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Starting the game as Rebels



Ok thats my question:

How do u start the game as Rebels?


If I play Rebels I often got problems at the first 200 days. :(

What have I to change? :|


First I start to move my characters off Yavin. Wedge to a shipyard, dodonna and Leia to sectors where diplomatic is nessasary and Han with chewie where sabotage or espionage is nessasary.

Mon Mothma doing Reqruitment.

Than I check my construction Facilitys. At shipyards I start to build X-wings or Y-wings. At Training facilitys I start to build Fleet Regiments.

At construction Yards I build more of them on the planet where they are to get planets producing facilitys faster.

Than I start to check the sector where the HQ is located with a Medium Transport and colonize planets with more than 10 energy ammount.

At the last I collect my fleet at a system in Sesswena sector where I try to got a planet, if one allready mine I start to move fighters from Yavin and HQ to there and meet up with my capital fleet.


Ok thats all. How i said below I often got overpowerd at the begin but I dont know why. If anyone have a sugestion why pleas write it here! :)

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Well, you say you get overpowered I suggest that you mean that the Imperial presence is stronger. to avoid that you could stay in the outer Rim longer to build up a massive fleet (hey if I say massive I mean massive) then you will be able to kick ass. I think that you are overpowerd in the Sesswana sector so much because there is the Capital Planet (Coruscant) try to get the surrounding sectors on your side first and from there you can coördinate your attacks in the Sesswana Sector


I know it takes time but it works for me. :wink:

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I agree with Sith. I build up a fleet first and then go there. I usually colonize my HQ sector and another before I ever get a big enough fleet to start pushing the imps around. Though I don't forget about Sesswana sector either. I do what I can to maintain a planet in that sector. Usually rush about 12 troops and built two GenCores so they can not take it over. That way I have a launching base to Coruscant.
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Ok but the problem is my opponent is a quite good gamer as imperial and he sends so much recocnice and ships in the outer Rim and often found my HQ-base and Shipyardsplanets quickly :(

Thats my question: What is better there?

1. Build up many fighters there

2. Build capital ships there

3. Build instead of 14 Shipyards 12 and 2 Genecores?


What about HQ?

1. Defend it with all I have

2. Move it often around?


What about the Rim planets i colonized?

1. Defend them with troops/fighters

2. Defend them with genecores and LNRs

3. Leave them undefended for more usfull facilitys there

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well i would suggest moving your HQ (fleet/s and troops included) around when playing against a human player (even if it is within the same sector as this will help confuse the other player, also maybe you could try espoinage missions where the HQ is located to uncover the impending probe droid mission). I usually (when i play as rebels against the ai) withdraw every thing from the core sectors and yavin and concentrate my focus on the outer rim sectors.


I always build at least 2 Genecores on every planet as its an effective way to stop invasions and bombardments. also the rebels have an advantage of the bothan troop regiment which have a higher detection rating then the others.


thats about the only advice i have for you, i hope you find some of it usefull :D



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and something else i forgot to add is that i defend all my planets with at least 6 troops and 6 fighters (i do have the manage garrisons turned on but it doesnt always put 6 troop regiments on each planet).


ok i think thats it from me now



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U say u let 6 fighter squads at each planet ??

but is it not more efective if u collect them?

It just that 6 fighteres easiely can be crushed by 2 lancer frigates/corelian gunships but if u collect them at one system each sector u have 60 there, that mean a great amount what can not as easy being destroyed.

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I do what I can to maintain a planet in sesswana sector. Usually rush about 12 troops and built two GenCores so they can not take it over. That way I have a launching base to Coruscant.


Yes thats my opinion too.

Its important to have a system in sesswena because that way the imperials must always be sure not to leave coruscant light defended, a raiding fleet can reach couruscant from there in short time, shorter than an espionage mission :) takes.

But I think 2 genecores is much to low because the VIC II SDs and a fleet with TIE Bombers can bombard easiely through 3 Shields MK II. :o

I think the best way to defend such an important system is quintuple the shields. 5 Shields MK II can not easy bombarded just a GREAT fleet can do the work.

