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EAW 2 & EAW Expansion Patch


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... So we are late in 2006 - EAW was a great hit on the market and all the people think about an EAW 2 or an expansion.


Now ... how EAW2 will look like ?



1. I say they will not do the Clone Wars and the Warlords period becouse that two periods will be pretty much covered by two new great mods for EAW.


2. They will have to go much early - Like the "Sith Wars" or go late starting from the Vong and even going later than the Vong.


3. There is a third option to make EAW as a totaly different game introduceing fighter simulation in it .... plus a FPS for the planets. And you will be able to swich betwen battle modes RTS,Fighter Simulator or FPS.


I think the last variant of EAW 2 will be hard to do but at least all the models and textures and animations will be more or less already made and in the LEC store-house.


Also the PCs will be powerful enough to enable an acceptable time swicth betwen RTS/Sim/FPS.


... Who knows. I bet there are no plans for an EAW 2 at this moment.

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I think that it all depends on how far in the canon timeline EaW goes. If it only stops in the late Episode IV era, then the logical choice for an expansion pack or sequel is the episode V and VI eras. However, if - and I'm hoping that this is the case! - the game does indeed encompass the original trilogy, then yeah, it would be a bitch. Sky's the limit, eh?
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A Star Wars game spanning the Entire life of the Republic. Takes thousands of Hours to complete. Or maybe you can chose which section you want to fight in. The beginning of the Republic, Sith Wars, Clone Wars, Galactic Civil War, YV-war, Killik Expansionary war, Whatever War happens in the Legacy Series.
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Shame on you for suggesting they even consider implementing three. For an EaW2, for that go pick up SW: Battlegrounds This is meant to be a strategy game, and not even a series of them. Its wishful thinking that there will be more than one but this has to be an epic hit. And that can be bad if its an epic hit. Case in point the Knights of the Old Republic series. Bioware does the original and its done with all the time Bioware needs to polish off the game and make sure its indepth. Its a smashing success on the XBOX and PC, people go out and buy copies of the first game for both console and PC just to compare and show off..what happens? A sequel is put into the works. Of course now LucasArts smells blood in the water(ie money) and they switch companies for whatever reason to Obsidian..KotoR II is rushed because LA wants to hit the holiday season and the game ships with as many bugs as there are cockaroaches on the planet. The game by Obsidians own admission is incomplete, as there is supposed to be a part with an HK factory, and there is a sublevel of the base on Telos which you can never explore...whats my point?


Well its simple, the more popular a game, the more well off it sells, the more likely we'll see a sequel, but this doesnt mean it will be up to par with the original. While I want this game to succeed I honestly hope it doesnt rise to the point of KotoR, otherwise I have a feeling history will repeat itself all over again. I had another point...oh yes..


Honestly, number 3? I hope you were smoking the bud when you came up with this one. The point of a game like Empire at War isnt to put you in control of a single unit. Its to give you broad commands over tons of units. To change that in any sequel would remove a large porition of the game and make it something its not supposed to be. You dont play Rome Total War just to be a single legionarre.


As for 1, that really wouldnt stop a game company. If anything they would put out new features, be more polished than a mod, have multiplayer and single player support. But doing something Clone Wars related would be rather mundane and expected. They would more than likely go further back as well. The Sith Wars are more than likely better known by the average person than the Vong are.


Finally...for the love of god lets get EaW before we start discussion on a sequel. They are only now getting into the polishing phase if I recall correctly.

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Saint. Calm down. We're just tossing ideas out at the moment.


I cool as a cucumber. I'm just putting out a rational counterpoint thats all 8)


Besides when it comes to Star Wars games, we all deserve the right to be slightly more reserved than we should be.

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Why because of such great flops as SWG and KOTR2


KOTOR 2 wasnt a flop persay..it was still a great game, but the ending was lacking, and it was admittedly unfinished. By itself its a good game..but when you consider the first it wasnt nearly as good.


I was thinking more along the lines of SW: Rebellion..and several other games which will go unmentioned.

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OK on the topic of Xpacks what would people like to see in one?? I found in the X-wing Alliance and various other SWxpacks there is a lack of material addition. JKA-Escape from Yavin Xpack added a whole new story just as Cain's SWR Protectorate Mod did to Rebellion. What I'd like to see is not a change of story unless the era is changed. I would love to see all the ships mentioned in the XWA library and in the EU however that would take years to model all of them.


If there is an Xpack there are ships that NEED to be in there if it is going to be a very successful Star Wars Game.


Galactic Empire:

1: The Imperial Super Star Destroyer: It is the Imperial command ship used to project the strength of the Empire


2: TIE Interceptor- The Ship produced pre-Hoth was one of the Empire's responses towards the threat produced by the A-wing Fighters.


3: Lancer Class Frigate: The Empire's answer to the threat caused by Alliance Snubfighters. The problem is that these ships were very rare in fleets.


