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The Vathinor Crisis


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The Sirius V had gone into hyperspace several hours ago and Tython had just been told that they would be attacking the planet "Gargarensis Prime" which was a strong minning colony for the sith. The only thing that needed to be done was to collapse all their landing pads and evacuation tunnels.


Tython was in the canteen with all his pilots and they were getting ready to go for a practice run in the simulators when suddenly they felt the sensation of coming out of hyperspace. Tython quickly gathered all his pilots together and rushed them to the launching bays. Tythons pilots where the first group to the bay and they had launched within minutes of the Sirius V being pulled out of hyperspace. Once Tython was out of the bay doors he started checking for the enemys that should be there.


They were not hard to spot, they seemed to fill the whole sky in a giant sphere around the Vathinor fleet. Their fllet was made up of about twenty five cruisers and five destroyers, they also had a backing of about seventy fighter squadrons. This did not look good at all!


Tython rallyed all his pilots together and started giving them orders left and right. Tython could do this because he had set up his ship so it had a different radio channel for every mind he had focused on the battle. As soon as Tythons fighters got within five kilomiters of the enemy capital ships the fighter screen streamed towards them. The battle that followed was one of teh longest but also one of the quickest Tython had ever been in. Tythons two squadrons were excellent fighters and they quickly made mince meat of the enemy fighters that came against them but all the other fighters and bombers from the Sirius V were not doing so well. Throughout the battle some fighter Squadron would loose their leader and Tython would quickly take control of them and use them to do the mopping up after his two main Squads had come through and knocked off most of them in a head on fight.


Through this time the Sirius V had used its two huge ion cannons twice and had taken out three cruisers both times. This had been done by getting some of the minor corvettes and frigates to fly as a screen for the Sirius V when it fired so it would not be destroyed. Because of this several corvettes had been destroyed as well as several smaller carriers that were not used for anything that couldnt be replaced.

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OOC: I probably wont get to make another post for a while, so here's a one that'll fill in some of the mysteries surrounding the Organisation.

Oh yeah, it's a long one :wink:



"I bet you're wondering what is happening? Why your own people are betraying you? Why, you Rantar, are being forced to fight your own."

Rantar could only stare back in disbelief at his CO. Terlen continued to speak in an all to calm tone - all most as if he had excepted Rantar to find him.

"Well, I guess I owe you some explanations. For starters, as you are probably aware of, I'm only second in command of the operations on this planet. In fact, the leader is someone in a higher position than myself - though who, is something you'll be required to figure out yourself.

"Secondly, Vathonir is only one world that is under the control of the Organisation. The Organisation is made up hundreds of members that span over countless worlds; each member of the Organisation is guaranteed a prominent position on their planet of choice. As such, you can expect any true members to be those with political or even military ties, in other words you shouldn't trust anyone. The thugs we have are merely hired guns and are not part of our esteemed organisation. The Organisation, in the simplest of terms, is a governmental conspiracy that has been set up to bring worlds into order for our higher purpose.

The Organisation, is actually controlled by a higher power once more - the Sith. It is the Sith who are your true enemies here Rantar, not us.

"Thirdly, I'm going to let you in on a rather large secret Rantar."

Terlen took a sip out of brandy glass that he had been holding in his left hand before he continued.

"This planet was originally colonised for a sole purpose - to breed Vorie; the killer monsters that you encountered earlier. The Sith know that these creatures pose a major threat to the stability of the Republic and Jedi Order, they hope that with a large enough force, they can use them to wipe out the Jedi or severely cripple them. This would put them next in line for control of the galaxy. Now, the Vorie are not a creature that can be controlled - thus the Sith have "added" something to their genetic make up, which gives them the ability to control the Vorie.

