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Re: Mod's Challenge

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For any of you moderators out there:

Post pics of some of the most absurd things you've done with the demo.


Here's an example:



:oWhat I was trying to do was make the Neb-B have a real scale. This is what I got.

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LoL Fosh, the Redemption was a non-existant hospital frigate used in the Redemption Scenario. THe one at Endor was called the Medical Frigate, and was the exact same size as any other but had its Hanger Bay and most of its weapons taken out to accomodate large amounts of hospitals
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I made the SDs the size of the Executor...I will post a screenshot when I can.


Edit: Here are a few:



This thing is huge, trust me.



The TIEs, and all fighters are extremely small compared to this thing.



Home One teaser (yeah, my graphics suck)



The perfect counter to the ISD: Home One.

Edited by Star Wars Man
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I am relatively new to modding, lookign for work btw, but I know how to do that stuff, I made super sized A-Wings that had the armor of Mon Cals and i used them to concoure an imperial fleet of sizze = 5 ISDs and size = 2 Piett it was really funny, lemme get a pic
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Dan Williams

Mod Project : Star Wars - Civil War (v0.3)

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Leto, CT, and Bel_Ilbis,

Actually, I didn't use any software....lol um here's the line (in the XML) where you can change the size:




Victory_Destroyer Acclamator_Assault_Ship Tartan_Patrol_Cruiser









The ISDs' scale factor is 6.0. lol I will eventually release a mod...but later.

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Some of the names of planets are wrong (yeah, I'm geeky enough to know and be bothered by it  ;D)


Slus Van should be Sluis Van

Oyndine should be Gyndine

Balbringi should be Bilbringi


Pretty sure that's it (of those visible at least). Otherwise, totally awesome. The more planets, the better.




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I accidently sent a fleet of 214 star destoryers into the same battle... there's 206 and of them in this pile  ::):P




This was going about 1 frame every 10 seconds  :-x

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