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Hero skirmish battle

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If you played Warcraft 3 and played one of them maps were you have a hero unit and kill and send grunts and enemys at the hero. If the enemy units reach a point in the map and kill everybody on the map game over.


Well for EAW since this is a farely different game wondering if this might work out.


Heroes line up and you pick a hero and use their specials to. Ther'll be 2 arenas which could be Geonosis Arena x2 then 4 vs 4 duke it out in light and dark arenas (you pick which one to enter) and then you have 1000 credits to spend on a unit you want to send to the enemy (You send units to the enemy side) and for every one you kill you cain credits for. Which ever hero survives wins.


I doubt it'll work well since there was stores in WC3 where you could buy potions and heal and power yourself up.


Basicly you have a hero and you chose which arena and its 4 vs 4 (8 player skirmish) and if your light you send Rebel troopers and any land units the Rebels have or if you chose dark side but have lightside unit you can chose to send Stormtroopers to AT-AT's at the heroes. To heal there could be medics in a cell.


Thoughts ? Ya i'm stealing and idea but I think its cool :)

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  • 3 months later...

very cool idea! Still, as there's no exp, wouldn't they be straightforward battles? I mean, the emperor aganist Han solo and Chewbacca, is not difficult to determine the outcome... but maybe with modded heroes (such as Dooku and Yoda!)it would be much more interesting....

apart from that, how is that for jedi only 2 force power?

- I have you now!

- Obi-wan never told you what happened to your father...

- If you only knew the power of the Dark Side...

- Evacuate?In Our Moment of Triumph?*BOOM*

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Ok this is my re-done version since you cant gain experience for heroes we'll have to improvise.


You pick your random hero from both sides (Land units only). Up to 8 players will be able to play in this arena like battle. Stormtroopers and Rebel troopers will be pouring into the arena in low numbers and will keep on growing. After awhile vehicles will enter the battles and 8 players will help one another to survive the rounds. Depending on the bacta tank each round pause will be X seconds long. If one of your friends die he will revive the next round. If all of you die its game over.


So the only thing you can control is your hero unit and the Bacta Tank. Depending on the hero you can heal one another or give the ai a disadvantage.

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