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list of minor characters

Guest JediIgor

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At least let's work first on the Imperial starting chars.

I'd suggest Pellaeon, Baron Fel, Isard, Veers (?), Covell(?), Tavira(?). And perhaps one Force user. One of the lesser Emperor's hands, perhaps...

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These are definetes to me, too.


Isard: Would take some serious convincing to get her join an alien Grand Admiral. Recruit later?

Same thing goes for Tavira.


What about our other Rebellion guys like Dorja and Brandei?


And a force user is a must. Marek Steele?

It's all hopeless but otherwise not very dramatic. - Helme Haffax


Englishman: "What do you think of Modern Civilization?"

Mahatma Gandhi: "That would be a good idea."

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Yes, maarek Stele, I was thinking about him as teh Force user.


The thing with Isard, and Tavira, is that they are imporatant characters, if give the Imps Dorja and Brandei at the beginnning, they are hardly more than command chars, Dorja has diplomacy too, but not much. Isard, is a command char, and has good intel and combat, and she would have joined Thrawn, had he asked her, if only to try and kill him. Tavira, I think is much the same, perhaps qe could leave it with Isard and Dorja.








Maarek Stele

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Ah, yes, you got me on that one.

There just needs to be a good explanation in Isard's card text.


Then we have:





Boba Fett (?)












22 down (if we want all these), 8 to go.


Add more Moffs if neccesary, like Disra or Flennic.


Edit: To keep it simple, I'll just edit this post.

Removed Guri, added Rogriss.

Edited by Tsunami

It's all hopeless but otherwise not very dramatic. - Helme Haffax


Englishman: "What do you think of Modern Civilization?"

Mahatma Gandhi: "That would be a good idea."

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No Guri methinks, if anything she was a Rebel, certainly she would have been classed as an enemy of the Empire.

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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OK, that's that for Guri.

But guys, let's finish the Empire first, to keep some structure.


We still need some characters.

What about:

- Bounty Hunters (not worth including, if you ask me)

- other command characters not yet on the list

- anyone else we missed



If we do not find new ones, we'd have to go with Flennic, Disra, Delvardus, maybe Kratas and such guys.

It's all hopeless but otherwise not very dramatic. - Helme Haffax


Englishman: "What do you think of Modern Civilization?"

Mahatma Gandhi: "That would be a good idea."

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Dengar was one of the Bounty hunters looking for Karrde

Niles Ferrier should be there of course

maybe a Verpine and a Defel from his ship hijack team

Z'anthr saves the world. Sorry about the mess...
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Was Dengar in that group? I didn't know that.

I'd rather have the Defel than the verpine, we do see the Defel in Last Command, the verpine not, I think FErrier hired it just for that job on Sluis VAn.

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Well, I like a Defel and a Verpine. I mean, in the original Rebellion there were plenty of 'looking useless' characters on both sides.

Z'anthr saves the world. Sorry about the mess...
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I think we should cut back on those sabotage-only-characters. This kind of work can also be done by special forces and many characters also capable of commanding. In most of my classic Rebellion games I was missing commanders and not saboteurs.


But there just HAVE to be more useful imps!

It's all hopeless but otherwise not very dramatic. - Helme Haffax


Englishman: "What do you think of Modern Civilization?"

Mahatma Gandhi: "That would be a good idea."

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Guest JediIgor
Hey, would someone mind making a list with all the 50 characters? and if you could include all the characters that didn't make it in a separate paragraph (i.e. didn't make it.. empire.. rebel... list..) I would appreciate it :)
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Ackbar (l) research

Chewbacca (c/e)

Lando Calrissian (l/d/c/e) research

BorskFey'lya (l/d/e)

Wedge Antilles (l/c/e) research

Corran Horn (l/c/e)

Mara Jade (l/c/e)

Talon Karrde (l/d/c/e) research

Page ((l/c/e)

Khabarahk (c/e)

Tycho Celchu (?)

Garm Bel Iblis (l/c)

Sarin Virgillio (l/c/e)

Kell Tainer (?)

Garik 'Face' Loran (l/c/e)

Booster Terrik (l/c/e)

Airen Cracken (l/c/e)

Iella Wessiri (?)

Kapp Dendo (l/c/e)

Mirax Terrik (?)

Hiram Drayson (l/d/e) research

Elegos A'kla (?)

Jan Dodonna (l/d) research

Charlist Rieekan (l) research

Winter (d/e)

Dash Rendar (l/c/e)

Guri (c/e)

Kyle Katarn (l/c/e)

Jan Ors (c/e)

Gaeriel Captison (d)

Pter Thanas (l/d)

Teneniel Djo (c/e)

Isolder (l/d/c/e)

Fynn Torve (c/e)

Aves (c/e)

Ghent (c/e)

Admiral Ossilege (l/c/e) research






Gilad Pellaeon (l/d)

-Sate Pestage- dead

Qui Xux (?) research

Teren Rogriss (?)

Thrackan Sal-Solo (l/d/e/c)

Dorja (l/c/e)

Brandei (l/c/e

Rom Mohc (l/c/e) research

Guy Sienar (l/c/e) research?

Luuke (l/d/c/e)

Leonia Tavira

Roganda Ismarren (e)

Bevel Lemelisk research

Irek Isamarren (l/c/e)

Rukh (c/e)

Daala (l/c/e)

Niles Ferrier (c/e)

Ysanne Isard (?)

Prince-Admiral Delak Krennel

General Covell (l/c) research

Major Tierce (l/d/c/e)

Lieutenant Tschel (l/d) (a must have!)

-Ensign Mithel- not

Baron Soontir Fel (l/c/e)

Captain Voss Parck (l/c/e)

Supreme Warlord Harrsk (l/d/c/e)

Superior General Delvardus (l/d/c/e) research

High Admiral Teradoc (l/d/c/e)

Colonel Cronus (l/c/e)



NR: Madine of course! What about A'baht?

Edited by TK421
Z'anthr saves the world. Sorry about the mess...
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I don't know if Ossilege was already in the Bakuran Armed Forces at that point.


Sate Pestage and Rom Mohc are already dead; Veers is still out there (or did I miss him on the list?)


Mithel and Tschel don't look like important characters to me (although I remember them from the books). If we cannot come up with someone better, I would like to see Disra and Flennic or their likes.

It's all hopeless but otherwise not very dramatic. - Helme Haffax


Englishman: "What do you think of Modern Civilization?"

Mahatma Gandhi: "That would be a good idea."

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Ossilege was there.


Who was the guy that poisoned our fellow babe Mothma in the books of the Jedi Acadamy? Furgan?

We can use his spider AT's in the TC as well...!

Z'anthr saves the world. Sorry about the mess...
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Don''t know about having

Isolder, Teneniel? Isolationist Hapan Cluster.

Aves, Fynn Torve. Aren't Karrde an Ghent enough respresentation of smugglers

Kyle and Jan? Hmmmm.

Sarin Virgilio. Just a command char, not much use there.

Kell Tainer We already have WEdge, Corran, FAce, and perhaps Tycho.

For the imps, Veers is around, and there was a clone of Pestage, it is not known whther his clone died a Ciutric or whther it was Pestage himslef, but one Pestage did help Plapy's clone to make a bid fo rhte galaxy.

Qwi? I never liked her.

Rom Mohc. Dead.

Irek Ismaren? 5 yo.

Tschel? Could be.

We'll stil lhave problems withthe pics for the characters, thoguh.

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Nice Characters but there is a great problem!


how to increase the limit for message "recruitment done" to recruit more than 30 chars?


that must be possible but i dont know how

"I am growing stronger with the Force"
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