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I'am sorry Dude, I thought you were playing against the AI. I have only started one game against another person. Here are my thoughts though they have not been proven so take them at face value. I would have 4-5 GenCors, 12-18 Mon cal troops, 2-3 turbo lasers, 12-18 starfighters, a general, and commander on any planet I did not have an active fleet protecting it. That is if it was worth protecting. From there I would go down a few of each.
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The AI is too stupid in that game :( so the only way for a good match is to fight against friends. But my Friend is a quite good gamer in that game. Today I will try anotherone to beat him. If I sourvive the first 200 days the chance is not bad to win the game.

the valus u wrote here are a bit too high, aren't they??

just 12 MonCalamari Regiments are mainanace costs of 48!! Thats too much for a not as important planet.

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U say u let 6 fighter squads at each planet ??

but is it not more efective if u collect them?

It just that 6 fighteres easiely can be crushed by 2 lancer frigates/corelian gunships but if u collect them at one system each sector u have 60 there, that mean a great amount what can not as easy being destroyed.


i know that seems a little silly just to have 6 on each system but that is a minumum, against the AI its alright, i havent had much of a chance to play agianst another person so most of my experience and stratagy is based around the AI, but i mainly have them there to assist in the detection of enemy missions.


If the system is important to me i willl usally have some form of a fleet there which has its max amount of squadrons + the systems 6 fighters.



Strike me down with all of your hatred, and your journey to the dark side will be complete

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Yes I understand u both

darth_ramoth u are right that against the AI a force of 6 starfighters is enough to defend the planet and if u have some ships in orbit it can hold every scout/check mission by the oponent.

And the detection Rate of the fighters is not to underestimate.


and masterjojobinks u are right if u have pretty strong defences at HQ and mainshipyardplanets, because just a smal run there can bombard 14 shipyards away if they are not defended and that will change every game :)

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It might come in handy to have a LNR or a KMD stationed on every planet, if a enemy fleet arrives, you can easily cripple them with your LNR/KMD and hold of a bombardment with your GenCores.


I know it has high maintenance costs, but it is more expensive to rebuild a shipyard or loose a planet then defending it with LNR/KMD/GenCores


And if you nuild some mines ande refineries your maintenance poins wil go up anyway so if you have a planet with low energy slots (there are a lot in the outer rim) just station a mine and/or a refeniry there

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U mean KDY -150 right?

Is it possible to attack a fleet which blokedes a system with LNRs there?


yes I mean KDY-150 Yes it is possible, the LNR fires when the blockading fleet tries to bombard the system so that is why it is usefull to also have 2 GenCores

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Yes thats right, because just LNRs/KDYs can easiely bombarded away. And erveryone will think if its worth to bombard a system with 2 shields and 2 LNRs :).

What do u think is more effective? The KDYs or the LNRs?

I read anywhere that the KDY can be used to breach a blokade. :?

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The KDY's can be used to repel blockades (as seen in ESB) because they disable the blockading ships. Anyway I always have at least one KDY and one LNR on my major planets (the ones with more than 5 energy stars) because on the smaller ones I only have Mines and refineries.


If you have both (KDY and LNR) I think you will be able to repel a blockade and even to destroy a ship while trying to escape the blockade.

I haven't done that before so I'll try it.


My suggestion is just to use both, it is the best defense for blockades and starships. You'll still need starfighter defenses and garrisoned troops of course.

I find your lack of faith disturbing - Darth Vader-

Wipe them out, all of them - darth Sidious -

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And 2 shields at least are nessesarry to defend the planet from being invaded.


Correct. I completely forgot to mention it

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Wipe them out, all of them - darth Sidious -

It's nice to be important, but its more important to be nice - scooter-

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As far as I am aware, KDY V-150 ion cannons do not harm blockading ships whatso ever. All they do is help characters, troops, and special forces get past a blockade.


Having just said that, I read somewhere they make it very hard for the enemy to detect missions on a system with KDY cannons...

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Having just said that, I read somewhere they make it very hard for the enemy to detect missions on a system with KDY cannons...


Thats interesting, i never heard that before

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Dont know nothing about the change in detect missions, but the KDY-150 protect the planet against the bombarment. Dont know exactly the effect, but i see that one KDY-150 is enough to defend a planet against a corellian or carrack bombarment capacity.

I think that the KDY disables 1 of the atacking ships. so if just one bombards its always blocked

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