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  • SWR Staff - Executive

Ok, all our administrators have been very busy. Given its close to the end of the school year, we are ready to do our part. But first, I need to discuss something.


1) This website is for SW:Rebellion only. If you have things to discuss that is not SWR, please use the Outside Interests forum or some other medium. JediIgor is not paying for you guys personal antics.


2) Role-playing is to be on the Role-playing forum only! Do not go off into other areas to roleplay.


3) Stay on topic. If you cannot keep to the original topic, then you should not post on the thread.


4) Keep your images and avatars to a reasonable size. As we do have many people on 800x600 res or less, your pictures create more problems for reading a topic. Lower the size of your avatars, and post pictures as a clickable link rather than embeding them into the post.


If you do this, we can keep the forum for its intented purpose, and save all the admins a headache. If not, then there will be trouble - you don't want to see me mad :)


http://swrebellion.com/images/banners/rebellionbanner02or6.gif Webmaster

http://swrebellion.com/images/banners/swcicuserbar.png Administrator


Fighting is terrible, but not as terrible as losing the will to fight.

- SW:Rebellion Network - Evaders Squadron Coding -

The cake is a lie.

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Guest Scathane
This website is for SW:Rebellion only. If you have things to discuss that is not SWR, please use the Outside Interests forum or some other medium. JediIgor is not paying for you guys personal antics.
Frankly, I don't quite see what the problem is. You say that JediIgor is not paying for our personal antics... What he is paying for is a rather successful internet community that you admin dudes can be proud of. You say that if we post anything that's not SWR, we should post it in outside inetrests. Maybe I may be so bold as to remind you what it says in the Forum Index below General Discussion: General discussions relating to Rebellion and Star Wars in general. Doesn't fit elsewhere, put it here. If you ask me, that's what's been happening.


Moreover, you now have a forum where serious dialogues are taking place about interesting Star Wars subjects, rangeing from novels, to movies, to oddities and SW Rebellion as well. What in god's name is the problem???!!! 8O


Role-playing is to be on the Role-playing forum only! Do not go off into other areas to roleplay.
I would be very interested to see what you admin dudes consider roleplaying... Assuming you're referring to the fun and games involving a sinister creature called Zoot, I'd say you should be glad that you have this kind of thing as a web community, because, personally, I don't know of many which are stalked by a dark fiend! :lol:


Stay on topic. If you cannot keep to the original topic, then you should not post on the thread.
What's this??? :o People's questions are always answered and discussed in earnest and you know it! Admittedly, we sometimes drift off, but the original poster is free to refer back to his or her old post, which is then often picked up again.



I want to add a general note with regard to you post, Evaders. I respect that people are busy. Nevertheless, I have made several suggestions amongst which having a weekly poll and to making news more attractive graphically and even offered to put in time to help do this... You know this, because I sent these suggestions to you personally several weeks ago. Up til today, you've given me no answer... You could have let me known you were busy, you could have told me later, you could have said no... Apparently, you chose to ignore me instead. :?


When SOCL addressed ranks and insignias being off the mark, he offered to improve this and so did I. SOCL was serious about this and what did you do: nothing... Again, you could have chosen to let SOCL and the rest of the readers know that you take such initiatives seriously and, if you wanted, you could have thanked him and still said no. But you again chose to ignore it... We made the fact that nobody listened to SOCL into a joke... It's the best we could do and it even made SOCL laugh... What should we have done in your opinion? Cry about it? Ignore it to death? :roll:

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I second everything Scathane has posted. Concerning the issue of the ranks and their insignia: I indeed have volunteered my time to help improve and correct both. I know the ranks for Army, Navy, and Fighter Forces for both Imperial and Rebel/Republic, as well as the insignia for both. This, being a brief post, I would also like say that I even though we sometimes get off-topic for a few posts, we usually tend to come back to it or end up discussing something related or just as deserving. For example, a thread may be created to discuss a certain novel and we may end up discussing the author of a totally different novel, but the mere fact that we are dicussing and using the stimulants supplied by these forums to spark new ideas and discussion (along with the fact we're using our minds) should make you guys quite happy. We may not be discussing what the thread says 100% of the time, but you can bet we're discussing something just as good and deserving as such. I also wanted to point out that a thread devoted to only one topic, never coming close to deviating to another that is closely related or our conversations would take is get pretty boring. That's one of the reasons I left the old forums I used to be part of and came here, they would not allow discussion of the topic and related ideas within the thread.


