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Rome: Total War


Is Rome: Total War any good?  

10 members have voted

  1. 1. Is Rome: Total War any good?

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Is Rome: Total War any good? I have a friend who doesn't want his copy anymore due to issues with nausea it seems to give him (Don't really get why- he says it's because he played it when he was sick or something) and is willing to sell it to me for ten bucks. It's a good price for a game, regardless, and it seems pretty good, but I kind of want a couple of extra opinions from people who probably own the game.


Thus: Is Rome: Total War any good? Vote!


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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$10? That's a good deal! I've heard about it. It's supposed to have some kind of giant-battle allowing system. The kind that I'd probably ply if I hadn't gotten tired of the whole genere after Age of Empires.


EDIT: Also I don't have any more room on my computer these days for any new games.

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Yes! Its is a really good game! Especially the Rome Total Realism Mod for it, makes the game ten times as hard. :D

"The Chimaera is at your command, Admiral."

—Captain Gilad Pellaeon

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I play Medieval II: Total War quite frequently now days. The campaign mode is so long and with my procrastination habits, things are not going well for my summer semester class schedule. Too addicting! I have never tried the Rome: Total War title but I did own the original game in the series, Shogun: Total War and it was an awesome title as well. They are all well made games, if you decide you do like the Rome: Total War game than I definitely recommend picking up the newest one, Medieval II.

"In the future it will become easier for old negatives to become lost and be 'replaced' by new altered negatives. This would be a great loss to our society. Our cultural history must not be allowed to be rewritten." - George Lucas, 1988. [u.S. Congressional hearing testimony on film preservation.]


My old Rebellion site (very web 1.0) - Bud's Korner and Rebellion Strategy

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Is Rome: Total War any good? I have a friend who doesn't want his copy anymore due to issues with nausea it seems to give him (Don't really get why- he says it's because he played it when he was sick or something) and is willing to sell it to me for ten bucks. It's a good price for a game, regardless, and it seems pretty good, but I kind of want a couple of extra opinions from people who probably own the game.


Thus: Is Rome: Total War any good? Vote!


I've heard good things, though never played myself. As for the nausea, it's a known problem with several games. Half Life 2 comes with a disclaimer in the box regaurding it. I sometimes get it myself, very mind bogiling. The last time I palyed Dark Force 1, after 10 - 20 minutes I felt sick. I also get it sometiems with other games when I'm tired as hell and someone else is playing. It's sort of like being thrown off balance and out of whack.

Edited by Krytos




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I've heard good things, though never played myself. As for the nausea, it's a known problem with several games. Half Life 2 comes with a disclaimer in the box regarding it. I sometimes get it myself, very mind bogiling. The last time I played Dark Force 1, after 10 - 20 minutes I felt sick. I also get it sometimes with other games when I'm tired as hell and someone else is playing. It's sort of like being thrown off balance and out of whack

Well, I suppose that makes sense now, after playing Half Life 2 all the way through, I did feel sick, never remember seeing the disclaimer though. :roll:

"The Chimaera is at your command, Admiral."

—Captain Gilad Pellaeon

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Nausea is caused from sitting on your ass too long and blood clots forming in your thighs, they then break loose and travel to your lungs, heart, and brain. There can be serious complications associated from long term gaming including carpel tunnel syndrome, sleep deprivation illnesses, loss of consciousness, weight gain, tooth decay, and severe body odors.

"In the future it will become easier for old negatives to become lost and be 'replaced' by new altered negatives. This would be a great loss to our society. Our cultural history must not be allowed to be rewritten." - George Lucas, 1988. [u.S. Congressional hearing testimony on film preservation.]


My old Rebellion site (very web 1.0) - Bud's Korner and Rebellion Strategy

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Nausea is caused from sitting on your ass too long and blood clots forming in your thighs, they then break loose and travel to your lungs, heart, and brain. There can be serious complications associated from long term gaming including carpel tunnel syndrome, sleep deprivation illnesses, loss of consciousness, weight gain, tooth decay, and severe body odors.


That's interesting, did you read this somewhere? I would like to get informed

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I just assumed that was common knowledge. But this was the first result google returned. http://www.med.umich.edu/1libr/aha/aha_dvthromb_sha.htm

"In the future it will become easier for old negatives to become lost and be 'replaced' by new altered negatives. This would be a great loss to our society. Our cultural history must not be allowed to be rewritten." - George Lucas, 1988. [u.S. Congressional hearing testimony on film preservation.]


My old Rebellion site (very web 1.0) - Bud's Korner and Rebellion Strategy

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I just assumed that was common knowledge. But this was the first result google returned. http://www.med.umich.edu/1libr/aha/aha_dvthromb_sha.htm


Oh, I just thought you were referring to computer gaming and not only thrombosis.

Edited by Lord_La_forge
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I'm was referring to the vague ala typical budious forum response.

"In the future it will become easier for old negatives to become lost and be 'replaced' by new altered negatives. This would be a great loss to our society. Our cultural history must not be allowed to be rewritten." - George Lucas, 1988. [u.S. Congressional hearing testimony on film preservation.]


My old Rebellion site (very web 1.0) - Bud's Korner and Rebellion Strategy

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Allthough I own that game, I haven´t played it up till now. :roll: But just heard good about it. A friend is really addicted to that game. But it´s allready sold for 10 bucks in new condition in the stores now. Maybe you can get it for less money than.
Who cares at all?! :roll:
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Medieval II has become extremely popular since it's release, in fact an expansion pack is slated for fall 2007 release. 13 new playable factions, north american native indians among those, new regions, 150 new units types on top of an already amazing game. I'll have to dump my school schedule just to have time to play that game as the current campaign mode takes me 72-96 hours of playtime to complete.

