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What Other Books are you Reading?

What Type of Books do you Read?  

17 members have voted

  1. 1. What Type of Books do you Read?

    • Sci-fi (Star Wars [Duh], Star Trek, other)
    • Fantacy (Lord of the Rings, Malazan Book of The Fallen, Etc.)
    • Non-Fiction (Biography, Historical, Educational, Etc.)
    • Fiction (General stuff that doesn't fit above)
    • Gardening and Home (Martha Stewart, Canadain Gardening)
    • Stuff Behind the Curtain (Do I Really Need to Explain?)

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I'm sure Admiral Antilliles would have gotten to the question sooner or later :) . What other types of books are you reading. Add the name of the book(s) since I can't put that in the poll :D


Personally, I read Fantacy. I'm reading a book series called the Malazan Book of the Fallen. Great series if not a little bit violent... maybe that's what is so good about it. You can only get it in Canada right now but it's comming out in the U.S. soon. It's written by one Steven Erikson.




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Fiction (historial and not), science fiction, and non-fiction. Currently I am reading:

    -The Holy Bible (Non-Fic)
    -Dark Tide II: Ruin By Michael A. Stackpole (SciFi)
    -The Last Command by Timothy Zahn (SciFi)
    -Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton (Fic)
    -ATTACKS by Erwin Rommel (Non-Fic)
    -Infantry Attacks and Tactics by Erwin Rommel (Non-Fic)

As you can tell, I like Rommel's books a lot. They have a VERY good commentary over ground tactics. I have a book over Naval tactics on hold at the library and plan to start reading that soon.

Edited by SOCL
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...couple of books as per normal, scattered around my bedside table, or in my despach bag...Stalingrad by Antony Beeevor, Enemy of God by Bernard Cornwall, (all hidden under a pile of stuff in French I can't read) and some Harry Potter book i'm forcing myself to read, but never seem to get into...
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My personal favorites are Fantasy (DragonLance, Forgotten Realms etc.) and Sci Fi (Star Wars) and some Fics (Jurassic Park and such)

Jedi Corran Duchai at your service.


There is no emotion; there is peace.

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There is no passion; there is serenity.

There is no death; there is the Force.

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...couple of books as per normal, scattered around my bedside table, or in my despach bag...
Sounds like my stack of books, only mine are on my couch or under my bed.
Stalingrad by Antony Beeevor, Enemy of God by Bernard Cornwall
Those sound interesting. Are they any good?
and some Harry Potter book i'm forcing myself to read, but never seem to get into...
Don't like Harry Potter too much, either, ehh?


I also forgot to add to my list:

    -The Holy Bible

I try to read at least one chapter a day.


Funny how I read so many books concerning war and the art of war and even write war stories, but I do not support war. :lol:

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Early today I finished the Count of Monte Cristo. For school I'm reading:


-"Death of a Salesman"

-and some other book which title i can't remember.


For myself I'm reading:

-Las Armas Secretas

-Aventuras de Telémaco

-Ilias (3rd time)

-Divina Comedia

and as I mentiond I finished reading Count of Monte Cristo.


I'm still waiting for Refugee to arrive, but I think I rather buy them via amazon once reunion is out.

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Stalingrad is perhaps one of the greatest reads of all time, and curiously enough is about the siege of Stalingrad during the Second World War. If you want to read just one book about WW2, this might just well be it. I say no more.


Enemy of God is the second book of three books giving a quite simply brilliant account of the legend of King Arthur, and writian by an American. The title is misleading but makes sense when you read the books. A quite simply brilliant view of life after the Romans left the British Isles, Rome fell to the Vandals, and how Arthur might have been...as the Jutes, Angles, and Saxons began landing on my fair shores. Simply brilliant.


Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets I can offer no explaination for, other than my mum said it was good fun and I couldn't help noticing the book was being read by virtually everyone on the underground who were'nt reading a newspaper so I wanted to see what all the fuss was about....but I can't get into it!!!


Loads of French stuff Well I don't understand any of it either, but that's other halves for you from France...

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Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets I can offer no explaination for, other than my mum said it was good fun and I couldn't help noticing the book was being read by virtually everyone on the underground who were'nt reading a newspaper so I wanted to see what all the fuss was about....but I can't get into it!!!


I tried to read those book.. I didn't finish it... I dislike it... I think I rather hate it.... :twisted::twisted::twisted: Yet one more aberration that shall be annihilated by the Yuuzhan Vong.

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You can be so dramatic my Vong friend!


BTW: I've just noticed how you've mashed up your avatar with that earlier one....disturb me deeply your Vong workings.... :?

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    -"Death of a Salesman"

HAHAHA! You had to read that boring piece of literature as well?! :lol: HAHAHAHA! My sympathy goes out to you!


Stalingrad is perhaps one of the greatest reads of all time, and curiously enough is about the siege of Stalingrad during the Second World War. If you want to read just one book about WW2, this might just well be it. I say no more.
Sounds good. I'll look in to it....


BTW: I've just noticed how you've mashed up your avatar with that earlier one....disturb me deeply your Vong workings.... :?
You just now noticed? 8O
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    -"Death of a Salesman"

HAHAHA! You had to read that boring piece of literature as well?! :lol: HAHAHAHA! My sympathy goes out to you!


