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ISD's vs VSDs vs Mon Cals

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I've decided to do a comparison on the three vessels, as I think there is gerneral confusion about thier stats. All of the information is offical, so feel free to double check it. When I'm talking about Mon Calamari Cruisers, assume I'm talking the MC-80s, as they were the standard and modt common. I'm also borrowing the layout from 60 Standard Minutes, but this is only a one time thing.



Imperial-Class Star Destroyer


Based on the basic design of the Victory-Class Star Destroyer, the Imperail- and Imperial II-Class Star Destroyers replaced the older Victory-Class as the mainstay of the Imperial Navy. Measureing an approximate 1,600 meters long these wedge-shaped warships were designed to instil fear in thier foes. Designed by Lira Wessex, daughter of the designer of the Victory-Class Star Destroyer, Walex Wessex, and constructed by Kuat Drive Yards.

The ImperialClass Star Destroyer was armed with sixty turbolaser emplacements and sixty ion cannons. Numerouse smaller laser nodes are dispersed along the ship's superstructure for anti-fighter purposes, though not sufficient to completely shield it from such attacks. The hull is highly-reenforced durasteel which is further protected by the heavy shielding provided by the shield generators situated on the command tower. The Imperial II-Class made improvements on hull plating, as well as the number of turbolasers aboard the ship, replacing the older cannons with heavy turbolasers.

In addition to the on-ship armaments, Star Destroyers carrysupport craft for space and ground combat. The smaller, forward landing bay is used for launching fighters. Each ship is capable of accomadating six squadrons of fighters, or seventy two ships, eighter Lambda-Class shuttles, fifteen stormtrooper transports, five assault gunboats, Skipray Blastboats, and Gamma-class assault shuttles.

As one of the primary roles of a Star Destroyer is planetary assault, they are also designed to carry assault forces should orbital mombardment not be sufficient. Each vessel is equipped with landing barges, drop ships, twenty At-At walkers, thirty AT-ST walkers, 9,700 stormtroopers, as well as a prefabricated command base manned by 800 additional troops.

In total the Empire created over 25,000 Imperial- and Imperial II-Class Star Destroyers, keeping most of them in the core worlds for reserve and defence.



Victory-Class Star Destroyer


The Victory-Class Star Destroyer was the largest and most powerful ship of the Old Republic. Designed by Walex Wessex during hte Clone Wars, Victory-Class Star Destroyers saw much action. After the Clone Wars had ended and the Empire was formed, these vessels were decommissioned or sold to make way for the Imperial-Class Star Destroyers.

Though smaller than their successors, measuring only 900 meters, Victory Star Destroyers were no slouch when it came to combat. Armed with ten quad turbolasers strictly for ship-to-ship combat, fourty double turbolasers for planetary assault as well as ship-to-ship combat, eighty concussion missile launchers and ten tractor beam projectors. as the armament would suggest, these ships were designed for planetary bombardment.

In addition to thier fixed weapons emplacements, Victory-Class Star Destroyers carried two squadrons of TIE Fighters, 2,000 ground troops, and a varying assortment of assault vehicles.

As more and more Imperial-Class Star Destroyers were built the Victory-Class were relegated to planetary defence or decommissioned for parts. 250 of the vessels were sold to the Corperate Sector.



Mon Calamari Cruiser


These smoothe and elegant ships began live ast luxury starliners, but were converted out of necessity into battleships. Each vessel is unique in appearance and shape. Though it allows for easy identification, it makes reparing these ships difficult. Thankfully thier armor and the redundacy in thier systems ensure taht damage is rearly recieved.

The standard MC-80 has upgraded hull plating from the pleasure ships of thier origin, as well as weapon emplacements disperced across the ship. The standard armament of the Mon Calamari Cruisers is twenty-nine turbolasers, thirty-six ion cannons, tractory beam projectors and shielding more powerful than that found on a Star Destroyer.

More updated version of these ships were created after the Battle of Endor to fill the new found need of planetary defence and attack roles the New Republic faced. For the interim period between the MC-80 and MC-90s, the MC-80b was designed. Measure 1,200 meters long, the MC-80bs had upgraded armor and were equipped with multiple backup shield generators. They were armed with forty-either turbolasers, which were linked to fire in groups of twelve, with twenty ion cannons, linked to fire in quads. Though this allowed for large ammounts of damage to be dealt, it slowed the reacharge rate of spend weapons. The most famous MC-80b was the Mon Remonda, though it was destroyed during the second Battle of Mon Calamari.

History is on the move, Captain. Those who cannot keep up with it will be left behind, to watch from a distance. And those who stand in our way will not watch at all.

