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:arrow: I'm sure there are some members here knowing each other very good. Some of us already had posted/linked photos of themselves, some infos and all..

:arrow: There are some new members like SOCL, or Scathane or others that I don't know, because I was offline for some months. I just wish you people to post here a quick ID of you. No extras. Make it simple. This is not only useful for me..

Something like this:


Thomas (Lord La forge)

20 yr old


Graphic designer

non SW hobbies: martial arts, painting (of course), making trips in nature, chatting, collecting B rated movies..


:!: I know we can get infos through the Accounts too. But please post this short message in here friends..

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Do you know me then?


Sander, but cute-nick-named Z'anthr

18, near 19 (you're all welcome at my birthday)

living in the victorious glamourful important world of the Netherlands

going to be multimedia manager/designer

non SW (what's that???) reading, SF, sports, movies, outgoing, survivaling, etc.

Z'anthr saves the world. Sorry about the mess...
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...emmm...hopefully trhis might lead to a job...



31.5 years of age

London, England

Currently Despatch Rider... :(

Non-SW interests: :?: Music, (I used to DJ jazz/Brazilian type stuff in Camden, London before some C*** nicked the cream of my vinal, now I pay hideous £££ getting the good stuff on Japanese CD imports), but wierdly enough; an old rocker at heart, who even more strangely likes a bit of Edvard Grieg in the bath. Muttering gibberish in pubs and surfing the internet for stupid stuff (you guys might have figured :roll: ) also figure highly.


That's me :!::)

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18 (little under 2 months to 19)


going to be a programmer

Non SW hobbies: Computer, Computer Games, Dungeon and Dragons Pen and Paper, Sci-Fi books, Fantasy books (Forgotten Realms, DragonLance etc.), Movies(Action, Sci-Fi and Fantasy related ones not one of those Romantically crap), DragonBall



thats what I can think of right now

Jedi Corran Duchai at your service.


There is no emotion; there is peace.

There is no ignorance; there is knowledge.

There is no passion; there is serenity.

There is no death; there is the Force.

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17, soon 18

Costa Rica (I'm sure ll of you already knew that...)

STill in school, and i still don't know what to study...

Hobbies & interests: Use Yuuzhan Vong devices to torture everyone... no, wait, that doesn't belong here.... Playing Soccer, reading, Computer games, and computers in general, archaeology, mythology, history, paleontology...

That's most of it....


Oh and future projects: Doom SOCL's masterplan and take over the planet....

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Dungeon and Dragons Pen and Paper


Rah! So AD&D is not entirely dead! I could spend days boring you with how much time, and fun; I wasted playing AD&D... cool to hear it's still alive! You enjoy! :)

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Thank you people for the quick login. Non SW should mean, interests not related with Star Wars. Sorry for that. :P

Happy Birthday TK! When ever it will be actual :)


Axel, we really need you. Like all others, with programming skills...


Cool Trejiuvanat! Some interesting hobbies you wrote here! Going to be an Archeologist?


:) Looks like Jahled has the most life experience among us. So no jobs in sight currently?

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Mike Kidd

18 years of age

Croydon, South London, UK

Working, on a gap year, going to uni to do a law degree in september.

Hobbies: PC games and reading, films, music, church, Halo and going to the Black Sheep Bar in Croydon. :)

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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The dude's into keeping tabs on his spirituality; and I guess sending positive vibes out for everybody elses; nothing but respect to him!
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Michael Dury

24years old, I'll be 25 on June 9th.


Telemarketing Manager for a major Canadian Bank - please keep all telemarketing hate mail to a minimum.

Non SW hobbies: Reading sci-fi/fantasy novels, movies, music, baseball, hockey, playing video games, eating and sleeping.

Lost a planet Master Obi-Wan has, how embarrassing. - Yoda


Do not count a human dead until you've seen his body, and even then you can make a mistake. - Bene Gesserit saying

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age 35

Southern California USA

married 4.5 years to woman I met on america online

work full time in retail attending college for my accounting degree

other hobbies: writing sci-fi reading cruisin in my 90 Lebaron convertible Golf Anything fun really

Play For Fun.....Play To Win.....But Most Of All Play With Honor
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I don't I'll be an archaeologist... But I still don't know what to study my hobbies all go off in different vectors... I'd rather study Human Sciences, than anything else but I doubt I'll make a living out of it in Costa Rica. Either way I'm planning to study in GErmany so most likely next year I'll be moving over to the Old World and shock Germans iwth my Yuuzhan VOng practices.... :twisted:

Planting a yammosk im Bundestag perhaps???

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Hi all



22 jears old

Leipzig (Germany)

study Electrical Engeniering, 6th semester :)

Non SW Hobbies: Hmmm.., Ummmm...,Ähhhhh...,Computer...? Yes :D


Its nice to hear (If anything is right what written here) that the most of u are older than I thought :)

"I am growing stronger with the Force"
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Hey LaForge yea it's working great we will be married 5 years this november. we first said hello in a chatroom in sept 1998 oct 22 1998 I moved 3000 miles to be with her and that was the first time we met face to face 28 days later we got married We have our good times and our arguments just like every other married couple the only difference is the How we met LOL I recommend online for everyone but the important thing is to be totally honest we were and thus had no unfortunate surprises when we met face to face.
Play For Fun.....Play To Win.....But Most Of All Play With Honor
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:o:o:o I'm impressed! Good to hear such stories. Thank you for sharing it with us!

Very fast! 28 days? You must really love each other.

:!::!: I wish you all the best :!::!:


:arrow: I also had a date with a girl, I met on a chatroom. Well she was totally different in "real life". It was a bit disappointing...

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Your real name is actually Masa Solo, that's pretty cool.

Lost a planet Master Obi-Wan has, how embarrassing. - Yoda


Do not count a human dead until you've seen his body, and even then you can make a mistake. - Bene Gesserit saying

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Dungeon and Dragons Pen and Paper


Rah! So AD&D is not entirely dead! I could spend days boring you with how much time, and fun; I wasted playing AD&D... cool to hear it's still alive! You enjoy! :)



Sure I'll enjoy, but it isn't AD&D I'll play but D&D 3rd Edition... they have changed the rules MAJORLY in that edition...

Jedi Corran Duchai at your service.


There is no emotion; there is peace.

There is no ignorance; there is knowledge.

There is no passion; there is serenity.

There is no death; there is the Force.

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