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Rome : Total War


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:arrow: Normaly I will post in the ouside interest forum but this game is pure strategy and we are all Rebelion fans and excelent army generals ... here are two screen captures from the game that I have tried today:






:arrow: You can put on a map 10.000 units like that and the game handles very well ....no PC or game crushes. I only had like 4000 units until now but it works well on my Pentium 4 (1400) ;256 ram ;64 mb GeForce

:arrow: The aim is to make and control the Roman Empire >>>> Here is a capture of a town in 3D http://pcmedia.gamespy.com/pc/image/rome_total_war_05032004__043004_002.jpg



:arrow: I will not post here the full Review

( http://pc.gamespy.com/pc/rome-total-war/510597p1.html ) but I can say to you all that the game is a true a next generation game.



:arrow: If a moderator decides that the Topic is not good for this forum he can change it to the normal one....just that the game is super great for a strateg gamer.

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

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Actually, most of th Total War series don't require a lot of computing power to play. I would liken the graphics to C&C: Generals, but slightly better. I find these games entertaining, but I would actually prefer them without the RTS aspect. I prefer the map aspect.

History is on the move, Captain. Those who cannot keep up with it will be left behind, to watch from a distance. And those who stand in our way will not watch at all.

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:arrow: No need for a good PC the Game will lower his graphics for a smooth run or reduce the units size.....btw it's great especialy in the unit dynamics....now you realy fight. For ex: I can destroy a unit of 12 elephannts on an open grownd with much losses by my troops but one day I was attacking Carthagena the home of Hanibal and I think it was Hasdrubal on charge ...so my brave Roman army enters the city destroys the defenders and goes for the central square for the kill ....only one unit of elephants standing and my romans charging like barbarians.......at one narow street corner the elephants contraattaked and 12 elephants wipe out 1300 romans routing like 100 .....I only see them fly it was impossible to reestablis order .



:wink: The sound and speeches before the battles are also great ...I almost hear : - MAXIMUS !, MAXIMUS ! ......WWWOOORRRAAAA GLORY TO ROME !




:arrow: I played ...hmmmm let's say around 10 hours yesterday and I only have 7 provinces.....yup and they are as many as in Medival TW.....I love this game !

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

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Wow, sounds like your game is going pretty much the same as historically recorded. Is this the first or second time you've fought a Punic war? Was Hannibal on the offensive, and your actions against Carthage were meant to draw him home? Are you playing as Scipio, thus making your victory even more historically correct?

History is on the move, Captain. Those who cannot keep up with it will be left behind, to watch from a distance. And those who stand in our way will not watch at all.

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:arrow: Yup I'm playng the Scipio as a family group and normaly if I will folow the senate orders Hanibal will be on my head now but I took the offensive. The only thing you cannot do is attack the other two roman houses or Rome ....not now 200 BC. You need to have acumulated some prestige before doing that.



:arrow: I managed to recruit a unit of elephans as mercenaris and I use them as shock troops.....cool stuff..... until the stupid enemys were starting to change the arrows to flamed ones and my elephans routed and stampeded twoards my troops ..crushing the ones behind. I played many hours and I managed to conquer Numibia, Chartagen and I'm in full war with the Pharaon who had the guts to invade me. One Roman house is fighting the Greek Cities Alliance and the other the Gauls and is doing as well as I am.... :evil: ....when I will have to face them it will be nusty since I spy them and I know they have enough troops.



:arrow: The best roman unit is the cavalery ...when they charge they smash in enemy units passing true them and then returning from behind for another charge....if of course you don't manage to stop them with spears. If you zoom in you can see very well the impact forces and the man flyng like above in the screen shots.



:arrow: "Have you reacted one of these battles GAT"...I can figure out what this means :oops:




:arrow: Grand_Admiral_Thrawn it is quite "historical" just that it is a game and as any game it needs to let you feal free. Btw I have even my country ancestors in the game : Dacia ! cool I can play Traian and recounqer us...to bad I can't play my own. Anyway I have the museum in front of my house and the most artifacts are from the roman period.



:arrow: Btw I think that the roman army if faced with a medieval army whould will crush them easly.....to bad that the roman empire had fall who knows were will be today without the stupidity of the medieval times .....



:arrow: As usual the spelling is killing me when I writte fast... :oops:

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

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No problems with the spelling, it's easy enough to figure out what you mean :) I think Mad was asking if I do any Roman re-enactments, but I only do the War of 1812. It would be too costly to buy leather armor for even one person, let alone fifty :lol:.