"The purpose of the Organisation on Vathonir was to make certain that the Vorie could be bread without the Republic noticing. The colonisation is just a cover to allow scientists and biologist onto the planet without anyone being the wiser. The terrorist attacks were to cover our tracks and ties between the Sith and Vorie. And in the end, the Organisation controlled all of this. Be fortunate that the Vorie are only being bread here - on other worlds, the Organisation is merely setting up the planet as allies to the Sith or venerable for attack."

Rantar's fists were still clenched tight. He couldn't move from his stance, he could only stare at Terlen with anger.

Terlen stared back, and then shook his head.

"Rantar - don't you understand? I've come to the realisation that I've made a lot of mistakes with the Organisation. That I am responsible for the deaths of hundreds if not thousands. And, nothing I do can fix that - though after the last bombing enough was enough. I was the one who called the Jedi. I'm trying to help you, you are the only one who can stop the Organisation on Vathonir and the information I have told you can help save the Jedi."

As Terlen finished his sentence, an alarm began to ring outside the room. Spinning around, Rantar noticed a small camera above the doorway he had just walked through. With all the ranting Terlen had done, he had just handed him over to the very people he said he was trying to stop.

"They wont let me live after this. Go now Rantar, save our planet and stop the Sith - I'll stop them here, you . . . you must carry on the fight at all costs."

Terlen moved to his desk and opened a draw. He pulled out some object and hid it from sight before Rantar could even get a clear look at it. Pointing at the window, which he was opening he continued to speak - with a sense of urgency.

"Before you leave Rantar - you need to try and remember back to the explosion. You saw something there that will help you in your fight. Now go!"

With that, Rantar was leaping out of the window and running on the grounds of the mansion. After a minute of continuous running, he turned to see if anyone was following him only to witness Terlen's handclasp around a small object, and then the mansion exploded in a massive fireball.




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Tython did not have time to think only time to act and he was doing just that again and again. The only problem was that if he was to die then all the fighters following him would die, and the responsibility was weighing down on him.


Suddenly they burst out of the continuouse stream of enemy fighters and there before him was one of the enemy destroyers. Tython quickly called up some bombers to do a run on the ship when he noticed that most of the enemy fighters were on the run. Now was the time to hit them where it hurt using weapons that would not matter if they were lost. Within ten minutes three of the destroyers where gone and five more of the cruisers were in the process of being destroyed. All the cruisers, corvettes and frigates from the vathinor fleet were now engaging the enemy to try and keep them in the area so that the fighters could inflict the most damage.


One hour latter the battle was over and Tython was back in his office reveiwing the battle and trying to see how he could have done a better job and seeing who had died and needed replacing.

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"Mr Sebala, I am required by law to inform you that an official bounty has been placed on your life, and that i am herewith about to fulfill the terms of that bounty by terminating your life. You are entitled to defend yourself with the weapon of your choosing, and you may have three minutes in which to prepare yourself, or run if that option is available to you."


The pilot's only reply was a semi-lucid grunt. There was no way this man was going to be defending himself. In fact, he was so out of it that he probably wouldn't feel any pain before the end. That was probably for the better.


T'char pulled out his KR-7 projectile pistol, and aimed it at the Sebala's chest. three minutes later the crippled pilot still hadn't moved, so T'char pulled the trigger. With a muffled thump, the bullet left the gun and pierced the pilot's heart. Combined with his earlier injuries, the bullet's damage caused an instant death. No pain.


T'char noted the time of death for the record, before entering into his post-bounty ritual.


"Oh Mighty Scorekeeper, I come to you with an offering.."


* * *


Half an hour later, he was back aboard the NightHawk examining the dead Captain's logs. Generally he wasn't a very curious creature, but the captain's spectacular arrival in the system had him intrigued. Poring through the records, he found an audiovisual recording from nine hours previously, just after Sebala had emerged from hyperspace.


The captain sat at the helm of his preybird fighter, great gobs of blood floating about his head in the zero-g cockpit.


"It seems i have escaped the loyalist Vathinor forces, but i have sustained major damage. It seems a large asteroid wandered into the path of my hyperspace window moments after I exited the jump. I don't think the ship hit it, but its gravitational effects on the hyperspace transit seem to have pulverised the majority of the ship's systems."


