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Guest Scathane
Don't own it, but played it quite some time. Campaigns indeed could be longer. I feel that the Clone Wars Expansion was good.
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I own it, I like it, though as Scathane says campaigns could be longer. I really liked the Expansion. I'm still hoping for a Yuuzhan VOgn Mod to replace the Gungans...

Or an EU expansion, that would be nice. Chiss and Vong....

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I have GB, however not the clone campaigns expansion. I personally very much like the AOE series, so GB was a hot item for me
Z'anthr saves the world. Sorry about the mess...
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I like GB, and with the Clone Wars expansion it's pretty good, but there is a definite need for a mod out there to bring in some more civilisations and better units.

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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Yeh, i see where you're coming from, but i do prefer the style of GB to FC. AoE is still a damn good concept.

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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It does not innovate the AoE engine, the only incorporation was the air units...

Still Gb is better than any Gb mod out there, I enkoyed the game, more than i did with FC I got it froma friend played it didn't like it and tossed it into a dark corner of my room. It was a good and new concept, but it lacked the attractive element.

Elvis is right AoE is damn good concept otherwise you wouldn't see it around that much. And games like Empire Eatch or micro's AoM wouldn't be hits.

Edited by Trejiuvanat
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Guest Scathane
It does not innovate the AoE engine, the only incorporation was the air units...

Still Gb is better than any Gb mod out there, I enkoyed the game, more than i did with FC I got it froma friend played it didn't like it and tossed it into a dark corner of my room. It was a good and new concept, but it lacked the attractive...

Elvis is right AoE is damn good concept otherwise you wouldn't see it around that much. And games like Empire Eatch or micro's AoM wouldn't be hits...


Sjeezzz, Trejiuvanat!!! Please finish your.....


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Guest Scathane
Awwww........................................................nonsense!................................................................................you.....admit................... dweeby.......................dork.............................Jahled.................................... :twisted: .........................Zoot!!! :twisted::twisted::twisted:
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Guest Scathane
Perhaps we are going dweeby and dorky, and all that Zoot-talk. We might take a trip to Jahled's galaxy.

Pehpas we'll find Mirial on the way there. :wink:


Good thinking, Trej! But I'm afraid that GL has thought up Mirial without actually placing a planet on the map. :(

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How come the RPG has slowed down so much? Do the rebels really depend on Elvis so much that we can't do anything without him?

Lost a planet Master Obi-Wan has, how embarrassing. - Yoda


Do not count a human dead until you've seen his body, and even then you can make a mistake. - Bene Gesserit saying

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Guest Scathane

:: Scathane thought about this... Could it be? If it was true and the RPG had slowed down, then he would never make it to Mirial in time whether it was destroyed or not... But even so, why would they need ElvisMiggel to speed up the RPG?


He'd just have to find a way to stop Trejiuvanat! he just had to! ::

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He is the only high-ranking rebel around, adarkjedi wanted to start participating but so far he hasn't posted, wormie, discusses things with wedge but so far no mission. and I well I was a rebel, then I brushed teh dark side, and know I'm a Yuuzhan VOng God, while my yuuzhan vong alter-ego is a heretic.

If things still are slow I'll take the Rebel Jedi. Scathane, why don't you join the Rebels and help to prevent the destruction of Mirial?

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Guest Scathane
You seem to be implying that you're Imperial... nevertheless, I clearly see your name in the New republic usergroup. How can that be..... Could we have the first real-life traitor at Rebellion, here..... Maybe Warlord ElvisMiggell should place you in detention until this is sorted out! :twisted:
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