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Good news for the Alliance players! (Maybe)

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I recently just started playing Rebellion again after a lull of quite a few years and I find myself constantly scribbling down what planet has this or that on it trying to figure out the net maintainence points I'm gaining or losing from one planet to another, or whether or not I've got enough mine and refinery pairs.


Since I refuse to let C-3P0 and R2-D2 run my war effort I've constructed an Excel worksheet that calculates all this for me. Each planet in a system has a column and every facility, troop regiment and special forces group you have gets a row. So just tap in what you've got where and it will tell you how much you're making or losing from a planet and the system in total.


I didn't put anything in for ships or starfighters since they tend to move around and not sit at any one planet for very long. I might try adding that later. So, I guess my main question is, are there any other Alliance players out there that would make use of this?

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Ummm, you know this information is already built into the game right? Well, apparently not; not many people really worry about it that much anyway. At the "control consoles" below the galaxy view, look into the "Troop Finder" and "Personnel Finder" consoles, and you can get all of this same information (without any extra typing!). And for a bonus, the "Personnel Finder" also have character location information :wink: Plus, they will also present "enemy" information, but only on intelligence you have gathered (which could be outdated most of the time) :?
Finally, after years of hard work I am the Supreme Sith Warlord! Muwhahahaha!! What?? What do you mean "there's only two of us"?
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I'm aware of the personnel finder and such but what that doesn't provide me with is sort of a running tab on what planet is giving me maintainence points while another may be draining it.


I don't have a problem finding my troops or keeping tabs on their numbers. What I'm more concerned about is the end effect their presence has on my ability to produce more units.


So I can use the galactic display controls to see that I have 3 Sullustian regiments on Sluis Van. Ok, so that's 3 maintainence points, but what about when I add the two training facilities that each take 10 maintainence points? now I'm at 23, but then I have a couple of pairs of mines and refineries there too. So in the end, what's my net gain from Sluis Van? or even the system?


That's sort of what I'm accomplishing with my little spreadsheet. Granted this approach isn't for everyone but for me half of the satisfaction is knowing that I've managed to get the most use out of every planet I control. I suppose it's ironic I play the Alliance since it seems I prize order and efficiency above most everything else.

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Well if you're doing this for your own "personal efficiency" then ... whatever floats your boat. And I'm sure you realize that the number of mine and refinery pairs only matters on the galatic scale, NOT on the planetary/system scale :wink:
Finally, after years of hard work I am the Supreme Sith Warlord! Muwhahahaha!! What?? What do you mean "there's only two of us"?
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hey Tex, I've forgotten, on an un-edited version of Rebellion how many maintinence points will each Mine-Refinery pair give you?


50 pts per pair. Use the galaxy status to get the counts of each and build accordingly. Keep in mind that build times will sag if you do not have a stockpile of refined materials on hand. This is where raiding can play an important part in Rebellion, capturing a planet, sacking it, demolish structures and collect the refined materials, and abandon it can bolster your military build-up early in the game.

"In the future it will become easier for old negatives to become lost and be 'replaced' by new altered negatives. This would be a great loss to our society. Our cultural history must not be allowed to be rewritten." - George Lucas, 1988. [u.S. Congressional hearing testimony on film preservation.]


My old Rebellion site (very web 1.0) - Bud's Korner and Rebellion Strategy

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Hey Tex, I've forgotten, on an un-edited version of Rebellion how many maintinence points will each Mine-Refinery pair give you?


50 pts per pair. Use the galaxy status to get the counts of each and build accordingly. Keep in mind that build times will sag if you do not have a stockpile of refined materials on hand. This is where raiding can play an important part in Rebellion, capturing a planet, sacking it, demolish structures and collect the refined materials, and abandon it can bolster your military build-up early in the game.

Note of caution when using the galaxy status: this also includes mines and refineries under construction. So you will not get the maintenance until the mine/refinery is actually delivered to its destination :wink:


@Budious: yes that option works, but it has a "negative impact" on neutral systems and drops support for your side on enemy systems. Of course if you just plan to wipe out every system in the sector (maybe even your own), then it doesn't matter. Otherwise have large garrisons and some diplomats standing by :wink:


I've always wondered if the 50 maintenance points per mine/refinery pair is "hard coded" into the program, or is hiding away in one of the data files as something to be modified :?

Finally, after years of hard work I am the Supreme Sith Warlord! Muwhahahaha!! What?? What do you mean "there's only two of us"?
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I've always wondered if the 50 maintenance points per mine/refinery pair is "hard coded" into the program, or is hiding away in one of the data files as something to be modified :?


...TO THE BAT CAVE TEX! :wink:


BTW: Anyone done a google image search for 'Imperial Commandos' lately? :P

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...TO THE BAT CAVE TEX! :wink:


BTW: Anyone done a google image search for 'Imperial Commandos' lately? :P

Atomic batteries to power, turbines to speed .... dana nana nana nana, dana nana nana nana BATMAN!!


