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How to defeat an Enemy ISD/ SSD Blockade.


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OK, good Morning Class. Today we shall be looking at how to defeat an Imperial Blockade using a Mon Cal Cruiser, a Nebulon Frigate, 3 squads of A-wings and 3 squads of Y-wings.


To begin with using the A-wings and Neb. Frigate take out the TIE fighters. The Y-wings will assist if required. Then send out the remaining fighters against the Interdictor. The NEbulon and Mon Cal will attack the Main Capital Ship and try and disable it. Then Escape.


If you want to obliterate them. Instead of going for the engines and weapons. Attack the Hull directly and then as soon as the Interdictor is down all the forces will go after weaker ships one at a time.


To take down an SSD you will need 3 Mon Cal Cruisers, 3 squads of Y-wings, 4 squads of A-wings and 5 Squads of X-wings. X-wings will take out the fighters A-wings and Y-wings will take out the hardpoints with the help of the Mon Cal Cruisers who will aim for the guns and Engines.

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Guest JediIgor

One slight point here, the Star Wars universe isn't modeled properly by X-Wing Alliance. In the books such a Rebel fleet would quickly be defeated solely by the Executor-class Star Destroyer.


Heck, it carries 12 squads by itself, plus the six from the ISD and you have tons more fighters overall as well as a more impressive capital ship show. In this case I would suggest simply running instead of staying and fighting. The only way it would work if there was an element of surprise, if the Imp shields were down and their fighters were undeployed.. not if they were battle-ready.

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I was also taking into account mentions from the X-wing Saga with the Hunt for Zsinj and the Iron Fist and the final battles at Sellagis and wherever the joint Rebel/Empire Taskforce fought him.
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mhh why destroy the SSD?


attack with some blockaderunner fly trough the blockade and áttack the unit on the ground of the planet. After this attacking with your other fleet and blast the enemy out of the space with the planetary turbolasers ^^

Why is English one of the most speaken languages? German is more better, it sounds better and i did unterstandt it ^^ but for you i will spoke english too, not good but you should unterstand me ^^


"Der Preis der Freiheit, ist ewige Wachsamkeit" Col. Blair Herz des Tigers

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Seewolf. You make a good point about not destroying the SSD however I am making the point of any battles in the Asteroid belts and Nebula clusters. Simple ways to take out the Imperial Capital ships. I will shortly post something about taking out Mon Cal Cruisers.
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Guest JediIgor
I was also taking into account mentions from the X-wing Saga with the Hunt for Zsinj and the Iron Fist and the final battles at Sellagis and wherever the joint Rebel/Empire Taskforce fought him.


Elements of surprise, that's what it was all about. In the X-Wing Saga the only way they managed to get Lusankya is by tricking them into believing there were several hundred proton torpedoes locked on to them (IIRC).


A Super Star Destroyer is more powerful than many of the Rebel propaganda books depict, surely you remember how they used it to completely annihilate a Yuuzhan Vong worldship ;).

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Hmmm... Well if there was a asteriod belt locally, I'd have the cap ships lock onto the most massive (not nessicarly the biggest though) with their tractor beams, speed up, and hurl them at the opposing force. Id' have the fighter screen in close behind that, using the asteriods as shields of sorts. That would help lower casualties a bit and if you can get "dark" asteriods (I believe these were used to block in the capital city planet. Can't spell the bloody name, starts with a "C"), the ships can't always detect them in time and take a good knock or two. Even better, the ships may not be able to detect the fighters close behind the asteriods either, allowing them to get in those important first strikes realatively in-tact. THough I highly doubt you could do this in game.
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Guest JediIgor
Yes they collided it into it. Whats your point?? They just had the engines drive a massive "stinger" into the side of the Worldship.


My point is that the SSD is more powerful than its depicted, it lasted in dozens of engagements and the bulk of it was still intact when it rammed the Worldship. A lesser ship would've been destroyed long ago.


