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The 10 Interview Questions


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Here you are people the final 10 questions!!!!!


1.) It was said that players will not need to micromanage the building of bases but can build defences within bases. Could you give us a better idea of what role the player has in base building and expansion?


2.) Can the Death Star participate in fleet activities like it did in Return of the Jedi? Can it be fired upon and expected to fire back at capital ships, or is it only attacked by fighters via a trench run?


3.) We remember hearing in an interview from E3 about recording video from ingame. Can a player record at will? When reviewing the recording is there free roam with the camera or are we limited to watch it from the original gameplay perspective?


4.) To what extent can capital ships interact with the surface segments of the game? Can they bombard the ground with their turbolasers or are they limited to calling in a few bombers as we saw at E3?


5.) We know Empire at War will have no set population cap, however will there be an artificial unit population limit imposed on the space and ground maps, and if so, how?


6.) Will the larger ships be produced inside the shipyards, or built out in a more open shipyard so we can see them slowly being built and thus allowing assaults on enemy construction efforts?


7.) At E3 it was said that the shield powercore would be outside of the base shield “true to star warsâ€

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I'm tired so this may not be wonderful, but you might consider rewording Qu 10 to:


We've been told that the game will be very moddable and use data driven XML files. Could you perhaps give an example of an entry in these files? In addition to these XML files, how many other files would need to be edited to place a new unit ingame?

"And the moral of the story is: Appreciate what you've got, because basically; I'm fantastic." ~ Holly, Red Dwarf



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I can live with it how it is. Like I said somewhere else, Qu 60 as it was wasn't worded all too badly compared to some of them. Wouldn't have minded editing it though, makes me feel useful. :wink:

"And the moral of the story is: Appreciate what you've got, because basically; I'm fantastic." ~ Holly, Red Dwarf



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Look, I've seen a lot worse grammar than that on forums before. Like I said, it wasn't posed all that badly at all.


Can't wait to get the answer to some of these questions!


Same, but it's probably going to be a while yet before we get anything back. We just have to sit back and wait patiently.

"And the moral of the story is: Appreciate what you've got, because basically; I'm fantastic." ~ Holly, Red Dwarf



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Got a message from Ismael. He's sent the questions off to Mike and the Petroglyph team. So expect some hands on answers if they come online in the forseeable future.
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you mean "too well" right? :wink:


I hope the wink was enough..I was completely teasing. If the internet was to cultivate good english, America wouldn't have the lowest highschool scores in english of all the english speaking industrialized countries.

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If the internet was to cultivate good english, America wouldn't have the lowest highschool scores in english of all the english speaking industrialized countries.


Maybe if we funded our schools...


Anyway, I know that it's not in the questions, but how under wraps are new unit developments? Is Petroglyph not allowed by Lucas Arts to release new information?

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:arrow: Well I'm not sure. I was expecting there to be some sort of info abbout the game in the PCZone Mag here in the UK but this month's issue is all about F.E.A.R and next Month's in about THE MOVIES maybe the January edition released in November will have loads of Juicy EAW stuff. I can Hope. :cry:
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Well the 10 interview questions are at Mike now. I send them today again because he missed them in the first time and he asked me to send them again.


We will probably get the interview in 2 weeks I guess.

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams"


Petroglyph FF Admin.

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Thanks Ismael. Did mike say anything about the current layout of the game. I haven't seen them online for a month or so.



Nope we don't disscus EAW. We have enough of that everywere else ;)

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams"


Petroglyph FF Admin.

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Nope we don't disscus EAW. We have enough of that everywere else ;)


Isnt that the truth! Yeah i figured 2 weeks but that could change, more likely in favro of longer than shorter. Their really busy over there. Right after they finish this game their right on to project 2.

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:arrow: Ok - I just managed to read the last note from Ismael's email. It seems that Petro is very busy with one of their milestones - so I think that the interview will come a bit later.

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