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Huertolero's Crazy "Cheer-the_Mask" Thread


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I'd feel very cheered right now, except I just saw, that ...


/me takes an electroshocker and zaps the_Mask's ass untill he goes finish the installer :twisted:
soo ...


*Mask honks Huertolero's nose and ...*


Ahhh, you know what ? This thread DID cheer me up :roll::lol:



*Mask gets back to work some more in the installer*




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Here's one more Rebellion Vet who's lurked around this site for about a year, hoping against all hope for a TC of this caliber.


The_mask, and all the rest of the Reloaded team, you all ROCK. Mad props to all of you and the hard work you've put into it.


Have we started an "incentive" paypal account we can donate to for the members of the team? No joke, I'd throw $50 into that for all the time and effort the team put into it.



Obi-Wan on SW: Rebellion-

"This is the game of a Jedi Knight. Not as pretty or as fast as a FPS, but an elegant RTS for a more civilized age."



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Nah, we can't and won't take any money for this.


We put all this effort in it, knowing fully well, that we'd do it for free and of course, for the bragging rights :lol:




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  • SWR Staff - Executive

We, as the host, however would be more than willing to accept donations. It helps keep the server running and supporting our many SW endeavors on SWRebellion.com :)


That Paypal link does pop up on the front page, may just need to refresh a few times


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Fighting is terrible, but not as terrible as losing the will to fight.

- SW:Rebellion Network - Evaders Squadron Coding -

The cake is a lie.

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Cheer or Jeer?! Which is it... Hoop Hoop Horray! They said by the end of April, so maybe Evaders could set up a 24 style ticking clock on the main page counting down to midnight of April 30, 2007 ... at which time a mystical link to the beta would appear on the front page? Talk about suspense! :roll:

"In the future it will become easier for old negatives to become lost and be 'replaced' by new altered negatives. This would be a great loss to our society. Our cultural history must not be allowed to be rewritten." - George Lucas, 1988. [u.S. Congressional hearing testimony on film preservation.]


My old Rebellion site (very web 1.0) - Bud's Korner and Rebellion Strategy

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Nah, we can't and won't take any money for this.


We put all this effort in it, knowing fully well, that we'd do it for free and of course, for the bragging rights :lol:


We can't? :o


:wink: Just kidding. I know I joined up with the Rebellion team because I enjoy Rebellion and enjoy modelling. And I'd guess it's similar for other members.


No money needed, just patience and understanding :)




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You're rather lucky I'm not an admin, knoppelix...


So I'm spreading the word (By word of mouth) about this TC- I'm going to see if I can get a friend who used to play like mad to try out Reloaded... Ought to be very nice...


Oh, yes, and keep up the good work, Mask!


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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Okay. Let me explain why ive just said what ive uttered.


This is a beta, right? I guess the purpose of it is to get it to the testers, which would then rate the game (not the uber l33t self coded installer)... so i guess most of the testers, including myself would be very glad if we got the package regardless of the form. Even a zip,tar,7z or whatever archieve would do fine.


Also I could make an installer with the help of ... i dunno wise installer in about 5 mins and would be willing to do so if i would have the chance.


And last but not least i dont care if i get banned 8) (that would utterly kill me, oh yes i could not live anymore not beeing a member of this great forum, i would most defintely finish myself samurai style).




Great work swreb. reloaded team. hope the thing will be available soon.

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oh! its cheering up, not churchin' up, I was gonna recomed you slide on down to the Triple Rock Baptist Church and catch Reverend Cleophis, and you listen to what he's got to say! but never mind. Immense cheers to the guys working on this project, I cant wait to check it out, thanks again, later!
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Also I could make an installer with the help of ... i dunno wise installer in about 5 mins
Mhmm and if it were only about getting the files in the right place of the Rebellion folder I could just make a self-extracting archive.


Take it (or not) from someone, who makes a living of being a coder. It takes a little more than that, to include everything we made, even for the beta. :roll:




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Still cheering mask.






Hear, hear! Who's bringing the champagne?

Obi-Wan on SW: Rebellion-

"This is the game of a Jedi Knight. Not as pretty or as fast as a FPS, but an elegant RTS for a more civilized age."



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  • SWR Staff - Executive
MMMM looks delicious!


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Fighting is terrible, but not as terrible as losing the will to fight.

- SW:Rebellion Network - Evaders Squadron Coding -

The cake is a lie.

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I must say I really like the idea of this thread. Have a WOOOOO for it people! :D



Kudos to the RR team. Your hard work is much appreciated. Cheers for The Mask for working on that installer thingie! :D


:? @LLF: On the really cool troop finder screen: the faction icon is Imperial, the label is "Imperial Troops", but why do the troop icons look like they belong to the Rebel Alliance? :?

Finally, after years of hard work I am the Supreme Sith Warlord! Muwhahahaha!! What?? What do you mean "there's only two of us"?
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I must say I really like the idea of this thread. Have a WOOOOO for it people! :D




My god... it's so beautiful.


Going crazy waiting for this gem!

Obi-Wan on SW: Rebellion-

"This is the game of a Jedi Knight. Not as pretty or as fast as a FPS, but an elegant RTS for a more civilized age."



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What's the black rectangle in the corner? And what's with the lizard-thing on the side? Why are the mine, refinery, and maintenance points icons bright white? Are these questions annoying you yet? Huh? Huh? Huh? 8O *Head explodes*


Right now I'm having a race with no prize between you guys and Team Gizka to see who finishes their project first... :P


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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