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Yes wormie. The Solo family has it's ancient roots in Hungary :D


Sweet :D:D:D

Lost a planet Master Obi-Wan has, how embarrassing. - Yoda


Do not count a human dead until you've seen his body, and even then you can make a mistake. - Bene Gesserit saying

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Dungeon and Dragons Pen and Paper


Rah! So AD&D is not entirely dead! I could spend days boring you with how much time, and fun; I wasted playing AD&D... cool to hear it's still alive! You enjoy! :)



Sure I'll enjoy, but it isn't AD&D I'll play but D&D 3rd Edition... they have changed the rules MAJORLY in that edition...


Well there you go! Miss out on a decade and they change everything!


Say, Andy dude, did you ever do the Against the Giants, Decent into the Depths, Vault of the Drow, Queen of the Demonweb Pitsmodules?


Best ever campaign I ever had. Me and my mates did the campaign over about three weeks at a remote Welsh cottage at least a mile from the nearest farm. One of my fondest memories! Seriously in the middle of nowhere, with your mates, immersed in imagination... with nothing but serious silence and a dark night at the window. :)

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I'm Paul Conway

36 will be 37 in July

On long term disability due to poor health

Outside Star Wars interests; Golf, history, some movies, computer games

nickname: Grand Moff Conway (I even use it as my e-mail signature!!)

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can't say that I have... But I think I have some of the modules on my desktop, but haven't got the time to read them yet :(


a remote Welsh cottage? sounds cool :D nothing at ALL to desturb you? thats a real dream place when playing D&D :D

Jedi Corran Duchai at your service.


There is no emotion; there is peace.

There is no ignorance; there is knowledge.

There is no passion; there is serenity.

There is no death; there is the Force.

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I SIthlord

16 years old

Lives in Holland

Other hobbys than SW

MArtial arts, Gaming and my Honda

I find your lack of faith disturbing - Darth Vader-

Wipe them out, all of them - darth Sidious -

It's nice to be important, but its more important to be nice - scooter-

If you see the flash, but don't hear the bang, you're dead-Drill Sergeant-


Check my Forum india.messageboard.nl/4095


Most posts are dutch but english is allowed

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Great to see such diversity. :)

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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Ok but why are so many dutchs here :roll: That tiny piece of germany with about 1256 inhabitants and about 1255 are playing SW rebellion :roll: I coudnt understand that
"I am growing stronger with the Force"
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Ok but why are so many dutchs here :roll: That tiny piece of germany with about 1256 inhabitants and about 1255 are playing SW rebellion :roll: I coudnt understand that


Whats wrong with Dutch people? My Grandmother was Dutch.

Lost a planet Master Obi-Wan has, how embarrassing. - Yoda


Do not count a human dead until you've seen his body, and even then you can make a mistake. - Bene Gesserit saying

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Whats wrong with Dutch people? My Grandmother was Dutch.


Look at Scath, wormie, and then tell me what's wrong with them...


U will see whats wrong with them :wink:

"I am growing stronger with the Force"
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Nothing wrong with the Dutch, it's the Welsh you have to watch out for!!!

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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  • 6 months later...

Name : Eric Dobson

Age : 19 (20 in january)

Location : Victoria BC, Canada

Hobbies : Star Wars, Competitive CS, Agressive In Line skating, Basketball, and of course Hockey.


Story of my life ...... i was born .. then stuff happend .. and now i'm here!! w00t :P

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Name: Russell

Location: Mars/Australia (I commute between the two regularly), possibly moving to the UK

Interests: History, Geography, reading Historical Fiction, Current Affairs, Law (I intend to study Law in the near future)


I know this is meant to be non SW, but I don't have eyes for any other game but Rebellion :twisted:

"You don't know the power of the dark side. I must obey my master." - Vader
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  • 1 month later...

Hmm...musta missed this thread the first go around.



Geographic Information Systems Digital Editor

I work with maps. Whee.

San Antonio, Texas

Wife, 3 yr. old, 9 mo. old


Hobbies: Lord of the Rings, D&D (Pen & Paper; I'm always the freaking DM), Computer & Console gaming (Halo, Rpg's, Co-op games), reading, hiking, coaching YMCA football (that's American football for all you confused Europeans :wink: ), playing with my kids.

Five of the Greatest Lines in the Star Wars Trilogy :roll:;)

-"As you wish..."

-"He's no good to me dead..."

-"What if he doesn't survive? He's worth a lot to me."

-"Put Captain Solo in the Cargo Hold"



Fett's Vette

The Lyrics

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Yes, but that's precisely my point. We Americans understand the difference and politely differentiate between the two (three if you include Australian rules football, and four if you count Rugby) when discussing the sports, rather than derisively dismissing the sport of (American) football by saying its name with our nose all scrunched up, like most Frenchmen, as if even mentioning it evoked a bad odor. Now, no one here would ever do that (it must be all the fine dutch blood :wink: ), but a little sarcasm now and then helps stir the blood...keeps things fresh. :D


As for citizens of the US being confused about Soccer vs. Football...well, you call it like you see it. It's always been Soccer and it's always been Football. Besides, we suck at Soccer. I mean, when was the last time a US Team won the World Cup? That's what I thought. :oops: And the sad thing is that Joe American doesn't care, either.


But we'll kick the world's a$$ in Football. :twisted:

Five of the Greatest Lines in the Star Wars Trilogy :roll:;)

-"As you wish..."

-"He's no good to me dead..."

-"What if he doesn't survive? He's worth a lot to me."

-"Put Captain Solo in the Cargo Hold"



Fett's Vette

The Lyrics

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D&D (Pen & Paper; I'm always the freaking DM),


Good lord! I haven't played proper Role Playing games for years. I think Rolemaster was the last one we used to play, set in Middle-Earth. I could spend hours boring you about my 44th level Noldor Fighter, Ingilmo Nielluin (Qu.'Bee of Azure') and his +60 Sword of Solitude. Thoughs were the days. I miss them...

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I still play with my high school buddies, although not nearly as often as we used to. I even got my wife hooked on playing. But it's more of an excuse to get together, catch up, and drink copious amounts of adult beverages. We tend to spend more time blasting each other in Halo these days than D&D gaming...that is, when Valkir and I aren't having a marathon Rebellion LAN session.

Five of the Greatest Lines in the Star Wars Trilogy :roll:;)

-"As you wish..."

-"He's no good to me dead..."

-"What if he doesn't survive? He's worth a lot to me."

-"Put Captain Solo in the Cargo Hold"



Fett's Vette

The Lyrics

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