I'll get to J (I hope), it's just a matter of time. I've been exploring the SECTORSD.DAT file lately with some small discoveries. Next is the SYSTEMSD.DAT file :wink:


My google image search of "Imperial Commandos" turned up six SWR members! Jedi Igor, Trej, JediHunter (2x), Grand Moff Conway, adthrawn, and some guy named LordJerec (with a whoppin' 3 posts in early November 2006). Plus a couple of images of Rebellion including J's updated commando card (and myriads of somehow related "crap" :? ).

Finally, after years of hard work I am the Supreme Sith Warlord! Muwhahahaha!! What?? What do you mean "there's only two of us"?
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But with the Imperial Commando image third in!! :P And with swrebellion.com as the source!


I've been meaning to approach the 501st Legion web site and see if they will let my mittens on some unshopped images of their members for a while now, loads of them must play Rebellion, given it is my suspicion a heck of alot of Star Wars fans still do, given RebEd's capacity for virtually unlimited editing in so far as the SW universe goes..


perhaps i'll see how bold i'm feeling a little later..


Back to your maintenance thought, even something as subtle as 50 changed to 100 would make the game very interesting indeed, I reckon.


Anything to much over would make such stupid events as the AI blockading a system with a loan Gallowfree Transport, or even more absurd, with an unarmed Heavy troop transport, to dire..

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I've always wondered if the 50 maintenance points per mine/refinery pair is "hard coded" into the program, or is hiding away in one of the data files as something to be modified :?


You can change it on the mine and refinery options of RebEd.

"In the future it will become easier for old negatives to become lost and be 'replaced' by new altered negatives. This would be a great loss to our society. Our cultural history must not be allowed to be rewritten." - George Lucas, 1988. [u.S. Congressional hearing testimony on film preservation.]


My old Rebellion site (very web 1.0) - Bud's Korner and Rebellion Strategy

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I've always wondered if the 50 maintenance points per mine/refinery pair is "hard coded" into the program, or is hiding away in one of the data files as something to be modified :?


You can change it on the mine and refinery options of RebEd.

OK, I'll bite: where? I've never seen it, and when I just now looked couldn't find it :? It's not the production rates, I've changed those before and it didn't change the maintenance points. Please let me know!



PS: Post number 1000!! I'm a Grand Admiral now! Yee Haw!!

Finally, after years of hard work I am the Supreme Sith Warlord! Muwhahahaha!! What?? What do you mean "there's only two of us"?
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OK, I'll bite: where? I've never seen it, and when I just now looked couldn't find it :? It's not the production rates, I've changed those before and it didn't change the maintenance points. Please let me know!


Yes that's what I've always been most interested in finding out. Production rates mean little to me. I want more maintinence for bigger fleets. It's not the building part that I have trouble with, it's the supporting stuff already built.


(I want my 1,000 strong Star Destroyer force and enough planets left over for the Rebels to actually build an opposition. :lol: )



btw: Congrats Tex!

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PS: Post number 1000!! I'm a Grand Admiral now! Yee Haw!!


Congrats. I think at least 50% of your posts were on topic getting there, too! :roll: So yes, congradulations, Tex.


I'll submit something to this: I always let the AI handle maintenance. The AI is too stupid to attack where I'm weak and have no fleets, so I just build a few extra-spiffy ship-building planets, a couple of strong fleets (IE 1 SSD, 2 ISD IIs, 2 VSD IIs, 2 Escort carriers, enough star galleons that I have sixty squads of battle droids/dark troopers, and everything topped off with TIE Defenders and Interseptors (fifty-fifty cut))


I never run out of maintenance points unless I get Death Star-happy.


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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Thanks guys :D


Hopefully budious or Paul will share their (maintenance) secrets with the rest of us? :wink:

Finally, after years of hard work I am the Supreme Sith Warlord! Muwhahahaha!! What?? What do you mean "there's only two of us"?
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hmm this topic has been inexplicably successful. I think its been on the front page for 4 days or so now!


I always let the droid handle most of the economy, and I will just reassign manufacturing when needed.


The droid is horribly inefficient at handling troop manangement. It tends to build the coolest and most expensive units, and I usually end up with systems full of (cost ineffective) war droids, even when they are in the middle of no where. My solution is to hold off on troop research until most of my part of the galaxy is very strongly defended. If you don't do any troop research, the computer usually builds all stormies, which are (in my opinion) an excellent buy for your money (not to mention their creepy 6,6,6 stats! :twisted: ).


I should really make a flashy banner

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  • 2 weeks later...
I don't have any secrets, I just set cost of mines & refineries to 5 and set the other number low as well. I admit I thought it was the number of days it took the unit to produce its' thing which is why I set it low. I have played this game since it came out (its why I switched from Macs to PCs) but still know it very loosely in some ways. - Grand Moff Conway
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