralled with the franchise, and has agreed to let me take the other controller for co-op when it comes out. :twisted::twisted::twisted:


BTW: Left 4 Dead is going to control your life for a little while. Get used to it.


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

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I tried a few games recently.

First i tried S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadows of Chernobyl. While I appreciated the work which had been put into the game i didn't hook. I just couldn't get interested in the game so cast it aside after a few hours of gaming. I still recommend trying it because it is still an amazing game simply by its size.

Afterwards i tried Sins of a Solar Empire. I admit it is a good game but I must admit I did not like that lack of a campaign mode. Just playing single games without any background story doesn't work for me. But once again it is a VERY well made game and definitly worth a try for any RTS fan.

And today i tried "The Guild 2". I must admit that after having played the tutorial I felt confident but imediatly after starting the Singly Player mode i felt lost not knowing where to go or what to do. But i guess you get over that with experience. I was just starting to get somewhere when the game crashed and my game was lost. I may give it another try later. But from a general point of view the game seems very buggy.




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Over the holidays, I beat...

Prince of Persia ... lovely artwork

Tomb Raider Underworld .. again, graphically a marvelous game

Dawn of War: Soulstorm ... same old, same old. Boring campaign


And I played...

Rock Band 2 ... PS3, few songs I knew, but fun


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I'm surprised that's going for $20. There are a number of similar, free programs out there on the Internet that do just about the same thing, minus the star of course.


Resident Evil 5: Master's Challenge footage.



:) Even if you've already seen the gameplay, the commentary is highly amusing. "Oh, look, it's Saddam Hussein!"


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

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I'm surprised that's going for $20. There are a number of similar, free programs out there on the Internet that do just about the same thing, minus the star of course.


Resident Evil 5: Master's Challenge footage.



:) Even if you've already seen the gameplay, the commentary is highly amusing. "Oh, look, it's Saddam Hussein!"

"And gold comes out of their heads... Much like Leprechauns." :lol::lol::lol:




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My friend came up last night, and we spent two hours rocking through the campaign for Lord of the Rings Conquest. There are only eight battles, taken right from the movie, with cutscenes from the movie and a narrator (the dude who played Elrond in the movie) to move the game along inbetween battles. After the final level/battle, you unlock the ability to play through a campaign as Sauron's army. After the first level, the next three levels are re-hashes of other levels, as Sauron's army counter-attacks. After that, the rest of the levels are battles at new locations, the final one being Rivendell. I havent finished playing through yet, but so far its a lot of fun to kill the heroes.


The online was a lot of fun. Theres one mode called "Capture the Ring" where one player plays as Frodo with the ring, and tries to evade all the other players. Its fun. Definitely worth checking out, and if you dont have the PS3, theres also the 360 and PC versions. If you liked Battlefront and Dynasty Warriors, you will enjoy this game.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Res 5 demo is awesome. Get it. Play it. Die a couple of dozen times. Love it.


My friend and I had a blast playing it (she's a lot better as Sheva, I kick arse as Chris), and have defeated the Chainsaw man twice and the Executioner once. The Executioner is a real toughie, as you can never actually knock him over. You can get him with an uppercut/somersault kick, but nothing more by way of meles. I killed him by basically blasting him non-stop with shot guns and uppercuts once, and all of the remaining times, he just crushed us with that massive killer axe of his.


Found the machine gun, though, so that helps tremendously in taking on the Zombie hordes.


The chainsaw man gave us a considerably lesser challenge (after we tried it twenty times or so), and after beating him once, we completely creamed him the second time around. Who knew- there's an electric transformer you can knock down to hurt him some more.


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

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I've been playing a lot of C&C 3 lately, specifically the expansion pack Kane's Wrath.




I've also been trying to get Homeworld 2 working on Vista to try out the various Mods. Most of them crash once there are too many units on screen. :( Havent gotten around to trying Warlords again, but I wasnt too happy previously with it's lag problems.

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I'm on Red Alert 3 myself.. awaiting the expansion campaigns :)


Warlords was significantly revamped for 0.60 to limit some of the lag. I'm sure its still possible (given the amount of units you can have), but still better as the amount of calculations were reduced by removing the shield collisions.


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Fighting is terrible, but not as terrible as losing the will to fight.

- SW:Rebellion Network - Evaders Squadron Coding -

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The other day i bought myself a gamepad so now i am rediscovering the pleasure of arcade games such as Crimson Skies and Rogue Squadron. The Gamepad just made them a hundred times better. :D:D:D




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Not quite a videogame, per se, but I managed to write a new game for my TI-83 graphing calculator. That thing's going to save my butt when I take the AP Statistics exam at the end of the year; can you imagine if I had nothing to do after I finished the stupid test with an hour or so to spare?! :lol:


It's a pretty nifty little game, if I do say so myself. It's currently two-player, though I'm going to try to make something like AI (it'll probably select options based on a random number generator). It's a fighter game, with seven attack options. Two of them are just jokes (One option is to "Summon Nick," the single most annoying kid at my school. It simply displays "YOU FAIL!" over and over again, in an endlessly repeating look. The other option is to "Annoy Allison." Allison is one of the nicest people I know, and impossible to annoy. Annoying her results in the destruction of the planet, and causes both players to love), while the other five work. The options include: Falcon Punch (5-10 damage), eye jab (10 damage), Nad Shot (Originally "Crotch Shot," but then my friend reminded me that girls would also be playing the game. One in three chance of doing twenty-five damage. A miss gives zero), Pray to Satan (Randomly subtracts up to forty points or adds up to ten points to your opponent's health; originally I was going to make it an option to heal yourself, with an equal chance of helping and hurting you, but I couldn't get the code quite right; I intend to try to fix that), and Death Glare (twenty percent chance of removing all of your opponent's health).


The thing took me about three or four hours to program, and that was only after I scrapped an earlier version 1.0 that wouldn't work. I got it done during AP Statistics, AP Physics, lunch, and AP Calculus. Fortunately we had free days in AP Physics and AP Calculus, and AP Statistics is a big enough waste of my time that it didn't matter that I didn't pay attention; the teacher can't actually teach, anyway.


The whole thing is basic enough to make the eighties ashamed of my video game programming, considering the "power" I control, but keep in mind that this is all with calculator commands. It's a step up from my old text-based adventure games.


So far as getting an "AI" to work, that'll be tough. I'm thinking I'll have to figure out a way to make a random number selection from a menu, which I currently can't do. Unfortunately I can't get more than one conditional statement going.


IE: generate random number from zero to four, and store that number as A.

if A=0


execute one attack

if A=1


execute another attack

if A=2


execute a third attack



It causes a syntax error if I give it in any form other than







Anyone know how to fix that?


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

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  • 3 weeks later...


I just finished Rogue Squadron 3D with Gold Medals everywhere. YIPEEE!!! :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:


I managed that once. That game was horribly annoying on some levels, such as that dumb "race" through the desert canyon. Hated that with a passion. Well, congrats. Now it's time to pop out the cheats- makes the game way more entertaining! :D


BTW: I solved my issue. If I wanted three multi-conditional statements, I had to say


if x=1




if x=2


prgrm 2


if x=3


prgrm 3




Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

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