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Doctor Who....


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I was watching the news this evening here in London where it was announced by Tom Baker, the fourth Doctor, that the latest Doctor will be Eddie Izzard!!! :) The BBC have announced they are going to continue the fabled Sci-Fi series after a brake of what seems like the latter half of my teenage years and my entire twenties. WOO! Daleks and Cybermen are GO! Can't wait. Probably be as wonderfully crap and low budgit as it was in the 70s! Superb! :D
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Dino, I think they are talking about an archaic Rock-band called the Who.


I still need to conduct further studies about that subject, though :roll::wink:




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You guys are all ganging up on me! You all must know what Doctor Who is! Daleks, Cybermen, The Master, the Tardis.... It's been on British TV since the 60s...and the actors who have been in it make fortunes doing the American Sci-Fi convention circuits...


Dinochick, you at least are having me on right? :?

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You guys are all ganging up on me! You all must know what Doctor Who is! Daleks, Cybermen, The Master, the Tardis.... It's been on British TV since the 60s...and the actors who have been in it make fortunes doing the American Sci-Fi convention circuits...


Dinochick, you at least are having me on right? :?


To some extent, yes, lol. But I have seriously never seena single episode. I have heard of it a long time ago though. Sorry :oops::wink:

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...Jahled raises his 'James Bond eyebrow' and cautiously looks at all around him...as rain lashed against his window he realized only Scathane knew what he was on about... he shuddered...yes, he knew Star Wars ruled the roost, but other Sci-Fi stuff deserved merit; Elvis might understand, but he's a youngen who probably assumed Doctor Woo was...*caugh*...Doctor Who...was crap 'cause he saw it's BBC neglected demise later on in the 80s...


...Jahled's lager tainted brain strained hard, making crunching noises like crap PCs, as he recalled golden episodes of Doctor Woo... like The Robots of Death, with the fourth Doctor. Uttering something incomprehensible, only SOCL could possibly understand, not least stand any chance of translating, Jahled sees a healthy looking vine beside his window and is overcome with a fierce yearning to clamber into the gnarly trees and be at one with the unkept sprawl known as his garden...high in the branches...alone...at peace with nature....


...But then realized how much hassle it would be to get back to the fridge given the back door would be locked... and he had periodic attacks of vertico anyhows...and couldn't stomach seeing Zoot laughing at his misfortune from his bedroom window....




Edit: Because I found something that might educate you guys in a Jahled sort of way... sort of thing... :wink:

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If it helps you a bit, I've heard of the series, but I've never seen it, although my Tv repertoire goes as far back as Mr. Ed :lol:


But I just couldn't let the opportunity pass to compare it to the Who :roll:



Later that day Zoot still watched Jahled sitting on the tree, wobbling every now and then, as the vertigo attacks came back, but still this stubborn human would not come down. Finally giving up his window position, he went into the kitchen sighing 'Ohh Willbur' 8)




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Okay, here i am, coming to the rescue!!!


The Docto was THE man. Though the BBC did neglect to continue it, they did do re-runs, so i do know what you're talking about, and i do appreciate how darned good it was. :) I can't believe these guys haven't at least seen the films!!!

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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Totally different things, so kinda hard to compare...

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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Hurray for Emperor Elvis!! Now at least I know i'm not alone, cause DA KING has returned.


I'm also amazed no one else seems to have seen much Doctor Who, it's got cult following in the States, and as I said earlier the actors make fortunes doing the sci Fi convention circuits.

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nice to be appreciated. Uh-huh-huh. Uh thankyou very much.

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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