Oh yeah, I remember that one as well.

"When I walked into the jungle I was poor, but when I came out, by god I was rich." ,or so it went. We even watched a movie with Dustin Hoffman, actually he was the only good actor in it.

But reflecting on my english lessons at school, I liked reading "Dr. Jekill and Mr. Hyde" and watching the english version of Braveheart. Hearing Mel Gibson with this 'scottish' acent was just brilliant.

'Oh, yeah ? And he sprrreads lightning frrrom his a&$% :lol::lol::lol:


Um, the books I read ? Aside from StarWars ??? (I'm just in the middle of Edge of victory 1, btw).

Well, some of the best books I've ever read are the Dune series without doubt. Frank Herbert was simply a genius. I still have to read Chapterhouse Dune, though. To see how that battle ends.

I liked Jurassic Park and Lost World a lot and I think the book from L.W. was far better than the movie. I haven't seen the third movie yet, or read the book, though.

I also enjoyed much reading the book from the movie "The Crow" and one that was an xmas present from a girl at school "Seven" by Mark Frost. The last one is about how Sir Arthur Conan Doyle got the idea of Sherlock Holmes. Both books are more from the horror genre, but interesting to read nevertheless :D




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We even watched a movie with Dustin Hoffman, actually he was the only good actor in it.
Yes, we watched it as well and I concur, he was the only good actor in it.


I liked Jurassic Park and Lost World a lot and I think the book from L.W. was far better than the movie.
Indeed, the novels are both far better than the movies.


I haven't seen the third movie yet, or read the book, though.
Unless you're a HUGE Jurassic Park fan like me, you didn't miss much with JP///. JP/// also does not have a book, well, there is a book, but it's based off the movie not vice versa. The reason: Crichton had never written a sequel before in his entire life, but decided to write The Lost World. Outcome: He did not enjoy it. Why: He did not enjoy the fact that he had to use Jurassic Park as a crutch along with the fact that he had to do very little research (as it had already been done for the first novel) and thus put many equations over Chaos Theory and evolution into it. In the end, he vowed to never write another sequel.

Of course, rumor has it thet had he may help with the fourth Jurassic Park (yes, there is going to be a fourth JP, which shall be the final one in the franchise), but I doubt he is actually helping since he didn't help with the third one and, actually, hasn't even seen it yet. But I had read that JPIV shall include parts they left out from The Lost World (the novel), which will, hopefully, make it better and possibly redeem the franchise with a great finale. By the way, the JPIV is set to come out in 2005. Here's a site for more info on just about all things Jurassic Park:

Dan's JP3 Page



Nice to know that you had to raed that stupid book too... Damn! it's worse than the Great Gatsby....
And The Great Gatsby was almost exactly like suicide....
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Well, some of the best books I've ever read are the Dune series without doubt. Frank Herbert was simply a genius. I still have to read Chapterhouse Dune, though. To see how that battle ends.


Did you happen to read the prequels aswell? Even though it was co-written by Kevin J. Anderson they weren't that bad. He and James Herbert had all of FH's notes to work from. I also heard that they are contemplating on doing a novel that takes place after Chapterhouse: Dune.


Right now I am plodding my way through Robert Jordan's "The Wheel of Time" series, I'm on book four of ten, but with the pages it's like I've read ten books already, This one has 980 pages alone. Oh well at least they are good.

Lost a planet Master Obi-Wan has, how embarrassing. - Yoda


Do not count a human dead until you've seen his body, and even then you can make a mistake. - Bene Gesserit saying

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Socl, well at least I can try with my own park, cause right now I'm playing JP:Genesis every once in a while. If you haven't played it yet, here's one piece of advice : a Tyrannosauros and a Spinosaurus are not a good thing to have in one cage :lol: I lost 5000 bucks this way.

Also my Raptors are constantly going mad and I don't know why. :(



Wormie, nope I haven't read the prequels yet. House Harkonnen and House Corinno, right ? I once read (I think it was here), that they wouldn't be as good as the originals. But if I always listened to what people on Amazon said, I wouldn't own half the Star Wars books I have, so I think I'll give them a shot after Chapterhouse :wink:




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Don't forget House Atreides aswell.

Lost a planet Master Obi-Wan has, how embarrassing. - Yoda


Do not count a human dead until you've seen his body, and even then you can make a mistake. - Bene Gesserit saying

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Well, I'm totally up to date on my star wars reading. :) (Including Tatooine Ghost and Shatterpoint.)


I'm also reading Stargate (the original 1970's version)


And also the Incredible Hulk guide and the Ultimate Xmen guide.

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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Socl, well at least I can try with my own park, cause right now I'm playing JP:Genesis every once in a while. If you haven't played it yet, here's one piece of advice : a Tyrannosauros and a Spinosaurus are not a good thing to have in one cage :lol: I lost 5000 bucks this way.

Also my Raptors are constantly going mad and I don't know why. :(

I own the game as well--I got it for my b-day--but my computer is too old...so.... :cry:
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Stargate's quality, though nothing like the film or tv series. :)

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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