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What Would You Attempt To Do...

Star Wars Man

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If you're the Rebels, and you: have no fighters, bombers, etc. and 2 of your 5 ships's lasers are destroyed. 1 of your other ship's shield is gone, and all of them have no engines. You encounter a 6 ship force and 10 squadrons of enemy fighters. Your in a Nebula, so you have 0 support. What would you do? :?:
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No support at all?? So no fighters?? So no Communications either???


With Communications I would call in my nearest Fleet and some of my hero ships.


Without Communications I would stay in the nebula as it would Hide me. And send out Recon Ferrets until the Imps go.

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No engines? I think the best course of action is to bend over and kiss your arse goodbye.


Seriously, you're a sitting duck. Now, if you had engines, it's still tough, but at least you can actually do something to determine the outcome of the battle. Here you just have to sit and hope the ships repair over time during battle. Even then you're just depending on the slow speed or stupidity of your opponent. Most likely they'll just wipe your ships out. All of them.

"And the moral of the story is: Appreciate what you've got, because basically; I'm fantastic." ~ Holly, Red Dwarf



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I would let them capture my ship, be taken with some weird guy in a black cape, be tortured, sent to this huge sphere of death, tortured there, and then hope that some disguised stormtroopers with a walking carpet and two droids come and save me in a flying hunk of junk. :D

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not necisarally, if the nebula can hide you from radar (and LOS) then you can hide pretty well. Not depending on how/if tractor beams work, i Would see if i cant tractor my ship with no shields into the middle of my pack and place my two with on cannons on the sides, one with guns in the rear and the other in the lead.


Than set all ships to repar the engins, that way if the enemy attacks you can fend off some of them with the point ang gard ships whial the others worry about repair. once the engans are up and running, I run.

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run maybe...or stay hidden in the nebula until the enemy pass off then stay hidden again just for security, by the time the engines will work again then HYPERSPACE!

- I have you now!

- Obi-wan never told you what happened to your father...

- If you only knew the power of the Dark Side...

- Evacuate?In Our Moment of Triumph?*BOOM*

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Example: As the Rebellion, you have 8 ships. 3 have no lasers, 3 have no shields, and all have no engines. You have a total of 3 squadrons of fighters, and no reinforcements.


As the Empire, this would probably be a good strategy to play early in the game.

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star wars man the only option left is to cut and run save all you can and leave the rest behind in real life id tell then to get to the Escape pods.




I Support the Resistance!

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Y'all realize that if you have no engines, then you have no maneuverability, and you're pretty much done for, right? If you have no engines and a force of comparable strength comes upon you, there is no, "cut and run". There is only "sit there and get my butt handed to me". Against an opponent with no maneuverability and a comparable force, I'd crush you whether or not it was Wicket or G.A. Thrawn commanding the battle.


I see no point in putting up a "challenge" in which it is not possible to win. i.e.


I have one Mon Cal and 3 squadrons of fighters with no shields or weapons against 4 fully equipped SSD's the Death Star and all of her fighters, 40 ISDs with all their fighters and supporting Carrack Cruisers and Dreadnaughts.


The battle's over before it's begun. Let's make sure the our "challenges" are at least somewhat realistic (in the SW universe).

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  • 2 weeks later...
i would call the imps and tell them were i am and get them to come as close as they can cause i would offer a lot of reb info as soon as the imps borded the flag ship BOOOM i blow my self up and do as much damge as i can that way
sorry for my bad bad grammer my skills are in games and reading books
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Maxdo thats a good one didnt think of that but i'd load as many as i can in one ship and the tractor it away from the main fleet then have the main fleet blow its self up when its being boarded the empire would think that they have killed all of me and then repair that ship so all that would be lost is the material not the personnel.




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  • 4 weeks later...

hows this


3 ISDs, half weapons, damaged (not destroyed) weapons, half fighters, and an alliance fleet of 4 mon cals, full fighters and alliance version of interdictor, you are on the outskirts of a nebula, and there is a large gas giant not too far away, with planetary rings. Mercanaries might be hidding on one of the moons, but you dont know if they will help or not.


what do you do ?




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Send an ISD to search for the mercenaries (the one with the least damaged engines if some were to have damaged engines) and the other 2 into the biggest nebula in reach.

