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Movie character concerns


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Garm Bel-Iblis, we can assume, is not in this game?


But what about Bail Organa? He was even seen in the third movie! :lol:


Ahh, a modder's fancy, in other words, right? On another note, it would be interesting to mod it so that Ackbar is Tarkin's slave (just like in the books), and you were presented with a mission to free him. I know that it's just a game, but it's frankly quite insulting how much George Lucas ignores the EU. Especially when the EU is good! :shock:

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Ahh, a modder's fancy, in other words, right? On another note, it would be interesting to mod it so that Ackbar is Tarkin's slave (just like in the books), and you were presented with a mission to free him. I know that it's just a game, but it's frankly quite insulting how much George Lucas ignores the EU. Especially when SOME of the EU is good! :shock:


But yea, looks like Yoda needs to be put in now too. Bail should definitely be in to if Mon Mothma is. As of right now doesn't look so good for bail :?


That freeing Ackbar scenerio does sound fun tho

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Guest JediIgor
EU is crap. You should be thankful Lucas even allows it to be published.


You must be reading the wrong books. Try staying away from the crap Jedi Battle Star series and reading more Zahn/Stackpole.

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Most EU serve only one purpose for me: filling up encyclopedias and SW timelines. That way I can learn about events without going through horrifically made stories. If I can enjoy the stories on their own, then that's just icing on the cake. ;P


Btw, I have good hopes for the Post-ROTS pre-ANH TV series coming out in a few years. I'm sure they'll do a more thorough job than with random book nr 7631238.


Hell, might even get us a few more units to bitch about ("Why wasn't this in EAW three YEARS ago...!!!!!) j/k ;)

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"Shadows of the Empire" ?


"Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader" ?


"The Black Fleet Crisis" trilogy?


The "Rogue Squadron" and "Wraith Squadron" series?


Sure, there are terrible books. But there are equally great ones at that. Not to mention the fact that EU literature has done more than any of the prequels to further the series, and give ideas for other non-movie franchises (like games - HEAVILY influenced by the books).


I'd prefer to read about something goofy like the Sun Crusher than listen to Hayden Christensen's pre-pubescent mewling any day. :P

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Delphi-PG said that there would be no yoda hero (didn't say not in period as cameo perhaps, but anyway).


Also, in your sig, you know that last quote was from Tarkin and not Vader, right?

My Death Star is bigger than your Death Star!

"The XML is strong with this one!"


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Delphi-PG said that there would be no yoda hero (didn't say not in period as cameo perhaps, but anyway).


Also, in your sig, you know that last quote was from Tarkin and not Vader, right?

of course, but it's damn fun to think about Tarkin, happy on the Death Star, thinking that the Rebellion is going to be forever pulverized, and then a certain guy named Luke fires a torpedo missile right into the only weak spot of the Death Star

- I have you now!

- Obi-wan never told you what happened to your father...

- If you only knew the power of the Dark Side...

- Evacuate?In Our Moment of Triumph?*BOOM*

"Visit Spriters Resource at their new home!"

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and it seems this game will be full of it, considering there are more KOTOR planets then EPIII planets :lol:


But I disagree. Shadows of the Empire, the Heir to the Empire trilogy, and the the Clone Wars cartoons, should all be generally accepted EU as well.*


Problem with KOTOR EU, is that it is not definite, the open endness leads for a lot of different interpretations.











* as well as the star wars holiday special :lol:

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Hmm the mini Clone Wars should not be EU since its part of the movie for flip sakes. Its official and not a game of any sort. Yes theres games of it but thats for entertainment.
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Hmm the mini Clone Wars should not be EU since its part of the movie for flip sakes. Its official and not a game of any sort. Yes theres games of it but thats for entertainment.


Thats what I meant, it is still officially EU, because it is not technically part of the movie, but because George wrote it and it is almost part of the movie it is probably the closest thing to canon next to the movies. I am sure with the new tv series coming out there will be much debate on what is and isn't canon if it is not the movies.

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Personally, I enjoyed the Clone Wars series as well. It helped add to the richness of Episode III. By the way, anyone thinking about modding any of the old Sith and Republic warships from KOTOR? Then, Darth Revan would finally be able to conquer the galaxy with the Infinate Fleet...
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Guest JediIgor

Basically, unless another official source recognizes the material, we can ignore it :). Because if we really really want to, it's okay :).


Example: Ignore all the crap from every console-only SW game. Problem solved.

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