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Construction rate slowing down


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I don't know if anybody has ever experienced this. Later on in the game (like day 500-ish or so) my construction yards seem to build things slower.


For example I had 4 adv const yards building two gencore2's. First time I checked the "Estimated day of completion", it said 630. But the yards are still building on day 630 (apparently just almost finished one gencore2). The yards finished the job however, but at day 652. So that's like 22 days to build ONE gencore2 using FOUR advanced construction yards. Shouldn't they only take 10 days to build one?


I tried again, always checking after advancing one or two days. It turns out the estimated completion date keeps increasing although it eventually finished. This isn't supposed to happen, is it ? Has anybody ever experienced the same anomaly ?

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Are you keeping your refined materials stocks up? Usually when this happens, it's because your refineries aren't keeping up. If you let your ol' friend C3PO keep track of the mines and refineries, you need to supplement his choices a bit.


This is probably your problem. The middle periods of the game are usually when things can get tight.

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It's one of those annoying game elements that you wish there was a way to fix during the game. There's nothing worse than trying to refit a fleet, being told it'll take x days and yet 20 days later they're still building. Heck, I've had some that have taken almost twice as long as predicted.

You wish that planet loyality played into it, the more loyal the more likely they are to finish on time .. or pull an empire move, not ready on time? Launch them out of the Death Star. :wink:




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Are you keeping your refined materials stocks up? Usually when this happens, it's because your refineries aren't keeping up. If you let your ol' friend C3PO keep track of the mines and refineries, you need to supplement his choices a bit.


This is probably your problem. The middle periods of the game are usually when things can get tight.


OK, this is probably a stupid question. All these years I've always paid attention to the maintenance points only. I never really know what's going on with the other two numbers (the raw and refined materials).


So what are the other two figures for?


When I'm trying to generate more maintenance points, I always looked at the galaxy overview (or whatever the name is--the window in which you can see all the stuff you have), see if the mines and refineries are in balance, then build whichever are short, or build pairs if they're balanced. Is that all we have to do for resource management? I never really used 3PO to manage this.

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Raw Materials is a count of the units produced by mines. Basically those are unusable until refined. If you have more mines than refineries than that number will grow. If at some point in the game you have more refineries than mines than that number will decrease to 0. Refined materials are raw materials that have been refined for use. When you que a build these resources are drawn upon. Once you deplete refined resources your build times begin to slag, or slow down, and take longer that estimated to complete. Basically you can't get refined materials to all your projects fast enough. You are building more than you can support concurrently. Maintenance points on the other hand are earned by multiplying the number of mines and refinery pairs you have and multiply by 50. This is determines how many units can exist concurrently within the game. You need refined materials to build and maintenance points to maintain, etc.

"In the future it will become easier for old negatives to become lost and be 'replaced' by new altered negatives. This would be a great loss to our society. Our cultural history must not be allowed to be rewritten." - George Lucas, 1988. [u.S. Congressional hearing testimony on film preservation.]


My old Rebellion site (very web 1.0) - Bud's Korner and Rebellion Strategy

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Yeah, what budious said. You have the maintanence to build whatever it is you need, but don't have the "parts" sitting around waiting to be assembled. You're building too many things concurrently for the supplies you have on hand. Get used to it, it's part of the game. Later in the game, when you're tired to building lots of stuff because you darn near control everything, the refined materials will start stacking up in huge numbers.
Finally, after years of hard work I am the Supreme Sith Warlord! Muwhahahaha!! What?? What do you mean "there's only two of us"?
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