Lastly, at this point I'm almost afraid to post because I don't want to kicked out for accidentally posting off topic (this was written without any sarcasim but with all seriousness intended). I think that such regulations can scare new members away. I know such because in the old forums I used to be part of, you were either a one of the "elite" in the forums who followed all the rules and were usually consisted of moderators, admin, and one or two older members; or you were a newbie and eventually kicked out for breaking rules that were too heavily enforced or you left because you simply couldn't get the "at home"/"friendly" feeling from the others. Here . . . well, it almost feels like we're all brothers and sisters. :D

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  • SWR Staff - Executive

Scathane, you are really determined to take this personally. I am not specifying problems of any one person - rather the forums as a whole. The community itself could do without some of this nonsense in these topics.


While you may feel that we have been ignoring you, the fact is that we cannot always reply to every email. I know Stratus and myself have left it to others to reply. If there is something you want to discuss with me personally, you have my contacts below.


I do not feel that these rules are hard to follow, rather - they are hard to enforce. Nonetheless, I will suspend user accounts that are constantly breaking these rules.


http://swrebellion.com/images/banners/rebellionbanner02or6.gif Webmaster

http://swrebellion.com/images/banners/swcicuserbar.png Administrator


Fighting is terrible, but not as terrible as losing the will to fight.

- SW:Rebellion Network - Evaders Squadron Coding -

The cake is a lie.

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I must confess to have been kind of rattled by Evader's post.


I fully understand his qualms about excessive avatars and image posting that might be causing problems with some people's computers. This isn't a graphics-orientated website, so it shouldn't be expected that everyone who comes here has the computer spec some of us might be taking for granted. Fair enough. On this level, however, every image I post, I also host from MSN passport space. If I url the link it completely destroys the lay out of the forum. That is why i've been posting as images. I private posted this problem to Evaders and got a reply I didn't understand. Not his fault; i'm a bit slow when it comes to explainations! Zoot's tail will disappear off into the sunset, I don't feel comfortable enough even posting, let alone on that psycho's behalf.


With respect to roleplaying, I didn't think we were doing any roleplaying! I thought we were just having a laugh! Never for a moment have I assumed we were being serious. Everyone has been welcome, loads of people have joined in, we've had a chuckle, and that's all there's been to it. It's not an ego thing, we've just been having fun. Anyways, it appears that's all dead now.


I sort of understand what Evaders said about staying on topic, perhaps we as the hardcore of posting members have gone of course a bit. I'm on my bike now in the day, with little access to the net, and sometimes it is a little hard to figure out what the heck is going on in some topics when I log on at the end of my working day. The only realistic criticism I can see of this is while we might be in on the deviation, others might not feel like they know what the heck is going on, and perhaps even feel 'not one of the involved buch of guys.' If that is what Evaders is kicking butt about he's doing his job well, because if we stand back a bit and have a look at some of the topics, how the hell would we as say, a newbie, feel ok about getting involved?


However, at the end of the day, this is the last site remaining devoted to Rebellion. Personally, it's been my favourite game for many years now, years that have seen loads of more flashy games come and go on my hard drive. Discovering RebEd on Revolution's original site revolutionized the game evan more, finding JediIgor's site virtually catapulted it into the upper reaches of the atmosphere! WOOO HAAYYY!!! I think I yelled loudly at the time. That was years ago (I became a member after quite some time of downloading cards, etc!) Recently, it's almost like a second renaissance! The new ship models being released are breathing yet more life into the game, and as dudes get to grips with the more tricky game files of the Rebellion engine, we're getting more and more files enriching the game. Soon, yes, very soon I sense some dude will finally crack the hated natural disarster... can you imagine? :)


But to this desired end, I think the forums play an important part in keeping interest alive in a game that has been largely forgotten by the wider gaming world. I've visited loads of Star Wars related forums, and to be frank; most are either boring and dull as hell, completely unrestrained and chaotic (a certain Star Destroyer site springs to mind) , or just plain uninteresting or challenging. Having fun on the forums serves it's uses! It keeps people's attention where we want it, in the areana of Rebellion. Mask's excellent site has taken down all other games except for our beloved Rebellion; perhaps the light relief of being blown up periodically by a psychotic cat has kept his attention here, perhaps not; I of course cannot speak for the dude. All i'm trying to mutter is that whilst I personally struggle to switch my computer on once in a while, and haven't a hope in hell of contributing to member's efforts in the Rebellion projects, this is a fun place to hang out, serving me personally a larger use in enlarging the scope of my favourite game, and just maybe, some one might just want to keep comming back because of the nonsense we get up to here. The blend of both worlds I think.

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I am another of the ones who were startled by Evaders's post.

I'm on dial-up, and I know how long the bigger images may take to load, but at the end most of them provide one good laugh, or one of mask's proposal's for event pictures.

This site is a gaming site dedicated to SW:Rebellion, so I understand why the main topic should be the game and not or little "role-plays" with Zoot, etc, but again these "games" have helped to reinforce the feeling of a community, and makes me think of Scath, Elvis, Jahled, SOCL, mask and all the other of friends and not simply some name attached to an avatar in some SW gaming site. I know this isn't justification for some of the nonsense around, like things regarding Jahled and a tree, or some other useless discussions.