4: Dreadnaught Heavy Cruiser: Clone Wars Vintage vessel became a mainstay in the Imperial and Alliance fleets, used majorily as an Imperial Prison Ship or converted into Assault Frigates by the Alliance.


Alliance to restore the Republic

1: B-wing- A Heavy bomber developed by Admiral Ackbar and some Verpine techs was designed to be able to fight it's way out of tight spots and be able to take out Imperial Cruisers and convoys on their own or in flights of 4.


2: Assault Frigate: Developed from the Old Republic Dreadnaught as an assault ship. It is very heavily armed and can hold it's own against a Victory-Class Star Destroyer.


3: MC90- Designed just before Endor. It is the first Mon Calamari ship designed to be a Warship. It is as long as an ISD and has slightly more weapons.


4: Liberator Cruiser: A Cruiser whose history is unknown. It was first used in the Galactic Civil war in few numbers and it is unsure where the design originally came from.

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Guest JediIgor
Why because of such great flops as SWG and KOTR2


KOTOR 2 wasnt a flop persay..it was still a great game, but the ending was lacking, and it was admittedly unfinished. By itself its a good game..but when you consider the first it wasnt nearly as good.


I was thinking more along the lines of SW: Rebellion..and several other games which will go unmentioned.


Hmmm, no, Rebellion is better than both of those pieces of crap. The UI may have been a little hard, but once you get past that, the gameplay is gold. And that's all that really matters in a game.


3. There is a third option to make EAW as a totaly different game introduceing fighter simulation in it .... plus a FPS for the planets. And you will be able to swich betwen battle modes RTS,Fighter Simulator or FPS.


Maybe instead if you can play the game like normal but "possess" any fighter or troop like you can in this one upcoming Greek game? Trouble with that is, they'd have to make the AI hugely good, and the physics hugely good, otherwise you would totally dominate everything in your weak little fighter/trooper ;).

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Why because of such great flops as SWG and KOTR2


KOTOR 2 wasnt a flop persay..it was still a great game, but the ending was lacking, and it was admittedly unfinished. By itself its a good game..but when you consider the first it wasnt nearly as good.


I was thinking more along the lines of SW: Rebellion..and several other games which will go unmentioned.

but they always have kotor 3 to save the series.

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Well for the RTS/Sims/FPS Cain mentioned how about this.

:arrow: You first play through the game then you unlock this sim/fps type style of the game and then you can do whatever with it from there. People aren't rich so they cant buy every single game out there like Rome Total War with Flight Sim and then some other game.

edit: People who want RTS can play RTS and not care about the other features. Well there could also be a limit of one unit per battle so if you die your back to RTS while your friend was helping control and make the battle easier for the both of you. Your friend could take over FPS/Sims part until he/she dies then back to RTS.


Well as for the sequel/Expansion.

:arrow: I'm guessing it might add more planets and units and also couple new factions along with it. Maybe some more "missions" or another campaign to play along in. As for the timeline who knows really. Maybe something 2 years before KOTOR :?:

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For a sequel, I'd like it to be what Supreme Commander is suppose to be. You do more strategicly than taticly, though you can step in and take over individual battles if you want. Also I want 1:1 scaling like in SupCom, where you can see the details on a individual TIE then zoom out to see the squadron its in, then out even further to see entire SSD its flying around (and now the TIE squadron is an icon), go even further to see the entire fleet, then out further for the planet system, and so on and so forth. Also I would like the space ships and areo-fighters to work like the ships in Homeworld, working in three diminsions. Though with the speeders and areo-fighters you could probably just set an altitude like tree top level, mid-level, high-level. Then have a ton of planets and units. I personally would like to see the game stretch from the end of Ep.III and remain open ended. So things like the Vong invasion can happen almost randomly, except the AI will be smart enough to know when the time is right.


For an exspansion... Just the regular new units and technology would keep me happy. Maybe a new gameplay aspect too, like the govt. thing in RoN: Thrones and Patriots.

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I'd like to see an expansion that goes post Endor. I've always wanted to see what happens next because I've never read the books but I have an idea of what goes on after the movies. A sequel really isn't needed unless they make the clone wars or somthing.

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I would like the space ships and areo-fighters to work like the ships in Homeworld, working in three diminsions.

No, NO, NO

I am sorry, but this is not homeworld, don't ask for it. It's going to be C&C in space, sorry but I hate these people who keep asking for stuff from other games to be in another one.

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Making the movements only along a 2 dimensional axis seems pretty restrictive to me, I'd prefer 3d simply so you could have more tactical options in game.


I believe that if they made a sequal we'd be given the ability to have ships move and engage in 3 dimensions.

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Guest JediIgor
Yeah, seriously, even 10 year old Rebellion had movement in 3d, I would certainly like future games to allow us full 3d movement. But they can also have an option "lock in 2d planes" for those who don't want to use the more complex 3d :).
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