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Curious event..


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Something just happened that has never happened in a Rebellion game before. I modified the rebels starting ships to their hardest ships, started a game on every Sector on colonized etc, and as of about day 500 had to flee Coruscant . This has never happened before! It's wonderful! It's like Hannibal invading the late Roman Republic. I have a fleet of rebel ships consisting of Liberators, CC-9600 Frigates, Dauntless Cruisers, and modified Mon Calamari Cruisers (as hard as ISD II) pointlessly blockading systems around Coruscant. But that's just it, they are not bombarding, given the presence of my LNR II's. It's a victory condition and they left Coruscant alone! Was this game so badly programed it's impossible to loose?


Has anybody ever lost? Seriously? :?

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I've lost, back in the day I got the game and had no idea what to do with it. Oh, and I played as the rebels which makes it easier to lose as destroying the HQ isn't that hard - fleet it or sabbatage.




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Something just happened that has never happened in a Rebellion game before. I modified the rebels starting ships to their hardest ships, started a game on every Sector on colonized etc, and as of about day 500 had to flee Coruscant . This has never happened before! It's wonderful! It's like Hannibal invading the late Roman Republic. I have a fleet of rebel ships consisting of Liberators, CC-9600 Frigates, Dauntless Cruisers, and modified Mon Calamari Cruisers (as hard as ISD II) pointlessly blockading systems around Coruscant. But that's just it, they are not bombarding, given the presence of my LNR II's. It's a victory condition and they left Coruscant alone! Was this game so badly programed it's impossible to loose?


Has anybody ever lost? Seriously? :?


I may or may not have lost on hard three times before finally getting the hang of it... :roll:


I lost Coruscant and most of my character went traitor on me, so I kind of figured that it was pointless to continue when my enemy had twenty-plus Blockade Runners in Sesswenna (Okay, so that's an exaggeration, but it was still in the double digits!)


That and my third game ever was hard, huge galaxy. I did not yet understand the advantages of the sabotage mission...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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I agree - it's hard to lose against the computer once you have at least the glimpse of an idea what you are doing ;)


However, I lost quite some games against human players... But that's where all the fun begins :)

Asteroids do not concern me...
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... but mostly because the manual says it is just not possible... :?:

Oh believe me it's possible :twisted: Besides if the people who wrote the manual programmed the AI, then this would explain a lot :? or, even vice versa.


@J: It sounds like you had wonderful fun :D Hearing such wonderful things about the game brings out the hope that I might have such a good game someday. I'm going to have to work on my Galaxy Configuration some more now (it's been getting a bit boring lately :? ). But, the light at the end of the tunnel has shined again, pushing me on :D Keep on discovering new and curious events!

Finally, after years of hard work I am the Supreme Sith Warlord! Muwhahahaha!! What?? What do you mean "there's only two of us"?
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I never tried bombarding my own planets, partly because I'd fear the Emperor's wrath but mostly because the manual says it is just not possible... :?:


Could be that I was bombarding rebel planets. Important is, that I could lower my reputation to zero in all sectors letting all planets join the teenagers.

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I only lost on purpose twice: once as the Rebs and once as the Imps. I wanted to see the ending movie scene when you lost. I liked when IMP-22 attempts to have you assassinated.

Your feeble skills are no match for the power of the Dark Side!


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... but mostly because the manual says it is just not possible... :?:

Oh believe me it's possible :twisted: Besides if the people who wrote the manual programmed the AI, then this would explain a lot :? or, even vice versa.


@J: It sounds like you had wonderful fun :D Hearing such wonderful things about the game brings out the hope that I might have such a good game someday. I'm going to have to work on my Galaxy Configuration some more now (it's been getting a bit boring lately :? ). But, the light at the end of the tunnel has shined again, pushing me on :D Keep on discovering new and curious events!


Having.. :) Sort of strange how the rather wierd game engine can throw games like this at you every once in a while. I won't even begin to go into how i've moded stats to my liking, but the Imperial Fleet has sort refuge on Chandrilia, where a very nasty surprise awaits the rebels, namely the addition of three SSDs and ever growing ISDIIs, and the gathering point of escort carriers loaded with Intercepters and Defenders.. :twisted:


I am still perplexed however as to why they haven't taken Coruscant; granted it's now got four GenCon IIs, a LNR II, and loads of Stormtroopers under a general's command, but not the usual paranoid fleet requirement I usually deploy it with..


Yet the tension remains..

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... but mostly because the manual says it is just not possible... :?:

Oh believe me it's possible :twisted: Besides if the people who wrote the manual programmed the AI, then this would explain a lot :? or, even vice versa.


@J: It sounds like you had wonderful fun :D Hearing such wonderful things about the game brings out the hope that I might have such a good game someday. I'm going to have to work on my Galaxy Configuration some more now (it's been getting a bit boring lately :? ). But, the light at the end of the tunnel has shined again, pushing me on :D Keep on discovering new and curious events!


Having.. :) Sort of strange how the rather wierd game engine can throw games like this at you every once in a while. I won't even begin to go into how i've moded stats to my liking, but the Imperial Fleet has sort refuge on Chandrilia, where a very nasty surprise awaits the rebels, namely the addition of three SSDs and ever growing ISDIIs, and the gathering point of escort carriers loaded with Intercepters and Defenders.. :twisted:


I am still perplexed however as to why they haven't taken Coruscant; granted it's now got four GenCon IIs, a LNR II, and loads of Stormtroopers under a general's command, but not the usual paranoid fleet requirement I usually deploy it with..


Yet the tension remains..


Make sure you tell me if Coruscant gets invaded, I'll reinstall the game immediately (there is always hope)

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I'd suggest sending your minimal fleet over Coruscant away for a little while- like "to another galaxy" away. The Rebels are usually prompted to attack me if I do that...


I just got attacked by the Rebels in a game I'm playing, but it's just the usual crappy attack fleet- eight Blockade Runners, five or six medium transports, two Bulk Transports.


I'm actually decked out with some descent defenses, though, so it's an almost even battle... Almost. Any idea why the AI would ever go into battle without fifty brajillion (Brajillion is a word, by the way) fighters backing it up?


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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That is brilliant Verdex. :lol:


Personnally I think that the only way for the AI to win is if you don't know how to play the game.




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I've heard that joke before- I laughed rather hard when first I heard it...


Hmm, perhaps I ought to resurrect the Jokes thread again... *Strokes his stubby goatee* Yes, perhaps I shall resume my dastardly habits...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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*slaps hand on forehead*

oh no... not the jokes thread... please? :lol:

"Duct tape is like the force. It has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the universe together."


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This does raise a question though. Without going crazy on the editing side of things, maybe we should come up with a 'standard' setting for RebEd, effectively a 'Hardcore' mode, i got the idea from a game type we play in Halo 3 that makes it much more... challenging... :twisted:

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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