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Jacen or Jaina


Jacen or Jaina  

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  1. 1. Jacen or Jaina

    • Jacen
    • Jaina

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Okay, so once we all get our maladjusted heads around the fact that Jaina is a GIRL!!! Who do we prefer?!? Very different styles of Jedi, one peaceful and philosophical, the other direct and not afraid to take action. And what's happened to Kyp Durran and Corran Horn?!?

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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I prefer Jacen. Jaina is probably really hot and all, but she is too aggressive. Jacen is very calm and philisophical, kind of like Obi-Wan in eps. IV, only a lot younger.


Kyp is still around, he is mentioned in Remnant, and Corran is still in exile, I think.

Lost a planet Master Obi-Wan has, how embarrassing. - Yoda


Do not count a human dead until you've seen his body, and even then you can make a mistake. - Bene Gesserit saying

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I prefer Jacen. Jaina is probably really hot and all, but she is too aggressive. Jacen is very calm and philisophical, kind of like Obi-Wan in eps. IV, only a lot younger.


Kyp is still around, he is mentioned in Remnant, and Corran is still in exile, I think.


totally agree with that!


actually I have tried to find out what I should put as their stats on Cards(each their own card) to Rebellion any suggestions??







Force Level

Jedi Training ?

Jedi Corran Duchai at your service.


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I've never made a card so I don't know but I would assume that Kyp has a higher rating in Combat and Force level, while Corran is higher in Leadership and espionage. Both would be low on Diplomacy though.

Lost a planet Master Obi-Wan has, how embarrassing. - Yoda


Do not count a human dead until you've seen his body, and even then you can make a mistake. - Bene Gesserit saying

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Jacen probably for the same reasons wormie supported it. Traitor and Dark Journey helped to portray the twins, I liked how Jacen's development was described.

Kyp is still around and Corran is leading the Rogues again.

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Corran's in exile?! :x ARGH! I spoiled it for myself! :x


I like Jacen's peaceful and more phylosophical approach, but I prefer Jaina's decisiveness and initiative (what I've read so far, at least). She reminds me a lot of Luke and Leia, but then again, I have yet to see as much character development as the rest of you, so I may end up changing my mind later along the way.

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  • SWR Staff - Executive
Jaina - she's a pilot and a Jedi... and she's very practical. :)


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Hmmm, I like the fact that Jacen thinks. I like the interaction between Jaina and Jag, especially with the Yun-Harrla thingy.


I preferred a certain other person who died. :(

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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I try not to spoil things. Actually I'm surprised you haven't heard before. :)

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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Corran's in exile?! :x ARGH! I spoiled it for myself! :x


I like Jacen's peaceful and more phylosophical approach, but I prefer Jaina's decisiveness and initiative (what I've read so far, at least). She reminds me a lot of Luke and Leia, but then again, I have yet to see as much character development as the rest of you, so I may end up changing my mind later along the way.


Sorry about that SOCL :oops: I sometimes forget that not every one has read the books. Sorry :oops:

Lost a planet Master Obi-Wan has, how embarrassing. - Yoda


Do not count a human dead until you've seen his body, and even then you can make a mistake. - Bene Gesserit saying

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No need to apologize. Every time someone make a reference to a spoiler (but in such a manner as to not give details away), I always end up guessing what it is correctly. For example, when I first started reading Heir to the Empire, I wasn't sure where Thrawn would disappear to since he most obviously wasn't in Darksaber (which was the only other SW book--other than Shadows of the Empire--I had read) and was referred to in a past-toned voice by Pellaeon. It wasn't until someone hinted at Thrawn's fate and then flat-out said it that the series ending was basically ruined for me. Of course, I never expected it to happen on the bridge, but instead I expected it to happen in silence while he was meditating in his quarters alone. . . .
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Well for all the Jaina SOlo fans out there I submitted a Jaina SOlo card 3 days ago so you should check it out when it is posted. The lightsaber is a bit (wel very) crappy but that doesn't matter I hope.

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Most posts are dutch but english is allowed

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There are always two Sith, no more, no less. :wink:

Lost a planet Master Obi-Wan has, how embarrassing. - Yoda


Do not count a human dead until you've seen his body, and even then you can make a mistake. - Bene Gesserit saying

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:lol: Doesn't mean they have to say everything twice though!!! :lol:

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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They're just trying to get their point across :lol:

Lost a planet Master Obi-Wan has, how embarrassing. - Yoda


Do not count a human dead until you've seen his body, and even then you can make a mistake. - Bene Gesserit saying

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Well my Jaina Solo card isn't posted yet. but I sun=bmitted it more than a week ago so I think it should be posted. There isn't anything wrong with the card because I tested it on several computers it works perfectly. so why does it take so long. ok they are busy people but posting a card isn't that hard is it?


well I complain to much I'll just wait.

I find your lack of faith disturbing - Darth Vader-

Wipe them out, all of them - darth Sidious -

It's nice to be important, but its more important to be nice - scooter-

If you see the flash, but don't hear the bang, you're dead-Drill Sergeant-


Check my Forum india.messageboard.nl/4095


Most posts are dutch but english is allowed

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I would have to say that Jacen is more defined as a jedi. He's cool under pressure and he doesn't let anything bother him. But if it comes right down to the truth I would of taken Ben over both of these people. :)
The force is strong in my family. No, Luke, I am your father.
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There are always two Siths a Master and an Apprentice thats right but there are many other Dark Jedis out there. No Siths but Dark Jedis.


maybe the Siths are very strong Combat / Espionage about 150 base plus Force Rating the Master 150 and the Apprentice at the beginning :roll: 50.

They also need good Leadership: :arrow: Dark voice: "U not understood what I said?? *Grip* *stranglehold*" :wink:

"I am growing stronger with the Force"
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Don't worry Sith_Lord, i deleted your duplicate post with my special jedi powers. So now lets get back to the Jacen/Jaina debate. Anyone read Refugee? What did you think of JAcen in that? Without giving too much away!!!

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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It seems like he is starting to come into his own as an individual, he's getting more personality.

Lost a planet Master Obi-Wan has, how embarrassing. - Yoda


Do not count a human dead until you've seen his body, and even then you can make a mistake. - Bene Gesserit saying

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