He paused for a minute, seemingly struggling to remain concious. Once he recovered, he looked at a readout before him.


"I have no engines, weapons or auxilary flight controls, but it seems that the life support systems are intact. I don't know how long the air will last, but since i am unable to manouver it seems kind of unimportant anyway."


He paused again, this time for a full five minutes before regaining conciousness.


"I'm finding it hard to remain awake, i think i may have hit my head pretty hard during the event. I'm not sure how much longer i can remain concious, so i will terminate this recording before i pass out again."


The screen dissolved into static as the recording ended.


His curiosity satisfied, T'char unstrapped and headed back to the cargo compartment to check that the body was stored properly in the cold storage compatment, ready for te trip back to the planet's surface.


OOC - another long one, just for you Krytos! :D

"I thank you, my friend, for it is in your death that the Scorekeeper finds my true worth."


-T'char, to the recently deceased Admiral Torin Khel

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Tython had been called into the commanders office along with all the other squadron captains. When Tython arrived he noticed that seven of the captains chairs were unfilled and judging by the grim expresions they never would be. As he sat the commander stood and said "Our original plan will have to be scraped and we will head for the nearest friendly planet to resupply and get new fighters. Mean while Tython after your excellent skills in the last battle you are being given command of three of the squadrons that lost their leaders. Congratulations you are now in command of a quarter of the offencive fighter wing in this fleet...."


After the debrief was over and all the other fighter squadrons had been give new captains Tython quickly left and got all his pilots (old and new) together and introduced them to the way he ran his squadron. For the next day and a half Tython did nothing but review how the pilots went in different types of fighters and they all had a fighter picked out. Tython now lead four full squadrons with twelve fighters in each.


As soon as Tythons squadrons had their ships then they would be ready to take on anything the sith or the republic could throw at them.

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Staring through the glass he saw himself, an empty vessel looking endlessly at nothingness – dismal and dismayed had become Rantar. The glass was empty, devoid of any substance or conscience thought, much like himself. The picture was all black and white now, with endless shades of grey in between. His life had become a dream, a dream that had been shattered by the very nature of his meaningless existence – a shattered dream, a shattered world. His life, his world was a sham. Nothing but lies built upon lies, all for the purpose of death and destruction – a terrible lie.

Nothing was clear anymore, judgment was hazy and Rantar could no longer see which side of the line he stood on. It was his own loathing that pulled him further down the dark spiral he had found within himself, a secluded little hole that swallowed all the pain that his existence brought. Feeble, pathetic, wretched, used – the animosity that was his own was all that stopped him from being consumed.

Betrayed, tormented, polluted, hated.

Picking up the glass, Rantar headed through the faceless crowd’s of life, back to the bar for another drink, in the desperate hope to cleanse himself.




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The Sirius V had arrived at the resupply planet and after several hours of searching with his mechanics Tython had been able to find all the ship his pilots would need. Tython had even been lucky enough to be able to get some extras that he could add to all his squadrons ships to make communication possible without having to turn the link on or off, all they had to do was think the message in their minds and the signal would be sent.


After all his pilots had repersonalised their controls and ships Tython took them all out for a mock battle over the planet. Tythons squadron went up against six squadrons of prey birds and by the end of the fake battle Tython had lost only two pilots and they had only been to minor damage due to reflected laser fire. Tython was very pleased with the result.


When Tython got back on board the Sirius V he called over the captains from the other squadrons and said "maybe you should convert your fighters over to triphon fighters and the other fighter types I use. They make short work of your fighters.... Think about it if your interested give me a call and I'll give you the addresses of the ship providers on the planet." Tython said as he walked away to the mess hall where he could congratulate his pilots on their clear victory.

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The meeting had gone very well.