Really, play the Warlords Homeworld 2 mod and you will see that there is no way you can win in an equal field battle as the Rebels with the forces given.

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SSDs are very powerfull they have loads of shield projectors and the Alliance kept on doing patch jobs on it. They moved all the good condition weapons off and gave them to other ships like the Errant Venture.

The SSD was just a hulk with 3/4 of the atmosphere gone before it actually was used in the Emperor's Spear Mission.

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  • 1 month later...

i'd run


unless this is like your llast controlled planet, i'd run away. No point in losing men for a helpless cause.


Retreat, gather ur forces, then come back later, or attack 1 of the empires other worlds

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  • 1 month later...
IF YOU DECIDE TO RUN. Imperials usually have interdictors so you would have to take that out first. Use your fast support ships and bombers to take out the interdictor(try flanking manuver). Use your main capital ships to engage the Imperial capital ships. This should keep them off of your attacking force. When the interdictor goes down, immediatly start your withdrawl. A good tactic to use is the fighting withdrawl. Try to inflict as much damage that you can. Expect some losses that interdictor is going to cost you.
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the SSD isnt in the game and the Interdictor might not have been mentioned it doesnt say that there arent one there FOsh just because you didnt mention it doesnt mean that we cant add it to the thing.




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the SSD isnt in the game and the Interdictor might not have been mentioned it doesnt say that there arent one there FOsh just because you didnt mention it doesnt mean that we cant add it to the thing.


Um, I think he meant that the Interdictor is on the list to be in the game. Not sure what you are saying here.

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  • 1 month later...

don't count your Star Destroyer turbolasers before they fire. A squadron of Y-wings hitting the shield generators and that cruiser just got a power boost.


if you look at the movie featuring the Star Destroyer, on the main site, you see 2 Imperial ships, one an interdictor go down in about 5 seconds. If those cruisers were to turn on the ISD, it would have no hope.

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If you want to obliterate them. Instead of going for the engines and weapons. Attack the Hull directly and then as soon as the Interdictor is down all the forces will go after weaker ships one at a time.


To take down an SSD you will need 3 Mon Cal Cruisers, 3 squads of Y-wings, 4 squads of A-wings and 5 Squads of X-wings. X-wings will take out the fighters A-wings and Y-wings will take out the hardpoints with the help of the Mon Cal Cruisers who will aim for the guns and Engines.


First off, I'm really looking forward to this game. Now, to the important part. I think that if you really want to obliterate an enemy, removing their engines and weapons is exactly what you want to do.


Any enemy that has no weapons cannot return fire, and an enemy without engines cannot maneuver. A static enemy is just what you want because you can work on one side of their sheilds or hull and still be able to change the side of your capital ship that is exposed to the enemy.


As said in one of the X-Wing series books, when two capital ships go after one another there is a lot of damage to both, especially if they are of comparable strength. They really must be supplemented with bombers and fighters to weaken the enemy ship early on in the battle, plus the nagging of snub-fighters will gradually reduce the capital ships' shields (SW: Rebellion).


As far as what is required to defeat a SSD, that is all situation dependent. There may be a unique situation available like in ROTJ where a single A-Wing may get through the defenses and damage the bridge so severely that the SSD just goes limp. Unfortunately, from the forum discussion with the Petroglyph fellas that is on the Empire at War homepage, it doesn't sound like the SSD will even be available.


Here's to looking forward to the first person to mod in the SSD :shock:

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  • 2 weeks later...

The will do when they are animated.


BTW the Executor is bein released on Christmas Day for members of the Legacy Forum. The General Update is on the 2nd Of January.

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cool although i'm part of the minority here that think the Executor is a waste of resource but it would be great to see it in it's full.




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yeah well thats all the SSD did it was as vulnerable as a Basic ISD and only built cause the Emperor had a liking for the Big stuff i think it was his FEtish.

but at least some one agrees that building the SSD is a waste of Resources. you could build huge fleets with those resources quicker than the SSD and more powerful than it.




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