Recently the page has received more visits, the statistics sys tat we have already surpassed amount of visits of last year, in this four months. Scathane, who joined in February has over 1200 posts, and other new members hve been very active.

Would Igor rather pay our antics or pay for empty forums? The site has just over 1700 members and less than 100 are active members, other simply post a question from time to time, other are too sporadic.

In between "nonsense" discussion are always interesting topics that are discussed. The Yuuzhan Vong, the Dark Side, the Chiss, etc... Some interesting topics have come up from breaking out of the original topic, even if it is myself to argue what the CIA factbook says about my country, or talking to SOCL in spanish. A topic is like the start of a path that continuosly forks itself, always depending on the reply of the next person.

I agree with SOCL that seeing such strict rules with the title All Read, may scare soem sporadic or inactive members. I also agree with Jahled, that some of the nonsense may bring some people back to the site, look at some of the members who were quite active even if they did not own the game. Years ago when I first found this site, I started downlaoding all kinds of stuff I found, I spent hours at Zeblork's site loking for cards, or at John Ston'e site downloading event pictures, somewhere in some back-up CD there even is the RebEd Girls Calendar. When the site was redesigned, I joined pretty early on, member nr. 20, I kept pretty quiet for some months, and then I put in some suggestions for Reb II and then some. At first, I didn't feel part of the community, then after some comments or other "nonsense" talk I began to feel ... engaged with the community, talking, joking, joining the RPG at page five, with long, long posts.

Joining the DLL guys and Cards group, is the very least I could do for a nice little hole on the net, where I felt part of the community. If you look at the theforce.net forums, only the books forums are huge you easily get lost in it, unlike SWR.COM's, there you don't have the armosphere that exist in these forums.

I know that I have contributed with nonsense (Zoot, Hutt Illustrated, I-am-a-Yuuzhan-Vong-and-I-will-kill-you,-you-infidel-aberration, etc.) I have not kept within the boundaries of a topic(for better or worse), I have "role-played" out of the forums (even if it was to cheer Elvis after his incident), and I have posted pretty big images (to entertain, at least that was my aim); so it is possible that you could suspend my account for breaking the rules. Knowing myself, I'll feel resented and offended by it. i'd would understand a suspension, if I had started insulting other members, or insulting their beliefs or opinions, but not for posting stuff that could make people lauch or at least smile, or even interest them.


I apologize if some of this sounded sarcastic, or even attacking, but I'm only human (despite my avatar) and I react to being startled.

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Guest Scathane
Scathane, you are really determined to take this personally. I am not specifying problems of any one person - rather the forums as a whole. The community itself could do without some of this nonsense in these topics.
This is brilliant!!! You post a topic that says 'All read' in bright, shiny letters, and on the first argument of criticism you get, you reply: You're taking this personal. That just as well could have been my argument to your original post!


While you may feel that we have been ignoring you, the fact is that we cannot always reply to every email.
I understand that. The point was, if you read my original comment, that you could have told me so. On the right hand side of this website is a section that says Key Staff. Your name is the first to appear there. If I click your name, I get to a feedback form telling me that comments and such are appreciated. Tell me: why bother to put this up if you're argument now is that you can't answer every email. I suggested several things: you didn't answer once dude!


I know Stratus and myself have left it to others to reply. If there is something you want to discuss with me personally, you have my contacts below.
If you leave it to others to reply, then don't be surpised that the conversation gets off topic, dude! Indeed, I have you contacts below... Are you telling me you will answer to these, or will you give me the same nonsense about not being able to reply to every email???


I do not feel that these rules are hard to follow, rather - they are hard to enforce.
I never said they were hard to follow. The question is whether your rules are necessary.


Nonetheless, I will suspend user accounts that are constantly breaking these rules.
I applaud you Evaders! A standing ovation for display of management skills!




To Jahled: I agree that newbies could be scared away... Nevertheless, I must also say that 100 registered new members in roughly 2 months says otherwise... as does SOCL active involvement and that of myself in the forums.


To Trejiuvanat: RebEd Girls calendar?! I say you should put it up!

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I would like to comment on this if I may, I, like many others who have read this, was startled when I first saw what was posted by Evaders, but I can't say that it wasn't uncalled for. The threads have gotten of topic, but that only seems to happen once the question or original topic is either answered or talked to death. I, and every one else who has replied to this is guilty of that, but we also feel a sense of comraderie, all brought to this site by our love for Rebellion/Supremacy and our love for Starwars in general.


I agree that the avatars should be kept to a resonable size, and that role-playing should be kept to the RPG forum, but as for staying on topic, well that would be hard to do, we use these forums to communicate with each other, and as humans, we don't always end the conversation talking about the same thing that we started talking about, that's just our nature.


