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Re: EAW: Warlord - 7.0 - Gold Total Mod Expansion


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Got it !!!!


This is what we want:



- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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Not bad. I still think the Nav-comp one is about as diffinative as it gets...it shows around 300. There are also inserts, which I didn't post, showing the position of Corulag and Chandrila plus more detail on the Corellia Sector and 2 others. FYI Corulag and Chandrila are located in insert 1 next to Anaxes.


Kingdark: Well that would be interesting and I do believe it is possible to make 2 factions friendly. It would be good from a Rebel point of view, if you made the win objective the wiping out of Palpatine's faction and the death of the emperor, rather than that of the Empire, so you have to battle your way into Corusant. But then that's somewhat the same as the standard Conquest objective and then there would be no need to capture many planets unless you needed the cash. All it would take is a large enough force to wipe out the smaller faction. Galactic AI being what it is, I'm not sure it would work out at being all that compeling, though with a decent AI/realism mod it could become workable.

'All that evil needs to triumph, is for good men to do nothing.'
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I have a Question will it be in the Drop Down Menu for the Game with these Civs. and the Empire and Rebels or will we have to move them in and out of the folder like in the Demo edition??


We don't know this at this moment - but I do hope it will work fine from inside the game.

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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Very cool - remember to add the trade routes too. Btw is it possible to stop the infantry beeing showd as an ico on the planet? and use a more Rebellion SWR system?

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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Yeah, it looks good..for size anyway. Of course adding all these planets to the galaxy map is only 10% of hard yards. Besides new land and space maps and trade routes, one has to think about the strategic postioning of the paths between planets.
'All that evil needs to triumph, is for good men to do nothing.'
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there are a few spelling errors to be fixed, and i have to reposition some of the planets after deleting 20! and the trade routes are VERY easy to add (just two files to edit!).


remember that every map of the galaxy is a little dif, and to make them all work in game - spacing, names, fleets, visual distances and such they have to be somewhat out of position.


as far as changing the icons, yes it is posible to put a smaller image or a generalized icon (ie a tank or atat  for all  ground forces).


also if you look in my mod post (civil war) i have added several units (just a few in the pics). right now im working on starfighters and shuttles, and am up to about 20 total for both sides (shuttles are now a playable/buyable unit), shuttles are those halfway ships, stronger then starfighters, but much weaker then capital ships.

Dan Williams

Mod Project : Star Wars - Civil War (v0.3)

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Have you found out if there is a scroller on the command bar.  If there isn't you'll hit a wall pretty fast.

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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Cracks his fingers, well Jugger all our mods will be hitting a wall pretty soon if we can't put one in the GUI.  Is legacy or nexus working on adding a scroller or pop up menu?  It's something the modding community all need.

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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whew cain is busy of course so am I lol seriously man can't wait to see what you guys come up with I know any mods i do mange to do will probley be small. i think my mod manager will probley be the biggest thing i do for eaw but you never can tell. Still cain looking forward to seeing what you all do :)
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there is no scroll bar, but i have solved this with shipyards:


three types

Light - starfighters and shuttles

Medium - corvettes to medium cruisers

Heavy - heavy cruisers and above (includes WorldDev, EclipseSD, and Torpedo Sphere as examples, except DS I, DS II, and GalaxyGun)


this way you can have up to 26 of each type class (light, medium, and heavy) allowing you to have 78 space units per side, excluding stations (HQ level 1 station (only one available now, the ----> (def stations are primary now) and Defense stations - Galon I,II, III), sensors, jammers, shipyards, etc

Dan Williams

Mod Project : Star Wars - Civil War (v0.3)

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