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Katanna Fleet (Dark Force)



Has anyone other than myself actually ever attempted to build the ~200 Dreadnaught Katanna fleet? I have actually done it before and it is GREAT! Imagine 200 Dreadnaughts suddenly appearing in orbit over your system and take out your fleet within seconds, then bomb the hell out of your planet! foaming at mouth . . .


It's great to be an Imperial. :D

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Guest Scathane
I dunno, maybe you've got 'mpd' as well, SOCL... Maybe one of your other personalities did as well... You might wanna check: are there any savegames you don't remember creating? :lol:
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So . . . has anyone else other than Trej and I made a 200+ fleet of Dreadnaught-class cruisers and named it the Katana Fleet? :roll:


9 out of 10 games I play I actually do that... or atleast I start to make the fleet, but before its finished those Imperial Scums are destroyed... :twisted::twisted::twisted:

Jedi Corran Duchai at your service.


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9 out of 10 games I play I actually do that... or atleast I start to make the fleet, but before its finished those Imperial Scums are destroyed... :twisted::twisted::twisted:
Imperial Scum?! GASP! HOW DARE YOU?!! :x:evil:


It's quite fun, though, doing it. Especially when you go into a fleet engagement. I can just see the faces of those Rebel scum. All of them cocky and thinking: "This'll be easy" and then the realize that they're not up against two or three Dreadnaughts, but instead 200! :twisted: I recommend everyone try it! :twisted:

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So . . . has anyone else other than Trej and I made a 200+ fleet of Dreadnaught-class cruisers and named it the Katana Fleet? :roll:


Didn't the Katana Fleet only consist of 100 Dreadnaughts? Thats all I build, then I fill it with Y-Wings because they are the oldest ships in an unedited game. 100 Dreadnuaghts, 100 Y-Wings, bombarding Coruscant drool slobber drool

Lost a planet Master Obi-Wan has, how embarrassing. - Yoda


Do not count a human dead until you've seen his body, and even then you can make a mistake. - Bene Gesserit saying

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nope its a 200 dreadnaught army bound together to Katana with slave circuits, then the Captain of Katana went mad and sent the entire fleet into hyperspace... Talon Karrde then discovered where they were...

Jedi Corran Duchai at your service.


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a 200 dreadnaught army
ARGH! :x I sure as hell hope you meant army in the sense of large group and not literal army.




Ugh . . . dreadnaught and army . . . poison to my ears. . . . Blasphemy! (though, now that I rethink it, dreadnaughts under Army command: quite possible) :roll:

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Anyways it looks that some other people actually have built the Katana Fleet.
It would be interesting to see 200 Dreadnaughts on both sides come into an engagement with each other. :twisted: Can you imagine that?


By the way, why was the Katana fleet made? I mean, a fleet of 200 Dreadnaughts just doesn't seem tactically wise. Unless they had been assembled to eventually be deployed, it doesn't make sense (militarily, politically, and tactically, at least).

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As I gather there were no military reasons behind it, only political ones. I haven't read anything from Zahn on the Katana fleet, but I can imagine that Rendili StarDrive built the fleet and someone else fitted the ships with such an automatization, perhaps as a first try to create a Navy of the Republic, or something like that. Perhpas even Palpy, after all he had 15 Dreads he used in the Unknown Regions, and I doubt that he had them fully crewed 16K per ship... 2K per ship may have been more likely considering that he had no cloning facilities available before the clone wars... Or had he???
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considering that he had no cloning facilities available before the clone wars... Or had he???
Precisely the point to any discussion. There are some many questions that remain unanswered that it's almost impossible to truly find any answers.


The thing is that 200 Dreadnaughts together seems less effective than dispersing them about the galaxy in groups. You know what I mean?

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Guest Scathane
The thing is that 200 Dreadnaughts together seems less effective than dispersing them about the galaxy in groups. You know what I mean?
I'm guessing that you mean that multiple tactical groups are better than one bulk of power... In a tactical sense, you may be right, in a psychological sense, you may be wrong...
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I did it out of capriciousness, to have a Katana Fleet at my command, certainly 8 groups of 25 Dreads would be more useful, but as scaht points out it's doesn't have the same psychological effect.

That would be useful if the AI had a brain or if you were playing against a human player online.

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psychological effect.
That is probably the reason the "real" (real in STAR WARS) Katana fleet was kept together in a 200 mass. In the game, I do it because it's fun to watch in fleet engagements. I just wish the AI was a tad smarter, that way the game would actually be a challenge.


I would like to play online (against another living brain), but the problem with online is that the game itself takes forever and my Internet connection sucks (along with the fact I don't want to hold-up the line). I need to find someone to hook my computer up to and play over a Local Area Network.

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I'd like to play against a human brain, too. My Pc sucks but I'll be getting a new one soon enough, but I will still be on a lame connection,
It's all about the connection, man. I'm going to get DSL soon, so I might be able to play (though it would get unorthodoxly long) online soon. Sadly, I[/]'m going to have to pay for it. :x
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Guest Scathane
It seems the call for playing online is rising again. maybe we should make something of it...
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a 200 dreadnaught army
ARGH! :x I sure as hell hope you meant army in the sense of large group and not literal army.




Ugh . . . dreadnaught and army . . . poison to my ears. . . . Blasphemy! (though, now that I rethink it, dreadnaughts under Army command: quite possible) :roll:


woops my bad... is armada better?? else I call it a fleet :roll::roll:



Oooh the possibilites with the ENTIRE Katana Fleet under Thrawn's command, SOCL write a story about it! :D:wink:

Jedi Corran Duchai at your service.


There is no emotion; there is peace.

There is no ignorance; there is knowledge.

There is no passion; there is serenity.

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woops my bad... is armada better?? else I call it a fleet :roll::roll:
YES! Much better! Thank you! :wink::roll:



Oooh the possibilites with the ENTIRE Katana Fleet under Thrawn's command, SOCL write a story about it! :D:wink:
Hmm . . . well, in The Last Command he basically had the entire fleet at his disposal. She was only missing like, what(?), 30 or 40? Not that many considering the 160-170 some-odd he already had. I'll consider the idea, but I am writing a story about Thrawn that is part of an alternate future to The Last Command where Thrawn does survive. :twisted:
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It seems the call for playing online is rising again. maybe we should make something of it...


Does anyone know of a site where people can play online???

Lost a planet Master Obi-Wan has, how embarrassing. - Yoda


Do not count a human dead until you've seen his body, and even then you can make a mistake. - Bene Gesserit saying

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In a tactical sense, you may be right, in a psychological sense, you may be wrong...



And the Katana Fleet was made parades and Public Relations. So the second use is the more likely

Z'anthr saves the world. Sorry about the mess...
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