Minutes after walking into imposing headquaters building on Phalax, T'char had been escorted to the plush office of a Commander Hoeye, who had arrived barely thirty seconds later. He had wasted no time getting to the point.


"Mr. T'char, I hear you're the bounty hunter Lieutennant Tython hired to track down the traitor Sebala. I take it you're here to confirm the execution of the bounty?"


"That is correct." T'char said, glancing down at the refrigerated biohazzard container containing the late Captain's severed hand. "I have brought his hand for DNA verification as requested."


"Excellent. Shall we go to the bio lab downstairs to perform the authentication?"


"Of course."


Inside of five minutes the lab's technicians had compared a DNA sample from the hand to the sample contained in Sebala's records.


"It's a match, sir."


"Excellent. Good job Mr. T'char." The commander handed over a credit disk. "Ten thousand credits, as agreed. It has been a pleasure doing business with you, Mr T'char."


"Likewise, Commander."


Another two minutes later he had exited the building, ten thousand credits richer, feeling very good about life.


Somehow, he thought, I think the meeting with my other employers is unlikely to be quite as enjoyable...

"I thank you, my friend, for it is in your death that the Scorekeeper finds my true worth."


-T'char, to the recently deceased Admiral Torin Khel

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The Captains Tython had talked to had taken his advice and had all upgraded their ships for something better than the outdated Preybirds. The Sirius V had stayed on the planet several hours longer than expected just so all the squadrons could get their new fighters.


After the Sirius V had entered Hyper space Tython was called into the commanders office where he was told "Leutenant Tython congradulations you have manneged to get the entire fighter wings modefied and refitted with new fighter. Because of this I beleve you deserve to be punished. As punishment I am putting you in charge of the next planet we attack then all those pilots deaths will be on your head. The data about the planet we are going to attack will be sent to your personal computer shortly. DISMISED" The commander said almost screaming and shaking in anger.

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Rantar laid in the gutter, bottle in one hand, anonymity in the other. He stared up into the heavens pondering his life’s meaning. Was it really worth the struggle anymore? All that he had been brought up on had been torn down in an instant – and now he could feel the darkness inside spreading through every facet of his mind. A cold malice ached through out his body, moaning to get out and be released in order to satisfy the hunger. But Rantar couldn’t, his mind was too clouded and augmented with alcohol now to do anything. He just lay there, in a gutter, down the back alley of a bar that he couldn’t identify wishing that it was all a dream and that he would wake up now.

“WHY?!?!? WHY?!?!?â€




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Tython had left the commanders office in shock and on arriving back at his own room had realised what the commander had being trying to tell him. All the pilots who had just got their new ships would not have gotten used to them to be able to be very good by the time of the battle. Tython instantly called up all the captains and orded them to get all their pilots into the simulators for continuouse training untill several hours before the battle. Tython just hoped that the pilots would get used to their ships before the battle or Tython was going to be responsible for many pilots deaths.
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Afton had had enough of waiting so she called Josson and told him that they were leaving.


"Finally," he said as he entered the control room and got behind the controls. They set off towards Vathinar.




Several days later they arrived on the planet. They immediately set about trying to find Rantar. They set up the tracking device and other things that may assist them in their hunt for the run away.


They had no idea if he was dead or not and they curtainly had no idea of his where abouts.


"Lets start at the beginning, we will ask around the pubs and stuff and see if we can bring anything out into the open," Afton said to Josson.


"Then we will meet here again tonight."


And with that they split up and headed different directions.


OOC: Yay finally I get to post. Rantar we will save you.... :wink:

The shadows are my friend, for in them I find comfort.

But when it comes to war, I'll be with you in a minute.

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OOC: Ulicorn could you be a bit more spacific, I am not following what your doing.

The shadows are my friend, for in them I find comfort.

But when it comes to war, I'll be with you in a minute.

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OOC:If Jess and Ulichorn want to discuss the story do it in the VATHINOR CRISIS: OOC DISCUSSIONS PAGE.