"In the future it will become easier for old negatives to become lost and be 'replaced' by new altered negatives. This would be a great loss to our society. Our cultural history must not be allowed to be rewritten." - George Lucas, 1988. [u.S. Congressional hearing testimony on film preservation.]


My old Rebellion site (very web 1.0) - Bud's Korner and Rebellion Strategy

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I fear my computer could not run Mediaval2 properly.

I don't miss it too much though, as I rather enjoy to play in the ancient times, not in the medieval ages.

I'm curious what the next TW game will be. Any ideas?

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I fear my computer could not run Mediaval2 properly.

I don't miss it too much though, as I rather enjoy to play in the ancient times, not in the medieval ages.

I'm curious what the next TW game will be. Any ideas?


Total War: America


Set during the founding of the colonies, you can command armies of native Americans, pilgrims, or wildlife to attack eachother! But look out- the native Americans are very succeptible to disease, and the Pilgrims have little to no food/survival experience. In the end one fight will probably wipe you both out. But look on the bright side: The campaign will be super easy!


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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Tofu, Rome: Total War is great, but I would suggest modding it for better and more historically-accurate gameplay (as the plain or "vanilla" game is rather inaccurate...). Download Rome Total Realism, whatever the latest version is, and load that on top of your game. It's MUCH better! Go here:



Or better, go here:



Trust me on this one!

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Will do. The friend who's selling it is kind of an idiot and assumes that the game is very accurate with regards to history.


Well, that and he insists that he's a great player of it, even though he keeps using the money cheat. :roll::lol: I still haven't got much cash at the moment, though, and I kind of need to fill up my car, so... Might be a while. :wink:


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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Will do. The friend who's selling it is kind of an idiot and assumes that the game is very accurate with regards to history.
:lol::lol: *wipes tears*


Well, that and he insists that he's a great player of it, even though he keeps using the money cheat. :roll::lol: I still haven't got much cash at the moment, though, and I kind of need to fill up my car, so... Might be a while. :wink:
Yes, gasoline is far more precious than games. Hell, I just started playing RollerCoaster Tycoon again versus buying a new game in order to save some dollars. Too bad we can't use money cheats in real-life. :roll:

He uses a money cheat, though? Man, he must not be very good at all! Unless you are terrible at managing simple game economics, there's very little reason to use the money cheat. :roll:



By the way, how much does he want for it? And is it just Rome: Total War, or is it the one that comes with the expansion Barbarian Invasions?

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He said that the game store accidentally gave him the expansion for free.


So far as his money cheating issues go: I don't think he enjoys moving his armies. Instead he just makes new ones where there's a border and then invades. I'm fairly certain the only reason he bought it is for the Command Your Men combat typical of games such as Age of Empires.


And Rollercoaster tycoon is an awesome game. I don't care how old it is. Heck, I still play TIE Fighter and X-Wing! In fact, I'm still on the early levels of both. :roll:


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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Rollercoaster Tycoon is a good old game, but a bit tedious for able players 9such as myself) who regularly encounter situations where the objectives have been accomplished with a pile of time to spare. Oh, and X wing vs TIE fighter is very good. i only got to play it once, but the easily apparent depth to the combat interface awed me. Sadly, the only armed fighter I destroyed in that game I did by crashing into it, but we wont' go there. Sort of like how the first thing I ever killed in BF2 was my own clone in the tutorial. Or how I died as Mace Windu in that same tutorial, and had to complete the mission as a clone. I learned from that tutorial, however, and soon handily defeated an experienced friend in multiplayer. Perhaps, had I played X Wing vs TIE fighter again, I could have improved my (laser) accuracy to a more lethal level.

Sovereign ProtAKtor of the BEAK Imperium.


1 Corinthians 16:14 " Your every act should be done with love."

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Tofu, when he asks for a price, don't give more than $10, if that! You can get the two games at Wal-Mart for about that price, if not less. Besides, he paid for the regular game and got the expansion "free", so why should you pay for it? Be a shred buyer!


Good things it has Barbarian Invasions because Rome: Total Realism (the mod I mentioned) will be releasing a version 7.0 (or was it 8.0?...), which will make use of many of the innovations of the expansion in the original game play, but, of course, making use of new and update (to be accurate) factions!



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I fear my computer could not run Mediaval2 properly.

I don't miss it too much though, as I rather enjoy to play in the ancient times, not in the medieval ages.

I'm curious what the next TW game will be. Any ideas?


Yeah, the game is definitely ahead of it's time. It will be enjoyable in about 2 more years on full settings. Even on my desktop with dual core opteron @ 2.5GHz and 7800GS 256MB and 2GB system memory, the game will be very sluggish with huge unit sizes and full armies fighting on both sides. Don't even bother trying to reinforce with a second army, you'll get an error message saying "Reinforcements Delayed? Your computer specs are blah blah blah..." It doesn't take a lot of fill rate because frames per second is not that important, what you do need to play on high settings is a video card with lots of memory, 512+. Combine the various units, the landscape, buildings, texture memory usage is strenuous.

"In the future it will become easier for old negatives to become lost and be 'replaced' by new altered negatives. This would be a great loss to our society. Our cultural history must not be allowed to be rewritten." - George Lucas, 1988. [u.S. Congressional hearing testimony on film preservation.]


My old Rebellion site (very web 1.0) - Bud's Korner and Rebellion Strategy

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