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Star Wars Galaxies

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It was good for 6 months then I just stopped playing it since it was the same old after that. People got very crazy and things just got out of hand and with all these stupid updates I just gave up.


Name:Polovnik Modrav

race: Zabrak

Profession: Tera Kasi Artist (Forgot how you spell it since its been awhile)

Fav pet: Zukka (A boar in Tatooine)

Home planet:

-Dantooine and Talus then Tatooine

Faction: Very loyal to the Imperials

Ships flew: Tie Fighter, Tie Interceptor, Decimator, Yacht

Guilds joined: BIA (Dant) , SMB (Dant), DOT (Tatooine)

Server: (Chimeara-European)


Me waiting for someone and being angry



Me being an imp officer



Me in My trusty but weak Decimator



Game bug while in trail version since I had no 60-day card



My yacht



Me leveling up for swords but dropped that skill and just got bored



Was a good game with good memorys but it just kept on repeating itself and I just couldn't stand all those idiots in the game and everythin just fell apart from there. I just lost my place in that world.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah brother, played this game since the beginning....IN MY DAY WE DIDN'T HAVE SPEEDERS AND ALL THAT FANCY JUNK...anywho I eventually got rid of the game, same reason as you even though I was a dark jedi...


Name: Ucos Aloshi

Race: Human (and a racist, jk)


Fav Pet: Some dark trooper or ATST or somethin...

Home Planet: Tatooine, just love Bestine up til it became deserted all of a sudden...

Faction: Imperial except for when they shot at the jedi... :shock:

Ships flew: that dern Yacht, TIE fighter for about 5 seconds, and of course that sweet Slave I ship

Guilds Joined: DW for a time, BECAME SUPREME WARLORD!!! YEAH!!! and WMD, based in Naboo

Server: Kettemoor, duh...


A lot of guys thought I was a jerk, but then i just cut them up.....WITH MY LIGHTSABER!!!!AHHH!!!! :twisted:


And then I quit...

aka Edea's Baby Daddy



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lol, well I didn't want to be one of them crazy pvp players so I stuck with killin creatures and trying to collect stuff. I was doing a good job until I left but didn't quit. I had them Tie Fighters and R2-D2, good thing I took a picture of it or i'll be goin mad lol.
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Héhé, SWG.


I had been the second master weaponsmith on Kauri :D But the game became ridicoulous, since we had Jedis. The day when a Jedi rebel overt killed me in front of the theed Spaceport, I said : enough.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hmm I went back with a idiot I cant stand but I took advantage of his stupidness and went back into SWG (What I mean is I took his account). What I saw was sweet. Only thing I dont understand is how do I level. Maybe buy getting a box but thats just stupid. If it is something to do with skillpoints i'll be ticked. I actually want to level up with combat xp. Multi passenger transport for ground ? Hey its my dream come true. Clone Trooper armor ? Sweet. How about Clone fighters, Sweet. Imperial Red Interceptor.


edit: ok I thought about it and I think its stupid now.


edit: My 2 decis pics





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  • 1 month later...

Ahh SWG, how I miss thee....


I was Cotla Charre, secksy Blue Twi'lek Imperial on Starsider server... played the game forever till I realized the game sucked and I was just there for my Star Wars dose, hehe



here's me, imagedump doesn't allow direct linking.

Admiral Cotla Charre

Imperial Navy

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