BIC: Shortly after Tython had given the command for all the fighter pilots to commence intensive training on their new fighters,Tython recieved all the data about the planet on his personal computer.


They were going to be attacking the planet Rethan prime which had a small but vital mine on it. This mine provided the local sith with all there bacta which they used to both genetically mutate their soldiers and to heal them after a battle.


The planet had three moons with a large fleet of fighters and cruisers. Tython knew that the cruisers would be no trouble to get rid of because of the Sirius V but the fighters had such large numbers that even if all the pilots where used to their ships they would still be fighting a ten to one disadvantage.

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OOC: Thanks for that little bit of help, I needed it.




Afton and Josson had been walking around Vathinor of several days now and they were starting to get a little frustrated. They had gone back to the place where Afton had first meet Rantar but he was not there. They had followed sightings that had lead to dead ends and they were down roght sick of searching.


At the ship they sat thinking what to do next.

"What shall we do for our next plan of attack?" Josson asked taking a sip of his drink.

"I don't know," came Afton's edgy reply.


She was sitting on the computor looking up some facts that were given to them that day. They seemed lodgical. The latest news was that a side of an important building had been blown up. The cause, a bomb, held by a man that was high up in some 'organisation' that was planning somehting.


Someone had also been seen a man jumping out of the window only seconds before the bomb had gone off. This was what caught Afton's attention, his discription matched that of Rantars and she gathered that he had gone looking for information.


She turned to Josson.

"Take a look at this," she said turning the monitor so that Josson could get a better look.

"What do you make of it?"


Josson sighed, he was as exhausted.

"Well all we can do is follow it up."

The shadows are my friend, for in them I find comfort.

But when it comes to war, I'll be with you in a minute.

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IC: Rantar looked over the hologram in front of him. It portrayed the detailed schematics of an innocent looking building. Though his intelligence personal had been able to get inside several installations controlled by the Organisation and find out the location of a few of their installations. Now it was Rantar's time to wage a war on those who robbed the people of his planet of their freedom. Though he didn't stand along in his war, with the help of Tro'Bar he had been able to recruit several key Security personal as well as the people who had first started lashing out at the government - the people who had been blamed for the bomb explosion that had started this entire mess.

Rantar's concentration was broken as a dark figure entered the room and spoke in raspy voice that always seemed to be under his breath.

"Rantar, we have reports of several people looking for you. They are off worlders, and intelligence believes they are bounty hunters hired to kill you."

Rantar scratched his new goatee - grown to help disguise his face from the public whenever he ventured outside.

"Well, lets not disappoint them. Prepare Oslow's squad - we'll go "great" them and find out who sent them this time."

"What about the attack on the facility?"

"It can be postponed a day without any problems."

"Very well - I shall organise our forces for deployment."

The dark figure moved off and Rantar followed after him. Not long after, three inconspicuous speeders headed off into the night in search of these new "bounty hunters".


OOC: The "bounty hunters" will actually turn out to be you Jess - and we havn't blown anything up yet, I thoughy you'd like to help in that department :wink:




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Tython had been studying the planet now for several hours and still he could not see how he was going to enter the system without getting half the fighters killed within ten minutes of them arriving. Suddenly Tython noticed that the moons where evenly spaced around the planet and that only two of the moons had fighter bases on them.


Tython looked at that for several minutes just knowing that some how that would be important when it dawned on him. If the strike force came into the system behind the moon that had one of the planets defencive squadrons on it then Tython would have enough time for the pilots to get used to their fighters in a combat situation against the pilots from the moon before the rest of the fleet could even get within firing range.


With this Tython realised that if he could get most of his pilots to survive the first battle then they would be able to survive the rest of the entire fight relatively easily.


Several hours later Tython had briefed all of the squadron captains and had told the commander what his battle plans where. The commander had neather agreed with what he wanted to do or disagreed. Tython was at the moment in his fighter getting ready to launch into space as soon as the Sirius V came out of hyperspace. Tython knew that the best chance the other pilots would have is if they stayed behind Tythons personal squadrons untill they were used to their ships.