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There really isn't much info on the MC-80. We all know what they look like, but their armament is a mystery. It has to be less well armed than the MC-80b, but it sounds like it has lots of shielding and armor.

History is on the move, Captain. Those who cannot keep up with it will be left behind, to watch from a distance. And those who stand in our way will not watch at all.

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Well, sort of. They hade much better shielding, but their amror was not quite as good. They were faster though. The ISD packs much more power though. Just look at the difference in weapons. the Mon Cal is about the equivilant of a VSD in fire power...

History is on the move, Captain. Those who cannot keep up with it will be left behind, to watch from a distance. And those who stand in our way will not watch at all.

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I'm afraid that this "Complete Guid" follows the same fallacies as the Technical commentary. None of the information is official, and they call it Imperator-Class. That alone should discredit it. All of my information came from official and authorized sources.

History is on the move, Captain. Those who cannot keep up with it will be left behind, to watch from a distance. And those who stand in our way will not watch at all.

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Hmmm, well I agree with most of your info. I can't say I've ever heard the ISD having any anti-starfighter weaponary, especially from official sources - where'd you get this, because I'd like to read what they say about the ISD. I've always had an interest with the stats of Star Wars warships, and if there's more too learn - great :D.

As for the Mon Cal - the weapon stats are those of Home One, the base MC-80 has 48 turbolasers, 20 ion cannons and 6 tractor beam projectors.




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Most of my info was, again, taken from the Star Wars Encyclopedia. I have a feeling that the stats you have for an MC-80, Krytos, are those of Home One. Home One as larger and more powerful than the standard MC-80s, and your stats seem to follow that. As for the anti-fighter defences on the ISDs, it was an assumption based on what I see in the movies. I know that in the asteriod persuit in ESD the ISDs are using turbolasers to attac the Falcon, but some of the scenes in RoTJ suggest a small improvement in that department for the ISD IIs.


I'm not sure how many people use the Technical Commentaries, but I do have a few questions they may be able to answer:


1. Where is it recorded that the first ISD was named Imperator?


2. Why is it called Executor-Class Star Destroyer if the first SSD was the Lusankya?

History is on the move, Captain. Those who cannot keep up with it will be left behind, to watch from a distance. And those who stand in our way will not watch at all.

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I know that the Lusankya was constructed at Kuat Drive yards under the name Executor, but I think that was jus a cover-up so they could bury it. Where are these plans?

History is on the move, Captain. Those who cannot keep up with it will be left behind, to watch from a distance. And those who stand in our way will not watch at all.

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It may have been built at Fondor, but she was builty by Kuat. That's what I meant to say.

History is on the move, Captain. Those who cannot keep up with it will be left behind, to watch from a distance. And those who stand in our way will not watch at all.

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Guest Admiral_Antilles
Thrawn is correct about this. I cannot remember the location of where the Lusankya was built. But it was built by Kuat Drive Yards.
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Most of my info was, again, taken from the Star Wars Encyclopedia. I have a feeling that the stats you have for an MC-80, Krytos, are those of Home One. Home One as larger and more powerful than the standard MC-80s, and your stats seem to follow that. .


I've re-checked both the stats that I have as well as doing a search for more. All web sites, except one, aggreed that the MC80 has 48 turbolasers and 20 ion cannons while Home One has 29 turbolasers and 36 ion cannons. This includes the infamous Star Wars Technical Commentaries! 8O ! I agree that one would assume that a larger vessel, that serves as the command ship of the Rebellion Navy would have been better equiped - though it appears the Home One was more a heavily armored carrier (able to hold around 10 fighter squadrons) and was also spacious for - this is part is only an assumption - troops and breifing/ command areas. After all, it would suit Ackbar best if the ship was suited for the 'cammand' of a large scale battle.

Any way, official stats (Including the official Star Wars Fact File) definitely say that an MC-80 has 48 turbolasers etc. and Home One has 29 turbolasers etc.




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I think that the Star Wars Encyclopedia was using stats for a smaller ship, though there was an image. I don't thionk the image was of an MC-80 (whic were commonly winged). It was the same class of ship as the default Mon Cal in Rebellion.

History is on the move, Captain. Those who cannot keep up with it will be left behind, to watch from a distance. And those who stand in our way will not watch at all.

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Guest Admiral_Antilles
As a verification, the MC80s were definitely made for war. The first Mon cal crusers and Home One were converted luxury liners with a few military systems integrated. So it makes since that the new Mon Cal crusers that were made with war in mind to have been better equipped.
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