I must also say that it was intimidating to me when I first joined to see every talking back and forth, but it isn't impossible to integrate yourself into this community, but once you do it is the type of place where you can feel comfortable expressing your views and ideas without fear of being laughed at (unlees your Canadian :wink:).


What I am trying to say is that there doesnt have to be a major overhaul in how we should act, just some minor adjustments.


P.S hopefully expressing myself won't get me suspended :wink:

Lost a planet Master Obi-Wan has, how embarrassing. - Yoda


Do not count a human dead until you've seen his body, and even then you can make a mistake. - Bene Gesserit saying

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Maybe it is a good idea to make a topic really dedicated to nonsense. Not even Outside Interest, but pure nonsense. The current data on the forum offers enough stuff to fill one.


Because we don't always stick exactly to the right topic, we come up with interesting things. However I understand that it is sometimes very hard to follow the discussions.

Z'anthr saves the world. Sorry about the mess...
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First I'll agree with Scath



Evaders what your basicly saying, is that we can't post to a topic unless we have something to say to the original topic? We can't post a topic unless its directly something to do with Rebellion? And we can't post any pictures, but only link to them??


This I actually I have tried before in another forum, and frankly it didn't work out all to well, actually all were afraid to post ANYTHING because they were afraid of being banned, which meant the entire community went down and nothing was made because of the "not allowing to go off topic" agreed its a bit more readable but not much is learned at that way... Later it was ressurrected by lifting the rules a bit, so now its about 95 % about the modding community, but there is still room for "nonsense" as you call it.


I know that for now on I'm a bit more carefull about WHAT I'll write, so that I don't break any of the rules...


just my 5 cent ;)

Jedi Corran Duchai at your service.


There is no emotion; there is peace.

There is no ignorance; there is knowledge.

There is no passion; there is serenity.

There is no death; there is the Force.

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I agree with TK that there should be a space for useless talk, jokes, pictures, etc. Even our Zoot Wars RPG.

WE would still have space for discussing SW books, games, etc and we would have another area to talk about Hutt illustrated and wormie's love for GAmorreans.

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well, I have been remaining silent about this up to now. I feel kind of brushed off since I just came to this forum to talk about SW, not SW Rebellion particuarly, since I do not have the game. I have enjoyed getting to know everyone and have a great time chatting about all sorts of things and getting to see what kind of crazy pictures Trejiuvanat and others have posted that day to make me laugh.


So, 1 question. Do I need to go away since I do not play Rebellion so therefor I have nothing to say about that particular topic, even though it is the one the site is based around :?::roll::(:oops:

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Guest JediIgor

Please stay, :D use the Outside Interests :)


But you should really try Rebellion the game, it's the best RTS that ever happend to Star Wars :)

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Please stay, :D use the Outside Interests :)

Ok I will. :) I was just currious


But you should really try Rebellion the game, it's the best RTS that ever happend to Star Wars :)

I really hope to have the chance to someday. i am not very good at computer games usually, but I'll give it a shot :D

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Okay, first, let's calm down guys. The moderators and owners, um, moderate and own the site, so what they say goes, even if we don't like it.


Coupla things. Please can we have a general rpg forum for rpgs, at the moment there is only one for the main rpg, which is fun and all, but others would be cool too.


The only real problem i have is the whole staying on topic thing. I see where you're coming from on the 'nonsense' side of things, maybe we could have a new section for Silly Posts or something. In terms of more sensible deviations, why not just post in the thread that we're going off topic further than is reasonable. Three warning and then if that one thread persists, lock it. Don't ban people for being people. :)


No offence intended at any point. :)

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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  • 3 weeks later...

Elvis sad it. Calm down!

"It is nice that finally someone mentions some guidelines. If we all keep it reasonable it will be more fun. "

That's the point. We should always remember the main rules in this forum. This is a public forum, keep that in mind. Evaders closed up some forums in the past already, but it think it was ok. He warned us before he locked it (because we went a bit illegal in the discussion). I'm sure, he wont kick anybody out, without warning the person.


:arrow: I'm from Hungary, and I'm not very good in english, so I can't join any of the RPG forums for now. But they're sure fun to read sometimes! I agree that these RPGs have to be placed in a general RPG forum.

:arrow: I also agree, that staying on topic is very difficult. Especially by topics with an easy "yes/no" question. We always have "if" you know :wink:

So when we are going SERIOUSLY off topic, then let us warn, before you close it. We are just humans, and like to chat around just for fun in a good community.

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Lord_La_forge your english is plenty good enough. Come and join in. :)



Dudes, please, read the topic title. Look at what Evaders has written. In the very same thread, you're doing exactly what he doesn't want us to do. Thank you. :)

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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