Suddenly the commands were blaring across their personal communication systems and Tython flew through the magnetic shields and out into the void. Tython could just see the enemy fighters taking off from the moon that was closest to where they had entered the system. Tython knew that they would have about two minutes to get all the fighters in order before the enemy fighters reached them. Tython also knew that even though he was only taking on one quarter of the enemy fighters they would still be fighting a three to one battle.

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The three speeders slowed to a stop 100 metres from the Two Moons Cantina. By the time the speeders had stopped, 12 casual looking men and women had exited their transports and started moving to the cantina. One of Rantar's opratives currently in the bar had spotted the bounty hunters that had been sent to kill him. Now it was Rantar's turn to take the initutive and strike against them first.


By the time Rantar and his two bodyguards reached the cantina, Corpral Oswal was waiting for Rantar by the entrance.

"Rantar, my squads securred the perimeter and I've got 4 inside watching our targets."

"Good. We'll enter and capture them alive - all weapons are to be set to stun. Last thing we need is for our first action as the Vathonir Rebellion to be killing some Bounty Hunters and making some new enemies."

Oswal simply nodded, and placed a hand in his pocket and keeping it resting on his blaster.


The four entered the cantina slowly and surveyed the area. It took mere moments for them to spot their agent in the cantina, and for the agent to point out a booth at the far back of the cantina where the bounty hunters were. Figures, another bar - another dark booth in another corner. A little cliche

With wave of his hands, the four rebels already inside postioned themselves to protect Rantar and the others. They all kept their weapons hidden, and would stay like that unless there was trouble. Slowly, Rantar and the others approached the booth. As Rantar stepped beside it he spoke in a low tone, "I hear you've been looking for me - well now I've found you."


OOC: Your turn Jess :wink:




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Tythons pilots flew straight at the enemy fighters hoping to put them out position so that the fighters that were following could all get in one clear shot at an enemy fighter before they had to actually start fighting themselves. The battle was hard and vicious but all the way through it Tython was sending messages to all the differnet captains to give them advice and to send them to support an area where one squadron or another was being hard pressed. five minutes later Tython looked around and was stuned at the amount of damage that could be inflicted in such a short time in these fast paced battles.


Tythons disruption tactics had worked so well that most of the enemy fighters had been destroyed before they could even get a shot off. from the first moon there were only fleeing specs on the horizon to indicat where they had fled and the Mouvians had lost only twelve fighters. Tython was very impresed he haddn't expected to go that well at all.


Tython then called all the captains into formation and quickly desided that there best chance for survival would be to run and charge the fifty squadrons that were flying there way from the enemy moon.

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Afton and Josson had been sitting at the Two Moons cantina for several hours discussing what they would do next. THe had been on the planet now for one week and there still had been no clue to lead them in the right direction. They were discussing whether to contact Barkoa and inform him of their miss fortune when a group of men walked up to their booth.


One of them, seemingly the leader, spoke to them. He was heavily guarded like he was some type of royalty and when he spoke he spoke with purpose.

"I hear you've been looking for me - well now I've found you." He said.

Afton looked threw the men standing around and looked straight at the leader. Something about him looked familiar. I heard you have been looking for me, the words struck Afton and she jumped up.


"Rantar," she exclaimed. The men around Rantar suddenly tensed up she stopped dead. "Rantar, its me Afton. You know one of Barkoa's men. Why this type of treatment? Its not like we are bounty hunters or nothin, and yet here you are treating us like we are."


She chuckled, "how are you anyway? Gee we have a lot to catch up on."

She looked at him and smiled.

The shadows are my friend, for in them I find comfort.

But when it comes to war, I'll be with you in a minute.

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Afton! Rantar could barely believe what he was seeing.


"Hahaha! Afton! Great to see you!" Rantar yelled as he embraced his friend.