It's nice that the game is as close to historical as one would want without sacrificing game play, though the fact that one ofthe other Roman houses is fighting the Greeks and the Guals is a little upsetting. Not even the whole of the Italian peninsula was able to fend off the Guals the first few times around.

History is on the move, Captain. Those who cannot keep up with it will be left behind, to watch from a distance. And those who stand in our way will not watch at all.

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:arrow: Btw the assasin are great and the diplomats also....I play now the red ones and try to block the others.



:arrow: You are right about the Gauls :wink:

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

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What are the minimum and recomended system requierments for this game :?:

-"The major is a good man means well and works hard. Undortunatly, he would not be able to get a clue if he went out into a field full of horny clues during clue mating season , smeared his naked body with clue musk, and danced the ritual clue mating dance."-


-"Now there's an image I'd really have preferred you'd kept to yourself."-

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:arrow: Yes the game is very addictive ...I spent 3 days now starting a second time..... and I only managed to conquer Namibia,Cartagena and buy with dinars from house bruti half of the Greace. Btw I have no major war going now and per turn I have like 10.000 denari so I can buy almost everything. I just bought Alexandria with an egyptian prince for 57.000 denari ...Only to give it up to stop the war and rebellions. Anyway my eyes hurt after so much play.....BTw I also bought 3 cityes from the Bruti and the senat requestet to give them back ...he he he no way.



:arrow: The Minimum system requirements are :




:arrow: GeForce 2 MX 400 64 Mb


:arrow: Pentium 3 1000Ghz


:arrow: 256 Ram



I have this stuff and it works ...well not full terrain detail or to much smoke or dust but the troops are full detail.



:arrow: I am courious if after the main campain you will get to play other factions.



:arrow: Anyone around who get to be emperor ?!

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

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:arrow: Wow And I comsidered mine ancient ....the Geforce 2 at 64 is quite ancient almost all have from geforce 4 up.



:arrow: Anyways about Rome....I've decided to left the norden parts of italica give the cities to the Gauls in axchange for money and with some luck establis in Egypt conquer it and get Cleopatra.



:arrow: The god news is that now the Gauls are a pain in the but to the rest of the romans and the senate....I can wait for them to take Rome and I will go take it back for me...he,he :twisted:

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

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:arrow: Wow And I comsidered mine ancient ....the Geforce 2 at 64 is quite ancient almost all have from geforce 4 up.


I have a Radeon 7500, and it's in my laptop. Which makes it kinda hard to get a better one. Plus I'm broke!

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Francs? So which countries, other than Great Britain, didn't switch over to the Euro? There is three of them, isn't there?

History is on the move, Captain. Those who cannot keep up with it will be left behind, to watch from a distance. And those who stand in our way will not watch at all.

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:arrow: Hey guys...I'm playng the damn game for 4-5 days now and i only have 21 provinces and i have to do 50 to win....I started at 270 BC and now I am at 165 BC. Of course I restarted the game 2-3 times for more fun and playng on hard'hard setting who is more realistic. Btw you could play all the factions in the imperial campaign after you finish the roman one or as you defeat an Empire you get to play them.



:arrow: All units can be upgraded or retrained and all evolve and get skill bonuses in defence attack etc + the normal armor and weapons upgradeds. Also I managed to recruit with the romans two elephants mercenari uits and if you are careful you could take a city of 1900 defenders with 36 soldiers and 12 elephants...he he he if you manage to get them in close combat with no space betwen buildings and your elephants are upgraded.It is so fun watch the battle. The elephants are very hard to recruit and can only be found in some provinces....so I'm very careful with them.


:arrow: Hmm also I know a couple of "barbarian" units from Dacia wich are missing ....and they are all represented on Traian colom :?::cry::evil:



:arrow: Also I can't find their official forum or a moding program like RebEd. Ahhh I can make the game more historycal.

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

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yeh, our little country has one of the highest value money in the world, after Brittan, US an EU. Isn't that impressive?

But mad, you still are quite fare of the amount you want. I have calculated (we Swiss people calculate everything) that if you don't eat as much, so put 10 Frs. at the place of the usual 15.-, you should be able to get it for Christmas!

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:arrow: Hey NIIIC ! Long time..no see ...how are you my friend ?



:arrow: Did you already tried Rome ?

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

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yeh, our little country has one of the highest value money in the world, after Brittan, US an EU. Isn't that impressive?

But mad, you still are quite fare of the amount you want. I have calculated (we Swiss people calculate everything) that if you don't eat as much, so put 10 Frs. at the place of the usual 15.-, you should be able to get it for Christmas!

technically i would need 9 months to save up that amount. Now if we count christmas... cut of a few weeks... count birthday... let say about 7 months.

Of course I had already calculated all this.




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