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Re: FoC Demo 100% Modability- Post your great discovery's!

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FoC is completely modable...I think.  I'm ripping the models & textures out right now.  If anyone can confirm their workingness, please do. Edited by Cain




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Which extractor. I downloaded the beta link in the tools and tutorials topic and that didn't work. Isn't there a newer version? I can't seem to locate it.
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hmmm...to be honest I don't know....look for other things...possibly Finalbig, I think that's what it's called.


Anyway, the XML's are VERY organized.  As in every single unit has it's own XML. Seriously, I'm not joking.  THe Tie Phantom, Defender, even Urai Fenn have their own XML's all to them.  Also, I discovered something that might be in the ful lgame.  SLAVES.  OMGZ SLAVES.  I don't know how they work, but there in the XMl's.  I think Corruption_Special_Units.  Hopefully we'll make more discovereys...




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Just to summarize:


First, I need to update the AloViewer for FoC.

Right now it doesn't look for the FoC Demo directory (it will require another update once FoC is released)


And also, the animations in FoC are different.

I noticed the droideka is present but my Alo Viewer cannot open the animations because of the new and unsupported file format (I expected this to happen). I'm currently in the process of figuring out how to use these new animations.

I'll release a new version of the Alo Viewer once that's done.


Second, my MTD Editor and String Editor seem to work just fine. So the MTD and DAT file formats haven't changed.


Third, to list what's in the demo:

Some (fully textured) models I've seen in Models.meg, but not in the game:

[*] Thrawn's ISD (basically a standard ISD, but with a blueish hue)

[*] Droideka

[*] Dark Trooper (level 1, 2 & 3)

[*] Imperial Guard Tower

[*] TIE Phantom (TIE Interceptor is present as well, but it's in the game)

[*] TIE Defender


The models file format appears to be unchanged, so they could be used in EaW, if the animations can be converted (maybe I can write a convertor).


The demo contains 9 maps: 2 attract maps, the 2 space maps and 5 land maps.

However, besides the two land maps in the campaign (felucia kamino), the other three are just placeholders:


At least it shows the mappers have a sense of humor ;)


And from what I can tell, it doesn't seem that we actually have more control over abilities then we do with EaW. There are more abilities, sure. But I don't think we can just add our own or change images now.



Anyway, let's all keep looking :)

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I played the demo and I'm really impressed. It looks like its gonna be a nice expansion back. Now to modding, Ive been looking through the XMLs yea there are a lot of units. I spotted the Death Star II...They left out the Major Heros like Jedi luke and such... I think.
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Every unit with it's own XML!? :o






wait.....FoC is out????

"I feel fantastic and I'm

Still Alive

and when you're dying I will be

Still Alive

and when you're dead I will be

Still Alive


Anybody who thinks Palpatine is a sepratist knows NOTHING about star Wars

When in doubt- rocket it.

Dowload The Underworld's Might beta from Filefront!

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I've got good news and bad news


The good news is I was able to decypher the altered animation files, so the Alo Viewer now works with the FoC animations. Get it here:






I particularly like the droideka. That deploy animation never gets boring :)


Now for the bad news. It seems the demo ignores physical files, and only reads from the Mega Files. I've created an XML directory, put the Campaigns_underworld_demo.xml file in it and modified it so the Underworld would start with 60,000 credits. No luck. Only when I hexedited Config.meg to change the 3 to a 6 would the game change the starting credits.


So where does this leave us?

If I didn't screw something up and the game truly only reads the Mega Files, we need to put any mods we make in a Mega File. I don't know if there are any Meg writers, but it's not too difficult to create one. It would be a bit troublesome to rewrite the Meg file whenever you change something in a file though, but so be it.


However, before everyone goes off overwriting the original Config.meg, it's easier to put your altered files in your own .meg file, and list the file in MegaFiles.xml. Just make sure you put it at the end.

For example, I made a micro mod that just gives you 90000 credits:




Oh, and I don't know if simply plugging the units from EaW into FoC will make them work. The animation file format is different for FoC. Maybe FoC also accepts the "old" EaW format, but if it doesn't they'll have to be converted.

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Not really. Maybe there is some performance improvement, but I don't know how their engine works. The information in the files is exactly the same, just structured different. Think one-on-one conversion.
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Actually the Dark troopers are in the demo they are on kamino, they killed me the first 2 times i tried to invade but the third time there were none, actually there was like only like 10 units the third time out of like the 20 I faced the first 2 times. The demo looks great, So there is no DS2 model? Cuse the its in the XML, oh well.
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