"Lower your guns guys - they're friends.

"Come on Afton, and bring your friend, I've got some speeders waiting outside."




Twenty minutes later, the speeders were back at Rantar's hidden headquarters. Within the saftey of the base, Rantar felt it was safe to talk to his new found friend without being interrupted.

"So, things have changed since we last met, haven't they Afton." Rantar said with a smile on his face.

With a deep breath, Rantar told Afton all about what had been happening to him and his world since his capture. Taking another deep breathe, Rantar continued.

"After my little falling out, Tro'bar introduced me to some people who were already rebelling in there own way against the goverment here for various reasons - all relating back to the Organisation. Oswal over there use to be a cargo huller until one of his loads exploded outside the spaceport months ago - he was given the sack, and has been left to fend for himself. The explosion was done by the Organisation in order shut down the space port in order to remove some "classified" cargo. Most have simular stories, others have worse. Nevertheless, when I told them all about the Organisation - it was obvious that they needed to be stopped.

"After a while, we got organised and enlisted a lot more people - and made sure that there weren't any spies in with them - and we all decided we needed a leader. Umm, against my better judgment . . . and opinion . . I was "elected" leader.

"Since then we've made our presence felt with non-violent means. Though we've been getting ready for a military strike as we speak against the organisation."

Rantar stop speaking, and allowed all the information to settle with Afton and her friend.

"So, how's things been for you, and who's your friend?"




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All the fighters under Tythons command that had survived the first battle had now had enough surviving on reflexes so that they had grown in skill level all the way up to master within only a few minutes.


When Tythons fighter wing hit the enemy fighters this time the enemy did not scatter. But neither did the Mouvian wing. Both sides rushed at each other and for one brief instant there was total chaos, Then suddenly Tython found himself giving orders and rallying the fighters. Within a few short minutes the enemy fighters were again fleeing. Tython knew that he did not have time to totally destroy the enemy fleet. All he had time to do was gather all his fighters together and flee back to the Sirius V to stop the bombers and fighters from the planet doing any damage to the Offencive Fleet.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Afton returned Rantar's embrace. It was firm but welcoming. They quickly moved back out of the bar and into the waiting speeders. Twenty minutes later Rantar was giving Afton the run down and she was impressed.


"So, how's things been for you, and who's your friend?" he asked.

"Oh yes I almost forgot, Rantar this is my work partner Lieutenant Josson, Josson this is Rantar as you obviously know seeing as we have been looking for him for a couple of weeks now." She smiled at both of them in turn.


Josson sat quietly listening and feeling a little out of place but when Afton introduced them he smiled and held out his hand.

"Final I get to meet the man I have been searching for for so long," he grinned, "you are hard to find Mr. Rantar and that is probably a good thing, no?"


They sat there for several more minutes swapping stories when Afton suddenly jumped up.

"Sorry guys I need to go and contact Barkoa to tell him how we are going. You know give him and up date." With that she got up and walked out of the room.


Josson got up and followed, "back in a moment," he said to Rantar and went after Afton. He found her on a commlink that Barkoa had given her to use, it was a resent model and great for long distance.


Josson walked up behind her and put both hands on her shoulders and squeezed them slightly. It sent shivers down her spin, she gulped. Josson movved so his head was next to hers, over her shoulder, and whispered,

"I missed you beautiful, I missed you." Then he squeezed her shoulders again and turned and walked back into the room where Rantar was waiting.


"So you're thinking of starting a rebellion type network? Tell me about it."


Mean while Afton had sent a message to Barkoa and it went something like this:

Hi Barkoa this is Afton. We have found Rantar and he is well. We are going to stay here for a while longer and see what happens. Hope things are going well with you. Bye for now, Afton.


OOC: sorry about the lenght guys but I haven't been on for a while so it was a good catch up post.

The shadows are my friend, for in them I find comfort.

But when it comes to war, I'll be with you in a minute.

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