I would then try to hire mercenary help in which case I'd try to regroup my forces in a nebula and ambush the rebels.


If that wouldn't work (can't find the mercenaries in time or something like that) I'd split up my two ISD's in the nebula to try and reduce damage. (that way they will have to search harder if they would want to destroy them both)

I'd try to send the third ISD (that tried to scout out the mercenaries) into the nearest nebula in a bid to escape/hide from the rebel forces.

(note: another nebula then the other two ISD's are in, it would be stupid to bring the wolf right to the sheep)

In the nebula I would send out my fighters to keep myself updated on the position of the rebel forces and maneouver my ISD's away from them and there 'interdictor' to go into hyperspace.




A.If I were to witness the rebels doing something stupid. (like splitting up there mon cals) I would try to regroup my ISD's and strike a lone mon cal. (or a group of two depending on the action of the rebel player)

Once that one (or two) goes down I would re-evaluate the situation.

If my ISD's are no so far damaged I'd risk losing one or perhaps more I would pull out of the battle, if I sustained little extra damage I would then try to face the remeaning two mon cal's head on.


B. If I couldn't run off to a side of the map to enter hyperspace I would evaluate a quick strike on the enemy fleet to destroy the 'interdictor' and disable the mon cal's engines while my fighters keep the rebel fighters tied up for as long as possible.

Once the mon cal's are crippled and the 'interdictor' destroyed I'd take anything that remains after this suicide mission and get the hell outof there =P

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i was under the impression rebels wouldnt have interdictors. Tho if they did have them, I would just lead an all out assualt on the interdictor since it cant take much punishment, and even with half weapons the ISDs can still take alot punishment. I would do this in 1 of 2 ways, first i would go on the assumption you want all the Sds to get out. In both strats i'd sacrifice all my fighters lol.


Charge! I would send my fighters in ahead to take out as many of the moncal ion cannons as possible, and if there are still some left i would send them in an all out assualt on the interdictor. Then i would send the SDs in right after full speed ahead at the interdictor, and take it out, i think they all could get out tho heavily damaged.


Next i would just sacrifice one of the SDs to save the other 2have the SD head in full speed at the interdictor. All fighters would follow it and use the SD as a shield, when they are in range the SD would open fire on the interdictor. when the SD is in position the fighters would come out from behind the SD in an all out do or die assualt on the interdictor.im pretty sure the isd would be able to atleast shield the fighters long enough for them to make their runs ont he interdictor, even if it was destroyed or disabled in the process.


the problem with this scenario is that when rebel fighters outnumber imperial fighter the ties have no chance.

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Heres a scenario:


There was a small rebel fleet of 2 Moncals, 3 Corvettes, and 2 strike cruisers. They jump into a system to protect an uprising that took place on a small outer rim world. They had been there for a few hours and sent in air support to assure the win for freedom. after all was and done the world was free. Just as you recieve orders to hold the world till reinforcements can arrive(20 hours) at all costs, a fleet of IMperials jump in to crush your rebellion. Imperial fleet consists of 3 ISD 2 VSD and an Interdictor cruiser. All ships have a full compliment of fighters. WHat would you do...?

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well i'd try and bait their Bombers to a postion i can annilate them with my corvettes, when they send in their corvettes use my strike cruisers to take them out, hopefully this will deter them if not hope an pray.




I Support the Resistance!

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My thoughts on this one were to have the 2 moncals and 2/3 corvettes slowly move away from the imperials. Then the 2 strike cruisers, one of the corvettes and a squadron of fighters move far around to the flank and hope the imperials will break into 2 groups to follow. I would wait till there was enough space between the 2 imperial groups so it would be hard for the groups to back each other up.


Then i would have my main group move out of orbit and slowly back in the direction of the flank( subtilty in this maneuver would be important). If i caught the imperials unaware i could then have the 2 Moncals haul ass to the smaller imperial group that broke off. While The corvettes, and all the rest of the fighters tried to slow down the main imperial group. assuming this worked i would catch the smaller imperial group alone and make short work of them.


Then even if i lost the 2 corvettes and alot of the fighters i would atleast be on even terms with the remaining imperials. They possibly would even withdraw to reinforce their fleet and return by then my reinforcements would have arrived.

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